January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

When are you ladies buying stuff for the baby? My OH mum has just been out and brought us a silver cross pram/car seat/changing bag and is planning on ordering the bedside cot soon. She even called today asking what bottle sterilizer i want because apparently I'm expected to express so she can have the baby for a few hours and feed it. I never expressed with DD and now feeling pressured to. She is wanting to buy a sterilizer now and it just feels like too much too soon. Apart from clothes, there's not much for us to buy baby but since all her purchases have been expensive, i dont want to say anything and seem ungrateful. Idk just feels too soon. When are you planning on buying for baby?

I'm too scared to start buying too much too soon...also because I want fun stuff like shopping to still do much later haha. I know my mother in law is keen to buy the pram now. Seems to be a grandparents thing!! Maybe just communicate nicely that you appreciate it, and happy to have that stuff but ask her to maybe hold off until you say???

I was going to start at 20 weeks buying things! Can't wait lol
I won't buy until 30 weeks because I'm weirdly superstitious about having baby stuff I the house before baby is here.

Out of interest how old are you Aussiebub? Your risk seems very very low to me but I can see why you'd be worried if it's gone up from last time.
Aussie, your DS results are awesome. It's just 4 years in between that made the difference in numbers. I had 1:2000 with my first and 1:4000 with my second and I considered those results great. As I'm older now, anything above (or correctly - below) 2000 will be perfect. I'm 39, I'm scheduled for BHR but I'll most likely cancel if I get good numbers on the NT scan.
We've not bought a single thing yet, OH doesn't want to buy anything until we know the gender. We never really go overboard though, just the pram, cloth nappys, and other needed mainly

You don't need a sterilizer at all if your breast feeding as they are to kill the bacteria from formula. So even if you did express the milk is sterile so you'd be fine.
Geriatric mum... Omg!

When I was pregnant with Logan I went to antenatal classes. They had two, young mums group and advanced maternal age group. I was 24 so I assumed that I would be in the young mums catagory.... Wrong!! I was whisked along into the advanced maternal age group and I was like WTF?? 😂😂

Turns out, out of the two it was the right call as the younger group had kids from 12 years old in there :O

Gotta love their terminology!
Out of interest how old are you Aussiebub? Your risk seems very very low to me but I can see why you'd be worried if it's gone up from last time.

I am currently 26 but will be 27 by the time baby is born. I was 22 when pregnant with DD and she was born 10 days after my 23rd birthday lol. Just seemed like dropping 93,491 in 4 years was a lot.... and a very specific number lol.

And I've tried having a subtle word to OH mum before we had the scan. She asked me what pram I wanted and I told her that it was too early to be thinking about that stuff. She just keeps nagging and as soon as she knew we'd been into Mothercare to look at things, I was bombarded with texts asking what pram we wanted. OH got phone calls too. Now she's bought it and waiting for it to be delivered and she's moved onto the next item on her list which is bottle sterilizers. I don't know how to talk to her. She's the type who gets offended easily and I dont know her well enough yet to risk being put in her bad books. OH doesn't like standing up to her either because the last time he did, she didn't speak to him for weeks and he felt like crap because he felt ungrateful for the help she was offering (which was to do our laundry).

Anyway long post. Thanks for your comments on my screening results though. Appreciate them :)

Ahh she's very very excited bless her...i know my mother in law is probably sat in her house with an online basket full of stuff already :haha: I'm lucky that she will ask first like she already has but I fear like you that once the 12 week scan has come and gone that's when she will start putting more pressure on to pick stuff. I don't care however I'll happily text her and say we want to wait until after 20 weeks so calm down for a bit with a big smiley face at the end :haha:

30 weeks sounds like a good time! Perhaps we should make her wait even longer until then! I think I'll go mad if she has already picked something and goes ahead and buys it. I may out her off the scent and say even if i find one now that I like I may find another to like in 4 months and ask her to return it. I know that may work to make her wait!

In laws are difficult because like you said, we don't know them particularly well and don't want to offend them. But our babies are important and if she's really going to go ahead and get stuff that's really nice of her but it shouldn't hurt for DH to ask her to wait a while longer. If he really can't tell her then ask her to keep it all in her house to ease superstitions.

Eeek. I suppose it's nice to be worrying about this stuff now right?! :D
Geriatric mum... Omg!

When I was pregnant with Logan I went to antenatal classes. They had two, young mums group and advanced maternal age group. I was 24 so I assumed that I would be in the young mums catagory.... Wrong!! I was whisked along into the advanced maternal age group and I was like WTF?? 😂😂

Turns out, out of the two it was the right call as the younger group had kids from 12 years old in there :O

Gotta love their terminology!

I can't believe they put you in the advanced maternal age group at 24!! But 12 years old .... 😳
I'll see what they say about my age tomorrow at the scan. Never know I might be worrying for no reason at all!
Aussie, your DS results are awesome. It's just 4 years in between that made the difference in numbers. I had 1:2000 with my first and 1:4000 with my second and I considered those results great. As I'm older now, anything above (or correctly - below) 2000 will be perfect. I'm 39, I'm scheduled for BHR but I'll most likely cancel if I get good numbers on the NT scan.

Hi Katy,
Excuse my ignorance! What's BHR?
I'm 36 but will be 37 when baby is born. I've already been called a geriatric mother by the midwife (in a joking sort of way but she's right haha). We are looking at maybe the private NIPT testing. Is this similar?
I've got my 12 week scan tomorrow so I should find out the risks relatively soon anyway.
I think I would be the same Aussie regarding mother in law. I'm so lucky that mine has asked me when were going to start buying things and I've told her that were going to have a private gender scan at 16 weeks and providing all is ok, go from there and she's listened. Most big purchases like the pram ect will defo be made after our 20 week scan however, and she understands that. But your mother in law sounds very gung-ho to get it all like now, it's difficult as I'm sure you appreciate the help but it's the wrong time really. Excitement has taken her over I guess and that's sweet but she needs to be told to reign it in a bit, just how do you do it :S

The NIPT testing, I would defo not book anything until you have had the 12 week as they can rule out quite a lot there and then and even more in combo with the bloods. I would say for your own peace of mind however, if you can afford the massive price tag, and it would help to ease some worry, then the private testing is worthwhile. Because then your 100% sure that everything is ok and if that would make the rest of your pregnancy a happier place to be for you, then it's worth it x
Aussie, your DS results are awesome. It's just 4 years in between that made the difference in numbers. I had 1:2000 with my first and 1:4000 with my second and I considered those results great. As I'm older now, anything above (or correctly - below) 2000 will be perfect. I'm 39, I'm scheduled for BHR but I'll most likely cancel if I get good numbers on the NT scan.

Hi Katy,
Excuse my ignorance! What's BHR?
I'm 36 but will be 37 when baby is born. I've already been called a geriatric mother by the midwife (in a joking sort of way but she's right haha). We are looking at maybe the private NIPT testing. Is this similar?
I've got my 12 week scan tomorrow so I should find out the risks relatively soon anyway.
Sorry, I wrote the abbreviation in my language. I meant chorionic villi biopsy - where they take cells from the baby's placenta and check for chromosomal abnormalities.
So jealous of all of your early ultrasounds, mine is npoked for August 22nd. I had my 12 week appointment today and got to hear the heartbeat although it took a little while to find it and hear it properly. So excited to be able to finally start telling people.
Scan tomorrow morning! 😊
My husband is very excited as he couldn't make the appointment when I had the 9 week early scan.

We will wait to see what happens at the scan before booking & paying for further tests. Fingers crossed all is ok, we shall see!

Good luck to the other ladies who have scans tomorrow, I know there are a few of us 😊
Best of luck with your scan tommorrow sweet. Im sure everything will be fine and it'll be an amazing experience for you both <3 update us as soon as your able to! I want to see scan pictures!
Will def upload a pic! Have been loving seeing everyone's scans so far.
I've also got a scan tommorow. I had my dating scan last week but they couldn't do nuchal fold measurement because baby was too small, so go back for that.
Aww another chance to see baby, lovely :) enjoy Soph!

I just had the most random thing. Severe eye floaters but only in my right eye?! Not painful, my blood pressure is fine, no faintness or dizziness, just really severe floaties that actually affected my vision. It went after about 20 mins but I've never experienced that before, pregnant or not. Gonna keep watch on that I think. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about just bizzare!
Good luck to both ladies having their scans tomorrow! Can't wait to come online and see those pictures <3

Patiently waiting for our scan still! I can't wait to announce it either, it'll feel so much more real!

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