January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Thats what i was thinking sure i got it after my anomoly scan last time.
Glad to hear the scan went well Jessy. It's so lovely to see those wriggly little babies! I think I got my whooping cough later on last time. And I've no idea what she's told me to do about this time. I remember she mentioned it and I promptly forgot! I'm blaming baby brain!
I think I got the whooping cough one in 3rd tri, but California is a bit different from UK in terms of timing and what not.

And yeah, we waited so long to announce because of so many previous losses, i just felt like id be jinxing my pregnancy, so i waited until after the 28 week mark.

But this time, I've been so sick and tired and achy, I'm not quite as worried as last time... and since this will be my last baby, i figured I'd do a fun announcement for FB. For now tho, my close family & friends already know... but it may happen earlier because Im a bridesmaid in a month and im sure ill be showing a little bit by then! I just hope i can still fit into the dress 😫😅😅
Hi Ladies,

Hope you're all well x

Received our test results back today - 2 weeks to the day of our Nuchal testing.

We have been classed as low risk which is a relief to hear.

Given i'm 36 years old I was surprised about the Downs risk rating - I just assumed it would be higher risk.... pleasantly surprised!

Risk of Down's: 1 in 9,500
Risk of Trisomy 18: Less than 1 in 50,000
Risk of Trisomy 13: 1 in 10,000
That's some excellent odds, congrats you must be so relieved :) hopefully that's now a weight off your mind and one less thing to worry about.

I think my UTI I finished antibiotics for Saturday just gone has come back again :( I'm in a fair bit of discomfort in my tummy and my lower back. It's a familiar discomfort so Im pretty sure I'm right. Midwife tommorrow so I'll find out then just ugh, not pleasant. Was so prone to these with my son, was hoping that was something that wouldn't return this time!

Hope we are all doing ok ladies :)
I miss seeing our bubs....so tempted to go for a scan at 16 weeks! Teehee.

We finally told everyone...and i feel permanently scared something bad will happen now :( i feel like if I ever got pregnant again if wait until 24 weeks...its a lot of pressure to have everyone's well wishes when u feel so scared
I can understand that. I'm naturally one of life's pessimists to be honest and think omg so much could go wrong, but I think also that you can't let that fear rule you - probably too harsh a sentence but you know what I mean. Don't let fear stop you telling people, :)

I bet everyone was ecstatic for you :)
So glad to hear such good results, kiwi! Im wondering what mine will be, as I'm 35

Laydee, I agree with Sarah about not letting fear rule you... its okay to worry just don't overthink it too much! That advice helped me through my pregnancy with my DD as I was extremely pessimistic nearly the entire time. Its hard, no doubt but your odds are so good at this point, your bubs is very likely just fine! And once they're born, you'll have an entire new set of worries! :haha:
Exactly how i feel mariedladyee. As if telling people is tempting fate. I know its ridiculous but it is my natural state of mind as sad as it is. I am trying to push down those feelings and just be happy in today. My DD is sooo bloody excited i am just trying to absorb myself in her excitement just now.

Hope everyone is ok
That was my worry during first trimester. OH told everyone straight away, literally tweeting about not long after i told him. I was 4 weeks at the time and spent the entire first trimester scared that something would go wrong because almost everyone knew. I'm a bit calmer now but got my 16 week appointment today to hear the heartbeat and I'm feeling really nervous again. The pessimist in me is worried she won't find a heartbeat even though i very faintly heard it last Friday. Appointment isn't until 3.50pm (currently 9.57am) so I've got plenty of time to convince myself of the worst and dwell on it. Why does pregnancy have to be so scary lol. Also got my gender scan for next Saturday. Can't wait for that!

Glad to hear everyone is doing well! Will update you later on how the appointment goes.

It's so much easier to be a pessimist I find, especially when all we have to keep us from panicking are these little windows of opportunity to see that everything is ok, like scans and heartbeats. I saw my midwife today and she told me that all I can do, is trust my body to do the right thing and ultimately, she is right.

I'm sure your appointment will be great and you will hear Baba loud and clear, try not to worry too much x
Best of luck today Aussie!

I also feel so strange telling people I'm pregnant because I just assume the worst. Having not got any morning sickness or other symptoms I've constantly been worrying but I'm sure that all is fine!!
Only 12 days till the gender scan. Can't wait!
Ok the anxiety is really starting to kick in now. Got to take DD to infant school in 20 mins and then I've got nothing but sitting around and waiting for 2.5 hours before pick up time. We're heading straight from school to the appointment. It's this 2.5 hours of nothing to do, no distractions that has my anxiety raised. I just want to get there and find out if baby is ok. Trying to stay calm but DD and I are both dressed and ready to walk to school but are just sitting around coz it's too early. The sitting around is getting to me. I don't suffer from anxiety normally but for as long as I can remember I've always had appointment anxiety. I stress out and sometimes have panic attacks in the lead up to appointments. It's not until I'm actually at the place, sitting in the waiting room that my anxiety calms down. I'm falling apart here and I know its irrational but I've had this appointment anxiety since I was a kid and it's only magnified by the importance of the appointment. Sorry im rambling to pass time. Time for the school run. Need to stop shaking.

Ok the anxiety is really starting to kick in now. Got to take DD to infant school in 20 mins and then I've got nothing but sitting around and waiting for 2.5 hours before pick up time. We're heading straight from school to the appointment. It's this 2.5 hours of nothing to do, no distractions that has my anxiety raised. I just want to get there and find out if baby is ok. Trying to stay calm but DD and I are both dressed and ready to walk to school but are just sitting around coz it's too early. The sitting around is getting to me. I don't suffer from anxiety normally but for as long as I can remember I've always had appointment anxiety. I stress out and sometimes have panic attacks in the lead up to appointments. It's not until I'm actually at the place, sitting in the waiting room that my anxiety calms down. I'm falling apart here and I know its irrational but I've had this appointment anxiety since I was a kid and it's only magnified by the importance of the appointment. Sorry im rambling to pass time. Time for the school run. Need to stop shaking.


I know it's hard but try not to panic. They couldn't hear the heartbeat at 16weeks with my son and there was absolutely nothing wrong. It's still so early and baby still so tiny they can't always find heartbeat with doppler.
Oh Aussie bless you, i can empathize as I get the same when it comes to appointments. I'm ok once I'm actually there, but getting there I'm a bag of nerves.

Is there nothing at all you can do for that space of time to try and occupy yourself at least a little? Even something daft like read a book or magazine to take your train of thought away from your appointment x
Aussie i am exactly the same. I was holding it together on wed morning for my scan but inside i was crumbling....and i only had to wait until 8:40am! So i feel you.

Thinking of booking a gender scan for 16 weeks. I can get one for £45 nearby ish which seems like a good deal but my OH thinks its pointless as we will find out at 19 weeks with my anomoly scan. Ugh 7 weeks seems so long
£45 is cheap, my nearest one is £59 which is still reasonable imo.

I want my son to be there during a gender scan but I don't want him there for the anomaly scan as they have to precisely measure and examine baby and Logan would interrupt that process. That's how I managed to talk my partner around to the idea.
Tell him it's not pointless. We tried to find out with my DD at 20 weeks but she covered her bits and they couldn't see anything. We never found out what we were having as we couldn't afford a gender scan at the time. I'm getting a gender scan this time because I'm not being forced onto team yellow again lol. I have to know haha.

£45 is very reasonable!
We are paying £55 for our local one.

Aussie... Hope time flies for you today, once you hear that heartbeat you'll feel on top of the World!

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