Sarah, just wanna agree with kiwi about her take on the situation. No experience in switching jobs while pregnant, nor the health care field but during my career I've learned a lot about both managerial and support roles, and if your manager is already the 5th one in so many months, then you were right to read the writing on the wall back in February and make moves for Your future and Your family! Dont be afraid, just keep moving forward! Your little baby is what makes it all worth it. ☺
As babies and pregnancies go, I'm feeling pretty connected with this one, my second... my DD was a bit harder to wrap around so I know how you girls feel .... everyone was so thrilled for her while I kept pretty cautious and reserved nearly the entire time. I even worried about having a baby shower, as if that would jinx the pregnancy! I waited until 32 weeks to have it, I was so paranoid.
But this pregnancy i somehow feel was meant to be despite the terrible timing of it, so every hour im aware I'm pregnant and what's REALLY been getting me down are other people's reactions to it! My in laws were just polite about it but not gushing, with maybe even a tint of disapproval as if we're being irresponsible by having another ( the kids will be 3 years apart, and Im 35 been married to their son 5 years already so please i think we can make our own decisions) plus besides them, some of my own family, not all of them thankfully, act as if being pregnant doesn't change me at all and expect me to still be doing everything for them. Grrr!
I want to be lying on couch with ice water & my phone, not busting my ass taking care of other grown adults... so yeah I guess what I'm getting is Im feeling really good and connected to this pregnancy unlike my first, but people are treating me completely different than they did for my first... I wish I had that treatment now again lol