January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Thanks Ladies! 💗

My husband took the news surprisingly well haha. He's totally going to spoil her!

I feel really excited now. I wasn't feeling that excited but now I know the gender it feels totally different.

I have my 16 week appointment at the hospital today (all happening this week!) so I shall let you know how all that goes also X
I can definitely agree there. I have this disconnected feeling still, I've seen baby on the screen and that was absolutely amazing don't get me wrong but I'm just not feeling that close to my pregnancy. I'm so busy with work, my son, my partner ect that I've just not had a chance to really sit and think about my incoming baby.

I had this last time too, and it wasn't until I found out his gender that I was a lot more connected. As I've said before, it wasn't just baby then, it was my son, Logan. 3 more weeks and I can find out and hopefully it will all fall into place like it did last time for me.

It is all going on for you isn't it! Hope your appointment goes well :)
I'm sure that connection will happen soon Sarah!
Are you thinking boy or girl?

Be interesting to see if they listen to the heartbeat as I remember Aussie saying they didn't at her 16 week scan. They told me that was the primary reason I was going to the appointment so we shall see!

Then it's only 4 weeks today until my 20 week scan!
I'm thinking boy personally, but everyone else in my life seems to be convinced it's a girl. I put up a gender opinion threat and it's 50/50 at the moment!

My 16 week appointment is solely for the heartbeat. But yes they did tell Aussie that they wouldn't didn't they which is bizzare. I can't see why they wouldn't with you thought if they have told you that's the reason your in :)
Only a couple of weeks till you find out!! 💙💗
yep I'll report in after the appointment and let you know what they did / said :)
Just back from my 16 week appointment at the hospital.
They did the usual: urine tests, blood pressure etc. They went through the results of my booking bloods (everything normal) and They felt my belly and said the baby feels like a normal size and listened to the heartbeat (bang in the middle of normal at 140 beats per min).

Have my 20 week scan in 4 weeks and while I was there they also booked me in for a scan at 32 weeks to see how the baby is growing.

So all in all - everything seemed normal which is great!
sarah - my friend got a gender scan at 16 weeks and they immediately knew it was a boy!!! I think boys are more conclusive than girls though so i think they just want to wait the few extra weeks just to make sure!!
Awesome, really pleased all is well :D and yay on the growth scan. I've got one too for 32 weeks :)

So they did listen to the heartbeat then, such an amazing sound and 140bpm is great!
Awesome, really pleased all is well :D and yay on the growth scan. I've got one too for 32 weeks :)

So they did listen to the heartbeat then, such an amazing sound and 140bpm is great!

Yeah they sure did! She was hiding for a little while but then co operated so we heard her little heartbeat.
I'm jealous, no planned growth scan for me!

I had my 16 week appointment today too. All good and it was brilliant to hear baby's heartbeat. And he/she kept kicking too, they clearly weren't happy that they were being poked and prodded.

Glad yours went well too London and congrats on your little girl!

On listening to the heartbeat she said NICE guidelines now are to not listen at 16weeks because of the difficulty finding it so early. Sounds like lots of midwives do, but if they were to then be unable to find it and have to refer you to hospital to get checked then they'll say that you asked for them to try to listen, not that they offered.
Daisies thats good to know...so I guess advice is to ask to hear it?! If I didn't know this I'd have probably just asked 'do we get to hear it' and then not push it to say i'd like to! And I really would! The time between scans is very long and looking forward to hearing the heartbeat is a nice break in the middle of that time! <3
That's pretty much the vibe I got from her. She asked me if I'd like to and then explained all the above. If it's not offered I'd ask if they can try and explain you know it's early but you'd really like to have a go and see if you can hear it.

It was so nice to hear it's little heart going and having a nice old kick around too! Hope they have a listen when you go Married.
Glad your appointment went well Daisies! &#128156;
Are you keeping the sex a surprise?

That's really interesting about the heartbeat at 16 weeks.
My appointment was actually at a hospital today with a consultant not the midwife. I wondered if my husband needed to take time off work to attend with me so I called them about a month ago to ask what the appointment was for and they said that it was to listen to the heartbeat. So maybe it's not filtered out to my hospital yet as they def still do it there.
I totally understand their concern though. My baby was hiding for a minute or two but then she found her. Can probably be quite worrying for some people.
Yes London, we're keeping it a surprise. If I can keep my resolve and not cave! We found out with ds and I think this will be our last baby so I want to have the experience of it being a surprise.

Maybe at hospital it's not such an issue for them to check heartbeat since you're already in the right place for them to do a scan if need be.

I agree with you on understanding why that approach would be taken though. When she checked for mine it took her longer than I would have like to find it. It probably wasn't long at all, but it felt it, so given that it's not really telling them anything since a heartbeat is just at that point in time I can see why on balance it may be suggested not to do it.

Glad she did though!
I envy your ability to keep the sex a surprise!
My husband was so convinced the baby was a girl and was desperate to know so we had to find out.
Maybe for our second we will have a surprise... But not sure he would cope haha
I also envy your ability to keep it a secret! I would love the surprise, I can imagine its one of the most amazing moments but I'm just too impatient and I need to feel in control!

Have you ladies given any thought yet on how babes are going to be fed? Me and my partner have just spoken about it this morning and were clashing a bit.

I breastfed Logan for 2 weeks, and it was a rough 2 weeks, my supply dried up, his latch was terrible and in the end I gave in and bottle fed. I was pretty sure that this time, I was going to go right to bottle feeding from the off but my partner has other ideas.

He wants babe to be breastfed and I'm just not sure I want to go back through all that worry again. BF is a wonderful, amazing thing and I imagine when it goes right it's fantastic but I just had such a bad experience im turned off the whole thing.

We've kinda agreed that I will give it my best shot for a month and re-evaluate afterwards and agreed that if I say enough, it means enough so we shall see.

On a lighter note, just booked our gender scan for the 27th :D I'll be 17 weeks as we can't get in the previous week.
With my son they couldn't find heartbeat at 16 weeks so I would never want them to try again. It was just unnecessary stress when there was actually nothing wrong. I actually don't have another midwife appointment until 24 weeks now. I'm away (summer holidays) so miss 16 week one. Will have three more scans though: anomaly on 23rd August, growth scan at 30 weeks and another at 36 weeks. I only got to 35 weeks with DS so can't imagine being pregnant past then lol. Fingers crossed I will be.
My husband is desperate to know the sex, but he's also adamant no more babies after this one, so I've pushed for this to be a surprise so I can experience that.

On feeding: with ds I breastfed initially. We didn't have any 'problems' as such. I had plenty of supply, he was doing really well. But 2 weeks in I was totally worn out. Doing every feed is hard, and I don't think it helped that in our families no one else has really breastfed, so it was all a bit alien to them and that made me feel awkward doing it if that makes sense. So after 2 weeks we started introducing bottles of formula and by 4 weeks I'd stopped breastfeeding.

This time we're kind of opposites to you Sarah. I want to give it a go again, and I'm hoping to breastfeed for longer. Dh though thinks I should breastfeed initially but the switch to formula pretty quickly. I think he just doesn't want me to get to the same point as last time. I was crying all the time and a total emotional mess because I was finding it so hard but had such guilt about stopping.
I tried to breastfeed DD but she wouldnt latch and the midwives handed me a bottle and i gave her it and that was it. I was gutted but i am really gonna try breastfeed this time i just hope i have a supportive midwife to lend a hand.

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