January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

I just found out today that i get paid company maternity leave. 18 weeks full pay then statutory for 21 weeks. Sooo much better than I was expecting!

Thats lovely hearing the heartbeat Sarah. I didnt even get a 16 week midwife app boo.
Sarah I spoke to the sonographer yesterday about movements and she said it's totally normal not to feel them / not to feel them often at this stage as while they are getting longer they are still very skinny so they still have lots of room in there.
She was wriggling around so blimmin much I thought I may as well make the most of not feeling her often at the moment as I'm sure when I feel her everyday I might wish I didn't haha. Esp when trying to sleep!

Jessy - that's awesome! You must be so pleased.
I'm incredibly jealous... I get nothing from work due to being too new :(
Ahhh Jessy that's awesome, must be a huge weight off your mind!
I'm in the same boat as you Kiwi, not entitled to it either but I qualify for maternity allowance which is basically the same amount that we have lived on for the last 18 months (I'm part time ATM, my new job is full time) so all is not lost!

Haha kiwi your not wrong, I remember being belted by Logan when he got bigger, he was born at 9lb 7oz and it hurt so kinda relieved were not at that stage yet lol
Yeah the movements are lovely but i do recall a few at the end with my DD really made my feel sea sick it was like she was twisting my stomach haha.

Its weird cause mat pay when i went off with my DD was statutory so i have no idea when they changed it! So happy though.

Less than a week until our scan, i am praying everything is ok.
Gender scan tommorrow. I just have to get through this pig of a day. 12 hour shift with me being the only person capable of giving our medication for 60+ people... Help me 😢😢
Did you make it through the day Sarah?
Didn't you say you're an HCA? That seems like a lot of work for you!

Yay for the gender scan!! What are you thinking? Any preference?
I have made it! Just about but I've made it. I'm a senior HCA/ nursing associate so it's a lot more work which I generally enjoy but not when it's like this.

I've had to pull rank with staff answering me back and I've had a relative scream obscenities 2 inches from my face today so bit exactly a success but I'm out of there until Monday haha!

I can't wait til tommorrow! I think boy, but I have no preference. I thought Logan was a girl last time and I was wrong so my mother's intuition isn't worth much 😂
Yeah that is pretty crap! Enjoy your special day tomorrow.
Which Trust are you at?
We don't really get that behaviour with healthcare at home as we treat in the home after discharged from the Trusts so generally the patients are a lot happier.

Awww I can't wait to hear what you're having! I have a feeling you're joining me in team pink! What time is your scan?
Sarah good luck and enjoy your scan and the day tomorrow!

I'm anxiously counting down the days to 20 weeks. I can't help it but experiencing a lot of worrying that something isn't right and I really hate it. I haven't been this paranoid since the first trimester! I think as it's the movement milestone that I'm expecting to have felt something by now even though I hear time and time again that there's still loads of time for that to happen. My body has been so good to me and handling this pregnancy like a dream so the more my body doesn't seem to change (apart from widening haha) the more I let myself worry that something isn't right.

On the plus side I think if I feel nothing by the scan in 9 days I will cry when I see it's perfectly happy bouncing about in there.....fingers crossed as I simply cannot wait to see our happy baby again <3
Thanks ladies :D 11am this morning, been awake most of the night worrying - stupidly really, that people aren't going to be disappointed. My partner has a strong preference for a girl, my son does too and all our family's are guessing girl. I don't want them to feel disappointment if it's a boy. I'm sure I'm being silly but things like this play on my mind. My gut feeling is boy but I don't mind either way.

I'm currently in private healthcare under Harbour Healthcare but I will be going to Plymouth foundation trust and I cannot wait to leave where I am.

Someone's relative basically came in shouting and screaming in my face asking why their totally independent with all aspects of personal care aunty wasn't wearing pants and why aren't we accompanying her to the toilet. She lives in a residential unit, declines all help and if she needs that help will have to be reassessed for our higher dependency unit but she didn't seem to get that instead telling me she was going to end my career. Good luck lady, I'm leaving there on the 11th anyway! Just wasn't what I needed after a stressful day.

Married I totally get your concern :) honestly it's so stressful waiting to feel those movements. My midwife said to me on Friday that even second third forth ect babies can take up to 22-24 weeks to be felt by some mums :) it's all down to where baby is, where your placenta is too is a big one because if their thumping placenta, you won't feel that. Not long for your scan now I'm sure that all is ok x
Sounds like you'll be delighted to be moving to your new job. I understand that families do get frustrated but I also find it incredibly frustrating that they don't take the time to understand and appreciate what you are doing for their loved ones. All part of healthcare working isn't it!

Awww honestly they will love the baby no matter what. I think come 11am once you see bubs regardless of the gender you'll be so delighted to see them wriggling around. My guess is girl for you but no matter what Logan will be an amazing big brother and your family won't mind either way.

My husband had a preference for a boy (but always suspected from before she was even conceived that we would have a girl) and now he's just happy that she's healthy and we have past that 20week mark.

Good luck for today!!

And married, I'm 21 weeks tomorrow and have felt very little movement which the sonographer said on Thursday is totally normal. Hopefully you'll start to feel something soon!
<3 thank you so much ladies, I'm delighted to tell you that were having a girl!!! I'm in utter shock I really am!

My partner and Logan are over the moon and I currently can't believe it haha! Very pleased though, one of each, I'm happy with that!

Bloop is now Harley Ann!
I knew it!
Yay hello Harley! &#128151;
Welcome to team pink, delighted for you Sarah!
Yah! Is that 4 of us having one of each now?

I felt the same finding out about this wee man, although i suspected it i found it difficult to really believe at first.

Congrats to you and so glad your OH and logan are happy!
Thank you all <3 I never thought I would have one of each, I thought I would have all boys! Boys are wonderful but I'm excited for a change! My mother in law burst out crying as it's the first girl in generations so she's now buying all of the pink &#128514;&#128514;

I keep checking the potty shot to make sure but there is the tell tale "burger" (3 lines) there lol

I think that is 4 now with one of each!

Exciting times for all of us to come!

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