January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Thank you married :D for some reason my Facebook doesn't want me to play that video, just won't let me oddly enough!

Yay for 19 weeks! I cannot believe how fast this second Tri is going for us all. I felt like I was mike's behind during first tri as you are all a few weeks ahead of me, but second it just feels like theirs no difference at all!
I feel like it is going so slowly but perhaps thats cause i have known when my anomoly scan since 12 weeks so i have been anxiously awaiting that. I just hope everything is ok.

2 more days its just a bummer cause my scan isnt until 4pm so have to work until 2ish then go to it so will be worrying all day. Ugh.

Yah married 19 weeks!
Yeah I can see what you mean Jessy, I've known about mine since my 12 week but I've had the interim gender scan to keep my attention on so actually the 20 week one is coming around quite quickly. having it late in the day sucks, mines 3pm and I've got to see the consultant after so I'm going to be there for bloody ages 😂 still, hopefully being at work will mean the day will go a little quicker as you have other things to think about :)
I feel like time is going by pretty quickly for me...
I'm 21 +1 today.

I've actually just called the hospital to change my 32week appointment and they told me on the phone that I will be having a 28week scan so that was a nice surprise! Was thinking I had 12 weeks Btwn scans.

Work is exceptionally demanding today, thank god it's a short week!
Another 21 + 1 here! I think after about 16 weeks it all goes by so quickly. Perhaps not the last few weeks right enough!

Won't be long until some of us go off on maternity leave! I'm Dec 21st (School holidays) so not for ages yet.
I'm lying I'm 21 today and 21+ 1 tommorow. Totally blaming baby brain already or the fact DS was up most of the night.
I also had a scan at 16 weeks privately so it has broken up the wait nicely! I don't know what I would do without my 16 week photo on my phone. It remind me everyday on my home screen that this little human is real. I'm just really hoping I feel something soon. Today is an extremely sore back and very very very achy tired body. So i would like to say all is therefore okay in there so far!

7 days until the next scan! Omg can't wait. I'm getting so many people saying they can't believe we won't find out the gender and that we have a lot of willpower. Tbh it's easy before ultrasounds we didn't have this luxury and it's easy just to think we couldn't find out. I think because we have wanted this baby for so long and have wanted to find out it's healthy and well that this is our focus and what we will be grateful for.

Has anyone heard of MyHummy or Ewan The Sheep?? White noise toy and a mother's womb/heartbeat toy that apparently work miracles to get babies to sleep??? Wondering which to get!
I haven't used either of them personally but I know someone who does use an Ewan the sheep. She had a fussy baby that couldn't sleep unless there was some.form of noise going on around her, but she's doing well since having that. It's certainly something I would contemplate if little lady is also fussy!

I can understand why you wouldn't want to find out :) I do think it takes a lot of willpower though, there's no chance I could do it as im one of these people that just need to know. But I totally get your reasoning. Not long now until you see Baba again :)
Haha I find it interesting to hear from others who do want to find out too! Obviously I think it's amazing to know what you're having and know if its a son or daughter. And clothes must be much easier :haha:

I'm fed up of intense dreams now. Sleep is really rubbish every night between dreams which actually exhaust me and getting up to pee half a dozen times lol!
Not just me that's up peeing all night then! If it's not random attacks of insomnia keeping me up, it's my need to urinate constantly 😂😂

I had this with my son and my midwife told me back then that it's my body preparing me for the sleepless nights having a baby brings. That's cool, but a week or 2 before is acceptable... Not 4 months 😂
I'm the same ladies! And I'm a terrible sleeper at the best of times so tend to just like there like a nutcase wishing and hoping I will fall asleep again.
I got up at 5am this morning because I went to the toilet and just couldn't sleep.
I came downstairs and started looking at nursery bits online. I'm obsessed with Pinterest!! Wish we were rich so I could buy everything I love!!
Pinterest is so bad when your deficient in the money department 😂 I don't look anymore because there's so many nice things and I have so little money haha

Family are starting to buy little girlie bits now and it's so strange seeing baby girls dresses in my house 😂 were very much a boyish zone. Me and my partner are avid gamers, technology everywhere - gaming pc, PlayStation's ect and my son is the same and has all these boys toys and in amongst it all now are these dainty little pink dresses! Their so cute but so strange to see 😂
Awww cute haha.
My husband is mad into Xbox or PC gaming, he's 36 and I don't think he will ever grow out of it. He keeps saying to me that the baby will be in one hand and the Xbox controller in the other....
I seem to pee loads during the day but only usually have to get up once at night which i am not complaining about.

I wish i had the money to splash out aswell. We are getting a blacl pram which is what i want but i really want a custom made seat liner footmuff and changing bag. Which woll probably cost me £150 this is after scrolling the net for deals on the actual pram :haha:

We go on holiday at the end of september then my partner has a concert in december in which he is going to london for and will cost a fair whack then its christmas then wham baby!! I dunno where i am getting the money for all the stuff i need/want.
Me either Jessy! I have a never ending list of things i want! Maybe not necessarily need however....

I keep having to remind myself that I'll be living off maternity allowance only and that seems to stop me buying everything in sight!

It's my birthday in September, think I'll make sure I get my husband to get something for me that I really want. Might be the last birthday present I get haha.
I really hope I sleep better tonight and I agree....its not acceptable to have sleepless nights this early!!

I cannot wait to start buying stuff. We also need to be careful and try to not go mad and just invest in important bits first! I work at IKEA so when baby is born I get a £100 gift voucher as a gift so we will be leaving the cot and a few other bits we can live without until then :)
Nice little perk you get there!
I don't think I could cope working at IKEA I'd be shopping everyday!! I love going there and into the market place bits, love all the kitchen stuff, hmmm who am I kidding - I love it all !!
You will get a lot for £100 as you well know! I won a competition when I was pregnant last time by IKEA for £100 in vouchers and I got the cot, mattress, bedding, changing table and 2 chest of drawers, the cheapest of the cheap wooden ones mind but we were poor at the time and it was 100% better than nothing! The cot was amazing and we only really got rid of it 18 months back - Logan's been in a toddler bed for years but it was kept just in case... Then we sold it 😂😂 oops!

But yeah, going off the point, you'll get loads at IKEA for £100!
Sarah we will go for the cheap wooden one too....doesnt matter to me what colour it is. There's a white one which is £60 if I change my mind though! Plus I'll still get my staff discount anyway! We won't be getting a changing table but definitely need some more storage! One little three drawer unit we have most certainly won't be enough! It'll drive me mad way before the baby is born though so probably need savings for that one! Gift card will cover the cot and any other bits I don't realise I need later down the line lol.

Slightly better night's sleep this time! 5 1/2 hours sleep but I only woke up once for the loo and managed to get straight back to sleep after pushing husband off my pillow lol. He's such a pest!

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