January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Hey ladies, finally able to check in. Work has been crazy this week (i'm an accountant and its month end!) meaning I've been doing more 9 - 7 instead of 9-5 and its knackered me lol

sarah - congrats on team pink! Girls are fab but I hear they are so much harder than boys...glad I'm having a boy this time lol Also glad to hear you are ok...stay away from fish for a while!!!

Married - great bump you have there!
My DD had a Ewan the dream sheep when she was born and she loved it. So much so that she's 5 now but still has it in bed with her! The downside to them is I've literally bought about 10 of them as after a while one of the feet/sounds stop working (usually the rain and heartbeat which is what my DD likes) and as far as I'm aware there's no guarantee with them. DD's original one still goes to bed with her but I did take out the wires when it stopped working so I could wash it as its her original one and her fave one but then she has another she still likes to listen to! I will be certainly buying one for this baby though I see they do a dog now or a grey sheep so as DD has purple might try a different one so I know which sheep belongs to which child lol

Daisies/jessy - glad scans went well ladies
Soph - great bump pic...i'll try and get a half decent one of mine and upload when I get 5.

AFM - went for the 20 week scan the other day but have to go back on 14th Sept as according to the lady I have the most laid back baby she has ever seen and all of her usual tricks to get baby to move didn't work so she couldn't get all of the necessary measurements. She di get head, bowel, kidney and thigh but couldn't get the rest. seems like we have a tall boy here though as he's measuring a week and a half forward on his legs but the other measurements she did get were on track. She reassured us everything she saw was absolutely fine but she just couldn't get all of the measurements and there was someone else waiting for their appointment so we ran out of time. I'm looking at the positive that I get to see the baby again. Plus the last few days he's been moving and kicking more so I know he's ok in there!
Thank you lovely :D I too have heard that girls are more hard work so we shall see haha! Sorry to hear that work has been so manic for you this week.

I had the same for my 20 week scan with Logan, was just too laid back! I went back 5 days later I believe it was and they managed to get all the measurements they needed. Think of it as another chance to see him, they come so scarcely so it's nice to get another look. Glad all that she could see is looking perfect though. The anomaly scans really are amazing, the level of depth in which they can see everything at this gestation is very cool!

As for me, had my nans funeral yesterday which was very sad as expected, we decided to perk ourselves up and look at prams after and we put the deposit down on our pram yesterday. We've gone for a cossatto Giggle 2 in the posy colourscheme. Got a good deal, was £499 with the car seat, changing bag, newborn carry cot and seat unit, rain cover and an isofix car seat base. The original deal we were going to go for with the pram and cot and everything basically had changed for cheaper things and wasn't really worth the money.

Leaving there, some fricking idiot on his mobile failed to stop at a traffic light as he was looking at his phone hit the back of us. We got out to say what the f**k was that and him and a mate went mad, went to punch me, my other half and screamed at my son in the car. Awful. Went right to the police and then to a&e to get checked over, all is well. It's minimal damage to the car but needs assessing and these guys are known to police so more in depth statements are being given Sunday and should be enough to bring them in.

What a day yesterday was! Hopefully today is better!
Omg Sarah that is horrific. Glad to hear everything is ok.
What a day you had yesterday :(
Sending you a big hug :hugs:
Jesus sarah that sounds awful. He went to punch you. What a arsehole.

Wills glad what she saw was good and sure everything will be grand on 14th aswell.

We are moving furniture around today (well i'm not :haha:) got my OH a new phone and am a couple of tops and a pair of mat jeans. My OH and my mum are now building my DDs wardrobe aswell today.

We have ordered our pram too. Its the cybex balios m in moonlight (black) its going to be delivered to my mums as i dont want it here nor do we have room just now with all the rooms being rearranged.
Ahh so exciting all the pram ordering!!! We will be looking after our 20 week scan Tuesday!!! I'm pretty sure I want one from the Kiddicare website so we will travel to their store in Peterborough to see. I have friends who live there so a good excuse!

So sorry about that awful altercation....i had someone hit me when he cut me up last year but he sped away. I asked DH to get me a dashcam cos I was so shaken from anger over it for a long time!!

It's a lovely hot day here but my back is agony so some much needed horizontal time for me! I've worked 46 hours this week and I think it's evident!
Thanks ladies!

Married, I couldn't help myself but have a little look yesterday, and I'm sure I saw boy bits! We'll see soon enough I guess! For all I know I could have seen absolutely nothing. Good luck for Tuesday.

And I went on the scales today to find out I've now gained 12 pounds total, of which 7 has been in the last 3 weeks 🙈 I'm blaming baby but in all honesty I think our holiday last week with copious amounts of seaside treats is probably what did it!

Soph, no braxton hicks for me yet, and I don't recall having any with ds. Lots of time for me to get them though I guess, I can imagine it's uncomfy.

I can't believe all these cheeky babies refusing to cooperate with scans! Naughty little babes.

Sarah that sounds awful, I hope you're all alright. Some people are such idiots on the road and get so wound up, no need for aggression like that at all!

Exciting to hear about the prams being ordered. I need to ask dh to get ours down from the loft so I can clean it up.
OMG Sarah sorry to hear those idiots subjected you and your family to that, glad everyone is ok...just had a nose at that pram and its so cute and a fantastic way to cheer yourself up after the funeral :hugs:

Jessy - I like that pram too! Will hopefully be ordering the venicci one I like in the next week or so.

Daisies - 12 lb isn't too bad at this point xx
Thanks for the concern ladies, really appreciate it :) we're all fine, just emotions running high and it was the worst day for it to happen. Been out for a lovely day at the park though which included ice cream so life is good!

Daisies, 12lb honestly isn't that bad :) it may seem like a lot but stop and think about what your body is doing at the moment, it really is justified!

Jessy, I had to look that one up as I'm terrible with prams but it's very nice, and a good price point too which is always a bonus!

Wills, a friend of mine had one of the vennici ones and she loved it. Was a gray fabric and white frame, looked beautiful.

Married, as soon as my first pay check comes from my new job I will be buying a dash cam for sure. It would have done a lot of the talking for us to the police yesterday if we had one! Sorry to hear your back is bad again :( I can totally sympathise with you about how bad that can be. I hope it's better soon.

Thanks again everyone for the well wishes, I seem to just have so much drama going on lately! Really I have a very quiet life normally haha
What a terrible thing to happen sarahcake!!!! Sounds so frightening.

I'm feeling a bit fed up this weekend. Husband is away for another 12 days and feeling a bit lonely. I live in a pretty remote area away from where I grew up and it's getting to me recently. Pregnancy hormones!!!
It feels like Christmas excitement...tomorrow is Scan Day Eve! :haha: it goes from excitement to worry now and again. I know I'll be so nervous Tuesday morning but there's so much excitement about going baby shopping afterwards.

Too too excited <3 <3 <3
Ahhh Soph that must be so hard :( I've done the while isolated thing but not away from my other half, I know if be climbing the walls.

I hope this 12 days goes really fast for you.

Not long now then married :D i get more excited over scans than I do over Christmas, Im a bit of a Grinch I'm afraid! My next scan isn't til the 13th which feels like ages away but isnt. Consultant appointment to go with that too.
Sarah i have so many appointments coming up I was starting to lose track! I have a glucose tolerance one which is an all day bore fest according to my friend...thats in about 5 weeks time. I have a consultant appointment in 3 weeks time roughly too...and two others booked in which I confirmed online when they popped up but no letters so say what they are yet lol!

I'm sad that this will be the last NHS scan. My consultant may book another if they want due to my abnormal smear results last year and the fact I had the procedure to take away a part of my cervix. Hoping all is fine when they take a look but zero bleeding since my last period in April is an amazing sign that all may run smoothly! We have said we will book and pay for private scan at 30 weeks though . So something we can plan and look forward to!

I have baby buying bug....i really want to buy more clothes and the first toy!!!! *must contain excitement*
It's soooo hard to resist buying things! I'm the only one who hasn't so far in my family as I've not been paid yet &#128514;

Oh yes the GTT is boring I'm afraid. I have mine in early November. Take blood, drink a drink, sit for 2 hours, take more blood and see a consultant if needs be. Not really fun. It's just the waiting around that's the problem because you can't leave the unit.

They may well offer you a scan to check on your cervix later on, they should do really. But yeah I get what you mean, I also intend to book a private scan around 30 weeks as 20 weeks with nothing is a long long time.

Last week at my current job for me this week and my son starts school on Wednesday, cannot believe it has come to this time already :O
Happy 19 weeks Sarah!

Hope back to school day goes well and the last day at your current job runs smoothly for you <3

In referral to the glucose test my poor friend had a 5 hour wait! I really appreciated that little nightmare in my head lol
Aww good luck to your son starting school!

I am dying, i have either a pulled muscle or pinched/trapped nerve in my middle back. OMG its torture. I could hardly breathe this morning or walk. 2 hot water bottles later and i am able to move but breathing still hurts. Just hope the wee man is ok in there.
Aww thanks ladies, he's very ready for it!

Married, the 5 hours test is usually if you fail the 3 hour test so it shouldn't be that one right off :)

Oh Jessy bless you, I know exactly how bad that can be. Rest up as much as you can, I wouldn't lay down as you will struggle to get back up but find a nice supportive upright seat and get a hot water bottle down the base of your back and stay there as much as you can. Stand up and have a little move every hour - which will hurt like hell, but siezing up is worse. That's the way I managed to heal mine but you must rest up for a few days otherwise it will take longer to get better x
Scan daaay tomorrowwwww!

I had one moment of nervousness that tomorrow is the day we find out it's growing healthy etc...and that maybe I should prepare for the fact it's not just exciting to see the baby it's quite important and could reveal stuff...

Eeek. But for tonight I'll be excited...then 9.30am tomorrow I'll have another freak out then fingers crossed we have a happy healthy baby and can go baby stuff shopping....!

I'll update when I can! <3
Good luck married!!
I am excited to hear the news of your healthy bubs! X
Yay! Happy 20 weeks married and I hope that your scan is amazing. Can't wait to hear all about it!
Scan went great!

Didn't get a great picture upsettingly but happy we have a healthy Baby!

Baby was impossible to find out the sex even if I had agreed to know! It was just too comfy in there

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