January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Taking a week off inbetween is a good idea.
Sounds like you will be much happier in your new role 😊
This worrying goes from one extreme to another!

So I felt baby move for the first time on Wednesday evening. I then thankfully felt the same movements yesterday.

Today I've felt nothing.

I'm not worrying that something is wrong as it's such early days since I first experienced this movement, and I have the rest of today to feel something. When i do ill be sure to report back. At 21 weeks when should u worry about lack or change in movements?

Like I've said today is the third day, and I don't want to be a paranoid ninny because baby may have just turned funny.

I also don't want to be a fool and ignore it and not asked experienced ladies here. Could that feeling of motion I had just change? In a few days I may feel a different sensation? It's so hard to know!
I would still say its a bit early to be getting any kind of reliable pattern. I know I certainly don't. She's been moving around like crazy today but I've had nothing the past few days, including the day of my 20 week scan when she was very clearly wriggling away on screen! I think it's around 26 weeks onwards that they say that you should be able to feel them most days and if it changes at that point then to call someone but for now, I think especially as your only just feeling movement, everything is ok and baby has just moved into a different position :)
That being said however, if you are having ANY concerns at all, do not be scared of ringing your midwife or the triage and asking for advice. They are really good and dont mind at all and if it puts your mind at rest to speak to someone, then it's totally worth it x
See I was even freaked out that it was the same spot for two days and that it wasn't prodding me in more places Lol! I think you're right it's moved to another position and perhaps I can't feel it there. Where I felt it wasn't a particularly fatty bit :haha:

Thanks for the reassurance. It's just nice to remember and hear that it's totally normal and that someone else here had days with no movement. I reckon I just miss feeling it today! Hopefully something jiggles later on lol <3
Hey ladies,

Finally getting 5 mins to be able to check in and read everyone's updates!

Sarah - Hope your last day went well and glad to read your first day was good too! Also bet you're pleased as punch she's still a girl lol!

Married - Lovely bump pic :thumbup: feel like I've popped in the last week or so too but only noticed when I walked passed a mirror in Asda the other day and was like wow look at the size of my stomach :haha:
WOW - some weird and wonderful pics on that link!
Also you aren't a paranoid ninny...we all know once you feel something you kind of expect it to keep happening and when it doesn't its hard. Last night was exactly the same for me tbh, baby usually moves a lot between about 8am and 11am when I'm sat at my desk in work and then from around 8 or 9pm until I fall asleep in bed but last night there was nothing. Tried walking about, lying on my back, wiggling my tummy and even talking to my stomach but nothing :nope: hardly slept all night with worry and planned to get my doppler back out this morning but then I woke up about an hour ago, had a wee and baby hasn't stopped moving since :wacko: so I fully understand how you feel, trust me! The baby will eventually develop a pattern and stick to it for the remainder of the pregnancy but like Sarah said, if you are worried just ring someone xx

London - cant believe you can still wear normal clothes! I gave in to maternity wear weeks ago :haha: The only time I wear normal clothes is when I've seen something nice and where I'd usually buy an 18 I've bought a 22 lol

AFM - finally had my 2nd 20 week scan on Thursday and needless to say I have one perfectly healthy but very lazy little boy in there!! I was in and out 3 times in total as he wouldn't budge to let them do all of the measurements...the hardest one was the spine as no matter which way I led or turned he'd turn so his back stayed on my back and they couldn't measure it tidy :haha::haha: Finally on the 3rd attempt the sonographer managed to capture a pic so she could measure his spine. So I'm now happy that A he's ok and B he's still a boy!! I'll try and upload a few pics later as I've left them in my notes in the car! The only thing that's concerning me is that he likes his back to my back and that's how DD laboured and I ended up with EMCS so just hoping its not a sign of things to come, if it is I'm definitely electing for a planned section as I don't want to go through labour like I did with DD again. On the plus side I have scans at 28, 30 and 32 weeks before I have to decide which option for birth I'm going with at 36 weeks so we'll see. I also have a holiday planned to Lanzarote from 19th to 29th October (booked before I was pregnant!) but am suffering with swollen feet a lot so not sure if its a good idea to fly....any opinions ladies?

Hope anyone I've not mentioned is doing ok too...:flower:
Thank you Wills....i thought I felt something late last night in bed but it didn't reoccur so I can't be sure....woken up this morning a little sad! I'm off work this weekend and really hoping I feel something!

TMI: I went to the toilet yesterday and I was bleeding. You won't believe how high my heart rate jumped up on my FitBit watch, I completely sunk and panicked. Believe me after MUCH checking it wasn't from 'there' but hell.....that was the most terrifying few seconds of my life! I'll keep an eye on it this weekend as I still had some bright red blood this morning really early but seems to be gone for now. I've read about hemmoroids and stuff but this is totally out the blue for me and I didn't expect that. Oh the joys of pregnancy! I just didn't appreciate that little heart attack along with waiting for these movements again!
:( married! I know they say bleeding can be normal but I can only imagine how worried you are. I'm in the health sector but I'm no means a nurse or anything like that. Maybe when Sarah responds she may have something useful to add as she's a healthcare assistant.
I hope that you don't experience this for much longer...

I've still not mastered the art of taking a bump selfie but I did manage a pic today.

Wills haha I'm def struggling to remain in my normal clothes... I'm 24 weeks on Monday. Think it's Time to transition over to maternity! Today I wore a maternity dress and I felt so much more comfy... I think it's time!


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Married, so the blood wasn't from 'there' ie, a PV bleed but was still fresh blood right? Hemmeroids are a possibility as the increasing pressure on that region can force them sometimes. The other thing it could be, is have you nicked yourself with your nail or something? It doesn't have to have hurt at the time but again because of the rush of blood to that area, it will bleed a fair amount. I have the same thing right now, I must have nicked myself with a nail when I went loo in my sleepy state last night because there was blood when I wiped. It's not a PV bleed and I've found the little nick in the skin but it doesn't hurt nor was it obvious.

So long as it's not from within, I think you will be fine. Its so easy to have blood appear from other ways when so much of it is rushing to those areas. Hope it's stopped now though.

Thank you wills, yeah very pleased she is still a she! Glad to hear that your 20 week scan went well :) my girlie was similar, she had me jumping on the spot to move her &#128514;

I think you would still be ok to fly also but maybe keep some ted stockings on (the anti embolism ones) they will reduce swelling in your feet and legs. I'd speak to the doctor and see if they can prescribe these too you.

I've nowhere near managed a bump selfie yet haha I like your dress though, the colour is lovely!
Bump Selfies are hard! And I find when I take a pic in the mirrror I'm so uncoordinated I can't quite get the right angle.

Lazy Sunday for me. I've already done the shopping for the week so cooking a roast dinner and lazing on the couch Is on the cards for the rest of the day!
That sounds like an amazing Sunday :D enjoy!

I have done the housework, got uniforms ready for tommorrow and I have a stroppy 4 year old who is now happily playing with Play Doh so I'm going to sit on the sofa with a well needed coffee haha!

Was just looking up the symptoms of GD and I'm getting a little concerned to be honest. I'm permenantly exhausted, more so than usual, and I'm so thirsty, today alone I've drank 6 pints of water and im still thirsty :S got about 7 weeks until my GD test so will see how i go.
Sarah i bled a little more but fine now in the absence of any more BMs for now! I will see how it goes and make sure I mention something if it returns just to put my mind at ease! Like I said never had it before and was so much my heart sank when I thought it was from my cervix! Every visit to the loo is now a paranoid check especially as I've been doing nearly nothing all weekend waiting for the baby movements to reappear but they haven't! I was woken up by three sharp pops this morning which haven't come back. May have been baby or my often ravenous state for breakfast :haha:

Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend! I've appreciated little movement and a nice rest. My poor back appreciates it and the round ligament pain is less often off my feet lol.
Marriedlaydee awww bleeding is always so worrying! I always bleed after a BM, I got hemarroids in my last pregnancy and they've reappeared earlier this time. Pregnancy is so disgusting sometimes lol.

I have my 24 week appointment tommorow! Haven't seen my midwife since 12 weeks so looking forward to getting checked. Bought a blood pressure monitor to keep an eye on things, although it didn't start going up until 32 weeks last time.
Soph hope u hear the heartbeat tomorrow! Enjoy it if you do!

I'm still waiting for movement over here! This baby isn't ready to make a big statement yet I suppose I should appreciate it while it's quiet!
If there's any constipation, that can cause some irritation and can cause internal hemmeroids that you may not of even realised you had, to start bleeding. So long as it's not from your cervix then things are all good. If you feel like you are having to strain to go toilet, then give the drs a call and see if they can maybe put you on senna or something.

Soph, I hope you have a lovely appointment! I think they start doing fundal height measurements around your gestation so that's quite nice to keep an eye on.

Harley bump is now in full swing for movements, she feels like she's as clumsy as I am, thudding around in there &#128514; nice though, scary when you don't get it for a while though :S still not frequent enough to be a.reliable pattern but we're heading in the right direction. Soon married I'm sure of it :) I was around 24 weeks with my first before I felt what I'm feeling now with my second.

First day of my induction down, emergency life support. Managed to do cpr and defibrillation at 99% efficiency which I'm quite proud of haha! So far everyone at the trust has been wonderful, so supportive of my pregnancy and even going as far as being excited for me! World's apart from my old boss!
I had my 22 week midwife app yesterday. Last saw her at 8 weeks and wont see her again unt 34 weeks. They really dont spend much time with you in subsequebt pregnancies.

She listened o heartbeat, which was 138 bpm seems a lot slower than my DD but she said it was ok. Blood pressure was fine and i have my 28 week abti d shot in November. Need to book my whooping cough vaccine too!
I guess they wont measure my fundal heught until i see the midwife at 34 weeks?!? Seems a long time away!
Thanks Sarah for the advice. I'll wait patiently for the movements it is it feels like it's taking forever!

22 weeks today and this bit seems to be slowing down!
JessyG I hadn't seen mine since 12 weeks (though saw consultant at 14). Today was 24 weeks and she checked fundal height. I'm also to come back in 4 weeks at 28 weeks. She said I woiod need bloods done at that appointment. I didn't realise it would vary so much with different areas.
Honestly its like they dont give a shit. I am rhesus negative and although i got bloods taken at 8 weeks and an anti d shot at 28 weeks youd think they would do bloods at some point in between to check my antibody status. Honestly i feel like no one cares. That might have something to do with the fact no one in my family (except my mum) ever asks if i am ok how things are going etc.

Even my OH forgets i am pregnant at times its crazy how different it is. I guess its nice as the time is starting to go by quicker but i feel i should be seeing the midwife before 34 weeks. Thats crazy to me i am almost full term by that point and havent seen a midwife since 22 weeks.

Hope everyone is well. Sorry for my moan. X
Aww Jessy :hugs: moan away, that's what we are here for!

I'm 24+1 today. She's moving a lot now which is nice.

I saw the midwife at 22 weeks and I see her again in 3 weeks - down here where I am you see the midwife every 5 weeks. She didn't take any measurements last time but we listened the heart beat.

Had my whooping cough injection last Friday too.

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