January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Totally understandable moan Jessy. It's so frustrating to feel ignored!

I have first physio appointment tomorrow morning for SPD. Not looking forward to wearing the pelvic brace! They look uncomfortable. Had blood sent away today to check for obstetric Cholestasis as I've been so so itchy. Getting to the fed up stage already and still so far too go!
I just went onto nhs website and it says its not just an anti d shot at 28 weeks they check fundal height heartbeat and blood tests so maybe my midwife is wrong. I will definitely be requesting those things when i go to that app! Either my midwife knows nothing or is slightly incompetant!
I'd check with her Jessy, 34 weeks seems like a long time to wait before you see them again. I'm in to see mine at 28 weeks which will be the first one since 16 weeks. Then again at 32 weeks, 36, 38.

Some of them don't seem to know what they should be doing though. I went to hospital the other week for my scan and when I saw the midwife she was telling me I needed to book to see the one at the gp at 24 weeks and I told her I didn't need that as it's just for first time mums. She had to go off and get some paperwork out which confirmed I was correct!
That's interesting Daisies as I'm 24 weeks and a first time mum to be but I don't have a 24 week appointment?
I had midwife at 22 then I have my next midwife appointment at 27 weeks and my next scan at 28weeks.

Just shows that it's so different depending on where you live! If only there was one way for all, we wouldn't be so confused!

Anyone started on their nursery or waiting closer to the time?

There's so much Christmas stuff in the shops already. While I think it's massively premature I don't mind this year as kind of makes me feel like the rest of the year will fly by!
Midwife appointments up and down the UK are so random. In both Sunderland and Plymouth, I feel like I saw/ am seeing the midwife quite often but others of you dotted around really arnt seeing them very often at all! I don't understand why it isn't one, uniform system throughout the country.

I feel like arse haha children are just little snotboxes I swear. Logan's ended up with a cold because kids have no co dept of personal space with their friends who have a cold and as a result, I now feel poo. 3 days induction done and I've got two days now on the ward - my first day is going to be coughing and sneezing :S yay!
Ah no Sarah! Not good feeling rubbish on the ward 🤧
Esp with the increased chance of this awful influenza this year.
Is your Trust preparing for winter pressures?
You won't be there for the worst of it!
I think we are very much on red alert for the impending hell that is going to be winter, Christmas and the new year. Projections are showing that we are going to be bed blocked so a lot of wards, mine included are opening up what the can as acute medical beds rather than just strictly trauma orthopedic beds. Crazy time for all trusts though, I've worked in a few and I've not known a single one that was fully prepared for the winter onslaught.
I have my flu jab next Saturday so paranoid I'll catch one of them germs already flying around!!! Ergghh
It's mental isn't it.
Which Trust are you at?
I look after ChelWest, Watford and Lewisham and Greenwich... none of which are prepared for winter! I also have the Royal National Orthopeadic but as it's elective they aren't affected by the winter pressures.
It's worrying! ChelWest said the other day that they already have no bed capacity. God only knows what they are going to do!!
I'm in Plymouth NHS trust. It's scary really how unprepared we really are, I say we as a whole NHS.
It is scary! Time will tell what happens but if this flu from NZ and Aussie hits like they suspect the nhs is going to be in big trouble this winter!

Plymouth! Bet it's lovely living down there
I'm a.sweaty, tired mess who has REALLY seen some sights today, but I have survived my first day! Everyone was so lovely and helpful, really helped me out. Felt like a bit of a lost sheep for the whole shift but I'll get there I think :)

Plymouth can be lovely indeed yes, we've got some really nice bits here. Hope your all ok?


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12 hours I was in bed last night! My fitbit said I got 10 1/2 hours sleep which is decent but lo and behold....woken up with a headache! It's been a while since I had a really bad one and this one hasn't fully grown legs yet. All I can hope for is I can get through this day at work without a full on moody face on me!

This baby is starting to make it more and more uncomfortable to turn in bed too but I am very aware I still have 4 months for this to actually become a real challenge lol
Yeah I'm struggling a bit with normal movements like bending and moving in bed. I'm working with a lady now who is also pregnant, 32 weeks and she's said that this job is killing her slowly and that I'm probably going to struggle :S I feel ok at the moment but we shall see a bit further down the line.

I'm having a bit of a panic attack at the moment. I felt girlie move yesterday but not as strong as normal but since about 8 last night, ive felt nothing, and she's normally very active as soon as I get into bed at night. Not too sure what to do.
Crap about the headaches married.... paracetamol?
I've had a few headaches and drank so much water until they go but the odd one just wouldn't shift without pain killers :( hope you feel better soon.

Sarah! I'm experiencing a similar thing... over the past day I've hardly felt her. Of course I told myself it was because I was painting yesterday and had a glass of wine and I'm the worst mum to be.... I felt one little kick earlier but hoping she gets more active this evening as she normally does in the evening. I have a Doppler so will prob get that out later. Best £20 I've ever spent in terms of reassurance!
& just as soon as I typed that she's been kicking like mad the past half hour!
I always think if you're at all worried give your midwife or hospital a call.

With ds I called them maybe 3 times to just chat to someone and follow their advice, on those occasions doing what they said (large cold sugary drink & lay quietly on left side) worked.

I think I ended up going into triage twice though when he wasn't shifting. Once maybe around 39 weeks and the other at 40 + 2 (I had him at 40 + 4). Both times all was good and he started responding normally when we were there.

So worth it to call, and see what they say. Everyone I ever spoke to was so helpful, calming and reassuring. Never something to hesitate on, these babes are precious and so is our wellbeing - an hour or two at hospital getting baby checked over and going home relieved and reassured is much better than worrying.

I too am starting to notice the bump getting in my way in bed, and at pregnancy yoga this week I really noticed it in the way. I feel done in this week though, I've had a cold which is annoying as there's nothing you can really take, and then last night I had dodgy stomach too. Hoping for a decent sleep tonight with no stomach issues, or waking myself up coughing!
Thanks ladies, I've felt her shift about today so I think we're all good :) I just get a bit nervous sometimes. Having been through this before you would think I would remember all these things like when did I feel regular, properly regular movement, but you don't remember the fine details as soon as their out do you 😂

I'm glad little miss started moving around for you Kiwi, and having one glass of wine, really does not make you a bad mother at all :) there are some countries that actually recommend a glass of wine per day for expectant mothers! One glass is not going to have hurt her :) did you enjoy it? I'm craving wine but my partner is a non drinker so we don't have any just knocking about in the house haha
And the massive thuds have returned. The age old advice of a large, cold glass of water and a lay down on your left hand side has worked absolute wonders and now she's belting the hell out of me 😂😂 panic over. Sleep time!

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