January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Did I enjoy it? I LOVED IT!
I was a very social drinker before this little one started growing. My friends are very social people and as it's my bday tomorrow we all went out for Greek for lunch. While they polished off around ten bottles of wine I sat with my one glass and enjoyed every single drop of it!
Was delish 🍷🍷🍷
Glad to hear she's been shifting around for you Sarah. You're totally right though, even when you've done it all before, you still worry tonnes.

I keep thinking of getting one of those mini bottles of red wine, I so so fancy a glass, but it seems a bit wrong to just sit drinking it in the house, I think I need a party to give me a good excuse! Glad you enjoyed London, bet it was amazing!

I am currently awake at 4.39an after waking from an awful nightmare, one of those that I couldn't shake off. Bloody pregnancy and the vivid dreams & nightmares!!
I was delish Daisies!
Haha I love it... but I think you're right about cracking one open at home alone, go and enjoy a glass with your friends! 🍷

The dreams just seem to get more vivid don't they.
I have had any nightmares yet but I'm def dreaming a lot more and they seem more real.
They really do. I'd love to crawl into bed, easily get comfortable and just switch off and have a dreamless 8 hours sleep. I'll look forward to that in a couple of years time!
Happy birthday to you Kiwi <3 hope you have a wonderful day today.

I've yet to have the lucid pregnancy nightmares thank god but I remember them from last time and it was not nice at all.

Is anybody here on blood thinners? I suspect not as your all a healthier bunch than me but I think I'm going to beg my consultant to let me stop them, or at least cut the dose to once daily. I'm full of bruises, as big as my hand stretched out from them, they aren't agreeing with me at all. Huge solid lumps are where the bruises are and my skin is just so itchy. Proper making me misurable now. :(
I felt two big kicks today first time since the almighty thud of the first on Wednesday. They knock me back a bit cos it feels like an elastic band snapping. My friend said I probably startled it as both time was when I shifted in bed. I'm still not feeling anything regular but get the odd bubbling now and again. I'm only 22+5 So I won't go mad worrying myself yet. But it would be nice to know for sure that in a week...or however many it will be constant!

Believe me all I ever do is drink ice cold drinks it's always been my favourite. I think baby is climatised so it won't make a dot of difference to movement!

Stood up most of today so now I'm going to go try to sleep with a bad back. Yay! Lol.

Hopefully I feel more kicks soon.
Married you totally will!
I'm 25 weeks tomorrow and she's only just kicking solidly this week; before that was more like flutters.
Around23 weeks was when I started feeling her more often. I'm sure she will be kicking you all the time soon !

I hope your back feels better soon
Ahh kiwi thanks...i was starting to feel like one of the only ones not quite there yet! Felt movement and flutters this morning too but no more thumping! Lol. It is a very strange sensation that makes my breath catch in my throat it's so strong! I don't think baby likes kicking that hard too often at the moment ;)

Hope everyone is doing well! We start baby shopping soon hopefully! We won't both have a day off together for another 2 1/2 weeks so we might be bashing it all out in one go to make sure it's done!
Hey ladies,

Just checking in...seems to be few and far between at the mo as we have lots going on both at home and in work!

Happy belated birthday London!

Sarah - glad little Miss has let you know she's fine! Bump normally moves a lot for me at night but lately he's been quiet and instead generally wakes me up around 3am! I can fully agree with you all about sleep being difficult though...really don't remember it being so early with DD!

Married - give it another few days and LO will def get into a pattern of movements. I'm 24 weeks today but even now only get few and far between big kicks but I think I have a very lazy baby. Just hope it carries on when he's born ha ha

Nothing really to report from me but I do appear to be growing by the day. You cant really tell from the back but when I turn around...BAM there's this huge bump. Will have to try and get a decent pic to show you all.

Any of you that's a bit in front did you have to see the midwife at 25 weeks? If so, what's it for? I just looked in my book and noticed it says to book in with her.

Has anyone started properly shopping yet? I've ordered the wallpaper for the nursery and bought the odd bit of clothing but nothing major. Have also been looking at prams again and am torn between the venicci one I should you all a few weeks ago and the oyster 2 facelift pram that I recently saw in a local baby shop in town. Not much difference in price but don't know which I prefer...also difficult as I cant seem to find a stockist locally that has both so I can compare side by side lol
Thank you Wills, had a lovely day!

I'm 25 weeks today but don't have a midwife appointment this week.
I had one at 22 weeks and my next is at 27 weeks.

At 22 weeks they took my blood pressure, felt the baby and listened to her heartbeat.
And just asked general questions about me. I was only there for about 10mins in total.

Have painted her bedroom and her furniture is in there although not fully assembled. Need to get my husband to get a mate over to help with that at some point.
havent bought her too many clothes etc yet, just little bits here and there.
In saying that, I could spend an absolute fortune - so many cute clothes!
I wish I was half as ready as you are London. My goal is too have the baby's room finished in early November because December will be too busy with Christmas holidays.
I got all DS's baby stuff from where it was being stored so we can sort through it. Forgot how much stuff babies need!!! The whole car was full and the crib wasn't even there. We won't bother decorating since baby will be in with us for at least 6 months, but need to get DS out our bed first. Really don't want 4 of us in the room lol.

I'm feeling so uncomfortable already with SPD, heartburn and sore ribs. Don't rememebr feeling miserable so early last time. We don't have childcare for DS anymore so will be stopping work earlier than planned. Last day will be 7th Dec at 45 weeks. :)
Haha I did wonder why you anticipated going so overdue Sophie :haha:

I feel horribly heavy already at 23 weeks. I guess things are getting more awkward and the more I exercise the worse my back and feet feel. So i can't win...try to stay active or be a couch potato...one hurts the other is frowned upon. Oh my!

I still have no idea when to start my leave and my meeting is Monday lol.....im toying with either two or three weeks before due date...i just don't know!!!
I have no idea when to start my leave either and how to even instigate that happening. I know I have to apply for maternity allowance in a few weeks time though. I'm thinking maybe mid December? So I avoid working Christmas as I want to be home for that being our last Christmas as a family of 3. But that will be about 6 weeks before I'm due :S I just don't know.
Well I thought I might work right up until I was due (I work from home a lot so it wouldn't be too difficult) but HR have different ideas about that...
I wanted to get paid out my annual leave and work till my due date but now I've chatted with them it seems that this isn't going to work so I think I'll finish up on Friday 15th Dec and be on annual leave for the remainder of the year.... I'm due on 8th Jan so it's a decent break before hand I guess.
I'm not one to sit around and do nothing though so I think I'll find it hard to be off work for so long !
I have 4 weeks holiday to use so i want to finish on 8th December, which will mean my mat leave starts on 10th Jan when i am 38 weeks. I travel by train and its horrible over christmas at the best of times so i want to avoid that if poss. It means i have had hardly any holidays since April but i think it will be worth it to finish up so early.
See I've just started a new job so I don't know what my holiday allowances are like. I know they end in march but I don't know weather I qualify for holiday being as I've not been here long, that and if I don't take it, I'll loose it. So confusing.
Does anyone who is on their second or more baby find no one cares this time? I feel like my close friends aren't interested and never ask how things are going. Last time people were much more involved. I'm prob being emotional and over sensitive but feels rubbish when it's such a huge part of my life.

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