January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

I'm hoping something else will come up for me before it's time to go back. Where I am currently is fine, pays the bills etc but it's not the kind of place I want to be long term, the company is mega dated and it's so difficult to do anything new. I'm the same and can't see anything perfect coming up, especially for part time hours but I'll keep my eye out towards autumn time next year.

Happy 26 weeks London. Lovely bump pic. I turned 26 weeks yesterday, crazy how it's flying by!
24 weeks today!!!

I'm feeling movement everyday but it's very tiny little kicks and punches lol. I'm imagining in the next 6 weeks I'll feel like a mostly grown baby is hopping about in there?! :haha:

I'm still trying to sort maternity leave at work out, I've been told i can't use my holiday after it ends so I have 5 weeks to take before my due date. Gutted about it as I don't want to leave that early. My other option is to take three weeks before due date as planned and when I go back in September I can use the other two weeks rolled over (financial year starts 1st seotember) so I'll have 7 weeks to take 'next year.' I'm not sure what's better tbh. I don't want to be off 5 weeks before my due date so I need to think about whether I want more holiday to use when the baby is a year old???

When I return I can return for 12 weeks full pay but only work half my hours. Which is great. I can take up to two weeks during that time. Again...feels like a waste! I want to use all the benefit I can but I think I need to think about asking for a week or two off at the end of November so that I'm not hoarding all these hours they're telling me I can't use. Boo!
That's really annoying that they're saying that Married, and really makes no sense. You could take 12 months and they wouldn't be able to stop you (you are UK?) so why would it bother them for you to tag it on at the end? At least then they know you're not going to be in. If you carry over those weeks then they've got to deal with your absence when you're back at work. Seems strange to me. Nice that you get the work half time for full time pu perk though.

If you're not wanting all that time off before baby I'd be inclined to carry some over, then you know you have some in the pot if little one is poorly and you need to take a day or two off at any point - you may have a good dependents leave entitlement though and not need that.
Today I'm feeling incredibly sorry for myself, I'm mid Ulcerative Colitis flare up, many trips to the loo and loosing blood like it's going out of fashion :( so tired I feel absolutely wiped out. Taking my medication and baby girlie is thudding around so I know she's ok in there. Just tired and in pain.

My partner is away tommorrow through to Friday with a work training course and I'm working 2 12.5 hour shifts so I'm having to leave a lot of child care in people's hands and it makes me nervous :( not in a good place today at all.

I hope your all having a significantly better day than me x
Awww Sarahcake that sounds absolutely awful! Really hope things settle down and you are more comfortable soon x
<3 thank you Soph.
I managed to get a decent night's sleep and I've woken up today to a clear stomach so far so hopefully things are on the up in that regard. Lloyd is still away today though which is crap, he's my best friend and we barely spend time apart. Don't get me wrong, we don't live in each others pockets but we're very close so I hate when he goes away. Right soppy moo this morning &#128514;
How are you feeling today sarahcake?

My husband works away a month at a time so I'm just used to him being away. Think I'll struggle when he leaves next week right ebough. Alone with the 2 year old who no longer naps!!!
Glad you got a good sleep last night Sarah, hope you went on today ok. How long is your husband away for - is he away very often?

And soph - what does does your husband do to be away for a month at a time? Does he get long stretches back at home afterwards?

My husband worked away for a period when we were first living together (about 8 years ago) and that was hard enough, I missed having him around even though I could take advantage of the situation and have plenty of girls nights. I can imagine it can feel really hard at times with a kiddo to be looking after alone while they're gone.
He works offshore on wind farms! He works a month on and then gets a month off. Didn't work out well with birth of DS as he was 5 weeks early which meant DH had to go back to work the day after he was born. He was meant to get off just before due date but life obviously had other plans! Hoping it doesn't happen again as he's due off 5 days before due date.
I'm feeling much better today thank you <3 think it was the pain that was just making everything seem shite.

He doesn't go away often in fairness, but I think that because it's so few and far between, it hits me like a truck when it happens! He works in IT so it's lifelong learning for him really so he ends up doing a few courses away from home a couple of times a year. So nothing major like you ladies :) I'm not sure how I would cope with the month on, month off thing. Hats off to you for managing it though. I hope your plans fall in line properly this time! That's so scary that he was off the day after your LO was born, I was in a really emotional place after I had Logan so that would have sucked. :( Poor thing.
He also missed DS's arrival due to emcs happening so quickly! Was not a good few months.

Let's hope we all have straightforward deliveries this time :) ! We are all so close to third trimester or already there!!!! Another 10 weeks or so (hopefully no sooner) and the first babies will be here.
Oh no. Fingers crossed that timings all work out a bit better for you this time round.

Crazy to think like you say that in that short space of time we could have babies here.
Oh soph that must have been hard. Lets hope it doesnt happen again this time.

I am wiped out. Literally could cry at how tired achy and sore i am. This week at work has been hell mostly the commute as trains have been cancelled every day and we are herded like sheep onto the train for futher delays after delay. It is slowly killing me. I am so glad to be off for 4 days after today but mg OH is working overtime tomorrow so very much hoping my DD is in the 'happy to amuse herself for a while' mood so i dont need to move off the couch for a good chunk of the day.

How is everyone else feeling
That must take it out of you Jessy. All you want to do is get on the train and go to work or get home and when that happens, ugh! Not fun. I hope you've been sticking the bump out to max effect so people give you a seat!

I'm feeling happy tonight as ds is off at my mum & dad's for the night. We're off out for a meal with my bro in law and his partner and got a really lovely weekend planned. Tomorrow we're off to an illuminations show & fireworks not far from us which I'm so looking forward to as ds is mega excited. Then on Sunday I'm going for a spa day with my mum which is just what I need. I've been ill with cold for a couple of weeks now so in desperate need of some relaxation time!

Has anyone else got anything much planned this weekend?
DD has a birthday party tomorrow so i will take her to that as my OH is working. Sunday i plan on doing absolutely nothing except maybe a food shop. As you can see, i certainly live the high life.
After 3 long days, a partner away and having to pass my child around to various caregivers like a Christmas present I am doing absolutely nothing but spend time with my family tommorrow. I've got one very emotional little boy at home that misses his mummy and his daddy and I am absolutely wracked with mummy guilt :( sadly were not in a position where I can afford to give up work :(
It's so nice to have some time just at home doing nothing sometimes though, and having the opportunity to be with your kids and play with them and chill out. We had a pretty home based weekend last weekend and it was really nice. I'm looking forward to bonfire night when we can have some chill time at home, hot dogs for dinner and fireworks in the garden. I love autumn!
Awww sarahcake that sounds hard!

I did nothing exciting this weekend. Dinner at in laws and then friend round for dinner last night. Husband is hungover today so I'm giving him until 12 in bed and then waking him. Will go for a bath and catch up with X Factor!!

We have 2 weeks holiday starting Thu and then only 7 more weeks of work left. Can't wait to stop now. Really struggling with teenagers all day.

I'm terrified of fireworks but enjoy looking at them from the safety of the window. :)
I finally picked my leaving date. 31st December. So scary!!! Also baby shower is arranged for 26th November!

Hey Ladies
Hope you all had a nice weekend.
I'm full of a cold. I think I can honestly say I've not been sick since 1990!! I don't even remember what it's like to feel rubbish :(
As I'm in and out visiting hospitals for work I'm thinking I should call in sick tomorrow but in saying that I also can't remember the last time I had a sick day! (It would've been for a hangover haha &#128514;)
Married I too am having a baby shower on Nov26th! And also one on the 4th. I've got one that my friends have organised in London and then one that my kent friends have organised. I didn't expect one at all so it's nice to feel loved.
Think I need to rest this head now!
Have a good week ladies!

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