January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Hey ladies,

Aww I hope you feel better soon Kiwi! Possibly a good idea to stay away from the hospitals if your feeling rough.

Enjoy your showers ladies <3 unless I've got one being secretly arranged, I don't have one but I'm not upset as they sent really the done thing in my circle of friends :)

As for me, 24 weeks today which means V day! Yay! In work and starting to get used to it now the days are long but they go fast enough, nice to only work 3 days a week too! So things are working g out well :)
Hope you're feeling better soon Kiwi! I've had terrible cold, started 3 weeks ago and I've still not shifted it, up at night coughing and struggling to sleep because I keep needing to blow my nose to be able to breathe! Seems like I caught one cold, just started to get a little better and then have caught another! Hopefully I'm getting my winter illnesses over and done with. Strangely though, I came down with it the day after having my flu jab having felt fine before hand. Maybe coincidence or could the two be linked???

Sarah I don't think I'm having a shower either. My friends did one for me with my son, and I had a little family one too, but this time round I really don't expect it at all. It would just be nice to go out for a nice meal or afternoon tea or something with the girls before I say goodbye to all that for a couple of months (at least!)
Thanks Ladies.
Still feel like death today!
I feel just like you described Daisies. And I do believe you can get ill after the flu jab. Weirdly I haven't had mine yet but my voucher arrived in the post on Friday and ironically now I'm sick!

27 weeks today... where are these weeks going? Flying by!

Waiting for a bit of sun in the morning (it's been so grey lately!) then I'll take some pics of the baby's room. Nearly finished. I feel super organised but then there still seems like loads of crap I need to accumulate over the coming Weeks!
Had my midwife appointment this morning.
She measured the fundal height (measuring at exactly the right measurement for being 27 weeks) and we heard baby's heartbeat.
Have my 28 week scan on Monday which is exciting. Feels like forever since the 20 week scan so looking forward to seeing her again!
I'm kind of envious of you getting a 28 week scan. In reality if I was having one I'd be nervous as anything coz that's just how scans get me, but it would be lovely to see him/her in there at this stage. Enjoy when scan day is here!

I need to order the paint and wallpaper for our nursery, dh is off work next week on a decorating mission so we need to get stuff organised ready for him to get it all done!
We haven't started buying anything yet or sorted rooms out. I am conscious I had DS 8 weeks from now so don't want to be caught out again. Think I'll try and do a deep clean of every room in the house over holidays. Will wait until 32 weeks to buy things. No idea why that's an acceptable date in ny head lol.

Got flu and whooping cough jag next week and 28 week midwife appointment. 28 weeks felt like ages away when I last saw her at 24 weeks and now it's on Tue!
I've got my next scan on the 25th which has come around really quickly! I get one every 4 weeks after too which is good. Consultant after on the 25th too which I look forward too as my consultant is lovely :)

I'm desperate to get babies room finished but we have to wait until payday now :( unfortunately money isn't infinite!
We saw our first outside movements today!! I'm sure you ladies are pretty much already there but I was so excited! Little lady is starting to get so strong now <3
Aww sarah thats great. I love that the movements are so much stronger now. Its so lovely to watch.

How much have you guys been buying. With xmas coming up and me not wanting to do xmas shopping in december i am focussing on that so other thab pram and carry cot i havent really bought anything.

Also we are still struggling to agree on any names. What do you think of Leon as a name?
I have a good friend called Leon so I'm prob a bit bias but I really like the name.

Husband is still 100% convinced on Matilda.
I still want to wait until she is here to see what she looks like.

We have stopped talking about it really, couldn't find too many names we both loved. But have a list of kinda likes. It's tough isn't it!
Soo difficult. We had our girl name picked she would have been Audrey. Boys name we are screwed.

Since getting in from work i have had really horrid back spasm type pains in my lower back. I stupidly googled it now i am convinced it could mean pre term labour. I am sitting on the couch and my OH agreed to put our DD to bed but i cant decide whether i should call a midwife.
I love Audrey! But my husband doesn't - so fussy!

Hmmm better to be Over cautious Jessy, maybe give them a call just to get their advice. I hope you feel better soon
I'm not saying anything is wrong, but I would call them, if anything it will give you peace of mind because I think the stress worry can cause can be more harmful than just getting advice :)

I liked Audrey too, Edith and Evelyn were two other of the older names that I really liked but my partner said no! I really struggled with boys names however, both this time and last time.

There was nothing I really loved until I found the name Logan and being as there was no second option, he became Logan. This time around, we massively disagreed on all boys names besides Hunter, which I think baby would have been if she were a he. My in-laws hated it though &#128514;&#128514;

We haven't really done much of either shopping. My wages have been so all over the place and won't settle until the end of this month so it's kinda limited us but we shall start the planning for Xmas when I get paid on the 28th.

Baby wise, pram is bought, she has enough clothes to sink a battle ship, she has sleeping bags and swaddle wraps for the early days and her soaps and lotions and things. Just need the Moses basket, cot - associated bedding and nappies now really.
I like Leon. I have a friend with a baby boy named Leon, I wouldn't have thought of it myself but having heard it used I really like it.

If baby is a girl I'm pretty sure we'd go for Matilda as well London! Although we also have Madeline (or Madeleine - not sure which spelling I prefer) and Annabelle as contenders.

For a boy I think it will be Max. I also like Arthur but hubby is def in favour of Max.

We've not bought much, but then there's not much we need to get. Got to get a bedside crib sorted, but that's the only big buy. Other than that we need to get some more bits of clothes, bedding etc but nothing massive. I'm focusing on getting Christmas presents done, I'll feel so much better when that's all out of the way!
Pain totally disappeared when i laid on my side for a bit. Thinking it may have been baby lying on a nerve or a sciatic type thing. Glad its gone now though. If it had carried on all evening i would have definitely called.

Leon and Owen are our two main contenders right now. Finlay is also a possibility.

We have a cot from DD it was the one my mum had so was hardly ever used. I got rid of my DDs one as it was very well used being that we got it 2nd hand anyway. We have DDs old nursery wardrobe aswell as she just got a new one.

My mum has bought the moses basket apparently. We need he car seat and base, swing/bouncer and play mat as essentials. I have clothes i just need to sort through. Havent done much clithes shopping though which is very unlike me!!!
Funny Daisies! I'm From New Zealand, I may have said before that over there Matilda is shortened to Maddie - seems we have similar taste! &#128522;

I've got the nursery all done basically, pram, car seat all sorted. Few clothes bits but mainly for when she's 3months plus so need to get some new born bits and other than that she needs a Moses basket or bedside cot which my father in law has kindly offered to buy for us.

Going wedding dress shopping with a friend tomorrow. Im bridesmaid and I'm prob quite good to take as very honest. She's blimmin stunning anyway so I'm sure will look great in anything. Heading to pronovias in new Bond Street so i imagine there will be some stunning dresses there. Looking forward to it and fingers crossed there are no bridezilla moments haha
Good to hear the pain went away Jessy. I've definitely noticed more aches and pains in this pregnancy, and I think sometimes it's just our bodies way of getting us to slow down and have a rest. I know that when I get some aches and pains I'll stop and rest, whereas while I'm feeling good I have a tendency to keep going and going.

London, I suggested Maddie as a nickname for Matilda and dh thought it couldn't be, just shows I was right and others do too!

Enjoy the wedding dress shopping, that's a nice way to spend the day! My dh has just left to go fishing (why would you??) and is camping there tonight so not back till tomorrow lunchtime, so it's just me and ds. We're off to a kids birthday party and I think then having a chill afternoon- maybe baking and watching a film.
My OH is working overtime today so DD and I are going to the cinema to see cars 3 then will have a chilled afternoon. I bought a joie swing/rocker on a facebay selling page last night so got to collect that tomorrow. I cant justify 150 for it new when she is selling a nearly new one for half that price. This baby may be like my DD and not even enjoy the swing!

I just got my DD to write her list for santa. She knows santa only buys a few gifts and she only asked for one of the things i have bought so far!!!! Eeeek.
Hey ladies, just checking in as my internet is finally back on. (as we are in a rural location its satellite internet and not great but the provider went bust and only now someone has taken over the service! That said BT have finally installed cables for normal broadband so am having fibre fitted on 1st Nov and cant wait lol).

Anyway, glad to see everyone is ok and babies are all growing well! London and Jessy hope you are both feeling a bit better now.

I'm all good. Had my 25 week midwife appointment last week and received my MATB1 so have finalised my last day in work as 22nd Dec eeek! Though it cant come around quick enough! I've also got a scan on Wednesday to check babies growth etc and then am off to Lanzarote next Thursday with DH and DD for 10 days - a much needed break for the both of us. We've been converting the side of our house for the last month to give us an upstairs bathroom, playroom and additional bedroom so everything has been such a mess but its finally coming along now. Just plasterboard to go up and bathroom to be fitted/tiled. Aside from that I've stripped about 5 layers of wallpaper off our existing spare bedroom for the baby to go in and have bought wallpaper, moses basket, new wardrobe and a few odds and sods of clothes. Still need to buy a pram but am not 100% sure which one to go for. All in all we've had a busy 6 weeks so roll on Thursday! That said I've yet to pack and I'm dreading it as i'm outgrowing all my clothes fast!

Jessy - a great idea for xmas. Might get DD to write me a list as I really need to get her sorted before it's too late. all I've bought her so far are those fingerling monkeys and a few games.

Anyones LO have an electric scooter? Its something shes asked for but she'll be 6 in Feb and I feel is a bit too young but then I also don't want her disappointed at Xmas especially with the baby coming soon after...

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