January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Hope this one goes smoothly for you tomorrow Kiwi! For me the waiting area is literally about 30 feet from the room for the GTTs so I think our hospital tried to plan it well lol.

I wasn't given a MatB1 form at my 25 week appointment...i rang today to ask if one can be filled out and left for me and wasn't helped at all! Just told to wait for midwife to ring me. She didn't bother calling today and I haven't got one single shift where I'm available 9-5 until next Friday! Very unhelpful. I can't believe that she can't just see that she should have sorted for me last week. I guess my employer has to wait a couple of weeks thanks to my very unhelpful surgery!
Hope you habe a great trip Wills.

Good luck on your test today London.

Hope the heartburn eases soon Soph.
Round 2 of the test went much better than the first time!
I started to feel a bit faint about 30mins towards the end so took a slow walk to the water machine and had some ice cold water and felt a lot better.
So glad that's over!!

I started chatting to a lady in the room with me who is due the day after me so she's 28+2 but she's measuring at 33 weeks!! Her bump was quite big!

That's annoying Married! I am still awaiting a response from my HR saying I don't qualify for Stat pay. I already know I don't but need to wait for the official reply and my MATB1 form back before applying for the Maternity allowance. Its nearly been two months even though the company policy says they will reply within 7 days.. hmmm!!

Surely your midwife can just put your due date, sign and post it to you? Its only a small form, not like they have to fill much out!
Kiwi... exactly! I'm going to try hound them again tomorrow if I Can!

I have quite an urgent question for all you ladies. How about two weeks now I've had dull shooting pains in my groin/cervix maybe. The last three days it's been particularly annoying and it's only whenever I turn in bed and stand up etc.

If I can get hold of the midwife tomorrow i'll try to ask her but I'll be at work on a break and don't really want that conversation at work. I have tried to Google it all week but it doesnt come up as anything commonly discussed.

Can anyone shed light on what it is? Is it part of round ligament pain? It's damn annoying and makes me want to not move tbh as it's that unsettling. :(
Could be baby lying or kicking you in the cervix. I have had that a few times. Is it definitely internal. The only other than i would imagine is a sort of spd type pain does it hurtvto open your legs or anything?
Ahhh lightning crutch. Generally caused by baby giving the cervix a firm boot. It's not pleasant and the first time it happened to me I panicked to buggery.

Glad to hear all is well ladies :)

I'm waiting for my mat B1 form back from HR with a form to say that I have to have maternity allowance I'm hoping they don't take forever. I wasn't given one at my 20 week appointment which I should have been supposedly so I had to call my surgery who got one sorted then I picked it up.

Baby girls movements are getting so much more defined now, my partner has felt her from outside which was one of the things he was most excited to feel!
I passed my glucose test but found out I'm anemic 😫
Ahhh well I'm ringing again Monday to ask for the form! Cannot believe that I seriously have to speak to a busy midwife in back to back appointments. Hopefully if I push a bit harder they will sort the form for me!

Yes it's getting worse now and now hurts when I'm getting dressed or bend down. It's so hard to know if it's internal or external but it's never like the baby has just kicked and I get a jolt down there....its like it's muscular I guess. When I call Monday I'll pick the midwifes brains about it perhaps being linked to round ligament pain. It's getting miserable now! But I'll deal with it if I just have to put up with it for 13 more weeks!
We picked our pram up today and we're in love 😍😍 it's so pretty!

Today is a good day :D
Yah!! Was it the venicci one (i cant even spell it!)

I went to my mums today for her birthday and got to try out my pram too. Soo in love. Its beautiful and sleek, excited!!!

How is everyone weekend. As i say we went to my mums for her birthday. Got home late afternoon and jusy chilling now. Probably something low key tomorrow.

My dad is a legend. He gave me an envelope with money in it for the baby!! Soo unexpected but soo grateful. I was slightly worrying about how we would afford the cat seat base and adapters but now thats covered its amazing. Incredibly generous!

How about you all?
jcliff - Sorry to hear about the anemia. How will you manage that going forward? Vitamins?
I also passed my GTT 😊
Figured there had to be a bright side for fainting. My back is still in absolute bits... very sore!

Ah girls, so exciting about the prams!

Jessy - how sweet of your dad. One less thing for you to worry about.

Baby is kicking very frequent now and proper big kicks. You can now see most of them... so alien seeing her kick!

29 weeks on Monday. Time is flying by!
Good news about passing GTT ladies!!

My insomnia was ridiculous last night. Woke up every hour and never slept for longer than 45 mins at once. Dreading tonight!!! Still over 2 weeks until my husband is back and I can get a lie in.

Has anyone felt baby drop down really low in pelvis? I felt like he was going to fall out last night lol! Was so uncomfortable.
I'm still having horrific pain when turning in bed down below....its infuriating and definitely painful now. I think I've picked up an ear infection too this weekend as I've had really annoying pressure/noise in my ears. Seems to be a bit better tonight but will see in the morning. I'm just having no luck lately!

We still have a lot of shopping to do! But I want to get a few bits from IKEA and they're giving us double discount for the whole of November at 30% so holding off for that!

I also want to get the Baby Start Activity Gym with the fold up sides to turn into a ball pit...i may ask for it for Christmas Haha!

We need to pick a travel system next. Decided to not get the isofix base yet. Maybe for the next car seat when baby is a year old as it'll last a lot longer. £80 for a base for a year of use isn't a priority at least for now.

Then there is the baby swing...which will help for downstairs use. I was debating getting a moses basket for the living room but maybe we should utilise the carry cot from a travel system instead.

We think we want to get the Next To Me Chicco crib too. It's £229 for the newest one though so we still haven't settled on it! Also the baby monitor with sensor pads is about £140. It's all adding up urgh! Lol.
Yeah it all adds up. We still have and use our baby monitor for my DD (you cant hear upstairs if you ate downstairs so it gives me peace of mind) i had one of the sensor pads for her but it was pretty awful and kept going off all the time. This was eveb before we started rolling and moving about. Stopped using it a d dont think ill get one this time. My OH works gives you a baby monitor as a gift to new parents which is nice and saves some cash.

Have you decided on what travel system you want married? I got the joie serina swing. Got it 2nd hand but immaculate condition for half price so couldnt say no! I just washed all the covered and anti bac'd it alot (again mostly for my own peace of mind) its enormous though! I would like the mat that folds up too. Actually finding a play mat i like is more difficult than the travel system hahaha.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Is anyone else counting down the weeks until you finish up!?! Just me hahah 7 working weeks left!
Congrats on passing the GTT ladies, I'm sorry to hear about the anemia though, that's not fun. :(

It's the Cossatto Giggle 2 in posy we went for in the end, I think someone else was looking at the Vinichi ( terrible spelling lol)

Married, defo have a word with the midwife, it sounds like SPD. I wasn't able to move without assistance with my first, incredibly painful. :(

26 weeks today, I can't believe how fast this is all going. Mat leave begins 25th Dec but I have holiday to use up before then so 27th Nov is when I'll be going off. Crazy.
I finish on 7th December at 35 weeks so not too much longer to go. Definitely feeling ready for it!
I finish on 7th of december too! Well maybe 8th if i have to use a holiday day before hand.

I have 4 weeks holiday the mat leave starts at 38 weeks. I keep thinking itll be great cause i can get all the clothes washed, place cleaned etc but at 34+ weeks and the size i am now i may not even be able to move!!! Haha
i can't believe we are now on the countdown to maternity leave. When we first discussed it, it was months and months away!! Now we are so close.
So exciting to be talking about Maternity leave... time is flying.
I am going to finish the following week in December on Friday 15th.
I work a lot from home so I should be ok working up until then.

In saying that.... today I left the house at 6am and have not long got home loooooong day, shattered now!

29 weeks today!
It's so exciting how close this is all getting now!

Time seems to be flying by currently, my last appointment was my 20 week scan and now I have my 26 week scan and consultant appointments tommorrow afternoon. That 6 weeks has absolutely flown by. My partner is away in Bedford for work this week however so my mother in law is coming with tommorrow and she will be a blubbering wreck bless her heart!

The big thuds are really beginning now, I had what I can only assume to be a headbutt in the ribs as well as a kick to the bladder simultaneously last night, makes me wonder just how big she is! I've really popped out now and I no longer look chunky, I'm defo pregnant haha!

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