January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

I'm very slightly worried about preterm labour, not think I'm just being ridiculous.

Woke up with backache yesterday. Then Had braxton kicks every 5 mins or so for an hour yesterday and now today I have period cramps today.

I'm sure it's just everything stretching but wish our bodies would be clearer when something is wrong lol.
I probably have a glass a wine a fortnight, normally when I see my friends as it's normally over a pub lunch or something. I always have food and water with it too so I've never really seen there to be an issue. Just felt guilty when baby started hiccuping yesterday!! I'm sure it was just a coincidence...

Soph I think that's something that will prob play on all of our minds for the next couple of months. Do you think it's worth calling the midwife? Should always feel that you can call them about anything. Better to double check sometimes!
My sister gave birth to my niece Ava last Dec at 32 weeks. I'm 30 weeks tomorrow and it's been on my mind a lot lately. I'm positive that I'll go full term and if I don't I always have the reminder that Ava Is a perfectly healthy little girl!
I have a scan on Tue so as long as it doesn't get worse I'll just leave it until then. Hate how so many symptoms can be something or absolutely nothing.
Soph1986 it would be so much easier if our bodies could be more specific about what is going on and when. I hope it has passed now.
They are just monitoring for now. My placenta was failing in my last pregnancy and they induced at 39 weeks when she was 5lbs 5oz and dropping percentiles as well throughout my pregnancy.
Hey ladies, hope you are all doing ok :)

That pram is lovely, I had a push around of it whilst looking at different types and liked it. It was just a lot more expensive than what we wanted to pay at the time. Good work getting it cheaper though!

Glad to hear your scan has gone well inpatient :)

I think pre term labour is something that we all worry about, as much as we are getting fed up with pregnancy now, nobody wants it to end too early. Medicine is amazing however and if Baba does come early, there's loads that can be done to help. Please try not to panic yourself.

I was up the triage unit til 11pm last night, hadn't felt little miss move all day which was scary tbh. They were wonderful at the hospital, took me in, gave me a bit hug and stapped me up for monitoring immediately. I could hear loads of movement but I couldn't feel any of it which is wierd. Midwife thinks she was just in a dodgy position and I'm inclined to agree with that because she's been noticeably active today thank god. Glad I went up there and got checked out, they really helped to put my mind at rest.

Booked our 3D scan for this coming Saturday! Can't wait :D
Impatient1 Glad they are monitoring you closely! Was she ok when she was born or did she need extra help?

That must have been so worrying sarahcake. Glad all was OK in the end!

I timed the contraction type things tonight and then gave up. They were all about 2 minutes apart and have lasted over an hour. Hopefully just braxton hicks.
Hey Ladies,

Just checking in to see how everyone is doing as I came back from hols yesterday - had a lovely time but need a holiday to get over the holiday!! Am now sadly back to work however I have brought my maternity leave forward a month as I'm suffering from SPD again so will be finishing up on 30th Nov :)
Also had a growth scan on 18th and baby was measuring great everywhere except his tummy - that was 3 weeks ahead and on 97th centile :-( the lady said its a sign of gestational diabetes but could be due to the way he was led (curled up in a ball). Really hoping it was just his position but I have my GTT tomorrow at 9am and then another scan at 1:30 so keeping fingers and toes crossed lol

Married - Have you still got those pains you mentioned a few posts ago? Hate to say it but that's how my SPD started...fingers crossed you don't have it though as it gets real bad towards the end and as Sarah said you may need help to stand/sit...its awful. Lovely pram you've chosen :) I still haven't made my mind up yet but need to get cracking!

London - how's the back now since the fall? Hope its getting a bit better
Jessy - sorry to hear about the anaemia :flower:
Sarah - you should definitely be flu free! Its good that you aren't stressed over it but also worrying that a senior midwife would give a pregnant woman the wrong injection though I do understand mistakes can happen in any profession as none of us are perfect.
Soph - try not to worry, when you have a scan Tuesday it will hopefully put your mind at rest
Impatient - hope all is well with bubba and its good that they are monitoring you. Its amazing what they can do these days so I'm sure LO will be just fine x
Ahh wills, sorry to hear that the spd has hit again :( it's not nice is it but keep positive, not long until you finish now.

I had the exact same happen with my son regarding the bigger tummy. They rushed me through a GTT - which I passed, and then rescanned me and Logan's tummy was in proportion to the rest of him and that was put down to how he was laid at the time. He was born big, 9lb 7oz, but he was in proportion everywhere :) I don't really find growth scans to be massively reliable when it comes to checking out measurement and things.
Hi Sarah - Luckily this time it isn't as bad as on Ava but in addition I'm having problems with my sciatic nerve as a result of the SPD but at the mo the sciatic pain is worse! Really struggling to sleep as I'm a side sleeper and its making my nerve in my thigh quite painful but its the kind of pain paracetamol wont really help :-(

My GTT is at 9am so if that passes without an issue I plan to walk to the town centre (roughly a 10 minute waddle) and view the prams I like again and hopefully purchase one. Then its a 10 minute waddle back for a consultant appointment where hopefully the position of the baby will be better and they tell me everything is ok. I tested my blood sugar in work after dinner today as one of my colleagues is diabetic and it was 6.8 so whilst its slightly on the high side of normal I'm keeping everything crossed its not gestational diabetes. From what I've read it needs to be between7.8 and 11 to be classed as GD. Keep everything crossed for me ladies!!
Am mega excited to see LO again though!
Wills - 2 weeks on from the fainting incident and my back is still sore :(
Its definitely getting better but its taking its time. I've been going for a swim most days and that's lovely, low impact so it feels like I have a new back when I'm in the pool. Then I get out like an elderly lady :haha:

Good luck for the test tomorrow, I hope it all goes well! :flower:

My friends in London are throwing me the first of two baby showers this Saturday. It should be a lovely day. These friends are childless (except for 2 of them) so I suspect the girls will be getting rather drunk while I have a mocktail! I'm sure i'll get some nice bits and pieces for baby. Then at the end of the month I have another one closer to home all of which are mums so I'm sure i'll get lots of practical bits!

Baby is moving so much tonight, she's a real wriggler!
Yes, she just had to be in the nicu for observation but otherwise just some low blood sugar at first.

Technology is amazing and thankfully they'll just monitor to see how he's doing and let him keep cooking until he is no longer benefiting.
Hope your gtt goes well tomorrow.
I still get the pains in my groin when I turn at night I think after 4 weeks I'm now getting used to it as it's not upsetting me as much. I have a midwife appointment tomorrow so I'll try remember to mention it this time! I get very few queues from her to ask questions about my body all she ever asks me is if I'm depressed lol. I need her to be a little more helpful and ask how my body is so I remember!

Baby is definitely moving a lot more but some days are more active than others. Sunday it was crazy in there while we were at the cinema. I think it liked the loud music. Which could be a bad thing if it's born jumpy and sensitive to loud sounds! Hopefully not lol.

Otherwise it's been an uneventful week! Seem to have a bit more energy than usual but I'm sure that will all go down hill soon!
Little ladies movements have picked back up now which is good. Feeling much less neurotic about it all. Pregnancy is just one worry after another!

At my son's school for his first school disco today, it's really hot home that he is not a little baby anymore, I remember my first school disco and how excited I was! Bloody costume didn't show up on time though so had to make a mad dash for Tesco for a mask and tube of fake blood, and have taken the scissors to some old clothes 😂😂 he's a werewolf now haha!
Ugh scan was cancelled!!! Had already left so was a wasted journey.

I am a total killjoy but hate answering the door to Trick or Treaters. Just want to put my pjs on and lock the door. I'm very socially awkward lol.
Last year we had maybe 2 or 3 trick of treaters. This year we had hundreds! I guess all the neighbourhood kids are all getting bigger sort of feel bad for not letting DD do it but i figured shed just stand at their door and not say anything haha plus she has an early start with nursery tomorrow. I am such a misery when it comea to halloween!
I wish we had trick or treaters... I have so many sweets and im currently stuffing my face with them!!

A memo went around our suburb that people weren't to knock on the door unless you had a pumpkin 🎃 out but I didn't get one this year and apparently everyone has listened.... haven't had one knock on the door and there are literally dozens of kids around here.

More for me then!
Lol i'm the opposite, I hate Halloween!! Where I grew up it wasn't the best of nights...kids would throw eggs and flour on the doors of the houses that didn't answer or didn't give sweets! Luckily where I live now my nearest neighbour is a good 500 metres away as its a rural area so we get no trick or treaters or carol singers!! a bit bah humbug I know...!

My GTT passed without issue yesterday so they've said if its positive I'll get a call by the end of the week if not a letter by early next week so I'm hoping I get a letter. Then had to see the consultant but what a waste of time! Literally just said we will check baby today and then do a growth scan on 14th November! Did manage to find out I have an anterior placenta though so they've said that could also cause GD :-( Guess i'll just have to wait and see x
Don't want to get up for work! Staying in bed is so much more appealing right now.
Soph I am totally with you on that. In for 2 long days now, 7am - 9pm by the time I get home. Exhausting me now. The work actually I'm still managing fairly easily but the tiredness is brutal.

The way that some hospitals do things really confuses me. Just do a scan, then see the consultant after to discuss it, all done and dusted in one appointment then.

Aww I love Halloween. Were friendly with the entire street as it's the street my partner grew up in, so we know who we can knock on and who we can't, and they all know Logan so it was really nice. He's come away with enough sweets to keep him stocked up until he is roughly around 42 years old 😂😂
Had my 28 weeks app today. Everything seemed good measured fine heartbeat was good (although she never actually told me either just said thats fine) got blood taken which was a chore as i have the worst veins ever then i got my anti d jag which was horribly painful too.

Felt very sick afterwards but ate loads so starting to feel a bit better.

I just got my letter for DD starting school nursery in January. She has 2 meetings one this month and one next month. Thankfully they both fall on days i dont work so i dont need to take any holidays phew.

After this week its 5 more weeks of work for me. I even started washing baby clothes. Want it all washed and hung away soon!

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