January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Yeah I second what you've said, I think it's a lot easier for statutory pay as they have all of your earnings information there already.

So good news, I don't have diabetes!

Bad news, doctor thinks I have a pulmonary embolism.

Incredibly worried right now. Went back to the Dr this morning as my chest infection hasn't cleared, it's actually getting worse. I feel like there is someone sat on my chest constantly and I'm massively overusing my asthma pumps as it's the only way I can get enough relief to breath. I figured I would just let it go after the last appointment and it would clear itself up but I'm just so breathless all the time, sat still, I'm breathless :(

I've been put on antibiotics and if no improvement by Friday, I'm being sent up to the hospital for further tests :( a bit scared at the moment if im honest, she was very worried, trying to sign me off work until my maternity leave kicks in and everything. In work tommorrow so we shall see how it goes but I'm hoping the antibiotics kick in and it just turns out to be something viral that's clinging to me longer than normal.
Oh no sarahcake that's awful! You definitely don't need any additional stress at this point. Will they do tests soon so they know for sure? Really hope it turns out not to be that.

Had scan and baby is aboht 3 pounds 14 ounces!
Awww just shy of 4lb! Baby is growing away nicely then, that's always good news <3

I'm going back on Friday, got to give the anti virals chance to work, but I don't think I'm going to make it that long to be honest, I'm sat down on my sofa completely out of breath this evening. Going to go into work tommorrow and see if one of the ward doctors will take a look at me I think.

I just feel really rough and misurable to be honest. Everything has been going so well so far but this is just getting me down, really worried about what it could be.
Oh Sarah, That doesn't sound good hun :(
Good idea to ask one of the Doctors at work to check you over before you go back on Friday.
Being out of breath is an awful feeling. Hope you feel better soon!

Aww Soph, 3 pound 14! Exciting.
I have my scan on Friday (I'll be 31 +4). She was 2 Pound 8 ounces when I went for my 28 week scan so I assume she will be closer to 4 pound + now.
Hi Married,

We might've confused you - apologies :)
Sarah and I are referring to Maternity Allowance not Stat Mat Pay.
We have both started new jobs so don't qualify for Stat, only the Allowance.
So you probably don't need to do much, your HR Should sort it out for you I imagine??

Ahh kiwi that serves me right for not reading it thoroughly :haha:
wow Sarah such a clear scan! Happy to read you are not a diabetic! I've also had a letter about my results and it was all within normal limits too so all good. Sorry to read about your breathing problems, def ask someone in work if that's an option but hopefully as you say the anti virals will work.

Nothing really to report from me other than baby ticking along well, restless legs have started along with heartburn/indigestion as soon as I'm led down making me feel sick...these last 10 weeks may drag a little lol! On the plus side I have my growth scan on Tuesday so will see how little one is doing :)
Sarah - so sorry to hear you're having a rough ride at the moment. Like you say, hopefully it's just something lingering on. I hope the anti virals are what's needed and you start getting better soon. At least you're getting tests done and they're taking you seriously though.

Lots of you seem to be getting scans round now, none for me so I'm a bit jealous, I'd be interested to see how baby looks in there now. Not long until I get to see him/her in person though I guess!
32 week scan for me tomorrow, I'm excited to see her again!
I think this is my last scan.
If I get a pic i'll post it up although I am not sure how clear it will be this far on.
She is kicking a lot tonight.... think its all the chocolate I've shoved down my throat haha.
I have a 30 week growth scan next week too, I wasn't too happy about extra scans mainly because I was being selfish about the annoying extra trips to hospital and also fear that we will see the gender. But now it's coming up im actually looking forward to it as I suddenly feel like this baby is getting a personality or character. The more it moves the more I connect with it so the last 4 weeks have been the best of the whole pregnancy! However this past week has been the worst physically and it's suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks how hard it is to move :haha:

We also are very lucky and get a scan at 34 weeks then 38 weeks. I'm being way too optimistic hoping that we don't make it to the 38 week one haha.

Luckily I have two weeks left at work before my two week holiday, then I'll be back for 3 weeks before I leave for maternity until next September! Hurrah!

It's a mix of excitement and curiosity along with fear of the unknown lol.
Enjoy your scan today London :) I was actually advised to not get any more scan pictures at this point as they just aren't very clear unless your going for a private scan as the machines are a lot better.

I decided to get one last time at 26 weeks and it wasn't that great to be honest. Hopefully the equipment that they use will be better than my hospitals though :)
Morning Ladies,

No picture of the scan.... wasn't much point really, you couldn't see that much. She was also in an awkward position.

Married, the first thing they asked me was if we knew the gender so I would hope they are quite conscious of not letting people know or see if they don't want to.

So I'm carrying what might turn out to be a monster! She's already measuring 4 pound 6!
Everything was measuring in the 'normal range' and she said she was growing nicely.

She was head down last time but has now moved to lying across my belly, hopefully she shifts back down soon enough.

We have another scan at 36 weeks which was a surprise to me. Nice surprise though! Our Borough is really generous with scans it seems!
Glad scan went well Londonkiwi!!

Aw marriedlaydee that's lovely you are feeling more connected to baby now.

I got a letter in for another scan on 22nd, so 34 weeks! Consultant had said 36 would be next one so a bit confused whether I'll get another at 36 weeks too.

I'm getting more anxious about preeclampsia and keep checking for swelling and BP. I know it would likely start later this time (if at alll) but don't think I'll relax until he's out.
So glad your scan went well :D 4lb 6oz is lovely progress! It's really hard to see much isn't it with the later scans. I can see why they choose to do the anomoly in depth screening at 20 weeks because anything after that is a nightmare to see what they need to.
Ahhh I was so excited to get a good photo next week at 30 weeks but forgot that it may not be that great! My best one was at 16 weeks as my 20 week one looks a bit funny. Fingers crossed we get lucky as I'd love a new photo for my phone home screen lol.

Two weeks until I have a nice rest! I'm looking forward to it because this last week has been exhausting. I was off yesterday and all I did was tidy my car and paint one wall in the living room and I was exhausted with terrible lower back pain when I got into bed! I'm really looking forward to the time I can be going up and down the stairs without getting out of breath and watching my heart rate spike to 130bpm Lol!
4 weeks left of work and 8 weeks tomorrow until due date :) !! We are all so so close to the end. Definitely not long until the first babies couid arrive.

I need to phone hospital and tell them my decision about elective section or vbac, but I hate phoning people I don't know and dreading it.
I sort of hate making those phone calls too. Which one have you decided about. I am hoping for a vbac this time.

4 more weeks here too. I cannot wait!

How is everyone doing?
It's fine when you get through to someone nice but when they are rude it just makes me ramble nonsense.

I am going to go for vbac too! They said they'll give me a section a few days after my due date anyway, so no later than 12th I woiod think. I can't imagine I'll labour myself by then but it's worth a try. Although the thought of only having 7 weeks left if I went for the section at 39 weeks is appealing lol!
Yes! I love the idea lf actually knowing when i will have him its just the recovery i am worried about. They wont let me go more than 7 days over so he should be here by Jan 31st or could have a csec and have him on 17th!

Just done my 2nd last load of baby washing. I know it seems super early but i am already uncomfy and cant imagine having much fun doing all this stuff in a month or so plus i still have so much stuff to sort for xmas in December was hoping to be finished by end November but aint gonna happen as have no money haha
30 Weeks! So exciting to be in this home stretch!

10 days until 2 weeks of holiday and then I have three weeks left....im so ready to start my maternity leave in 10 days though! Going back for those three weeks is goi g to be quite tough and a massive part of me is really thinking I maybe should have taken 5 weeks holiday altogether and not split it up.

However I have a lot of important work to do in December on Christmas week as I train new starters so at the same time I really want to be there to implement that. I just know I'm going to look ridiculous lol! Looking at me now..i still have two months of growth to go wow....


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Lovely bump married!!

You inspired me, I've been really shocking with taking photos... have hardly any :(
So after I saw yours I thought I better take one!

32 + 1 weeks... time is flying!


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