January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Hi ladies has anyone got or is getting the Chicco Next To Me crib?

I'm trying to decide whether to get a mattress protector for it I've heard conflicting things. Something about it reducing the breathability of the mattress if u use one. But I really want to keep the mattress clean!!!!

Anyone any advise no matter what you're using???
Almost 33 weeks and sickness is back this week. Today I feel awful and was so sick this morning. As if third trimester wasn't bad enough lol.
We have an arms reach cosleeper, which is a similar idea.

I wouldn’t use a crib mattress without a protector. It would be destroyed within a month.
Sarah, sorry to read you have been poorly but am glad to read you are feeling a bit better. For what its worth I would have done the same as you and I'm sure LO is just fine.

Married - I personally think the next to you sleepers are expensive but its each to their own. I've bought a wicker moses basket which i'll place next to my bedside and then when baby out grows that he'll be put into his cotbed (I did the same with DD). If I were to buy one though I would definitely look at some sort of mattress protector.

AFM - 2 weeks left in work YAY! and am counting down until my due date, really starting to struggle now i'm getting bigger and get out of breath some days just walking up my stairs!! I've finally also chosen my pram, same one I originally wanted but opted for a different colour as it was on offer for £100 less! Also got a free 4D scan which is booked in for 2nd December so am looking forward to that!


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Nice pram! I wont be in work on wednesday cause my DD still has chicken pox but technically i have 3 weeks left. I just want to be off now i dont have the brain capacity to do my job anymore my memory is dreadful, i am exhausted sore and out of breath. I cannot wait to be finished!

We have our top 6 shortlist. Our daughter is called Bella but we often call her Belle.

Our names are


We quite like the idea of a scottish name (since we are scottish haha) but also like the italian idea since Bella is italian for beautiful and it makes them flow better together. Which is your favourite girls.

If i am brave enough, i love the idea of calling him Rocco but i dont think that'll happen. I imagine he will be Owen, Finlay or Hugo.
Sarahcake so glad you are doing better, that must have been scary. I hope you continue to feel better.

Jessy I hope your daughter feels better soon. We've been going through hand, foot, and mouth with both of our girls this past week and still waiting for them to be fully cleared up from it. Not fun but I'm glad it's happening now rather than after the little man arrives.
I love Rocco!!
I'm from New Zealand so names like Rocco are quite popular / easily accepted out there. Go for it!
I also really like Finlay and my husbands name is Adam... I like your whole list really.

Adam is still 100% keen on Matilda for our little girl.
I still have 3 friends /
Cousin having babies due before me so will have to see what they decide on first.

Have been away this weekend... has been nice to chill out.
I had what I think might've been a Braxton Hicks contraction today... I was like what the hell was that?! Haha.

33 weeks tomorrow
Lovely names JessyG! We are also Scottish and thinking of going with Angus but I'm unsure.

3 more weeks of work but only 9 days so single figures!!!

Lost some of muccus plus a few days ago and more tiday and had forgotten how disgusting it was. Lost some about now with DS too but assuming it just regenerated. Pregnancy really is disgusting sometimes!
Thanks ladies <3

Today hasn't been great, I've gone against medical advice and gone into work and I'm really struggling :( chest hurts and I just have no energy whatsoever. Been a total burden on my coworkers today and I hate that.

3 shifts left after today but I really wish they were short shifts and not 12.5 hours as it's killed me today. Off until Friday however so it's all good.

That pram is lovely, and good work on the free 4D scan!!

I love the names Rocco and Finley, they defo would have been in the running if little miss was a little Mr.

Everyone is so close now to mat leave and things, it's getting so so exciting. Won't be long until we see our first babies born!!

Soph, pregnancy is grim sometimes isn't it &#128514; ive not lost any plug yet, but my poor boobs are leaking so badly, I feel like a dairy cow &#128514;

30 weeks today!!
Sorry you are struggling so much sarah. I feel bad complaining as i am no where near as bad just generall tired grumpy and achy. Feels like i have so long to go at work but with being off wed with DD as she has chicken pox i technically only have 2 days this week and then 6 morr shifts after that.

Oh wow thats cool Kiwi. My BiL is called Adam so i text my sis to make sure it wasnt weird being on our list.

My braxton hicks are definitely becoming more intense. I could easily not notice then before but now they are quite tight, i guess because baby is starting to get quite squished in their.

Called the midwife to let her know DD has chicken pox in case they need to do any tests for me. I called the gp as well and apparently my notes say i had them in 1991! So i should be fine!
Sarahcake you are doing amazingly to go into work!! Hope these next shifts pass quickly for you.

Another group (on another site) I'm on that are due in January put up bump pics and I can't believe how much some peoples bumps have dropped already. They are so so low. Mine is still high and I haven't noticed much change recently.

33 weeks tomorrow!! Is anyone else finding the weeks go in so quickly now?? Between about 20 weeks and 28 I felt toke was standing stiii. First trimester dragged too.

I've been buying lots of things now I'm over the 32 week deadline I gave myself lol. Bought a new breast pump today and lots of new sheets and blankets for Moses basket.
Thanks ladies, I was just having a particularly bad morning I think! The rest of the shift went really well actually once I pulled my head out of my arse and got on with it! Haha!

Yay for buying stuff!! Go nuts! I hate shopping but I love buying baby things haha!

It is going fast now, another scan tommorrow, doesn't feel like 4 weeks ago since my last one!!
Your bump looks a lot like mine Soph :) looking good lovely.

Our Moses basket will be turning up in the next few days and I love it. We've gone for the Noah pod sort in gray and pink &#128525; so excited now!!!
I've just bought some baby shower decorations as it'll be held at my house on Sunday! My mum is technically hosting but felt £10 on decorations was the least I could do! I shall post photos on Monday but I've spent the past hour filling balloons with confetti, cutting up banners and unfolding round paper lanterns lol. Got some hanging decorations arriving Friday and then we are all set! Then next week I'm out shopping for my hospital bag and picking up the last baby bits!

31 Weeks today and so ready for the final month!
Exciting Married!! Sounds like you had a productive evening preparing!
I also have a baby shower this weekend. This will be my 2nd one (Different group of friends) and this time they have organised an afternoon tea in one of the local hotels which will be nice.

I have the consultant tomorrow (33+3)

Time really is flying by and I guess I need to start thinking about things like hospital bags etc.

We are heading to the Christmas markets in Bruges next weekend (yes I'm mad to be going over and waddling around at 35 weeks but I love Christmas markets!) and I think after we get back we will sort things like the car seat and the pram.... they are currently still sitting in the boxes they arrived in!

Hope you're all feeling good... not long to go now!
I still need to order car seat and base. Ill probably do that next week plus a play mat and hospital bags as i have nothing really size appropriate to take with me. I picked up a few more bits of clothes for both kids in the tesco sale. Think i am sorted for first 6 months and most of it is washed. Wont pack my bag until 35/36 weeks i dont think but i remember unpacking and re packing it aboit 3 times before i was happy with it :doh:

Baby showers sounds good ladies.
I also picked up a few bits for the hospital bag today, roll on deodorants, toothbrushes, shower gel and cute little baby sudocreme tub was the find of the day lol! Got some cotton wool which I never have in the house as I've read that's best to use, but my mum also bought newborn huggies wipes for me??? I mentioned them as I've done reading and didn't know you shouldn't use wipes on a newborn, but that Water Wipes and Huggies Newborn had both been recommended to use from day one. So I have traditional and modern methods for cleaning newborn skin now so I'll pack a few of each in my bag and see what works out!!!

I'm completely clueless as to what the hospital will and will not provide, happily bring everything of my own but things like a towel for me I'm guessing is a must??? I can imagine if they do give you something it's some horrible thin sheet that's been washed a million times. I luckily have a very cute pull along bag that I always use for holidays which I'm planning to stuff all of baby and my stuff in....ill make room for a towel haha. Plus a shirt or two for the husband and he should only need snacks, phone charger and some drinks. He can borrow my shower gel if he for whatever reason needs a whore's wash in the bathroom ;) lol
That'll be lovely to get away before baby comes Londonkiwi. If you take it easy I'm sure it'll be amazing.

i also need to order a new car seat JessyG. I still have the familyfix isofix base but I want a new seat. Going to get the maxicosi pebble this time.

A few people commented on the swelling in my feet/ankles today. Makes me so nervous because this is how pre e started last time. Blood pressure still normal so hopefully it's just normal pregnant swelling and won't come to anything.

Marriedlaydee I personally hate Huggies wipes!! I used Pampers wipes on DS from newborn and he was absolutely fine. I used the hospital towels for showers too and they did end up covered in blood so wouldn't have wanted to take my own and have to store it by the bed until it could be washed.
I too hated huggies wipes. It felt like wet toilet paper. We used cotton pads and warm water for the first few weeks then moved onto water wipes (they are soo expensive though!)

We had maxi cosi last time soph. Thats great you still have the base they are so handy yet so expensive. I am definitely getting another one it was a life saver last time. We have a cybex pram so need a cybex aton car seat and base. Can get both atm for £200 but also need to get the adapters for the pram which is £30. It all mounts up huh.

Thats all baby clothes/blankets/sheets washed. Few up drying just now.

I am gonna pick up a couple of cheapish overnight bags for the hospital and start buying things next week. I basically dont want to do anything bar sleep and eat for the last couple of weeks!

Oh wow londonkiwi that sounds like a great break away.
Aww ladies check you all out, your all sounding moderately prepared! I'm impressed :D

London, enjoy that trip away! So long as you take it easy and don't push yourself too hard, it will be a wonderful time. Take regular breaks and make sure your hydrated properly and it'll be grand :)

I'll be using the hospital's towels this time around, I took my own last time, a white one that was fit for absolutely nothing after my first shower and a black one as I thought oh lovely, that will hide the blood stains I'll inevitably be washing off, only it was brand new and I totally forgot to do a first wash on it (baby brain) so used it in hospital and spent the remainder of my week there picking off black bits of fluff from me, it went everywhere! This time, I'm going to stain their towels and just be done with it lol

I loved the smell of Huggies wipes, but as you've all said really, I hated the texture. They were just like soggy loo roll and they just ripped as soon as they touched Logan.

Had my 30 week scan and check up today, baby girl is doing well, she's an estimated 3lb 4oz now, a little under the average but as she was way over average last time, I'm not really reading too much into it. But she's developing well and that's all that matters. Plan is still the same, C-section at 39 weeks so we're just on countdown really!

Oh and that sporadic obstetrics appointment for 35 weeks is basically nothing, my consultant is away the week of my 34 week scan, so I'll have my scan one day, and then see her the following week.

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