January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Hi Ladies :flower:

London and married - fantastic bumps!! Looks great on you ladies

Soph and Jessy - i'm debating a VBAC too but there's 2 things that are putting me off 1. DD was back to back and it really hurt really quickly and 2. I had a tear to my uterus on DD and they wont know whether there is an issue with it until either me or the baby show signs of distress....

I've literally just had another growth scan today and have a whopping 4.5lb baby who is on 95th centile, seeing as though I've got another 8 or 9 weeks left I hope they've got dodgy measurements!! I also saw a consultant and he said they've lost my theatre notes from my ECS so he wants to see me again on 19th December for another growth scan and to discuss my birthing plans. Was meant to do it today but he wanted the notes before making any suggestions and it could depend on what they say as to whether I have a choice or not. Aside from that tings are going well, SPD symptoms have all but gone but I do have sciatica instead. I've got someone coming for the rest of the week to decorate the babies nursery - was going to do it myself but just cant face it as I get exhausted just walking up the stairs lol once that's papered i'll start his washing and getting his room ready. I am also yet to decide on a pram and at this rate will be just getting a car seat to bring baby home in :haha:
Thank you Wills.
It's nice to have a proper bump now not just look chunky!

We have similar weighing babies, our baby girl measured 4 pound 6 at our scan last week which was at 31 + 4
They said she is growing nicely... but in my head I was wishing she was a little smaller haha.

Midwife tomorrow.
Kiwi you're looking similar to me size wise! Great photo! I have an app called Baby Centre which has the stickers and week numbers to take a photo so I have one for every week back to 11 weeks when I first felt confident that the pregnancy was going to be okay. I'll have to post the very first and last when I eventually reach the end!

I cannot believe our group is now nearly at the end of the pregnancy journey! It's gone so quick I can't believe it!
App sounds good. Wish I'd been better at taking pics... will try take one weekly from now on when bump is expanding a lot!

Yes time is really flying now isn't it. I find that the weeks are going really quickly!
Hey ladies, beautiful looking bumps! Glad to hear that your all doing well.

Just had 2 days at hospital (outpatient but the time I spent there may as well have just admitted me). Feeling a bit down at the moment as I feel very guilty. I've had to have a V/Q test and a CPAT test, both of which are radiation, the first one injected and inhaled and the second in a CAT scanner. Both carry a small risk to baby - it is very small, but I still feel like the world's worst parent for having to have them. She's moving around fine and all looks to be ok but still :(

I have had a clot on my lung. It's dispersed now thanks to anticoagulation but left un diagnosed, could have killed me. So there was a good reason for the tests but I just feel so shite that I had to make that choice :(

I'm off for the next few days and returning to work for my last week on Monday, against medical advice, but I can't afford loads of SSP.

Home now, still breathless and will have to speak to my pregnancy consultant as I have too much fluid and it's putting pressure on my lungs also causing the breathlessness.

Fun times! Besides that, I'm actually ok within myself. Just a rough few days x
Omg Sarah, so sorry to hear what you're going through. That sounds awful.
Don't beat yourself up about the radiation exposure, you have to do what you have to do. I hope that you make a speedy recovery and just think, not much longer left till you're on permanent rest
Sending you lots of hugs xx
sarah - I had to get an xray around 23 weeks and I felt SO guilty :( but like you said, it's supposed to be very minimal exposure (both yours and mine!) so hopefully all will be ok! I hope you feel better soon!!!
Ohhh Sarahcake how awful!!!! I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. Do not feel any guilt at all. Baby will be absolutely fine and you need to look after yourself too.

I phoned to let them know about vbac today! Spoke to midwife who will get consultant to phone next week because they have to discuss pros and cons with me again. Consultation can just be done over phone which is handy.

I had whooping cough and flu vaccines yestttdsy and I am so ill today!!! Does anyone know if it's likely to be from side effects or just a coincidence?
Bump 32 weeks!! The ugly toilet is in work btw and not my house.


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Nice bump Soph!
A lot of people do get sick immediately after the flu jab. Hopefully you'll
Be ok soon and it won't come back.

Had my midwife appt today.
Babies head is down. Growing nicely. My bump is measuring a week behind... but I'm not complaining about that!
Heard her heart beat 💗
She talked me through the use of cots, Moses baskets and breastfeeding -
Not sure if that's standard for the 32 week visit or because she had a trainee midwife in there. All the same was nice to have a slightly longer appt.

Consultant next week then midwife at 35 weeks. Eekk it's getting so real!
I don't want to go to work!!!! Still in bed but need to leave soon. Hurry up mat leave!! 3 weeks today until I finish

My 32 week appointment was quite brief. Don't see her again now until 36 weeks which I'm finding a bit scary when I had DS at. 35 weeks.
My Dd has what i think is chickenpox so is off nursery which also means i am off work ugh! Now i will have to work longer in december or bring my maternity leave forward a week! Ugh nightmare.

Good thing i suppose is she will habe them before baby arrives as that would worry me. I have had pox before so i should be ok.

Typical i just wanted to get through the next few weeks and finish up and now i need to re jig everything
Thanks everyone <3 I'm doing ok. Had a bit of time to think about things and it was the lesser of two evils being checked and sorted, I know that. She's moving around like normal so I don't think it's done any harm just you don't want to put your children in harm's way do you. But as I say, feeling much better. Thanks all.

The flu jab this year is supposed to not be a live virus and not supposed to make you feel I'll afterwards, that being said, I felt rough as hell after mine, as have a few people I work with and that roughness continued when I was accidently jabbed for a second time. Hope you feel better soon.

Jessy, I know it's a pain in the ass but now is defo the better time, besides the obvious risk of baby getting them too, there's also the fact of having to deal with a newborn and a really misurable poorly child at the same time and mentally, that's not fun :( I hope she's doing ok x
Sarah, that all sounds bad awful. So good that they found it and got you better though. Take it easy for your last stretch at work, and like others have said, don’t beat yourself up about the risk to baby. More than likely all will be fine, they just have to make you aware of risks, however minimal.

Hope your little girl is over the chicken pox soon jessy and they don’t upset her too much. So sad when they’re poorly and upset.

I can’t wait to get finished at work, 5 more weeks for me as not finishing till 37 weeks, but one of those weeks I’m only in for 1 day so that will be nice.

Had to take my son for a shopping spree today as he seems to have grown a ton in the last week or so, why do they grow so much? I hope this baby grows up at a much slower rate because it seems like only 2 mins ago he was a baby and now he’s pushing towards 3 and all the attitude!

Have any of you ladies been for physio for spd? I’ve got my first app on 27th and wondering what to expect? Anyone whose been can you let me know how you went on?
Hope she feels better soon Jessy!

Daisies I had a physio appointment a few months ago for SPD. She asked lots of questions about the pain and when it happens etc. She also asked about how I plan to have the baby and gave me a leaflet about ways to manage in labour with SPD. Then she got me to do various things like lift one leg and get in and out of the bed and describe the pain level. Then she showed me how to do a few excercises and ways to get in and out of bed to minimise pain. She also gave me a pelvic brace too.
Thank you Daisies, feeling much more positive about things today :)

They grow so fast, I've just had to do a load of shopping for Logan as his 4-5 stuff doesn't fit him now. He's 5 on the 21st and he's in 6-7 now. He's not my little baby anymore, he's growing into such a handsome young lad though so I'll forgive him for needing new clothes so regularly haha!

I have so far *touch wood* managed to escape spd so far this pregnancy but I was awful from around 16 weeks with Logan. I expected it to be even worse this time as apparently it's supposed to be in subsequent pregnancies, but I must be lucky on that front.

I had physio last time, which basically consisted of a physical test - test is the wrong word, but really to give them a baseline of what you can do and what you struggle to do. It was uncomfortable as it was forcing you to move in the ways that hurt but if you want accurate help, they need to see what hurts. They gave me a bunch of exercises - all gentle to do each morning and throughout the day. Honestly, for me, physio helped to a certain degree but I was still at my consultant at 37 weeks begging for an induction. I think by the time I actually sought help for it - I was 30 weeks and it was horrifically bad, it was just too late. If I had gone when it wasn't so bad I think it would have helped me more. It's always good to try though even if it just gives you some ideas of how you can modify usual daily movements to be a little less painful.

I was also given a support band too which was alright, but the one I purchased this pregnancy was much better imo.
Has anyone been sent a letter btw for a obstetrics appointment at 35 weeks?

I have appointments mapped out for next week - 30 week scan and consultant and a 34 week scan and consultant but I've just got a letter for an obstetrics appointment the following week at 35 weeks.

I've not been told anything about this prior and I'm unsure why they want to see me when I see the consultant only the week prior. I know the outpatient department won't have a clue as I work at that hospital and know they don't have access to that info haha.
Sarah - I'm seeing the consultant on Thursday (33+3) and they mentioned to me I'll be getting a letter for an appt for 35-36 weeks but they didn't say what it was for.... assumed a growth scan perhaps? Shall let you know when I receive the letter!
Thanks lovely :)

I've had all the letters for my scans and ANC clinic after but this one is different, I've not seen obstetrics for the whole pregnancy so far that's why it confused me. I'll ask my consultant on Wednesday but I'm impatient haha!
i have an appointment at 37 weeks with a consultant and it says "obstetrics". Is that what you mean? Its prob not and I'm being thick lol.

My lower legs are really sore today for some reason. It feel like after lots of excercise which I've clearly not been doing!!

Finally started buying a few bits and bobs! :)

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