January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Ladies that's really helpful about huggies! If I could get you to all do a vote I got a feeling you'd all say a bad experience which is a shame! Luckily I was too tired to unpack the stuff I got today and the wipes are wrapped up as a pack of 4....i think I'll give them back to my mum Sunday and she can get her money back! It was £4.50 for 4 packs. Perhaps I'll stick to the cotton wool for now and maybe use cotton flannels??? I bought a pack of 10 from IKEA so can always go get more. I would happily take a bash at washing them and give this 'being green' thing a whirl?!!! However not quite there yet to try reusable nappies!

And thanks for the towel input....ill save my bag space and not bother then! Lol.
Yep - I cant wait for Brugge, I love Christmas Markets. We go to Christmas markets every year, I have actually been to the Brugge ones before and they are really lovely so don't mind going back again.
Its my husbands bday the same day we go, his rule is the Christmas tree can go up post 2nd Dec so he gets a proper birthday so I might put it up when we get back on the Sunday night if I'm not too tired.

We are Kent based so driving over, its pretty quick to get there once youre out the tunnel. I will also be stopping in Calais on the way back to stock up on wine. Even though I cant drink it now, I've decided to get a really fancy bottle for Christmas day so I can treat myself to a huge glass of something lovely. And its always nice to have a full wine rack for visitors over Christmas too.

I had my Obstetrics / Consultant Appointment today (33 +3). Baby was lying right beside the cord being a pain so trying to listen to her heartbeat was being obstructed by the sound of blood flowing but we got there in the end :) She's heading to the right place with 1/5th of her head in my pelvis. My bump is really small (5th percentile).... its measuring 30 weeks but they said that's nothing to worry about as baby is a good size. They said its often the case with first babies, and to be honest I'm not that bothered looking a bit smaller :)
I have my last scan and next Obstetics appointments booked in for 37 + 3 they wanted them on week 36 but that's my last week at work so will be hectic. Be nice to see baby once more just before Christmas!
I'm glad your appointment went well! Yeah measuring a little either way at this point isn't a bad thing. It's so difficult for them to get accurate measurements that I would really just take it all with a grain of salt. They told me little lady is below average at this week's scan but I know that I'm probably not going to have a small baby lol that's good that she's heading down though, going in the right direction! I thought I had felt baby drop a few days before the scan but nope, she's still resolutely breech 😂

Shift 1 of 3 today then I am out for 10 months. I can do this. Lol
Hooray sarahcake! Not long to go!

I have another 2 weeks left and finish on 7th. Really looking forward to being done and also only having less than 5 weeks until due date by then :)

Glad things are looking good Londonkiwi

I have a final growth scan on the 12th and hoping I can have final appointment with my midwife tgat day too. I live somewhere remote so need to move out to near a hospital until baby is born. Plan to leave before 37 weeks. Luckily my mum lives out there so will see her lots.
Wow Soph, sounds like you're really in the middle of nowhere!

Sarah I cant believe how little time you have left at work - very exciting!

Random question for you all - esp those that already have babies so no doubt own one already. I have a small list of things I still need to get, one of those being a thermometer.
Which one to get?!
A friend recommended the Braun ThermoScan 5 Thermometer which i'll probably get unless anyone has another they recommend?
Thank you!
I have the Braun Thermoscan 7 as it was cheaper and newer than the 5 at the time and it's excellent. It's the same one that both my ward and pediatrics use in my hospital so it's got to be decent. I'm happy with it :)

Just got home from the most insane shift, aching all over and was planning to go right to bed until I realised our Moses basket has arrived and oh my god it's so cute!!!! It's stolen my attention from the aches and pains I'm currently feeling lol


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ooohh pretty!!
Boots have a black Friday special on the 7 actually... maybe ill grab that one - thanks Sarah :)
That's lovely!! I love a Moses Basket

I lost our thermometer so no idea what kind. Will need to get one.

I'm finding sleeping a nightmare. Keep getting horrible legs spasms if I move quickly. Pain is awful and takes ages to go away.

Yesterday was a bad day with toddler and I'm feeling worried about the next weeks.
I would defo recommend the 7. It's not been wrong for us once. I spiked a temp ages ago and the paramedics confirmed that temp down the decimal. You can change the mode for babies, toddlers and adults and it shows the result colour coded so you have a visual idea that the temperature is either good or bad for that age range.

I was feeling so broken when I got home last night, it's so easy to focus on the pain and discomfort that 3rd Tri can bring so that was a really nice pick me up. It's put away now but I had to get it back out and look at it again before I came to work today!

Sleeping at this stage is so hard Soph I really do sympathise. I keep getting calf cramps. Was up twice last night with intense ones, one leg each time. How far along are you now Soph? Lack of tickets throws me out haha!

How do you mean a bad day with toddler? As in their behaviour causing issues?
Lol I have no idea how to do tickers but they look very nice. I'm 33 + 4!

He's just such a moan these days. Constant tantrums and screaming! Terrible twos :(
I ordered my car seat and base finally. They cost 150 and 110 each normally but with black friday i got the set of both for 185! Woohoo i love when i feel i have had a bargain.

The list of things i still need (if you dont mind me using this as a way of keeping track?)

Adapters for car seat
More bottles
Play mat
Hospital bags (ordered an overnight bag)
Stock of nappies
Cotton wool
Breast pads
Sanitary towels (havent missed these the last 9 months!!!)
Travel toilitries

Am i missing anything else for a hospital bag?

How are you all enjoying this freezing cold weekend!
Ahhh Soph, that age is so hard :( I can only imagine how trying it is while heavily pregnant too. Do you have anyone able to take him overnight so you can have some 'you' time? You'd be surprised how rejuvenating something as simple as an uninterrupted bath can be :)

Jessy, that's a good idea to pop the list here for you to check up on!

Looks good to me, don't forget babies clothes though :) and play mat?.I've never even thought of adding that haha!

My weekend so far has been spent in a boiling ward but it's been a pretty good day so it's all ok. Hope your having a good one?
All sorted for clothes thankfully. They are all washed and in the wardrobe. I am getting soo uncomfortable now i want oretty much everything boxed off before xmas!

Soph 2 is a challenging age. I second trying to get some time to just do nothing and relax.

I plan on taking a back seat tomorrow and letting my OH do most something fun with DD.

I made the mistake of watching one born every minute again. Why do i do it to myself!
Soon, my little boy is just a couple of months older than yours (born in March) and he definitely had a mega rough patch from about 2 years & 2 months for about 3/4 months. It was so so hard. Everything was an ordeal, even when we were trying to do nice things. And it made it harder because he started really going through it as I was newly pregnant and we were away on holiday, I wanted dh to step up and do more which he would, but ds was just demanding me all the time which then made a strained relationship between the 2 of them.

But I’d say now he is my fave age yet. So much personality, so much attitude (but in a nicer way) and so much fun - being able to properly play simple games with him is lovely. So stay strong, he’ll hopefully pull through his rough spell in time for the new baby coming.

34 weeks tomorrow for me, that’s crazily close to the end of pregnancy! I’m ready for it to be over though, struggling and in lots of discomfort with spd, at physio on Monday and hoping that helps, but really I’m looking forward to having my new bundle and hopefully feeling a bit more like me again!

Ordered a Chicco Next to me yesterday. My nan has kindly bought it for us, and so excited to get it and see where baby will be sleeping!

Hope you’re all well ladies!
Ah Ladies I feel bad as ive not had any discomfort whatsoever yet. I say that and I bet it all hits me like a tonne of bricks haha. The only issue I had was with the fainting during my GTT and the issue with my back.

I will be 34 weeks on Monday and still feel great! I also had no morning sickness at all, nothing whatsoever.... its been a breeze. (again, i'll say 'so far' just incase :haha:)

I guess its different for everyone!

My midwife said that swimming really helps and I go every morning I can so I'm there around 6x a week. I plan to keep it up till the end if I'm able. I didn't go this morning as the car was In the garage so I'm looking forward to a swim first thing tomorrow.

Married, enjoy the baby shower tomorrow - hope you get lots of nice treats!
I am so envious of you that your still comfortable, but also really pleased that it is the case for you. Pregnancy should be enjoyed if your still able to do so, then that is great! I bet the swimming does wonders you know, a chance to really move and flex your body. Being as I'm on maternity after tommorrow, I think I may find the time and give it a try myself actually.

Married, hope you have a lovely time at your shower :)
Honestly Sarah get in that pool!
I believe its worked wonders for me going each morning. I just do half hour and I think its the reason I feel so good still.

Cant believe tomorrow is your last shift at work... HOW EXCITING!!! Enjoy your last day hun.

I also had another baby shower today. (Different group of friends). Got so many lovely things, She's already very spoilt. Hope you had a great day married.
Thank you for the support ladies :) . Really helps when I can't moan to people In real life. He was up during the night unwell so think he's got a bug that hopefully was the reason for his extra tantrums. I'll move in with Mum in 3 weeks when I go out to have baby (DH will be working abroad until 3rd Jan) so I'll get looked after then!! Looking forward to someone else doing the Mum stuff like washings and dishes lol.

aww Londonkiwi you must be one of the minority who find pregnancy easy! Hopefully it continues for you.

Wow that's so exciting you are almost finished work sarahcake :). Will be a good feeling!
Its good you feel so good. Dont feel bad. I have only what i would describe as normal pregnancy aches and pains but i am quite big this time so feel i am experiencing those normal aches and pains well before i did with my first.

We put our tree up today love it!

When are you due Soph?
I'm due 9th January so all being well my husband should make it back in plenty of time and be off for a month. However he was due a few days before due date last time and I had DS 5 weeks early so he saw him for a day and then was away so I'm not counting my chickens lol!!

Actually looking forward to work on Tue so maternity leave is sooner :) . 6 more work days but 2 weeks left!

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