January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

I had really painful pressure and sharp pains in my cervix/pelvis today. It was so unpleasant and lasted on and off for a few hours. Really hope this isn’t a sign of things to come for the next 6 weeks or it will be pretty miserable. Hopefully Just baby moving down and won’t happen again.
aww soph it could be the baby engaging, I've had similar pains for most of the day and this morning I thought I was going into labour as I had really painful Braxton hicks at 4am!! Fingers crossed it wont happen again.

For all you ladies continuing to work I salute you. I'm an accountant so am literally sat down most of the day but for me Friday wont come quick enough!
Honestly so much respect for all of you that have managed to last past me 😂 life is very strange knowing that I'm not going into work anytime soon!

I had this recently Soph and I was convinced little miss was moving down as I recognised the sensation from when I had Logan. Had a scan the next day, very much breech lol so no idea if she did shift down then back out again or weather I got it wrong! I keep getting Braxton Hicks though, like an intense and sudden pressure in my whole bump which lasts for a few minutes and backs off. It's not painful at all, just a bit uncomfortable. Been happening for a few days now but I don't think it's anything that shouldn't be happening. I'm far more relaxed this time, I remember every single little niggle, I consulted doctor Google. This time around, so long as I have felt her plenty I'm happy lol
I think it must have been! Definitely didn’t experience this last time or I’m sure I would have remembered!

Is anyone going for a vbac? And if so how far over due date are you being allowed? Consultant just phoned and said if cervix favourable they’ll do a sweep at 39 weeks but don’t want to let me go past due date before doing a section! So 40/40+1
Oooh no Braxton hicks over here yet!!! I was breach 2 weeks ago. Next scan in two weeks im hoping it's moved like a good baby ;)

All the baby stuff is officially washed hurrah!!! Only took three days ha. Next....swing and crib arrive tomorrow eeek!
Soph vbac here is not breach. I will have a c sec at 41 weeks but like you they will attempt a sweep at 39 weeks.

I am having horrible horrible pains in my pelvis and lower back. I couldnt get my leg over the bath tk have a shower without yelping in pain. Do you think baby just moving down? Taken a few days off sick from work which i hate to do but couldnt drive or walk properly yesterday so thought it was for the best. I may be back tomorrow if not hopefully next week for my last week.
I thought a lot of people were allowed to go over due date JessyG. I don’t understand why my consultants is so set on due date. Looks like baby will definitely be here on 9th or 10th Dec anyway.

I have same sort of pains Jessy but think it’s Just combo of SPD and baby having dropped down a bit. Keep getting stomach cramps too! Can’t see tgeee next few weeks being much fun lol.
I get the same pain still too, it's still mostly when I'm in bed it's horrible! I don't think it's baby engaging as I've have it since about 23 weeks or so I think it must just he pressure pushing down. The worst pain for me is my back at the moment and I seem to have caught a cold or flu as I haven't moved from under the duvet since 1pm :( I dunno how I'm gonna manage going back to work for three weeks if I stay like this now!

Ladies we are all heroes we don't have long to go now we can dooooo this! ;)

Assembled the bedside cot today! Tomorrow I'll build the swing, so exciting!


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It's December!!! That means only one thing... Were having babies next month!! Omg how crazy does that sound??

Midwife for me this morning, gonna speak to her because I was out yesterday evening at the Christmas market we have and I had this intense tightening which I wouldn't normally worry about, but it was accompanied by pain that took my breath away. I've had regular tightenings over the last week especially but nothing painful. So we shall see. Girlie is still moving around like normal and I can feel she's very much breech still lol

Ahhh that bedside cot looks nice! Their bigger than I thought actually.

Jessy is your mat leave going to be ok with taking days off now? I was told if I take days off due to pregnancy related issues after my 30th week, maternity leave automatically starts. I don't know how true that is mind.
Yeah they cant enforce mat leave until 36 weeks. Pretty sure thats legally? So i am surprisef they can do it after 30 weeks for you?

I am back next week then have 3 weeks holiday before mat leave starts.

I am gonna force myself to go in next week i need to sort a few things out and tidy my desk etc etc.
I don't know how it all works out really. It may be organisational. My consultant at the hospital I work at said that she doesn't advise me to go into my last 3 shifts and start my mat leave early which will happen automatically on taking time off after 30 weeks.

As I say, that may well be organisational and just my place of work. May be worth an ask though.

How are you feeling today? Better I hope? X
Oh wow yeah definitely not the case at my work.

This is from the government website.


You can elect to take mat leave as early as 29 weeks though so maybe he just got confused.

Pressure is horrible today but its not painful at least.
Yeah maybe so in that case looking at that. Just didn't want you to end up in a situation you didn't forsee.

At least it's not painful, that's something. It can be really uncomfortable though can't it. Make sure you rest up with this time off work :) I know that's easier said than done when you have children already and a home to keep!
I back this up they can enforce leave at 36 weeks and start your maternity pay from then. Before that you can stay off sick and be paid company sick pay if they offer it or government sick pay.

I have swollen glands today...this cold just keeps reaching new levels of awfulness! Having to miss our antenatal class today and can't reschedule :(
Must just have been my consultant then that got it wrong. 36 weeks seems far more reasonable in fairness.

Midwife went well yesterday, measuring ahead again, 36 weeks. If I'm still ahead - which I will be, on the 22nd Dec, I have to have another GTT test. She's still firmly breech however, head in-between my ribs and butt is down where her head should be 😂😂 awkward child! Hope we are all enjoying our weekend :)
Oh my this cold needs to do one!

Haven't had a decent night sleep since Tuesday night. Waking up every 2 hours because my nose hurts or is stuffed up, or my throat is dry like sandpaper, or I'm dry coughing which is so annoying. I hate annoying myself! What is the point??? :haha: so apart from telling myself to shut up when I keep making noises in my sleep (because my throat is that dry I make whimper) I can't escape myself so I end up getting up at 5 or 6am and just go and watch tv or do some cleaning lol.

Miserable! :haha:
Glad appointment went well sarahcake! Are you getting a CS this time or do they think baby will turn?

Marriedlaydee that sounds rubbish! Cold is bad ebogih not pregnant and you never appreciate breathing until you can’t lol.

My sleep last night was terrible got a few hours but was wide awake most of the night. Had terrible stomach cramps and felt sick which didn’t help the heartburn. Still feeling sick this morning :( my morning sickness has been back this week. So fed up of all the abdominal pains and cramps recently and can’t see it improving over the next 5 weeks.
35 weeks tomorrow.... not long to go.

I'm sleeping ok. Waking a fair bit but that's quite normal for me. Starting to feel a bit more discomfort late at night especially when I've been sitting down for a while then get up to walk around. Only a little and nothing worth complaining about really .... YET!

Think I'll put the Christmas tree up tonight 🎄

Bump pic taken this morning. Think bump looks smaller because I haven't eaten yet. Seems to expand after food haha


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Married - fingers crossed you are feeling much better soon.

Sarah - sucks if you have to have a GTT again, fingers crossed you don't.

London - lovely bump, nice and neat. I looked like I had a bad case of middle age spread when having my DD lol

I had my 4d scan yesterday and everything was great. He's definitely a boy (will upload a potty shot in a sec) and I also have one of his face but its a bit blurry as he kept hugging the placenta to his face! I also think he's gonna be a thumb sucker as all he was doing was ramming his hands in his mouth for most of the scan :haha: The sonographer guessed his current weight of 6.5lb and estimated a birth weight of 9lb plus!! OUCH!!! will be interesting to see what the hospital say when I have my last growth scan on 19th Dec...

I'm on a weeks annual leave from work now to use up my holidays and then maternity leave officially starts on 11th... anyone else feel like our pregnancies have flown by?!


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