January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Oh my word sarah that is stressful but definitely something my OH would do. Glad he got there in time.

Well another day down for me. 1 half day tomorrow then i am off. I cannot bloody wait although i hear it may snow tomorrow so am genuinely worried i wont get in. Oh well once this count down is done i can properly start the xmas countdown and then eeeek the baby one!
Oh no that is so stressful Sarah! Glad he made it there in time.

I don’t envy you with the plaster dust wills. We totally did up our last house, every room was replastered and we were living in it so I unfortunately became well used to dealing with the mess from plastering. Short stints definitely sounds like the way to go though!

Hope you have a good last day tomorrow Jessy. I’m so jealous, wish I was done now!
How much longer do you have to go now daisies?

Soph how does it feel to be finished now. I have a horrid cold and just cannot wait to not have to drag myself out of bed at 6am anymore (except maybe to the couch downstairs when my DD decides on an early start!!!)

What are everyones weekend plans.

How much longer do you have at work LondonKiwi and Marriedlaydee too?
Do you have much snow Jessy? When I was driving to the pool for my swim this morning they said on the radio that its going to be quite bad in some places.

I finish next Friday! So a week away. But I'm working from home today and 2 days next week so I think it will go really quickly.

Then I guess its Netflix and Christmas movies until she arrives! :)
We have some snow here but nothing too bad. The wind is still strong though!

Still doesn’t feel real to be finished JessyG . I think when I leave here and head out to my mums next week it’ll feel like I’m actually having a baby lol. 5 hour ferry and 2 hour drive alone with 2 year old will not be fun though.

Hooray for your last day JessyG :) !!! Hope it’s a good one.
Yay on reaching your last day! Hope it goes well!

It's such a bizzare feeling being on leave isn't it. I still feel like I should be going to work!

A light dusting of snow down here followed by rain, hail, sunshine and more rain 😂
Ahhh thank god Sarah! What a stressful start/end to the week for you both!

I go back to work Monday after 16 days off....then it's three weeks at work until I'm off until next Autumn! I'm already looking forward to it as I'm ready for this baby to be almost done with it's cooking :)

Health visitor came to visit today, got told quite a bit about breastfeeding so I'm really happy about that and feeling a bit more prepared and raring to go!

So I've batch cooked 4 meals now, chicken casserole x 4 went in the freezer this morning, Gammon meat x3 last night, chicken and bacon pasta x3 the day before and lasagne x 8 servings went in Monday.

Doing quite well with the food freezing! I think I need to stop for now though as we will run out of freezer space lol. Next week I'm slow cooking a pork shoulder for dinner so going to salvage at east two portions from that and find room in the freezer for it...then I'll stop! I think my next port of call is to make some meal plans for January and February just so there's a lot of meal ideas on the fridge.

Any ideas welcome! As the end of January approaches the freezer will have a bit more room hopefully so I can maybe cook one or two more meals/meats.
And i am done!

It felt weird like really weird leaving but i wasnt sad at all. This year hasnt been good at our office so there isnt a great morale in the office. I am just glad to be at home now spending it with my baby girl waiting for my baby boy!

No snow here at all but strangely my train was cancelled this morning and i had to wait for the next one. On the train home to pick up my DD from nursery. Cannot wait to see her.

Not long now londonkiwi! I thought this day would never come but this week has flown by.

Now to concentrate o finishing xmas and getting this house ship -shape!
Married you are ridiculously organized, you're putting the rest of us to shame!! :)

Yay Jessy, you sound so relieved to be done....
1 more week for me and I am looking forward to it but anxious at the same time! feel like I'm going to be bored although everyone tells me that's this isn't the case. Atleast its a busy time of the year, lots of people finish up work soon and when they go back, baby will be here.

No snow here on the outskirts of London. I'm at the start of Kent so we often get snow flurries.

Heading out with friends for our annual Christmas dinner and drinks tonight. Its pretty bloody cold outside so need to have a hunt through the wardrobe and find something to wear!
Yay Jessy! Congrats on finishing :D enjoy some relaxing time now lovely. You've all done so well to work up to the stages that you have!

London, have a fantastic night and make sure you wrap up warm!

Married, you are so organised! Brilliant idea though to freeze up some foods for you all. That will help :)

All is good here, wierd day today, had my son's father come for his annual visit to see him, drove for 8 hours to get here, stayed last night at a hotel, saw him for dead on 2 hours today and drove back up. Meanwhile, my son doesn't have a clue who he is and it was all very awkward hurrah!

Had pretty continuous heavy period pains for the last 5 hours or so. Taken some paracetamol and gotten into bed so hopefully that stops them. Baby is moving around happily in there so I'm not too concerned, probably just some stretching.
Aggh can't sleep!! Wide awake....

So Sarah he drove a 16-hour round trip for a 2 hour annual visit?!?
I guess atleast he made the effort but as It's such a minimal gesture - is there much point? Would you be bothered either way?

My parents split up when I was really young but I saw my dad all the time. I actually couldn't think of anything worse than them being together, I liked the arrangement they had for us kids.
But once a year - it's a bit of a joke isn't it! I hope it doesn't get to you too much, you have enough to think about without having that on your mind also.

I've woken up with period type pain the past few mornings but havent had to take anything as still seems relatively minor at this stage.

We have friends coming to us for a Christmas dinner today which I'm looking forward to, I love entertaining! I can hear it's raining hard outside at the moment so be nice to spend a cosy day indoors with friends.

Hope you've all had a good weekend!
Well I don't think anything else in my life will be as organised next year so if I can look back and say I did this much then it's something :haha:

Lots of snow here today which I hate. Our drive is uphill and hubby is not helpful at all just says it'll be fine to drive in just don't go above third gear, brake or turn suddenly.

In other words just don't drive Haha!

Oh if only that were an option, we don't get paid at work for snow days you have to take it as holiday or owe it back (just finished two weeks holiday typical!!)

So tomorrow I'm gonna may be call in sick if I can't dig my car off the drive as I am still suffering with this cold and bad pains down below. I'd happily go out and dig my car out but I look slightly ridiculous and irresponsible at 34 weeks pregnant if anyone were to see me sliding down my drive ( I'll aim to fall on my arse lol) hubby leaves for work at probably about 5am tomorrow so im on my own! Lol

Baby has been moving massively all weekend...like massive horrible big sticky outy limbs breaking free of my stomach. I don't know if I like it at all I feel like it's angry and wants more room! :haha:
I have been so emotional this weekend! Keep crying :( . Really struggling to get everything done with a 2 year old following me destroying the place. Have final growth scan tomorrow and then need to have everything packed and ready to go for our move out to the mainland for 5 weeks. Leave on Wednesday hopefully if car passes MOT on Tue.
I am soo grumpy. I just feel like i need to spend the next 6 weeks lying in bed or on the couch being brought food and drink.....fat chance huh hahaha.

My OH is away from 6am on wed until 9pm on thurs so i am dreading that but its only one night as he keeps telling me. DD is in nursery wed thurs and fri morning this week so hoping for a chance to get some stocking shopping done wrapping done and maybe some rest too.

Did you make it into work married?
Jessy no I've taken a sick day! Woke up with a headache to top off all this lovely sickliness which is just swell :(

I did however have to walk to the shop in the snow to get the nursing pillow I ordered from asda (£6!! Cheapest I've seen it in a nice design too) so with that in one hand unboxed and a bag of essentials in the other...stumbling slowly through slippy compacted snow...yeah I'm glad to be safe at home ha. It was amazing how a 10 minute walk there then back really hurt my back. These last few weeks will be interesting.


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6 more weeks. Starting to wash stuff and nest a bit. I'm so uncomfortable 😣
Me too jcliff and this headcold seems to be getting worse in fact i think it may be sinusitis. I fele like death warmed up constantly.

Dont need to leave the house today but will have a hyper 4 year old to entertain. Hoping she lets me lie down for most of it.

Man i am a misery.
Oh bless you jcliff and jessy! So feeling your pain! Another day off work for me...I'm so bunged up and achy today WHY didn't I book my maternity leave to start this Sunday???? I really don't know how to survive the next two weeks at work! Hubby just laughs and said it's no time at all but it's an eternity to me ergh.

The groin pain is seriously horrible, hit me straight away getting out of bed this morning. So I'm a yelping grumbling mess again ☹ I tried some advice to keep my knees together when I get up and sit down or walk about...ok it makes moving easier but the pain is still there yikes. I hung my leg off the bed last night and geez! That was a mistake :haha: had to grab my pyjamas by the knee and painfully lift my leg back up:haha:

6 weeks to go....come on!!!! This baby needs to not be overdue!!!
Can you move your leave forward married. My leave starts 3rd Jan and i took my remaining 3 weeks holiday so i could finish on friday just passed

I think the struggle and pain of the last few weeks can hit you out of nowhere. I was ok 3 weeks ago but there is no way i could force myself into work this week.

Oh and i want to punch people when they say, it'll go soo quickly. Nope no it doesnt not when every hour of every day if filled with aches and pains! It will be soo worth it. Just gotta power on through!
Ahh ladies sorry to hear that were all grumpy and emotional, and poorly and pained :( 2nd Tri is defo where the comfortable stage is, late 3rd Tri is awful, i forgot how bad it can get sometimes.

I ended up at L&D for 9 hours yesterday. Went in with high BP and lights flashing in my eyes, made me go blind in one eye, totally out of nowhere. Popped on a trace and mentioned about the period type pains ive been having too (which havnt stopped since I first mentioned them here) and it looks like I'm contracting pretty regularly. Had an internal exam (yay...) And no movement, cervix is still closed etc and they did the test for early labour and that come back negative, but still contracting regularly over the course of the day. Just been told to wait and see what happens and take it easy. As for the flashes, that's been put down to migraines as I've got no protein in my urine currently and my BP has fallen back to normal parameters. So all good here, just achey and crampy lol

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