January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

I know its hard because it’s understandable to moan when you are so tired snd fed up. However I’m now horrified remembering all my past moans which must seem so petty to her right bow.

Is anyone else with SPD finding sneezing or coughing so so painful? I get scared when I feel one coming because I know how sore it’ll be.
I'm sure she wouldn't want you to feel bad. Pregnancy is an amazing thing, truly is a miracle and it's something we all appreciate... But the fact of the matter is, past a certain point, it's not fun. It hurts, it's anxiety inducing and can be downright debilitating. Everybody has their struggles, but that doesn't cheapen your own. You have a right to a moan, we all do.

I'm so sorry to hear that your friend is going through this though. Poor thing :(
Lovely way to explain it sarahcake xx

I hate to say it (incase I jinx it) but I’ve felt slightly more hunan today then I have for a while. Apart from sore hips today’s not been too bad.
Sorry to hear about your friend Soph it must be awful for her but on the other side I'm sure whilst she's sad she is also happy for you as her friend... As horrible as it is I truly believe everything happens for a reason xx

As for SPD I can sympathise with the pain! For me some days have been worse than others but think that also has to do with LO's position. I just keep thinking about when he's out that the pain and discomfort should hopefully go rather quick.
wow ladies, look at this comparison!! Its my scan pic from my 4d
scan the other day and I found a pic of my DD when she was a few hours old...they look like they will be the double of each other...what do you think?


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Oh yes, no denying at all that their siblings! They are going to look a lot like each other I think! I can't wait to see them all now, I'm so excited to see everyone's babys!
I just took another look at my girls scna pic and an early picture of Logan (in as similar a position as o could get him 😂) I think they are going to look similar too. Must have strong genes on my side as Logan looks the absolute double of me when I was little too.


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Striking similarities!

I have really strong genes in my family but so does my husband so not sure who our baby girl will take after.... I think maybe me as the female genes on my side are strong. Who knows! Not long till we find out :)

Cant believe I finish work tomorrow... I am so busy this week could do with another couple of days to finish bits off.. but on the other hand it will be nice to close my laptop tomorrow knowing they are no longer my issues!
Ahhh tommorrow! Yay! Time to relax then :) that's nearly all of us now then! This weekend is hospital bag packing time for me. Early I know, but better to be prepared I think!

It's so interesting to me how babies genes work, who they get what physical traits from etc.

My whole family are piercing blue eyes, except for me who has green. My son's father is the only one in his family with brown eyes, my son has the same brown eyes. Everyone is blonde on my side, everyone is dark on his dad's side, Logan is blonde like I was. I just find it all fascinating! I can't wait to see what this little girl comes out like. We've been told she has lots of hair already, hoping for her sake it's not my curly mess she's inherited 😂😂
Wow the scan pictures are so clear! Definitely a sibling resemblance. DS1 has my eyes (hazel) as all husband’s family are blue eyed. His changed from blue to hazel about 8 weeks so will be interesting to see what happens with this one.

Hope you have a good last day Londonkiwi!

I’m back to being grumpy and struggling today. Really wish DS would nap and I could get 5 minutes peace. Still another 3 weeks until my husband is back!
Have a good last day London! Can’t wait for it to be my last day next Wednesday! I wish I’d finished yesterday, but all just fell nicely with Holidays to make my last day next week, although I’ll be 37 + 3 then and I’m already feeling it!

Totally sympathise with the spd pain - it’s awful. And baby has now dropped mega low for me which is making everything even more uncomfortable. I’ve been totally convinced up until recently that this baby will be a little late as my son was 4 days late, but I’m really starting to hope for it to be a little earlier as I don’t want to feel like this for much longer!

And those pics are crazily clear! Always amazes me how much similarity you can see between some siblings!
So I had growth scan this morning and left feeling rather deflated.

Didn't see any of the baby really, would have been nice to have spent half a minute at the end showing us something not just top of the head and abdomen.

So she kept going on about whether I have GD because the baby is measuring big. Baby was 3lb 9oz at 30+2

Now at 34+2 baby is 5lb 14oz

I just left feeling like I was told my baby is big and I'd need further checking. She mentioned something about going to clinic...whatever that bloody means! She just showed me the chart and said 'but anyway the midwife will look at this in two weeks and we will see what she says.

Seriously what the hell.

So now I have a massive baby. Great. That I bet they'll now say they'll want to induce.

I didn't like this tech at all like I said....She just didn't show us anything and kept asking me loads of questions she should know already. I'm hoping because also my husband said she seemed a little incompetent that she's got it wrong.

ah Sarah you can definitely see a resemblance, especially the lips!! DD follows her dad but with my personality so my little dude is prob gonna follow suit too! Will be interesting if he has dark hair like me or fair like hubby..few weeks and I'll know I suppose!

London - bring on tomorrow...maternity leave is great. I've got all my wrapping done and everything! Its normally last minute late at night lol as for needing a few more days I felt like that but then I literally just wrote a list of anything outstanding and gave it to my boss :haha:

Married - don't read too much into what the tech is saying. On my DD I had regular growth scans and was told she'd weigh 9-10lb...she was born 3 days early weighing a whopping......7lb 8oz!!!!! Whilst everything measured big they hadn't allowed for the amount of fluid she was in. I've also been told this baby is big and at my last scan he was on the 97th centile! He was estimated at 6lb 5oz at my 4d scan which was at 34 weeks and that lady predicted a 9lb plus baby. The difference I've noticed this time is how little fluid is showing between baby and the top of my uterus so its like he's literally filling all the space I have I've got my final growth scan on Tuesday so am interested in what they believe he weighs and will weigh at birth, will let you know x
I saw her measure the fluid aswell...very little communication from her she seemed to like the excuse of my midwife being able to explain it all to me...lol. I think you're right it'll be interesting to see at the next growth scan so I hope yours goes well! I did wonder if it's common to get their guessed weight wrong. I'm not overly big when you look at me either so I was so surprised when she said the baby was over average and that they'll assess it at the next scan in four weeks.

No one wants to hear that their baby is big and it be implied it's abnormal!
I can totally understand your frustration with the scan married. And I don’t really get the process - you were scanned yesterday but the midwife will review in 2 week? When it’s 2 weeks out of date and not an accurate representation of what’s going on with baby then? Or am I missing something?

The NHS and medical staff can be amazing, but sometimes I’m baffled as to the processes.

I’d also say don’t take too much from it at this stage. Growth scans are notorious for predicting huge babies and then them being totally average weight. If any major flags had come up yesterday I’m sure they’d have had someone review with you there & then.
Agree with Daisies, surely a review in 2 weeks would imply they arent too concerned.

Are growth scans a normal part of your antenatal care. I see loads of people have them but its never been mentioned to me. Last scan i had was 20 weeks is that odd?

It snowed really heavily yesterday but today it is just cold and icy. Going to stay in as i have a fear of falling on the ice. To be honest id like to bash on with some more wrapping but i have DD here so no can do unfortunately!

Anyone got exciting plans for the weekend. My Oh came back from london last night and he is not doing overtime this weekend which is awesome as he can take DD out somewhere and let me nap hahah
Marriedlaydee that sounds like they unnecessarily stressed you out. Definitely doesn’t sound like baby is huge!! Hopefully they’ll clear everything up at next appointment.

JessyG I only got two growth scans because DS1 was 10th percentile and I had preeclampsia. Last time I didn’t get anything after 20 week until I was in hospital and that was just to see how big he was before delivering early.

2 hours of my 5 hour ferry journey over!! Only a 2 hour drive after we get off boat. Thank god for iPads!!!! The worst of the motion seems to be over.
Married - I would definitely try not to worry as like we've said scans can be very wrong! That said, some people do just have big babies and it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with that either. The average weight of my sisters babies (10 between 3 of them!!) is 9lb so I was lucky with 7lb 8 last time! Also big or small its your baby and you'll love it anyway so please don't worry xx

Jessy - I don't think growth scans are the norm it all depends on the circumstances. I only had them on my DD as she was measuring big from the off which turned out to be so far wrong its unreal. This time I think I'm having them as the baby is measuring big again but I also had a tear to my uterus on DD and they had to monitor this baby to make sure that we are both OK and also to see if there was an option of VBAC which judging by everything I don't think that's gonna be an option...

Soph - I don't envy your trip but 2 hours in is def something to celebrate. Hope the rest of the trip passes quickly without issue xx
Ahh married, I can see why you feel frustrated. I don't go into the growth scans expecting much to be honest. It seems to be a very quick measure and out. I've been lucky this time that the sonographers that have done mine have been lovely, but I had some awful ones last time who treated me very much the way you describe and it's not nice is it.

If they had concerns, they would have fit you in to clinic either that day, or the next day. Not wait for 2 weeks to have a midwife report. I would be inclined to call your midwife and say that you've been left feeling quite panicky by the whole experience and ask if they can see you earlier than in 2 weeks, even if it's just to take a look at the scan report.

I have my last growth scan next week but I don't see the consultant until a week after. That's not normal however, my consultant is on holiday and can't see me until the following week but I've been told that if the scan is concerning, they will get me a consultant to talk it over with me that day.

It's not the norm to have so many scans no, I did last time as my illnesses can affect growth and I have this time because of the illnesses and a large baby last time. For most people, a scan at 20 weeks is the last NHS scan you get and the midwife keeps track of sizing with fundal height :)

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