ah girls, I'm gonna sound horrible now but I'm so glad everyone else is feeling the pain too!!
Literally since I finished work my SPD has worsened to the point that I'm sleeping for an hour or 2 on my left side and then pretty much sat up straight for an hour or 2 and then back on my left side again and just keep rotating...I cant sleep on my right side at all as it hurts so bad (its my right side of my pelvis that causes the issue) To top it off I've had bad pressure pain and Braxton hicks for the last day or 2 and it hurts like hell!! I could have cried yesterday with the pain which for me is unusual as I'm normally pretty good. My emotions are all over the place too, I was watching Paul O'Grady for the love of dogs and there was a dog that had to be put to sleep as it was ill and I sat there and cried! Normally stuff like that I find sad but I don't actually cry! I then go from one extreme to the next, I can be so mad on the flip of a coin poor hubby and DD don't know what they've done!! I hope these last 5 weeks fly by for them and for my sanity!!
I've got my last growth scan next Tuesday 19th and am expecting them to tell me to have a section as I saw the midwife yesterday and she felt the baby and listened to the heartbeat etc and said about how big he felt...she also said if they still haven't found my notes from the last EMCS that they wont be allowed to let me labour as they cant be sure of the last complications I had...am kinda hoping they tell me to have one but am also on the verge of asking for one...at least I know then baby will definitely be out within 5 weeks!
Married - I know what you mean about some of those movements, crazy isn't it!
Jessy - don't feel bad, like Sarah said I'm sure your LO is fine with you just being in the same room as sometimes that's all they need.