January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Oh man, sounds like we are all slowly falling apart. The high bp and flashing light sound scary sarah.

Well its 11am and i feel like the worst mum in the world as my DD has basically had to play by herself most of the morning as the pain in my head is making it hard to even sit up let alone get up and play on the floor. Got up to get us both a drink and snack and crumbled back on the couch again.

Its gonna be a long week!
I think we are all falling apart. As far away as it seems, we will be at the end soon. It does end, I promise lol

Ahh Jessy don't feel bad :( they are more than able to entertain themselves for a while - especially if you are suffering like you are. Take the time you need, she won't hold it against you sweet. X
Trying to cheer myself up i ordered myself 2 maternity nightdresses and a playmat for the baby.

Also been thinking more baby names. I cant remember if i told you girls but we were really keen on Travis for a while (OH still is) we also really like Austin as i love Aussie or Aus as a nickname. I am just wondering if i prefer the spelling Osten. I dont like made up names or spelling and worry thats what this looks like?
ah girls, I'm gonna sound horrible now but I'm so glad everyone else is feeling the pain too!!

Literally since I finished work my SPD has worsened to the point that I'm sleeping for an hour or 2 on my left side and then pretty much sat up straight for an hour or 2 and then back on my left side again and just keep rotating...I cant sleep on my right side at all as it hurts so bad (its my right side of my pelvis that causes the issue) To top it off I've had bad pressure pain and Braxton hicks for the last day or 2 and it hurts like hell!! I could have cried yesterday with the pain which for me is unusual as I'm normally pretty good. My emotions are all over the place too, I was watching Paul O'Grady for the love of dogs and there was a dog that had to be put to sleep as it was ill and I sat there and cried! Normally stuff like that I find sad but I don't actually cry! I then go from one extreme to the next, I can be so mad on the flip of a coin poor hubby and DD don't know what they've done!! I hope these last 5 weeks fly by for them and for my sanity!!
I've got my last growth scan next Tuesday 19th and am expecting them to tell me to have a section as I saw the midwife yesterday and she felt the baby and listened to the heartbeat etc and said about how big he felt...she also said if they still haven't found my notes from the last EMCS that they wont be allowed to let me labour as they cant be sure of the last complications I had...am kinda hoping they tell me to have one but am also on the verge of asking for one...at least I know then baby will definitely be out within 5 weeks!

Married - I know what you mean about some of those movements, crazy isn't it!
Jessy - don't feel bad, like Sarah said I'm sure your LO is fine with you just being in the same room as sometimes that's all they need.
I am sort of thinking the same wills. Tempted to ask for a section as i had an emergency last time and it would mean he'd be here at 39 weeks but then the recovery is worse. Ugh its difficult.
Aww Girls, sounds like you're all going through a terrible time at the moment :(
I am still feeling really good (36+1) prob means I'll have an absolute terrible labour haha. Mind you, still plenty of time to feel awful.
I'm still keeping up my swimming, trying to get there most days.... prob average about 5-6 x per week. I think its helping ease a bit of the aches as the minute I'm in that pool I feel great.

Love all the names you mentioned Jessy. Austin was on our list until we found out baby is a girl. Adam is still dead keen on Matilda but I think i'd like to see what she looks like first :)

Married.... also a very active baby in my belly running out of room and kicking and punching me at all opportunities!!
The swimming will definitely be helping i think. Its great you still feel so good. Definitely dont feel bad. I think if i didnt have this sinus infection i would feel much better but its properly bringing me down at the minute.

Just glad work tomorrow isnt an issue and my DD is in nursery forva few hours tomorrow thur and fri so i intend to try and wrap as many presents as poss so that when i am too big to move its all done! Its just hiding them again once wrapped!
Omg guys, I have the most severe epigastric pain currently. It's making me feel awful, sick, dizzy etc. It's the most intense pain right at the top of my bump and I don't know what to do about it. I'm really hesitant to call L&D again as I was obviously there yesterday and it's another new symptom. Their gonna look at me like I'm faking this but I'm not.

Been happening since about 3pm, just waves of really severe upper bump pain right across 😭😭😭
Try and lie down undisturbed for a while if poss. If that and plenty lf fluids dont help in half an hour or so then i would definitely call l&d again.

Hope it fades Sarah. I had to google epigastric as had no idea what it was!
Sarah being that you're a healthcare professional you know that you're not wasting their time... please call if you're concerned!! That's the advice you would tell people so don't be shy to do so yourself! Better to be safe than sorry. Really hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Jessy I LOVE wrapping Christmas presents!!
I'm so bad at taking my own advice lol.

It seems to have gone for the most part but I'm still getting flare ups at least every half hour. I've taken my IBD just in case meds so I can rule out UC flare ups. If it continues on overnight, I will be calling tommorrow. Baby girl is moving around absolutely fine.

Sorry for moaning on 😂😂
Jessy - mine was emergency last time too, I was gutted as I got to 9cm and they tried to turn DD as she was back to back but suddenly her heart rate dropped and there was a gush of blood (think that's when my uterus tore if I'm honest). I've heard from a few people, my own sister included, that recovery from a 2nd section is easier as you'll remember from last time what you can and cant do...I'll take that lol but hopefully leave the wind pain as that was worse than contractions!! Also as its not an emergency it should be a lot more relaxed...

Sarah - you prob know this but already but apparently if you lay on your left side it stops the acid travelling up that causes heartburn/indigestion and so may ease the pain you're feeling (confession - I had to look up epigastric pain too :haha: ) I didn't know it but my friends sister is a pharmacist and she told me, she also told me not to waste money on heartburn medication and to buy refreshers instead as they are chalky just the same - genius as I love refreshers!!

London - I usually love wrapping too but I'm not so sure with my huge bump! I'll try and remember to take a pic tomorrow so you can see what I mean! DH reckons I'm bigger on this baby now than at term with my DD!
Aww sarahcake it sounds like you are having a bad time. Hope the pain goes away.

I had a growth scan today at 36 weeks exactly and he isn’t about 5 pounds 3 ounces! I expected bigger but I must not make big babies lol.

Another’s one who is falling apart here. Cannot wait for SPD to be gone!! Everything is so painful. This time in 4 weeks I won’t be pregnant an anymore :) . Still seems like ages away right enough.
Wow Soph, teeny tiny!
God I think I'm brewing a monster then!! They estimated 6 pound 4 at 32 weeks but on my chart that was measuring as normal.
I think I'm destined for a 9+ pounder!! :haha:
Can you move your leave forward married. My leave starts 3rd Jan and i took my remaining 3 weeks holiday so i could finish on friday just passed

I think the struggle and pain of the last few weeks can hit you out of nowhere. I was ok 3 weeks ago but there is no way i could force myself into work this week.

Oh and i want to punch people when they say, it'll go soo quickly. Nope no it doesnt not when every hour of every day if filled with aches and pains! It will be soo worth it. Just gotta power on through!

It's too late to bring it forward and I'm still mad at them for not getting anything back in writing to me to say my maternity leave has been processed and granted. I'll be going in there all guns blazing Friday as they keep fobbing me off saying to not worry. I can just see myself not getting paid at this rate.

I'm gonna suffer the next two weeks! I can bring leave forward by two days or maybe three..I believe that's how many days holiday I still have to take so i may beg them to let me take it and hopefully leave on the Thursday not the Sunday. Fingers crossed! I was saving it for if I go past my due date for them to add it on then.

This evening has brought acid reflux. Yay!
My carpel tunnel is the worst part right now. I'm in so much pain at night I barely sleep. I also feel so bad I can't do my daughters hair in the am because my fingers won't bend. I wear wrist bands at night but still so painful. I've been working from home more but i won't start my maternity until due date! Need to save up the time!
Oh man did i feel sick as a dog last night. I wasnt actually sick but i felt ill pretty much all night so have hardly slept and for half the night had to sleep sitting up cause lying down just made me feel worse.

Fell asleep at around midnight and woke at 5 when my OH got up to leave this morning plus up twice to pee so not my greatest sleep.

Thats my OH away until tomorrow night. DD should be in nursery this morning and i may come home and have a nap.

Oh jcliff, i had CT with my DD. Thankfully it only lasted a week or so but my god it was horrible. I had to make myself slings for my arms so they werent hanging by my side. I feel for you ans hope it eases off soon.
I think the problem I'm having is that in having an Ulcerative Colitis flare up, as well as baby girl moving into a wierd position which is making everything hurt. She feels massive in there right now, her movements are causing me pain and making me feel sick. So I think the pain I'm feeling is a combination of a few things. Home today, brother is doing the school run this afternoon for me so I plan on doing not a lot and seeing if I can shift this pain a bit. Thanks for all your suggestions and well wishes <3 just feeling a touch sorry for myself today really!

Aww Soph :) sounds dinky. But as long as all is ok, that's all that matters. Remember the growth scans arnt massively accurate, I had one the week before I had Logan "oh, he's not going to be any bigger than 8lb at full term"... 9lb 7oz the following week lol. Their fun to follow but after my experience last time, I don't put much faith in them lol

I'm so sorry to hear that your all having a bit of a rough time with things are we progress :( it's not a fun time, London, im so pleased that your still plodding along nicely :)
Carpal tunnel sound so horrible!!

I&#8217;ve also been sick or feeling sick at night JessyG. Think everything&#8217;s is just so squashed in there.

One of my best friends has just had bad news at 12 week scan and pregnancy wont continue. She&#8217;s not said anymore and doesn&#8217;t want to talk about it. I feel terrible now for moaning about being pregnant
Its really tricky isnt it Soph i feel so bad for your friend that is awful news to hear. I hate moaning about pregnancy cause its such a blessing but its also very tiring that i think its only normal to have the odd moan especially at the end when you are exhausted and in pain and just want time to hurry up so you can hold that precious baby in your arms!

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