January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Thank you girls. Was starting to feel like nhs scotland were pretty poor in their antenatal care (i have assumed here that you are all in england?)

My last fundal height was done at 28 weeks and i measured 29 so within normal range. They didnt find protein in my urine as far as i am aware either and my blood pressure etc were fine. Next midwife app is monday and i want to mention that every evening i have around 2 hours of pretty intense braxton hicks. They are frequent but only occur at night once i am sitting down to relax? Anyone else getting them more and more often?
Yeah I think that assumption is correct :) I'm in SW England and so far, treatment wise I have had no different to when I was in Sunderland with Logan. Just the quality has been far superior this time.

As all your obs are looking good, they will just be keeping an eye every few weeks I should imagine unless you come to them with an issue. I have my scan next wed, midwife appointment next Friday and consultant the following Wednesday. The last appointment shouldn't be there but as she's on holiday I have to wait a week. That would usually be my lot until delivery now - especially as a second time mum, but I have weekly BP checks now as it was so high the other day.

It could be your body telling yourself to slow down a bit? I know that's next to impossible when there are other children at home but maybe your overdoing it and when you come to relax in the evening, the BH come out. Another possibility is are you drinking enough? If your body is dehydrated BH can get quite intense? Defo worth mentioning it though. I mentioned it to my MW last time and she wrote in my notes that I was feeling BHs.
JessyG I am also Scotland! Western isles but will deliver in Glasgow.

My Braxton Hicks are worst when im driving for some reason. It feels like top
Of bump is in a vice sometimes.
Sometimes i thought maybe it was just baby pushing out but its pretty tight all over.

My mum popped over today which is always nice as she plays with DD for ages so i gotvto totally chill on the couch for a while. We then made cupcakes and then i made tea so was on my feet for a while and now i feel like an 80 year old woman.

Funny my consultant booked me in for a sweep at 39 weeks which back in July seemed lime forever away but not its only just over 4 weeks away! I hate wishing the time away especially around xmas but being so uncomfy doing anything other than sitting on the couch i sort of want January here already!
Jessy - I’ve only had the 2 scans as well, I’m quite glad though, saves me having the stress and worry that I always get prior to a scan!

Me & hubs were supposed to be out tonight for a nice meal and more than likely our last evening out before baby arrives. But then my nan hasn’t been well today and my mum (who was having ds to stay tonight) was at a&e with her for most of the day today so couldn’t then expect her to have ds as she was shattered.

So grateful that my nan seems to be ok and is back home, but gutted to be missing our last nice night out. I feel like that’s a bit selfish of me though!

Hope you completed the journey ok Soph, at least that bit is done with now.

I was having loads of braxton hicks last week, and the last few days I’ve had none. I wonder why they’ve stopped? I was expecting them to carry on now, I never had any with ds.
Aw daisies11 that’s rubbish, completely understandable you’d be be disappointed. Hope your nan is ok.
Journey is over and I’m so proud I managed alone!! I’m now near a hospital so feeling much less worried about anything happening. Love where I live but there’s no hospital so not ideal in an emergency.
Ive had extra growth scans, so had the 20 week then one at 30, 34 and now 38. All because my BMI is above 30. It was 33 when I first saw them and they referred me for growth scans. I find it all a bit unnecessary but if they wanna check then go ahead I guess!

I think I just feel a bit like why have the scan if they find they think the baby is bigger than expected then make me wait two weeks to see a midwife when baby will be completely different in size. I do remember her asking if I have another scan and I said yes in 4 weeks at 38 weeks along and she said let's leave it until then and if baby is showing bigger then someone will take it from here/clinic (What is clinic?!!) Tbh head was fine it was abdomen measuring big so as long as that head don't get big then my lady parts feel okay about this :haha:

Question for you all...have you bought or ever used a 'spritz for bitz'??? So expensive...did anyone bother or just use cold compresses/warm water??? Really curious to know! It's my last anxiety in relation to what's not in my bag
Married I have a growth scan on Weds (37 +2) and then don't see the midwife until a week later. However I think this might be due to Christmas... not sure.

This article might make you feel better... https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/ukne...ng-size/ar-BBGNX64?li=AAmiR2Z&ocid=spartanntp

I actually never heard of Spritz for bits but googled it and looks like it could be worth the money judging on the product reviews.

Had a very busy day at work yesterday but I'm now finished! well I say finished... but I have a few handover bits to do and email in. Feels so weird to know I wont be going to work on Monday!
:haha: kiwi that just made me cringe!!! :haha: at least it was c section and she didn't have to try push him out wowies!

Enjoy your new found freedom...until baby arrives! Not long for you at all now!!
Hooray for being finished work Londonkiwi!!!

I did some nice Christmassy things with DS1 today. He’s such perfect age for it all this year.

Ordered my clothes for hospital bag last night so should get it packed by Tue next week. 37 weeks by then so still done in plenty of time. Just need to order car seat and that’s us ready!!
It is a nice feeling to know I'm now finished.
Have a couple of bits left to do and email in but shall do them at my own pace this week.

I wasn't sure what I would do with all my time but I've got something on each day this week then it's Christmas so I don't think I'll be bored as I suspected.

My husband put the car seat in the car this weekend so can tick that off my to do list.

I think next up with will be to pack my hospital bag and try organise the nursery a bit more, it's kinda like organised chaos in there at the moment!!
Off work now and on vacation for 3 weeks before starting mat leave. I miss my staff already but am excited to be able to relax and get ready as well as spend some time with the girls before ds arives.
Ahh all you ladies on leave it's so exciting to see who has their bubs first!!!

My annual leave starts soon too, I knew I had a few days to use so checked yesterday....turns out I have a week left:haha: so no one is very impressed right now as it's like this baby is due at a really awkward time in the financial year because I have 6 weeks holiday to use and there's only 15 weeks from the start of the financial year to my due date. So I guess it was always going to be hard to use it before the end of the year too!

Was told to go think about finishing on boxing day...well that's depressing!! So going to opt for my last day being the 30th December and leave myself 4 days leave to apply if I go overdue. It's all rather silly that they won't let me use it in the new financial year really!

So yay...happy to have new years eve off I think and make that the start of my three weeks leave before maternity starts. It's all so close and scary now!

Baby is also getting much bigger as last night was some very big movements requiring me to gently rub some sticky out body parts back in to place :haha:
I can’t believe the difference in bump size between 35 and 37 weeks. I obviously didn’t get this far with DS1 so it’s so strange seeing nysekf this size. I can’t imsgine how big I will be by 40 weeks!!!!
37 weeks tomorrow :blush:


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I just had my mw appointment this afternoon. Bp and urine were fine. Heartrate was good etc but my bump was measuring 38 at not quite 35 weeks. She then measured it again and said oh maybe more like 36. But i was utterly fobbed off when pregnant with my DD so they referred me to the consultant for an app next week as it may be a c section after all. I dont like them just brushing it off and saying 'oh maybe only 36 and thats fine' eh. All the midwives i have seen up to now have not made me feel at all cared for and protected. Because i know i have so little threshold for a natural birth ie everything has to run smoothly i am tempted to insist on a c section and having thought about it for a couple of weeks i am actually ok with that decision.
I think if you feel most comfortable opting for elcs that’s the way to go. Hopefully consultant will be able to give you more clarification about size. It’s such a hard decision to make and I’ve gone back and forth so many times myself.
Another thing the midwife did was ask me if his hb was ok. She looked at me and said is this about right......eh well last time i heart it was 6 weeks ago and you are the professional. I dont think my consultant will want me to have a c section but pretty sure i do now. I dont feel at all comforted by my midwife team
Thats one gorgeous bump you have Soph!!

Jessy sounds like you're being buggered around a fair bit... that must be incredibly frustrating for you :(

Our baby girl is having a party in there tonight. She is so active it hurts a little. Calm down baby!

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