I want to cautiously join too.
I got my first BFP on Friday with fmu. It was pretty light, but it was there. I tested again today to reassure myself a bit and only had about a 2 hour hold and it was about as dark as the control line
. I've had 3 losses in the last year, the last one being a very early chemical (Period wasn't even late, just got a weak positive on 10DPO, then negative the next day), so that made me feel better to think that I may not have another chemical pregnancy at least.
I'm 4w 2d now, due on Jan 20th, according to my O date. Dr will probably put me at Jan 14th (going by LMP) until some proof comes up otherwise, or if I can see a midwife instead.
I haven't talked to my Dr yet. I'm reluctant to because I've seen two heartbeats on an U/S in the last year, been jabbed to have blood taken and nothing to show for it, so I'm a bit jaded. I'm going to email the midwives here this week though and see if they're willing to take me on. I hope they will because I do strongly believe we've just had a run of bad luck. I never found out what happened the first time, but the second time, my body was quite happy carrying the baby until 10.5 weeks when it realized the baby wasn't healthy. He had a severe form of anencephaly. Completely random. #3 was so early that it was likely an implantation problem. At least two completely unrelated issues, so hopefully 4th time's the charm for #2.
Here's hoping this baby is The One for all of us!