Glad all going well KatBar. I am 12 weeks today and so far all good. Had panorama which came back low risk (and it's a girl) and a private scan at 11&4 (which all looked fine). I an still paranoid sth will go wrong, but starting to feel a bit better.
Can't believe you are nearly 18 weeks! Time is flying . Are you going to find out the sex of the baby (or have you done already).
When is your next scan?
Glad all is well. I've been feeling subtle movements since week 13 believe it or not. Also when I wake up in the morning you can clearly see he is lying down the left side of my 'bump'
Congrats on another girl and another boy respectively. How do your older kids feel about their new siblings? My daughter really wanted a sister but she's accepted it pretty well.
well we were set on a boys name for DD and we thought we'd just use that but I've kind of gone off it.