i know i cant wait to meet my little boy after 3 gorgeous girls im due 8 days after you i feel so big now and uncomfortable now... how are you feeling?? i get some pain and LOADS of BH but counting down the weeks now.. xI know right! It's so exciting! We are getting closer every day! I smile when I hear a new show is premiering in January... And OMG! January is almost next month!
Not sure how any OH/DH can handle a pregnant woman....I've been having sporadic BH since week 24. Nothing to much, though. And I've had bits of discharge... nothing like the looks of a mucus plug though. As for backpain, that is me with baby pushing down. I'm carrying low to begin with and my bladder knows it. I have bad bouts of heartburn and I drool in my sleep. Ewwwww.
Jch: Yay for upcoming maternity leave!
Littlelotti: That is excellent news...
Not sure how any OH/DH can handle a pregnant woman....
I feel so unlady-like... I can burp with the best of them... I think I may snore occasionally - woke up this morning with a weird grunt.... (DH startled me awake) I feel dead to the world when I'm sleeping - kinda makes me nervous that I'll sleep through baby crying once he's here..... Not to mention waddling, being a bit irritable and all the other great side effects.... No wonder we haven't been dtd...