January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

VRogers - thank you! That is so incredibly exciting that you're going to be headed to the hospital shortly! Best of luck!!! Hope all goes smoothly. I hate hospitals as well, but I definitely enjoyed getting served meals for a day after baby was born! :haha: So try to look on the bright side, I guess! Hehe.

Ali - I was thinking that as well. Next time could be brutal! I do think the weather plays a small factor though. I definitely feel like doing less when it's so cold out. Maybe if I have another summer baby I'll have more energy...haha ok probably not but I can hope. ;)
I am going to try not to co sleep this time as well, but I'm also not going to stress about it. If baby really needs it, I will deal with it because I know that's how we will all get more sleep. It would be ideal if I could avoid it though. I am glad ds2 is handling sleeping on his own ok.

Greats - I will definitely try to rest as much as possible! I am glad you are doing that as well! I look forward to hearing how your dr appointment goes and what is decided about induction. Exciting that you're all packed! I did finally start packing my bag but I'm not done yet and still need to pack one for dd1. And DH still hasn't installed the darn car seat base! A little annoyed about that...

Hope everyone has a great week! VRogers might very well have the next baby! :)
Yay good luck vrogers!

And can't wait to hear your update greats!

Still no signs of labor for me, blah. Have my 40w appointment Tuesday morning where they will set induction date. Hoping to go into labor naturally but also so excited to meet her, so not sure when to set the induction date!
Chi - too bad about no signs of labour yet! Could still happen by your due date though. exciting that at least with an induction book you'll have a pretty good 'end date' for this waiting game. How are you feeling?
Good luck greats n vrogers :) wil be looking for your updates n hopefully not far behind u ️xx lol x

Chi.. Hope something get moving for u soon, hope ur doing ok x

Everytine I post someone else is posting lol.. Sorry if I miss anyone x

Lit.. Glad u got ur heating sorted, hope u find problem .. Sorry u r so tired, ive just felt the same lately and think I started havin last minute panic yesterday with my induction being Tuesday of things not being right , I asked my mum if she could pop up for a few hours this morning as oh has to go to work and she said she had planned to go for breakfast with my stepdad... I was so peed off...she is coming but I think she realised I wasn't happy .. She is supportive but I just don't think she realised how I was feeling, I just normally get on with it , Prob bit too independent but just really tired at the min and difficult to get things done with having ds with me as well.... I ended up all emotional but didn't let on.. Oh was brill just gave me a hug..blooming hormones lol ..

Vrogers / Al .. Sorry about family dynamics .. I know I mentioned earlier in thread that im havibg issues with my dad but like I said I just think stuff him now.. I did call my nans the other day and thought he answered the phone..my heart did go at the time but it wasn't him.. I think it was just adrenalin as ive had so many conversation with myself over last few months about what I will say to him eventually but have chosen to keep quiet to prevent stress.. I know He will get a piece of my mind at some point but focussing on my own little family as that what matters ..

A good friend once said to me a few years ago .. If something or someone is not adding quality to your life you should take them out of your life, you only get one chance so make the most of it.. It's always stuck in my head ..lol. Saying that I divorced my ex husband the year after ha ha x

Plan on trying to chill today and rest if poss before tomoz.. If I block the nerves lol .. I'm just sat on couch with ds.. Bless him he woke at 4 am screaming saying there was a bee in his bed.. Bad dreams.. Never had one like that before :( x so been having cuddles on couch since 5am watching Disney planes ! :)

Good luck ladies today with inductions ️xx
Hi all

Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I've had a rough time of it since regular contractions started at 2am on Saturday but I'm pleased to announce that George Oscar finally arrived at 16.23 on Sunday 8th Jan weighing 8lbs8oz.

Although it was a long & hard labour & delivery where my body just kept failing on everything starting with BP, then I was dehydrated then not progressing, every second was worth it to bring our gorgeous little prince into the world!

Hope everyone else is doing ok? Will try read all the other updates soon xxx


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midnight- wow beautiful name, congrats again!! 14 mins!!!you are superwoman x

ali- sorry about the family drama. Great DS2 can sleep in crib, isa cannot haha. we co-sleep every night which is nice but i do miss cuddles with DH at night.

slammer- ugh, hope dd sleeps better tonight for you.

lit- hope you are feeling more energetic today

greats- how exciting! keep us updated!

vrogers- exciting. goooood luck

chitown- lots of luck lovely. fingers crossed u go into labour naturally

apple- hope you get time to chill today and that such a shame about your ds and his nightmares :(

WDWJess- wow congrats!! what a cutie. Sorry labour was rough, hope you recover quickly! x
Yay Jess congratulations hon, hope u recover well..he is beautiful ️xxx
We are all getting so close now. I don't have the mental energy to reply to everyone. Thankfully DH came home a little early last night, so he was able to do bedtime with DD. I'm still tired today, but working from home. He has work again tonight, but not a closing shift at least. Hoping baby comes this week before his next day of work, which is Friday.

I need to do some stretching. My hips/back are so tight/sore, partially from too much rest!

Congrats WDWJess!!
slammer- fingers crossed for you, and it;s great you are able to work from home today. I need to stretch too and get a bit ore active. ive managed a few walks the last week but need to be more consistent x
Congrats WDWJess! He's so gorgeous!

Literati - I'm actually feeling really good! Went out to dinner with my family Saturday, and then yesterday the husband and I looked at open houses and went to dinner with our good friends. Now I'm just at home waiting for something to happen!

Apple - sounds like great advice from your friend! There are some people in my life I should take that advice with, but when it comes to family it's easier said than done sometimes. Hope your DS sleeps well the next few nights, and hope you're doing well overall! Only 10 more days until your due date, right?

Ally - thank you! Oh my goodness, your profile picture of baby Isa is so adorable. Just love those cheeks. Glad to hear you're doing well, and I can't believe he's 2 weeks old already! Hope you're getting some sleep :)
Chit.. Yes 10 days to due date but they are inducing me tomoz ... Eeeek x due to big baba, xx
Just chilling today with ds watching films n lots of mummy cuddles ..

Hope other ladies doing ok :) with inductions today ..

Slammer , hope you are feeling better soon n stretches help x
A little over 2cm dilated! L&D is super busy today so I go in at 6am tomorrow for my induction! My doctor was over an hour late to my appointment because he was busy delivering another baby lol
Greats - good luck on your induction tomorrow! That's very exciting!

Chi - I'm glad you're feeling so great! That's how I was with my first (don't know if it's our first or not) and I really took advantage of the free time to do fun things and socialize before baby came, and I was glad I did!

Ally - hope you are feeling a bit more rested as well.

WDW - wow, congrats! Sorry it was such a rough labour! But I'm glad all is well now!

Slammer - completely understand not having the mental energy to reply to everyone. That's how I was yesterday. I hope your stiff/soreness eases and that your day of work from home is relatively easy.

Nothing's happening here in the pre-labour department and I'm okay with that. I need this week to rest and recover - I really do. I was so cranky yesterday and am feeling so fed up, but today I got to sleep in and I do hope tomorrow maybe I'll have a tiny bit more energy again. Probably not, but one can dream.
I've not been on here in a few days, but it seems another baby has arrived and a few are being induced!

Congrats WDW! He is gorgeous :cloud9: Sorry about the rough labour :hugs:

I cannot believe your labour was just 14 mins Midnight :wacko: Violet is a lovely name and she is beautiful.

Good luck tomorrow Apple & Greats and I hope vrogers is doing ok!

Sorry you're feeling so tired and rough slammer. Lets hope baby makes an appearance before your husband is back at work on Friday.

I'm another with some family issues, surrounding my mum. Like vrogers, my mum also has mental health issues and are relationship isn't the best. It is so stressful at times but don't feel I can ever cut her out because she doesn't really have anything else and at the end of the day, she is my mum. She is very hard work though and her behavior partly ruined my Christmas :(

I had another growth scan Saturday and baby's growth has slowed a little and he has dropped below the 91st centile curve line. No one seems worried though. I was also asked to move my c section date and it's now booked in for Friday 20th. Feeling nervous!
Vrogers - Hope everything is going well!! I didn't ignore your post! I just posted and went to sleep and didn't check to see if anyone posted while I did, so I didn't see yours pop up!
My MIL is just as much as a nightmare in her own ways. I almost went to never talking to her again. I stomach her for DH's sake and he knows that's all I do. He doesn't much enjoy her anymore either.

Lite - I feel I have to make sure he sleeps on his own since DS1 still sleeps with us. It's going to result in a lot of sleepless nights I think, but hoping after the 3 months I have a good routine for them. I do hope that sometime down the road I'm able to snuggle up in bed with him and sleep with him or both, but still be able to put him back in his own bed.

Chit - Are you going to do a sweep if they offer it?

Apple - I totally agree with that saying. Many think I should still "forgive and forget" because she's my "mother." My aunt who I'm close to doesn't agree with me and I've told her it goes way back to even when I was young. She admitted she never saw any of that or knew, but I still think she doesn't agree. Which is fine.. she keeps to herself about it generally and respects it.

Best of luck during your induction!!

Jess - Congrats again!! So happy to be seeing more babies!!

Ally - I've been missing DH's cuddles for 2 years. :haha: Really hoping to get DS1 moved to his own bed here in the next several months. It may be when he's 3 that it finally happens. I need to buy him an actually bed because he doesn't like toddler mattresses at all.

Slammer - Hoping baby comes soon for you. I felt like there was no end in sight at that point. I really didn't want to make it to my due date.. and I guess I got my wish! Barely, but I did!

Greats - Woo!! I'm excited for you! Good luck!

Lite - I hope you get that time to feel refreshed. It would be so much better to go into labor feeling refreshed verses worn down mentally and physically.

Home visit today went well! DS2 is at 8 lbs 5 oz so he's gained back to his birth weight plus an extra ounce! I think I'll leave it to him to decide when to eat at all times now. I mostly was anyways, I would just keep an eye on the time to make sure too much time hasn't passed. Obviously I won't want a ton of time to pass still. He needs a little more weight for that!

No concerns. My BP was a little high, though. 140s over 80s which it never is. Since the bottom number is good it's not as much as a concern. She just told me to keep a watch out for any eclampsia signs. Which I have been having headaches, but usually pain meds take care of them and they're nothing major. I honestly think it's because I haven't been taking it easy.

Generally it doesn't pop up after delivering, but it can. I may have DH pick me up a BP monitor to watch it just because I want to know. It might have been high from someone being here.

It's very odd to me to have so much more motivation and energy. It was an instant change. It's been nice, but I really should slow down I think. It's just hard with a toddler and there being company. I'm hoping DH can take another week off. I want the time with him. My brother and his family has to be back to Florida on Friday. If DH got another week I'd have Friday through Tuesday with just him and our boys.
Pomp - At this point my mother is just someone who gave me life. She's not been a real part of my life for years. Her being my mother is the only reason she's not completely cut out, yet, but she keeps pushing it. She is probably a big reason as to why I struggled with depression at such a young age. She was always so negative and much of her life was centered around herself. She use to say she gave up 15 years of her life to be at home with us and she needed to have a life and she'd get upset over having to buy stuff for the family with "her money". 15 years would put my little brother at the age of 8-9 years old. He really got the crap end of the deal when it came to our family falling apart because he was always the youngest it was happening to. He still says I've been more of a mother to him than our actual mother. She doesn't really get it, but the way she was really affected all of us. My father isn't perfect and I have issues with him, but he tried.
AliJo and Literati I'm in more of a "complete surrender" mindset with this baby's sleep, haha. I'm not even bringing down the crib from the attic. Baby will sleep with me, whether in our king-size or in the spare room on the double mattress - whichever works better. I'm sure I will try to leave him to sleep alone at times, but I won't spend any time agonizing over how to get him to sleep better (like I did with DD). Worrying over sleep was the only thing I regretted from DD's first year of life. But I hope you both find solutions that work for you and you can get into good sleep routines that work for your whole families. Watch these babies be way better in the sleep department than our firsts, just all on their own! One can hope, eh?:haha:

Thinking of those being induced today or tomorrow...can't wait to hear from y'all.

Pompey, glad you have your date decided on!
Slammer - I probably would just end up sleeping with DS2 when he won't sleep by himself if it weren't for DS1. In a queen sized bed with a child that moves way too much in bed.. probably not wise! Then on top of that there would be no room for when DH was home. So far though he's doing great. I already feel he's going to be more independent than DS1. He hasn't had time to build that attachment to breastfeeding, though.
Ali - that makes sense why you are holding off on sleeping with ds2 since ds1 is in the bed with you. I agree that isn't the safest, especially in the early days. When ds2 is closer to 1 it would probably be fine. I guess at least since dd1 has a twin bed and we have gotten her more and more used to DH calming her at night, if I end up co sleeping with dd2, DH can just go sleep in dd1's bed with her once she wakes up. Not ideal but we will do whatever works! Haha.

Definitely keep an eye on that BP! Hopefully all is fine!

Slammer - haha, good job on the complete surrender mode! I also agree that I will not be stressing over "fixing" this baby's sleep. I am mainly just hoping this baby will naturally be an amazing and independent sleeper! :haha:. Otherwise I'm sure I'll co sleep again and I won't sweat it if I do. I just personally feel a little nervous about it in the first month or two.

Pompey - good luck on your section on the 20th! It'll be great!
Ah, if DH was in the bed with us it would be more awkward, but we are rarely in bed together. Someone always slept with DD but the other adult took a different room. It'll be the same with this one. DD in her room (either alone or with DH on the trundle), me and baby in one bed, and DH in whatever spare bed is free if DD doesn't need him. One day DH and I will sleep together again, lol. We were never cuddly sleepers anyway, and with his late working hours we didn't spend much time in bed together even before babies.

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