January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Froggy- idk if I would want to know that's soon. I mean I know most people would lol but I'm crazy!

Ttc- it's next Friday. I'll be 6weeks 5 days. I'm SO excited I took the whole day off work haha I figure if it's good news I'll be so excited I won't want to work, if it's bad news then I can go home and be sad.
With my daughter I was convinced it was a boy. She's definitely not! First mommy instinct fail :haha: with this one I'm not sure. We will find out around 12 weeks with genetic testing.
I kind of feel it's a girl. I just keep seeing a sister for DD. And I felt DD was a girl, and obviously she was. We'll find out whenever possible. I don't know if my doctor's office does the blood test where you can find out, or if my insurance cover it, but if not, then at the 20 week scan for sure.
Sunshine - I love your scan pic - makes me happy to see all the little beans growing :happydance:

808 - I'm pleased your appointment went well, so reassuring :)

My initial instinct is that it will be a girl, not sure if we are going to find out. I found out the last time with my DD1 and it was great to know etc but I'd like to have the experience of the surprise this time.
Sorry I haven't been on very regularly. After finishing my Masters presentation I really have done not much except sleep and do some yard work and try to relax the last few days, and haven't been on BnB a lot. I don't know why I just have been feeling overwhelmed, but I have found i get that way a few days before my weekly appointment each week.

AFM - I had my 8w appointment yesterday. Bean is measuring at 8w+3 (I was 8w+1 so a little ahead, yay!) and OMG it actually is beginning to look like a baby! I could clearly see the heart beating this time, and I COULD HEAR IT! I will admit I came very close to crying. Steady, strong heartbeat at 166. This is beginning to actually feel real. I feel so reassured.

Mrs.Green I have a lot of stress as a high school teacher. You wouldn't think so, but teenagers are incredibly stressful, plus their parents and admin and....everything. I drink a lot of tea, I come home and try to decompress with a calming bath with some bath oils and something that I can relax with. Plus I exercise. I try to hit the gym at least 3-4 times a week. It helps a lot.

Sunshine I def see what you are talking about. That's a little weird. Try not to look at it. :haha:

AFM regarding boy/girl - there's the old wives tale about heart rate and gender, which most people put no stock in, but I like to pretend. Most of what I've read says that >140 is a girl, and lower is a boy, but I've seen some websites say the opposite. Based on our timing, I think there's a higher chance it's a boy because if you put stock into the Shettles method, we only BD the day before and day of O this cycle and they say the male sperm is faster and that timing is more likely to lead to boy (but not guaranteed). Meh, I don't know yet. I'm thinking girl, but that's just because I know I want a girl. DH actually wants to wait until day of birth to find out. There's no way that's going to work for me. :haha: I canNOT wait that long! lol.


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mrs - I'm sure you're counting down the hours!!! I'm excited for you appt. as well lol.

So many girl predictions! I was told that most likely my insurance wouldn't cover the blood work for gender so we'll have to wait for the scan to find out. If my U/S is consistent with the Ramzi theory then, it looks like I'll be having a girl.
Those who have had scans, go check out the Ramsey theory. It has been right with everyone I know. It claims that whichever side the baby implanted on tells you the gender
Froggy- idk if I would want to know that's soon. I mean I know most people would lol but I'm crazy!

You might be normal, I think I'm the crazy one. I'm the kind of person that makes people open Christmas presents early. And if we get a package, even if it's not for me, I ask if I can open it.
Froggy - I love it! I'm the same way lol

I have a terrible cold that is just making me miserable. Thankfully my primary is able to see me tonight. I'm also scared because some of my symptoms are fading a bit. Trying not to stress about it but, it's kind of hard not to.
Sorry I haven't been on very regularly. After finishing my Masters presentation I really have done not much except sleep and do some yard work and try to relax the last few days, and haven't been on BnB a lot. I don't know why I just have been feeling overwhelmed, but I have found i get that way a few days before my weekly appointment each week.

AFM - I had my 8w appointment yesterday. Bean is measuring at 8w+3 (I was 8w+1 so a little ahead, yay!) and OMG it actually is beginning to look like a baby! I could clearly see the heart beating this time, and I COULD HEAR IT! I will admit I came very close to crying. Steady, strong heartbeat at 166. This is beginning to actually feel real. I feel so reassured.

Mrs.Green I have a lot of stress as a high school teacher. You wouldn't think so, but teenagers are incredibly stressful, plus their parents and admin and....everything. I drink a lot of tea, I come home and try to decompress with a calming bath with some bath oils and something that I can relax with. Plus I exercise. I try to hit the gym at least 3-4 times a week. It helps a lot.

Sunshine I def see what you are talking about. That's a little weird. Try not to look at it. :haha:

AFM regarding boy/girl - there's the old wives tale about heart rate and gender, which most people put no stock in, but I like to pretend. Most of what I've read says that >140 is a girl, and lower is a boy, but I've seen some websites say the opposite. Based on our timing, I think there's a higher chance it's a boy because if you put stock into the Shettles method, we only BD the day before and day of O this cycle and they say the male sperm is faster and that timing is more likely to lead to boy (but not guaranteed). Meh, I don't know yet. I'm thinking girl, but that's just because I know I want a girl. DH actually wants to wait until day of birth to find out. There's no way that's going to work for me. :haha: I canNOT wait that long! lol.

Angel I've been dying for an update on how your scan went - SO HAPPY to see it went well! We're only a day apart so I'm living vicariously through you as I don't get my next scan until June 27th at 12 weeks. Seems so far away! I'm so happy for you and glad to see you're feeling reassured.

AFM - I find out the gender the week of June 20th. We're doing cell-free fetal DNA testing and they said gender is 98% accurate from that! EEEK! I'm still anxious about whether things are progressing since I have very few symptoms, but trying to stay positive.
We both independently had strong feelings that we're having a girl, but DH thought it was twin girls - 6 week scan showed only one.

TTC - Dh came back from a long haul flight with a cold and was here for just over 24 hours and managed to pass it along to me - I feel awful right now. Hope I sleep tonight, we've got our farewell dinner for work tomorrow night... (during which, I'll be saying I'm on antibiotics for a UTI and driving, so can't possibly have a drink!)
Angel- beautiful scan!

Chi- I can't believe you find out the gender SO soon. That's seems crazy.

Froggy- I'm the opposite! I live the suspense. Lol which is why we might wait until delivery to find out.

Newbie- I hope you feel better soon.

I love how everyone is genuinely so excited for everyone else. I love the support. Also. Can't believe there's so many girl predictions!

Afm- my allergies are terrible and they're making me miserable. My nose won't stop running and I sneeze every 5 minutes. To top it off exhaustion is starting to set in. I think tonight I'll be sleeping early!
Newbie - sorry you're suffering. I have an appt. with my primary tonight, I rather nip this in the butt now before it gets worse. I was also up all night coughing, when I coughed too hard I then had to run and pee. It was a vicious cycle lol.

mrs - I agree! I love the support in this group already. It's reassuring to know that we're all going through a some what similar situation at the same time. It makes me all mushy and stuff :)
Thanks Mrs.green! I hope ttc also gets better soon.

As a side note, I had spotting again after dtd. Not nearly as bad as the last time, but still freaked me out. It stopped quickly, so trying to relax.
Newbie, spotting after dtd happened to me at 5 weeks and then again at 7. Both times it lasted less than a day but seeing any bleeding while pregnant is scary! We're taking a break for now because I'm way too paranoid to go through that a third time!
Newbie- I know spotting after bd is pretty common but I'm also terrified of it. We've barely done it all. Just because I'm such a worrier. But when I talked to my doc about it last time she said the cervix is so sensative during early pregnancy it can cause spotting if barely touched. I hope that makes you feel better.
Hey ladies!!

I tried to post a week ago when I had time and I accidentally deleted it! I closed the browser on accident and poof it was gone! I've been keeping up and reading along!

Not much is going on with me. Just been busy. I've been struggling with feeling generally ill. I'm not so much nauseous. It's hard to explain. It's kind of like you get so exhausted and you just don't feel good because of it. As for nausea I did get a pretty bad wave of it yesterday and thought it was going to lead to me hanging over the porcelain throne. I went to make my son a sandwich and couldn't do it because the smell of bread was making me gag. I ate something small and it went away a little while after that.

Also! We went to the zoo yesterday! It's just a small one, but it's perfect size for my son. I'm debating on getting a season pass. It gives free admission or discounts to over 200 other zoos as well. Which will be great if we're ever traveling. Just wish the zoo was closer since it's an hour away.

As for gender.. I have a feeling it's another boy. Would love a girl, though! OH says it's a girl and says it can't be any other way. I'm happy with which ever. We will be finding out, but I would like to do some sort of reveal.
I love going to the zoo! I have a very similar problem though... The closest zoo to me is on a different island, so I have to fly to Oahu if I want to go to the zoo... But I do when ever I get a chance :winkwink: I love animals!

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