January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Literati - hooray for V no longer needing to be changed in the night! That's a victory.

Sorry to hear the weekend wasn't great. It's hard to have family time and make time for the adults to see friends. I hate when DH’s days off don't end up being much of a break for me.

Poor V with her upset tummy! I hope she gets better with that soon. I actually stayed in bed all night the last couple nights, but Jack was still wiggly and grunty. He's been wiggly even in the glider lately, so meh. Not good sleep either way.

Vrogers - its hump day! Half way through the week! I hope it's going well.

Ally - happy birthday!

The constant sucking is very normal. Not much to do about it really. He'll grow out of it, but not for a while! Don't feel like a cow...you are made to be his favorite place to be, but it is hard and time consuming, I know! The others had good advice on sleep. I wish Jack would go to bed a bit earlier too, but I just don't think it's gonna happen yet. Gonna be rough when I go back to work.

Pompey - BF’s wedding is the last weekend in May. Will.be glad when it's done! And also very happy for her obviously. :)

That's great you got to see a movie!

AFM - sorry haven't been on much. DH is STILL sore so I'm not getting much of a break from Jack at the moment. He went back to the doctor today because of still being sore and she said 25% of men can take up to 2 weeks to recover. Nothing seemed wrong, but he needs to stay on round the clock Ibuprofen, use ice packs, and got a refill of oxycodone. I wish this had gone better for him...and for all our sake’s! He's not going to be able to work this weekend either, which sucks...two weeks of income lost plus me not getting paid. Gonna be a crappy month money-wise. We're fine though… Have plenty in savings.

I took Jack in to my work today for people to meet him. He cried almost the whole 45+ minute drive and I had to drive round a bit to find a garage with any open parking spaces (I work in Washington DC). Thus he was exhausted and passed out in the carrier most of the time I was there. My boss took me out for lunch too. Then Jack cried the whole 30 min drive home. So...yeah that was fun. Christ, I wish he'd get better in the car.

I feel like Jack’s awake periods are still so short! Like...less than an hour most of the time before he needs to sleep again. DD was definitely staying awake for longer periods by this time. Anyone else like this? I feel like I spend practically all day putting him to sleep or having him asleep on me. Such short breaks in between. Blah.

I go back to work the week after next! Ack!

DH’s birthday was yesterday. He seemed kinda glum, so when he took DD to dance class I went out and got him a card and cupcakes and decorations and chocolate and beer! Had a little surprise “party” for him when he and DD got home. He seemed cheered by it. :)
Slammer - that was so nice of you to surprise your DH with all that for his birthday! I am glad it cheered him up some. What a huge bummer that he is still so sore. You are right that it is hard on ALL of you this way! I wish you could get more of a break! Hopefully he will recover very quickly.

V is the exact same with the short awake periods! I have noticed she can often only stay awake for 45 minutes! My dd1 could always stay awake for longer than average, so this is new. I agree it is exhausting to always be putting them to sleep. Can't get much done at all in that short wake time, especially since some of it is spent feeding and changing diapers! Ugh! However, I am trying to see it as a positive and hoping that it means V will need more total sleep in a 24-hour period than dd1 does/did. It would be nice if when she is a toddler she actually sleeps 12 hours at night or something! So that is what I am trying to focus on, haha.

Sorry Jack was so wiggly and grunty still in bed. I hope he stops that soon.
Hi ladies, 4.30 am feeding duties here haha.. This is first time ive had chance to reply in days !

Lit, sorry v been so gassy.. Poor baby.. Surprising how our food can affect them so bad..Thankfully ollie likes the gripe water. I sometimes dip it on his dummy so he got used to it. It's brilliant that you are all still breast feeding. Ollie is mainly formula now apart from at night. I do miss it but it was getting really hard with havivg 2 older children needing my attention as well and oh working long hours and silly course means he could only do so much.. It's definitely working better for me now and I must admit ollie is a lot more settled.

Pomp/ cinema sounds good fun, glad u managed to watch it ha.. Good timing him sleeping like that :)

Ally happy belated birthday hon :) !! Sounds like u got some nice things..wish I was 27 haha x

Newbie- hope u r doing ok hon, glad u got out to the mall, new changing facilities sound good, some are rubbish and makes it so difficult, half time I won't lay ollie down on anythjbg and change him on my knee!

Ali, hope u r doing ok too hon after your grandma ️xx and everything else u have going on in your busy life..

Slammer, sorry your DH has had a slow recovery. Hope he is feeling better soon. Really nice what you did for his birthday. Sorry about the short awake periods with jack, little man keeping u busy. It's so full in with toddlers as well. Ollie is awake roughly 40 mins also then will sleep anything from 5 mins to an hour or two which is nice but not very often. Whenever he sleeps I seem to leg it round like a crazy woman getting house jobs done !! Then I'll chill with him when he wakes.. Sorry about the wage loss but it's good u have some put away. I was thinking of u yesterday when ollie started crying in car.. Omg did my head in and it was only for a few mins!! Hope Jack settles soon for u, glad u are managing to get used to it and not letting it stress u, I admire u its def not easy.. Sorry u r going back to work :( x

Vrogers/ Monday's have recently become a day I look forward to. Ds has started attending nursery 9/3 and oh is back at work and teenager at school so it's just me and ollie. I love oh being at home but at same time my routine goes out of the window. I think I just have things Sussed when just me m boys and things run smoothly and I get loads done. At weekends oh is there to help yet it seems I get nothing done ! Ha..

Been a funny week .. 1st April was 5 years since lost our angel baby :( it doesn't sem to affect oh at all but it does me. He just says look at what we have got now which of course im grateful for but I still think of how old it would be ect. It's strange but we concieved ds soon after and his due date was exactly a year later to the day.. Weird .. Anyway less of that ..

Ds birthday is this weekend, we have 22 confirmed attending his party.. Ive had some stressful experiences over the years with my older boys parties so im slightly nervous as to bow this is gonna go ha.. Should be fine.. I managed to get a power ranger cake ! Thankfully but still getting the red arrow jet one made as its already paid for. Hopefully he won't kick off ha.. I'm going to give him power ranger one in the morning then the propper one at his party so at least he has had the power ranger one .. My goodness all this for a cake haha.. He hadn't stopped talking about it tho so had to get one .. Lol.. I even ordered PR cupcake toppers from ebay so baking as well ! I ordered all his presents to collect and had to re order 3 days on the run as I couldnt get out to collect so ended up getting home dilivery !

Then we go away for two days ! To the working farm with B&B looking forward to that .. Need a break ..

Went to slimming world ( or fat club as we call it ) this week and got my 1/2 stone sticker and certificate lol.. They do a presentation in he group then u tell people what u did good this week ect .. I couldn't be bothered with all that so just picked it up and left lol.. I don't normally stay to the group but mums decided she wants to so supose ill gave to to support her .. ��

Well ladies I decided after feeling bit fed up over the weekend that I was having a bit of me time..I'm going for hair doing today first time since being pregnant, it's at a friends salon and she really makes u feel pampered with latte and magazines ha so looking forward to that, mums having ollie. First time really apart from the odd time whilst I pop for some shopping, I think she will enjoy having him. Then me and ollie are meeting a colleague and her little girl from work for another coffee and catch up ..

My friend has a little online business selling beauty products and she had an offer on this week and ive bought myself that as well.. So looking forward to my box of goodies arriving ..im just waitiing for oh to say .. How much was that lot .. Some things are better left unsaid !haha ...
Literati- I really wish we'd gotten a babysitter but we ended up just staying home! I wonder if the fear/anxiety with the thought of leaving her with someone will go away as she gets older or if I'll just have to get over it! I hope you're able to get some alone time yourself as soon as dh can/will watch the girls, I can only imagine if I need it this bad you sure do!
Also, I'm sorry about the crappy night the other night. I hope V feels better and you're both able to get some rest.

Pompey- ah thank you so much for the encouragement about the milk, I sure hope so too!
In your situation I can definitely see how Monday's are more relaxed. I'm glad you have at least one day like that!
Beauty and the beast is one of my fav Disney movies, how fun! I'm glad you were able to enjoy and Jamie slept. Have you seen the live action one yet? I was supposed to go with a friend but chickened out on leaving baby with dh for that long, I want to see it so bad! Will definitely be buying it.
Yay for the longer sleep, I'm sure you enjoyed it! I too am dreading the 4 month regression, I've read too many horror stories. Good thing I like coffee haha

Ally- oh gosh, I don't know how I missed your comment about your birthday, so sorry. Happy birthday!!! I hope it was lovely and you were spoiled.
Sounds like you have a busy weekend as well as busy birthday month! I hope you enjoy everything

Slammer- yes, and now just two more days until the weekend, yay!
I'm sorry about the sucky situation with dh and finances. That's good you have savings but I understand how frustrating unexpected expenses/loss of incomes can be. I hope he feels better soon for everyone's sake!
I'm dealing with the same car crying, i feel bad because I am so desperate to get out of the house, like tonight made dh take us to grab a coffee and then pick up groceries for dinner. It would be easier for one of us to go but it's the only time I can really spend with dh out and about. I was telling him tonight I'm so ready for her to not scream and cry in the car, it's every. Single. Time. Exhausting for everyone.
I'm glad you were able to let everyone meet him and how nice of your boss to take you to lunch!
Aw how sweet of you to do that for dh! Sounds like he enjoyed it, the unexpected things always mean the most in my opinion!

Today and yesterday were rough! Yesterday L woke up around 5 hungry, so dh gave her her medicine (she has to wait 30 min after meds to eat) so I pumped then fed her. Then today she woke around 4am just babbling super loud to I guess the ceiling? She wasn't hungry but woke us up with how loud she was being. Then she woke for the day around 7:30 and would NOT go down for a nap no matter what I did. Usually easily takes about 2+ hours in the morning even if the rest of the day can be iffy. She took less than an hour (this is the one day I was trying to nap at the same time but she just wouldn't sleep) and then around 2:30 finally fell asleep for about 3 hours. She would have slept longer but I had to wake her so she could get her medicine because I knew she would be hungry.
The whole 'missing my life before baby' thing had been getting better but went came right back these past couple days. I cried this evening because I just miss how easy I had it before, sleeping when I want, eating when I want, etc and I just feel permanently tired.
Sorry for the rant! I'm hoping it gets "easier" or maybe more normal as more time goes by. I'm just apparently not a huge fan of the little baby stage!
Apple- missed your post as I was typing mine out!
In that case I don't blame you at all for liking Monday's and your alone time with Ollie!
I'm sorry about your loss. I had an early loss in dec. 2015 and was depressed, couldn't get out of bed for about 2 months. Dh was upset the day it happened, and then just upset to see me so upset and down. It hit me MUCH harder and I wonder if that has something to do with the fact that it's our bodies going through it. I wouldn't have L if I had that one instead, that's weird to think about.
How sweet of you to get two cakes even though that's more work for you..I'm sure he knows how loved he is! I hope his party is a blast, I'm sure it will be
Enjoy being pampered you most definitely deserve it! It's good you are taking the time to do something that makes you happy and feel good.
Vrogers/ no worries , just read your update also:) sorry u have been having a few tiring days with L. Sorry for your loss too hon, I thhnknit is rally difficult for the women as well. I knew for 4 weeks before lo passed naturally so that was a hard time and as u say I wouldn't have ds at ollie if it hadn't happened and they are both our world .. Hugs ..x I think with me its prob something to do with me not having a little girl.. I do feel very blessed and lucky to have our little boys tho, I can't believe ds starts school in September. He has a little graduation from nursery soon , I'll be in bits lol..and ollie is a little gem at the min always smiling .. Melts u x

Forgot to mention fab new about your milk , u r superwoman for persevering as u have..

Anyway I'm on here with my hair in foils with a latte in salon.. So I'll get back to my magazines haha x Silly but missing my little ollie and I complain of having no time for self ! Gonna go and get him straight after even tho I know mum would have him longer haha x

Just random comment but has any off u guys heard of forever living ?? My friend has started selling it, and I know two people that have now given up their jobs to do it as doing well. I'm just considering it, my jobs ok, work in NHS but would like to reduce my hours but still need money ! Ha.. Just wondered if anyone had any experience or thoughts on it. Just had word with my hairdresser and she has heard of people doing well if hey put effort in .. Mmm not sure ??
VRogers - oh, I just want to hug you! :hug: It is totally okay to have moments where you miss your life/freedom before kids. It is a huge adjustment becoming a Mom, and quite a shocking reality for most. It WILL get better, and although not everything will get easier, it will most definitely get easier to manage, and you will get used to the change and even love it! There may still be the odd moment when you miss your old freedom, but there will also come a day when you can take more breaks! As L depends on you less, your DH can watch her for longer while you have a day/night out with friends, and eventually you'll feel more confident leaving her with a babysitter so that you can have a date with DH! It won't always be this exhausting or relentless. You're doing a great job!
Do you have a family member who could babysit, or do you have to hire someone? You might not feel confident enough to leave L with someone until she's a bit older, but if you have a really trusted family member, you should try to get out with DH just for an hour or two and see how it goes! But I think you will start to feel ok with someone watching her when she is more of a toddler. It is hard leaving a baby with anyone!
vrogers - I absolutely promise you it DOES get easier and it gets so good, you won't want your old life back. When L is older, is more interactive, when she starts noticing the world around her more and generally has more of a personality it gets better, I really do promise. I would try and get out and about though, with both Lillian and either with friends or your DH. I know before you were worried about it and I am sure being at home so much is having an impact on how you are feeling.
I found with Anabella it was very difficult. I craved my old life and I thought the sleepless nights, tiredness, monotony etc would never end. It did and I stated to enjoy and appreciate life in ways I never did before. I discovered places I'd never been too before and found a love of the outdoors. I take SO MUCH pleasure from Anabella's happiness and pleasure, more so than I have ever felt for myself. I've found it much much easier this time round because I've had to carry on as normal because I have Anabella and Jamie just kinda tags along, bless him!
Sorry long post, but I wanted to reassure you :hugs:

Apple - Yes I've heard of Forever Living.... I feel the ladies that sell it are full of crap if I am being honest and I can't stand the posts they put on facebook about how great it is and how much money they are earning. I am just skeptical I suppose. I'd love to know how it REALLY works... I get the impression they are told what to write / how to write it to make it look like a dream job, but I just don't see it. If you do go into it, I wouldn't give up your NHS job until you are established and are making real good money :)

slammer - Sorry your DH is still so sore, ouch! Is it getting less painful at all or does he still seem in the same amount of pain?I am glad you have some savings behind you, at least it takes the worry of money away. Wow, I can't believe you go back to work soon... how are you feeling about it?
I would say Jamie can stay awake around 2-2.5 hours during the day now before needing to go to sleep again. It does vary though as some days he definitely sleeps more than others and will sleep for huge long stretches (normally if he is in the papoozle). He has fallen into a little routine of having 3 naps a day but the time at which he takes them and for how long change from day to day.

AFM - Jamie always takes 6oz at night before bed where as normally he has 4oz (max) during the day and I thought that was why he was starting to go a bit longer at night, but last night he woke at 11.30pm starving and gobbled down another 4oz as quick as you like, then he woke again at 2.40am and then at 5.15am!! Not the best night I must admit. I thought the massive long stretch without waking on Sunday was too good to be true!
Pomp, I totally get where u r coming from woth the annoying posts. I don't know anyone that does it in my friend group on fb with forever but I know some that do it with similar things and I often wondered too if they were trained to do it that way. Someone I knew for a while did forever and I felt she was a little overpowering with it a couple of years ago and she asked me to do it but I wasnt interested, Id never given it a second thought since then recently a close friend from work has started doing it. I think because I know her well and have quite a lot of respect for her judgement it made me maybe reconsider possibly looking into it after my mat leave. She doesn't put anything on Facebook herself Prob for that reason..I said to oh I'll give it 6 months and see how she gets on and then maybe look I to it. At the moment I just want to focus on ds and new baba. I think having New baby makes u think of how much u want to be at home with them. I wouldnt give up my NHS post even if I did do it, I enjoy the work I do and have some great colleagues that i would miss..I just struggle with the meeting targets side of it and don't agree with it but these days u r lucky to have a job in NHS so wouldn't give it up. It would just be nice to be able to reduce my hours so im looking at ways to be able to do that so I can be at home more for my little fellas :)

Sorry u had a difficult night with Jamie. 6oz at night . Wow bless him , ollie will only have 4 at the most. Jamie sounds a little cutie ! It's so nice when they get into a routine, this age is so changeable day to day. Hope u have another long stretch soon !! Don't think there is much chance with ollie tonight he seems to be a poop machine.!

Lit/ hope v is feeling better hon. Sorry your days can be hard at times with the short awake times, especially with u feeding v yourself. You really sound like u r doing such an amazing job. It really is tiring at times, hope u get some time for u soon x
This is long. I apologize..

I'm going to try to catch up best I can. First off about me..

So, my grandmother passed on the 30th (which I already talked about), so a week ago and that same day we had the inspection. Then the next day we had to go sign papers to ask them to fix some things. Then we had visitation on Sunday, then funeral on Monday. I worked Tuesday and Wednesday. Then O had his appointment today. I'm so ready to be home to recuperate. I'm sure many of you are much busier than I on a regular basis and that might not sound like much, but it was a lot for me! Saturday is an Easter egg hunt at work and I'm taking O. Our activity director called around and got a lot of donations. There are things like free ice cream scoops, free goldfish, movie tickets, etc. I hope we get a goldfish! He loves fish! I told her to call me if she has any left because I will gladly take them! She said she would, so maybe I’ll get some free cheap fish!

O's appointment went well. We didn't talk about his speech because I honestly forgot. He was throwing an absolute fit and did not want to be there. Then on top of that I was more concerned with addressing his recent skin issue. His hands have been itching him and had little bumps all over them. Got a steroid cream and she also said to give him Zyrtec once a day. I'm not too concerned about his speech since he's constantly improving. He just waited longer than some children.

I absolutely love my pediatrician's nurse. She adores both the boys, but she stole T from me. She did everything she needed with O then said she was going to steal T. Figured she wanted to hold him and what not. So I handed him to her so I could get O undressed and she left with him! :haha: She came back about halfway through the appointment and said "Okay, time to give him back.. I guess I have to work." She's awesome with both boys.

T is doing well. He slept 6.5 hours straight for me the last two nights. I'm assuming it's because I was working and he got wore out from not sleeping and being fussy. Still happy for the most part. Still doesn't like being put down by himself for long periods. Giving me lots of giggles now! Definitely wants to sit up all the time.

I’m doing fine. I hated both days of work. Between losing my grandmother, working with a horrible coworker, things kept happening all at once.. I was so done with the job. I was also a little pissed this morning because I asked DH to put my milk away when I got home. He never did. I still have extra since T doesn’t eat as much when I’m going, but still.

Enough of me. I’m sure I missed stuff, but ah well.

Pomp – Jaimie is eating great! I have no idea how much T can eat at once. He only does about 3 oz max for DH at one time. When he’s nursing off me I’m sure he’s eating more than that.

I’m doing well. I knew it was coming, still hard, but I try to find peace in the fact that she’s not suffering. It was hard to see her no longer living. She was always there and now she’s not. She was my great grandmother, but she was there for us a lot. Last grandmother I had.

Apple – Never heard of it. I stay away from that stuff. Generally, what happens with companies like that is a few will do well and then the rest just manage and don’t go anywhere with them. I’d love to do something simple and just be with my children, but it’s not something that will probably ever happen.

I’m hoping I can host a birthday party at our place. That is if we get into this house! Never had room before so I’m excited at the idea of being able to have one. Mostly will be just family coming. I know no one! Otherwise I’m sure it would stress me out. Hope you enjoy the two days away! Sounds nice. I want to be able to do something soon. We need some good quality family time.

Thank you for thinking about me. I’m doing fine! I’ve had ups and downs, but life is still going.

Vrogers – It does get easier and you slowly get some freedom back. You’ll find yourself missing that complete freedom from your days without children, but you’d never want give up what you got in return because it is so much greater! I still sometimes think “It would be so much easier to do this if I didn’t have kids.” Or wishing I could do something, but can’t because I have children. They’re just passing thoughts, though. Every time I think something like that it makes me think of how much greater my life is with them.

Slammer – I hope Jack straightens up in the car soon. I wonder why he hates it so much! I’d never want to go anywhere. I know that wouldn’t be an option, though.
T generally is up for 1.5 to 3 hours at a time. He was up FOREVER this evening. Well over 3 hours. Finally got him to bed (I’m assuming he’s not going to wake up for the rest of the night) at 7:30.
I’m sorry you must go back to work soon. How are you feeling about it?
Glad DH’s surprise party helped him cheer up! I’m sure with being sore can be a real bummer.

Ally – Happy belated birthday! Your April does sound crazy! That’s funny that there are so many April birthdays. Seems to happen like that, though. That they’re all grouped together.

Lite – O was then he got better, then lately he’s just being ugh! He was horrible at his appointment! He screamed and cried and acted like I was torturing him. I wasn’t embarrassed, but I was sure frustrated! He doesn’t like being shut in rooms, doesn’t like stethoscopes, doesn’t like the otoscopes, and I think he feels invaded when he’s stripped down and they’re messing with him. He started to calm down after we got him dressed. I think next time we’ll put a gown on him. I don’t know if that was part of it or not, but worth ruling out.

What stroller is it that you’re looking at? I’m thinking (hoping) that if I do get one it will be after we move and when the weather is nice. For the most part I’ll do the carrier and our current stroller, but would like to be able to just push both at times as well.

Okay, I think I’m mostly caught up. Sorry if I missed anything. I started this in the morning. It’s now night and T is in bed.

Oh, I also swear this child has everything now. We bought an automatic rock n’ play hoping that maybe DH can put him in there when I’m gone and have him stay asleep. He has to bounce him the entire time for all his naps. I guess the swing doesn’t work for him? I don’t know..
Apple - I am glad you decided to pamper yourself. You deserve it. I could use a bit of me timetoo, but unfortunately DH is never around to give me a break it seems.

Pompey - sorry Jamie didn't repeat the longer stretch for you. Sounds like he was very hungry last night.

AFM - Thursday is always my worst day of the week, and this week was just the same. I don't know why everything turns out to be a disaster on Thursdays. It started out well, as I took the girls to library storytime and let dd1 play there after before we came home for lunch, and I managed to get the house somewhat clean. However, then my friend came over with her toddler who destroys the house every time he comes. I told them not to dump all the toys out this time, but they still dumped out 80% of them, and her toddler also wrecked some off dd1's pretend groceries by ripping the paper off of them. He was also having so many meltdowns by the end and Our conversation was constantly interrupted. We had a nice time, but I was left with the mess to clean up. She offered to help, but she always tells me not to worry about helping at her house, so I felt I had to say no, not to worry about it as well.
So as soon as she left, dd1 continued to be SO disobedient (she also was the entire time my friend was over) even though she had finally been so good for the past week and a half. Kept telling her to help clean up, but she just would not do it (and still hasn't) but I was too busy with V to properly enforce it. So then I started supper which was supposed to be an easy meal from frozen I just purchased, but it ended up being the most involved meal I have made since probably before I got pregnant! DH got home shortly after my friend left, and I had a moment of excitement only to find out that, once again, he has a migraine, so he went straight downstairs to bed and I won't see him until tomorrow.
So I had to try to make this meal with sO many steps by myself while dd1 was constantly disobeying and doing bad things, and Violet was crying and crying because she was overtired but I couldn't put her to sleep because I was cooking! Not to mention if I had put her to sleep, it wouldn't have helped because I have to hold her for her to sleep. She of course chose this evening to refuse to sleep in the swing. So I finally got supper ready, quickly cut it up, and then had to go eat in the living room once I got Violet to sleep so I could hold her on the couch while I ate. Dd1 didn't really eat anything but again I am not there to enforce anything, and I can't clean up the colossal supper mess until Violet wakes up. After I manage to clean that up, I'll have to clean up my friend's toddler's mess by myself. So frustrating! I love our times together and value our friendship, but it sucks that the kids basically destroy the house when she is over. I am almost thinking we might have to start meeting in public play areas so we don't have to clean up such a big mess after.

Sigh...sorry for complaining. Just had a really rough night and it feels like no one cares. Tried to rant to my sister but she seemed like she didn't really care that much. Blah.
Ali - you must have posted while I was posting. Thanks for checking in. I figured you must have been working the last couple days. Sounds like you were even busier than that! It sounds busy to me for sure - and quite emotionally draining. You must be exhausted. I hope you have a relaxing day tomorrow.

We are looking at the city select jogger stroller.

That is really frustrating how O acted out so much as the doctor appointment. That would have really frustrated me too. I am not a fan of the whiny phase or the tantrums.
I am the same with having passing thoughts about wishing I could do certain things and whatnot, but definitely feel my life is far better than it ever was before, and I wouldn't trade it for the world!
Ali, sorry u have had a crazy few days. Glad the Dr went ok, sorry but I mustvhave missed previous posts about Os speech, hope it's something that can be sorted easily. Ive just had to have ds referred for speech therapy as he seems to have developed a stammer, strange it seems to have developed since ollie was born. So we were but worried he was trying too hard to get words out quickly as we might be busy with ollie. Alsorts goes through your mind doesn't it �� I hope u manage to get some time to relax now after all recent events, as lit said u must be exhausted x

Annoying co workers are a pain in the butt. Jobs are hard enough but u always get one that throws the atmosphere. A couple come to mind for me..

The Easter egg hunt sounds fun:) I hope u get a little gold fish :)

Lit- sorry you have had a difficult Thursday, your DH really suffers woh those migraines doesn't he. It's bad for him but really difficult for you also with 2 little ones I can see how it would become frustrating..I know I have said before but despite everything you really do sound like u do loads with your girls despite tiredness. I do hope u get some time for yourself a little soon. Sometimes i feel like I'm losing the plot as im constantly hassled, I have older boys and even though they do lots for themselves the do still hassle a lot.. Over silly things Prob because ive spoilt them a bit.. My fault but I just want to be there for them. My oh isn't their dad so im very aware of that..It gets so tiring sometimes tho. I went to a friends for 2 hrs last week, first time on my own since ollie being born and I got over 10 txt messages ! In the end I turned my phone off. Oh was fuming later when I told him. Im not making this about me I just wanted u to know u are no way on your own with the way u are feeling it's really hard at times.

Ive found that even if I just buy myself a magazine or have a 10 min bath hon it gives me chance to re charge my batteries even in that short space of time, it's doesn't get rid of your stres altogether but I find it allows me to get my head together for the next round lol.. It's not always possible I know.
Iwas super organised this am then ds started playing up not doing anyhing he was told and it totally throws me.. So I'm totally with how u r feeling x trust me u are superwoman !! And even with 2 it does get easier.. Shame we are not all nearer we could have a real venting coffee morning and swap babies for cuddles x

Going to get ballons ect for ds birthday now, got really busy weekend so Prob won't get on again, hope u ladies have a nice weekend yourselves x
Literati - interesting thought about V maybe needing more sleep later on too. Maybe Jack will be one of those 4-5 year olds still napping two hours… DD is only 3.5 and doesn't need a nap, but there’s a 4-year-old at her daycare who can easily still nap two hours and really needs it.

Oh man, sounds like a rough day yesterday! That sucks having to clean up a big mess by yourself. Can you hide some baskets of toys next time?? Heh. And I feel for you on the cooking. I hate cooking to begin with and if something ends up taking way longer to make than I thought it would I just hate it even more! I hope today goes better for you and that DH doesn't have another migraine. :hugs:

Apple - yes, the car crying is horrible, isn't it? I'm just at a point where I have to tune it out because I need to get out and do things and it won't do me any good to be getting worked up myself while trying to drive. :(

:hugs: to you on thoughts of the baby you lost. I'm sure it's much harder on us women than the men.

I hope DS’s party goes off a big success!

I hadn't heard of Forever Living, but there are a ton of other MLM schemes here that I know people involved with. I generally don't support those kinds of things because I think most people end up a dismal failure at it and just lose money. I could never do one of those myself. I'm not good at sales, and wouldn't want to impose on friends and family to try and sell things. I did get sucked into a LuLaRoe fundraiser recently and got two pairs of leggings...trying to resist buying more now, lol.

Vrogers - the fear of leaving her with someone will get better. Well, I still haven't left DD with anyone other than family or her daycare provider...nervous about finding someone else. But I used to be so reluctant to even leave her with DH and go off on my own...not that I didn't trust him, but I felt like I should be spending all my time with her, especially as a working mom since I was already away from her a lot. As she got into toddlerhood I felt much more able to get away without feeling bad about it.

The car crying is so exhausting. But I'm at a point where I can't stay home all the time...not only do I need to do things, I also feel more confined at home than I did when it was just DD as a baby, so I need to get out and about just for the refresher, so I'm just having to suck it up and deal with the crying.

Yes, it gets easier! For me with DD, every new stage made things better and easier. Definitely as she gets more interactive you will enjoy her more and find a lot of joy in life as a mom! It's OK to find this stage hard!

Pompey - DH is sort of getting better, but it's slow. He usually feels OK in the morning, but gets more sore as the day goes on. I really hope he feels back to normal soon!

I feel OK about going back to work. Just worried now about getting Jack onto a bottle. We need to work on that in the coming week. DH only tried it once so far a couple weeks ago and he didn't catch on to it.

AliJo - I'd be exhausting after all you've had going on too! I hope O enjoys the easter egg hunt! Sounds like a very rough appt for him...I'd have been super stressed by that.

Yes I hope Jack gets better in the car soon!!

Sorry work is crappy and DH has a hard time with T while you’re gone. How stressful!

AFM - nothing too exciting here. I may curse myself by saying this, but Jack has had a couple of better nights...sleeping in 2-3 hour blocks! May it continue and keep getting better, please! I was just realizing that I need to have some sort of better system for when I go back to work. DD was swaddled and sleeping in a moses basket when I went back after her, but Jack doesn't take to either of those so it might be a disaster for me trying to get up and get ready in the wee hours of the morning without him waking too. He's bound to notice my absence right away. Ugh.
Apple - Thanks for the encouragement. You're sweet. You're doing an amazing job too! Always sounds like you're doing so much. That definitely sounds like the teenagers are challenging as well. I am sort of scared of that stage!

I agree a nice bath or few minutes to yourself can be great to recharge! I haven't had that in a while but hopefully soon. At least I'm not feeling like I'm running on empty anymore like I was a few weeks ago.

Slammer - yeah, I know! Dd1 is only 2 and already dropped her nap. So perhaps we will have those kids who need naps until later on this time. It is a theory, anyway! ;) We shall see.

That's great Jack has finally been sleeping in 2-3 hour chunks! I hope he keeps it up, and even improves more!

I hope you can find a way to make things work when you go back to work. Can your DH co sleep with him maybe? Violet definitely wouldn't be able to handle sleeping without me in the mornings either.

Dd1 was the same with the car screaming, and it is so exhausting! I am sorry Jack is like that. I hope it doesn't last too long.

The funny thing is, I actually do hide some of the toys before he comes over! I hide the puzzles and blocks because those make extra mess. I am going to have to start hiding everything! :p

AFM - happy Friday! I'm having a better day today. My mom brought me Coffee on her coffee break at work, and then I took dd1 to an easter party. When I got home, someone was pulling up to deliver flowers to me from DH! So nice. Next, we are going to head to the park. It is absolutely beautiful out! Need to change into capris. Too bad I will have to wear MATERNITY capris because I am still too big to fit my normal clothes! Argh!!!!!
slammer- thanks for re-assurance RE the sucking. Sorry about your DH, I hope he recovers soon. Glad the surprise cheered him up a little.

apple- glad you are treating yourself, you deserve it! never heard of forever living.

vrogers- i know how you feel, soon after having isa i felt in mourning almost for my pre-baby life and it got better, but i do have a day here and there where i do feel like that again. I miss a full nights sleep and being able to do what i want and when... hang in there. Im not a huge fan of the tiny baby stage either. Lit and pomp's messages are re-assuring :)

pomp- I get the odd long stretch of sleep but they always seem to be rare. I hope the night awakenings lessen soon for you (and for us all).

ali- that sounds like a alot! you are juggling so much. Hope you get some time to relax a little now.

lit-that sounds rough, i am sorry the boy made such a mess in your house and then your dh didn't help you at all. It sound so stressful, and i am sending you a big hug! perhaps best to meet in a public area next time. i am so glad dh got you flowers, you deserve them :)

afm- Isa's napping has been a little better once i paid more attention to timing etc, and the last few days he has been waking up at 9am, nap at 10.30am, then daytime is a bit variable. 8Pm bath time, and by 9.30/10 he is asleep and sleeps for a few hours. Bet that routine changes today haha!every time i think i have figured it out...
i managed a long walk yesterday with Isa, which was nice and he slept for most of it. Going to a wedding tomorrow, which i am really looking forward too, getting dressed up etc.

Ally - yeah, every time I think Violet has some sort of routine, she completely changes it up the next day! This stage is still very unpredictable! I don't remember when my dd1 fell into a more predictable routine.
I am pleased Isa has been napping a bit better and that you got out for a walk. Have fun at the wedding today! I love weddings (usually)!
so I know I haven't been on lately, I've been having a rough time. I have loads to catch up on, but I don't have the energy so I'm going to update and try to keep up better. I'm just physically/mentally/emotionally exhausted and have been in a bad place for awhile.

Quick overview of the last couple weeks:

Melody's sleep went down the drain and so did her eating. She went from eating 20-30 minutes every 3 hours to less than 5 minutes every 45 minutes. She stopped sleeping for more than 40 minutes at a time, and started losing weight (based on our non-scientific method of weighing her by weighing me and then weighing me holding her, which we do every week or two). I managed to get that under control by starting to force her to go a little longer between feeds. Every time she would get fussy for food I would distract her for 15 minutes (only 15!) and after 15 if she was still fussy I fed her, but if she was happy I waited until she fussed again and then promptly fed. This made her more hungry at each feed which slowly lengthened her feeding times which lengthened her time between feeds. Took 2-3 days but got that fixed.

Then she stopped sleeping well again and we realized she's outgrown hte bassinet. Laying in it she has only an inch between her feet and the end and her head and the end so she kept wiggling around and hitting the edges. So I moved her into our bed while looking for alternative. We decided to use pack n play but the "mattress" it comes with is hard and she wouldn'ts leep on it. So while waiting to get a mattress for it she slept with us.

Then she stopped eating completely. She started to eat and after 2-3 minutes would pull off screaming, arching her back, and refuse to eat. And she was refusing my right side all together. I could get her to take a bottle but only if I kept her mostly sitting up. After a week of this I took her to the doctor. Doc says she's fine physically but pretty congested, and suggested using nasal spray + bulb syringe to clear up congestion before every meal. That seems to be helping a little, and she will eat again but was refusing me completely, only will eat on a bottle. I sat and sobbed, literally, every time while feeding her the last two days because I would offer the boob and she'd refuse (not even try) but would take the bottle and suck down 5 oz (with breaks every ounce to burp and make sure she wasn't getting over full). So she was clearly hungry, starving, but wouldn't eat from me. Friend says it's a nursing strike and to keep calmly offering boob, and pump when she won't take it and just keep doing what I'm doing. But I am devastated. She WILL nurse at night, and for the first and last feed of the day. Just not during the day.

For the week that she wasn't eating and was congested she couldn't breathe, so I ended up with her sleeping in my arms because she was naturally propped up that way. So now she's eating again, and the congestion is okay and under control, and she can sleep again. Except she won't sleep in her own bed at night. She wakes up flailing eveyr few seconds. I suspect she got too used to sleeping IN my arms. Even in our bed she flails and cries until she's IN my arms. :wacko: I can't sleep well with her in my arms, I sleep but very poorly, so I can't keep doing that. But trying to keep her out of our bed has led to zombie nights for the last 3 nights. I'm a complete wreck.

I finally discovered last night that I think her bed is too cold. at nap time in her bedroom I run a heater, and its about 72 degrees and she sleeps fairly well. at bedtime she's in our room in pack n play and we can't sleep that warm so no heater. Our room sits about 65-68 degrees. Last night after feeding I Went to put her down and even I felt her sheets were really cold so goin to the cold sheets after being on a warm body I think is shocking. I had DH go and heat up one of our microwave rice neck wrap things to put in her bed, and he got it too hot so I told him to just lay it in her bed while I held her until it cooled. A few mins later when he shifted it so I could put her beside it I laid her on the warm spot and she didn't even budge (all night for hte last 3-4 nights the MINUTE we lay her down, no matter how out she is, she wakes up). She then slept until her next feeding. Of course then the bed was cold again. :wacko: But now I have an idea for what to do to help.

Today is a little better emotionally. She did eat from me a little otday. But I'm exhausted. and at 2-3am this mroning I was crying and thinking about how I just miss my old life before baby.....

I feel like a horrible person and a horrible mother. I can't even admit to some of the darker thoughts I was having. If this continues I will contact my doctor about my meds but I'm hoping if I can get more sleep will make me go back to normal.


Anyway.... sorry I'm not replying to anyone else. I just cannot muster the energy to read. It took all the energy I have (during Melody's short 40 minute nap) just to type this up. And now she's awake so I'm going to go.

Angel - I am so, so, so sorry about the rough time you are having! That sounds like a lot of stressful things are happening all at once! One thing I sensed from your post was a lot of anxiety, and a lot of thinking that the problems you/ M were having were your fault or a result of something you were doing wrong. This is most certainly not the case; babies are very demanding little creatures with their own little personalities. When they don't want to sleep in their bassinet, or only in your arms, or have a nursing strike, etc, it is NOT your fault! It is just your baby being a baby! So I hope that gives you a little comfort and that you will stop beating yourself about things. Definitely speak to a dr soon if you are still feeling the way you are. Sounds like you are very down, which is understandable with all the stress you're under! Lots of hugs for you. You're doing an amazing job, and are SUCH a great mom! I can tell from all your posts how much you love M and how much you try to do the BEST thing always. I think that completely proves you are an amazing mother. It also probably explains why you are stressed, because sometimes being a perfectionist can be very stress-inducing with a baby! Because guess what? No one is perfect, and babies are extremely unpredictable. There is Nothing wrong with trial and error and making mistakes along the way and learning from them! You're doing the best you can, and that's all that matters!

I do agree with your friend that that sounds like a nursing strike and you should continue offering and then pump when she takes a bottle. We didn't have such a secure case, but V also was recently nursing far, far less because of her cold. Thankfully she never had a strike and seems to be back to normal feeding schedule now. V is also the exact same with needing to be propped up on my arm in bed! She has already had two colds in her life, and this one she has now she has had for 3 weeks already so I have had to keep her propped up so she can breathe. Now it seems she always has to be like that, so I can relate. It is so tough when they get sick! It can throw everything off. Once again, you're doing an amazing job! Hang in there! And you can always talk to us about anything!
Hi angel, didn't want to read and run. I'm sorry you have had such a difficult time lately but is really good that you have managed to get on here. The ladies here are so supportive and will all give u advice and share their experiences which im sure you will find will normalise much of what you are feeling. If u do manage to read back a few pages you will see that a few of us on here have had moments recently where we are struggling for different reasons. It's all so new, even when u already have older children. Each child can be do different.

I had a real struggle with ollie being congested a few weeks ago , it was awful and he just wouldn't feed from me or bottle. It sounds like u have it Sussed now with melody the only thing I maybe did different was b4 I fed him I put few drops of breast milk in each nostril ( something I googled ) and it seemed to loosen things and he fed easier..

Missing your life before baby is totally normal but it will get better and you will gain so much more from melody, it's so hard when u r tired, it makes everything feel 10x worse. It does sound like u and dh are doing great job. Ollie is in with me most nights now and sounds like melody thinks you are a nice cosy mummy. They just get wise very quickly. Ollie had started to get upset when with oh if im in the room., then I'll take him and he will be fine. If im not in the room he will be ok with oh ! I know the dark thoughts are not nice but try and remember that's all they are.. Just thoughts.. Thoughts are just a biological response to situations.. And when we are stressed they can just play up a bit.. They are not a reflection of u as a person x sorry for going into work mode hon x

I can relate to the feeling re not wanting boob.. I was gutted when ollie stopped. He has a bit at night but mainly for comfort he iis bottle now through the day. I must admit he has been sleeping longer and tunny more settled on bottle. I n ow I tried my best and as long as he is happy im on eith it now x k admire the ladies on here and yourself who still bf full time. I was just finding it difficult time wise having older children that needed mums time as well x

Ally, glad u r getting in a little routine. Hope you have loverly time at wedding. It's nice to have something to get all dressed up for ! Are you taking isa with u x

Hi Lit/ :) we must have been posting at same time lol.. hope u managed to get your house sorted after your visitors ! I have exactly same problem both another little boy. We now meet at park lol x

Spent tonight sorting presents and balloons, ds is gonna freak out when he sees them all ! We have new basket ball net set up in front room ! He has a huge number 4 balloon. I'll try and take some pics of his cake my mums neighbour made to show u it's really cool lol x wish me luck for 22 3and 4 yr olds !! :) might need to vent tomorrow night !

Better get some sleep .. Middle of night here &#55357;&#56867;

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