January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Literati - hope your week is still going OK. I do feel like I'm much more adjusted to two kids now. It was worrying how hard it was earlier!

I bet you are sick of the discomfort! I hope it gets better soon.

Vrogers - it is emotional when they grow so fast! But it's awesome when they reach new milestones. Head control will be awesome when she gets there. And sitting is even more awesome...makes them so much easier to play with and set down.

Ally - nice you got some time for tea and catching up online! I hope Isa feels better soon.

Apple - I hope Ollie stops his middle.of the night parties. That's frustrating.

You're a good mum to be getting DS two cakes, lol! Sorry your 14-year old is struggling. It is such a rough age, but good thing you are close with him.

AliJo - sorry about the rough day at work, and very sorry about your grandma! Glad you went to see her though.

Hope the inspection goes very well!

AFM - DH had his vasectomy yesterday. He's much more sore than he thought he would be, and is waddling around like I was after giving birth! Had to do daycare dropoff and Jack’s appt by myself today, and cancel my PT appt. He wouldn't be able to take care of Jack very well with me gone.

Jack’s appt went well. He’s 13lbs, 14oz (78th %), 24” (83rd %), and 41cm head (91st %). He only cried a bit for his shots, but cried for the car ride home. Crazy - I came in and was holding him and only put him down for a second to grab my computer, and he cried out for a second and then passed out where I propped him on the couch! I guess he was tired! moved him to the mamaroo and he had a short nap there, then a little bit of awake time, then more napping on me. But then was very sad and unhappy next time he woke. One of his legs is swollen and red from the shot, so gave him some Tylenol. Hope he’s not this unhappy all night, poor babe.

Might need to go out for a few groceries later and worried about having to take Jack! Also not sure if I'm picking DD up or if DH can manage...
slammer -your DH sounds like mine after he was circumcised just over 2 weeks ago. The pain for him has only just gone and he was waddling about all over the place! I hope your DH recovers quickly and is able to help you out again.

Ali - so sorry to hear about your grandma :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Sorry work has been stressful :(

apple - I am sure the party for your son will go fine and hopefully he won't even notice the cake not being Power rangers!
I hope your 14 year old is back to normal soon, sounds like his friends mum's death has affect him :hugs:

Ally - sorry you've also had a rough couple of days with Isa. sounds like he has an icky tummy. Hopefully he is better now.

vrogers - I know exactly what you mean when our babies grow out of their clothes. With Anabella, I kept back around 30 items of clothes from her first year and had them made into a keep sake blanket. I am going to do the same with Jamie. It makes me feel a little bit less sad as it's something that you can keep forever to remind you of the early days.

LL - Hopefully you've had a good couple of days at home and caught up on housework. I tend to have Monday's and Thursday's at home as Anabella is in preschool most of the day and it is nice to chill and relax. We tend to be pretty busy and out and about the other 5 days though.

Newbie - sorry your DH is still not being supportive. Looking after a baby is bloody hard work and extremely under estimated :hugs:

AFM -Jamie's bedtime routine is going well and he is sleeping a bit better because of it. He is normally asleep for the night around 8ish and will go through until 12/1 without waking. Well he will wake and shuffle around, but won't cry out, he just takes himself back to sleep. He is still waking 2/3 times in the middle of the night for milk which is tiring but just about manageable!
My grandmother passed away around noon today. I knew it was coming quick, but I'm still super torn. Kind of wish DH would have taken the night off. Feeling super lonely.

As for the house, as it is right now it won't pass appraisal for our loan type. We're going to ask the seller to fix what needs to be done and if they won't we'll have to back out. I'm kind of whatever about it since I'm pretty emotionally drained. I just don't seem to care if we lose it right now. I really do suspect we'll have to back out.

Pompey - I'm glad Jamie is doing well with his bedtime routine. I hope it keeps going well and maybe soon he'll drop one of the wakings. He seems to sleep pretty well!

Slammer - Jack sounds like he's doing well! Love that he has a big noggin'! O always had a big head for his body. T actually has a smaller head. Those shots really do wear them out. That really sucks that one of his legs swelled up!! Has to be painful, the poor guy! Hope he feels better soon.

Been quiet, hope everyone is well. T will be 3 months before long. Crazy to think we're having babies pushing into 3 months some are already on their way to 4 months.
Ali sorry to hear about your grandma, im really glad u got to see her and know that she heard you talking to her ️xx if the house is meant to be it will happen.. I understand that you only have so much mental energy, been there a few times myself. Might be nice to try and get some me time hon .. Hugs ️xx

Slammer/ glad jack doing so well, hope is ok now after jabs. Glad it's getting easier for you with two little ones.. X u always sound like such a super mummy :)

Pomp/ Jamie's bedtime routine sounds really good. Ollie is getting there. We didn't have the HR wide awake in middle of night last night which was a bonus as ds slept through as well. Does make a difference ..x

Well I'd planned to go on a what seems like a marathon walk today to my mums , about 4 miles with the boys in pram and on buggy board.. And now it's raining ! Must be a sign not to bother ha .. I just want to get some weight off im wanting to lose 2st , ive been really good this week so we will see if it makes any difference . I had a rubbish week last week but had a family fall out. I'm definately an emotional eater..weight stayed the same tho St weigh in do I was chuffed as I expected to have put loads on.., and I had kfc and a piece of pizza ! And chocolate on Mother's Day ! I'm gonna see if it brightens up and maybe brave it..

Had a funny moment this morning. Ds handed me something .. I thought it was something from his nose as that's his party trick at the minute .. All I could see was that it was dark.. Then it bloody moved.. I jumped a mile and threw it.. It was a ladybird from the windowsill lol.. Then ds started freaking out and we wernt allowed to walk around u til we found it incase we stood on it ha..So I was creeping round with the torch in my phone looking for this ladybird.. It was like a scene from honey I shunk the kids haha x ! Found it !
Ali, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. It was great that you saw her yesterday, though. Sound like you're having a very stressful time right now. I hope you are doing OK. Be as kind to yourself as possible. Thinking about you.

Thanks for all of your supporting comments. I know dh is struggling with the transition in our lives, as I am, but I handle change much better than he does. He is trying harder this week and I've have really noticed a difference in the last few days. Maybe he read my post - lol! I will try to post on here more often, as I know how supportive you all are. I want you to know how much I appreciate that. I need it. I really don't have anyone else to talk to.

We're out at a new mall that's opened up recently and I'm feeding Z in their awesome family room. A whole room with toilet, arm chair, change table and everything. Definitely impressed. Makes feeding and changing in public much more private.
apple- sorry you've had some rough nights with Ollie and DS, hope things get better soon. Glad you got spoilt on mothers day :) thanks for sharing the funny story- made me laugh!

slammer - what a little chunk, sounds like he is doing great. I dont have any weigh ins till he is 4 months. There is a place i can go to, but can't be bothered, i think he is fine. Hope J recovers from shots quickly. Hope your hubby recovers quick.

pomp- that is great about the bedtime routine, i liek mines too, bath, feed, sleep and lay into crib.

ali- really sorry about your grandmother, sending you a big hug. You;ve got a lot going on just now, thinking of you.

newbie- glad you are out and about and sounds like an awesome feeding room! a few shopping centers here have great facilities for breast feeding and nappy changing, makes things much easier and less stressful. Glad dh is trying to do more...

AFM- Isa slept much better at night, and mostly in the crib (yah!). But dreading the daytime... he just isn't napping, or his naps are v short and he wakes as soon as he is put down.DH and i have decided to try a routine with naps and leave him to cry for a few mins if he wakes up to see if he self settles. He loves being held all the time, but it means i can't do anything else!
he sleeps a lot at night, and just now it is 11am and he is still fast asleep, so i dont know if he is making up for the daytime naps by sleeping in so late. i joke he has hit the teenager delayed sleep phase already .
Hello all. The reason I haven't been on in a few days is because BnB stopped working on my phone! The page just goes blank when I load it. It is so frustrating, because it is very rare that I get the chance to use my computer. If the site doesn't start working soon, I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update! I missed you guys all week! :nope:

Vrogers - Don't worry - L won't cluster feed forever. And it is really nice she does, because the STTN would be amazing! I know it is tough not having an evening to yourself, though. That is something I really struggled with when we had dd1. Unfortunately, she is and has always been a horrible sleeper, so it was well over a year before she could be put down and wouldn't wake up for at least an hour...

Unfortunately, last time all the lube in the world didn't help with dtd. I had a condition called vaginismus which makes dtd extremely painful and even impossible. Thankfully, it cleared up once my AF returned. That is weird and cool we have had a group for close to a year now!

Ally - I am happy you got out for coffee with a friend! This is definitely the time to do it. When they are still so young, it is easy for them to sleep out and about. :) I'm glad the outing did you good. I am sorry Isa has only wanted to be held and can't be put down asleep. Violet is much the same. It is quite common, I think, but it can feel so stifling to have to hold them for every single nap. Yesterday I was about to lose my mind after holding V all day and never getting the chance to eat enough or do anything I needed to do. I ended up taking the girls for a drive, and thankfully V had a long nap in her car seat after, which was a huge relief! Sorry you and your dh are so exhausted and that he is working so much. I know how that is.
Violet also will make up for crappy naps all day by sleeping really long at night (Not in a row, but she'll just keep going back to sleep until quite late in the AM). If she wakes earlier, she needs longer naps in the day, but I have to hold her for them. They do find ways to adapt!

Apple - How nice that your ds's 4th birthday is coming up. Sorry your teenager is having a hard time lately. Sorry Ollie had a rough time with his vaccines.

Ali - I am very sorry about your grandmother. I don't blame you for feeling lonely and down. You poor thing. Sending lots of hugs your way.
It really is fun comparing the two kiddos. I look forward to seeing how V is as an older baby and toddler (but don't wish her to grow up too quickly! I am treasuring each stage).

Slammer - Yay, I am glad you are more adjusted. I agree - it *was* worrying how hard it was at first. I have also had a better week and feel like things might finally be getting easier. Having said that, I'm sure there will always be hard days. I find Thursdays are my worst day, and this week was no exception.

It sounds like Jack is almost the same size as my dd1 was at 2 months! The percentiles don't sound the same though. I guess boys and girls have different charts though. Do you use the WHO charts or CDC? Sounds like he is growing very well. That is so sad his leg got all red and swollen! Poor guy. Violet's leg was also very sore for a little while.
Sorry your DH is in more pain than expected after his procedure. I hope he is back to normal soon.

Pompey - Yes, it sounds like you're out and about quite a bit! I was out every day last week, but this week I have barely left the house! I am a hermit at heart, but it's good to get out and do activities when you have a toddler as well. It's so great Jamie's bedtime routine is going well. It's a shame he won't start sleeping longer (Violet is also still waking lots), but it sounds like you'll be in for a treat later on since he self settles.

Newbie - I am glad you have noticed your DH putting in more effort as of late. That has to be encouraging to see. It makes sense he takes longer to adapt to change than you. Plus, he doesn't have as much time with Baby Z, so it is only natural it would take him longer to adjust. Hopefully he continues to put in more effort.

AFM - I've had a fine week. I've stayed in pretty much all week except for a short drive with the girls yesterday to get V to sleep and go through the Starbucks drive-thru! I am feeling more adjusted and have been able to just (mostly) embrace the fact that dd1 is ridiculously clingy and will ONLY play while cuddled up to me on the couch the entire time. She won't even get a few inches away from me! :p

Violet can never be put down asleep, and most of the time I can't even adjust positions without her waking up. The wrap is no longer working well because my movements end up waking her up after a very short nap. Thankfully, she is currently napping in her swing and dd1 is "doing dishes" in the sink, which is why I am finally able to update!

We had one really nice day where I managed to take the girls to the park. Unfortunately, having V in the carrier with dd1 in the stroller didn't work at all so I had to have V in the stroller with dd1 walking beside me. Once again, she tried to run away from me on the way home. :wacko: I am feeling more and more like we need a double stroller...it's just a matter of funds at this point.
Ally- yay for going out, I'm glad it went well! Poor thing with the upset tummy, hope he's doing better now. Dh keeps working late too so I know the feeling. Does he work weekends too? Hopefully you guys can spend some time together soon!
We're having some nap issues here too, L wakes up for the day around 8:15-8:30 and takes her morning nap about an hour or so later but then has trouble napping the rest of the day. It seems like sleep should be something that comes naturally but it's harder than I thought it would be to get a solid routine of napping and sleeping at night while also eating plenty.

Apple- glad you are all doing well, I'm sure the party will be a blast! That's funny (and probably frustrating) about the cake though.
It does sound like his friends mom passing made him think about if he was in that position..sad and sweet at the same time. That age is really tough and you don't realize at that age things will get better out of high school. Poor guy, I hope he can make at least one or two friends at school, there's bound to be someone he can get along with!
I feel the same about my weight, and we had pizza for dinner a couple nights ago and I instantly regretted it! Pizza is a weakness of mine.
That's a cute story, I'm sure you were so confused when it moved! :haha:

Ali- oh I'm so sorry, I teared up reading that about your grandma. I had the same feelings with my dad's parents, wishing I had spent more time with them and that I remembered more about the last time I did get to see them.
I'm glad you got to visit with her along with the boys, I'm sure that meant a lot to her even if she didn't seem "all there". And I'm sure she knew how much you all loved her. I'm so sorry.
Also sorry to hear about the house, you do have a lot going on. :hugs:

Slammer- I hope your dh recovers soon, I'm sure that's pretty unpleasant! But go you for taking care of things on your own.
I hope jack feels better soon! I hated seeing the little marks on L's legs even as small as they were.
Also hope the grocery trip went well if you had to go! Was going to suggest wearing him if you did go.

Pompey- ooh that's a cute idea! I'm going to have to find someone here who does that, then would be able to give to her when she's older.
Glad Jamie is sleeping so well! Won't it be nice when they no longer need those night feedings? Whenever that will be haha

Newbie- I'm so glad it seems to be getting better! I love how supportive everyone on here is too.
The mall sounds like fun, glad you are able to get out too!

Literati- that's weird it stopped working on your phone, I'm glad you're able to get on again though!
Thank you for the encouragement about cluster feeding, she does sleep really well at night so I cannot complain! Weird how naps are so much harder.
Wow, I'm glad it got better after AF came back, I can't imagine!
That's gotta be tough having a newborn who won't be put down and dd1 being clingy. I imagine it will become easier when V gets a little older and can play with dd1 but I'm sure that doesn't help right now.
Sounds like the double stroller would definitely help. Im not sure if you're on Facebook but I've seen tons of awesome (cheap) baby items on the Facebook marketplace! Otherwise, maybe you could get a walmart/target/babies r us/ etc coupon and come across a good sale soon. I'm having the same issue with finding a good yet not too expensive glider!

Anyone have any plans this weekend? We want to try to go to the park tomorrow as it's supposed to be bad weather Sunday. We took L when she was about 2 weeks old and slept the whole time so I'm curious to see how she does now that she's older.
My dad came by and visited for about 3 hours today, brought me lunch/coffee and gave me a necklace of his moms that he bought her about 20 years ago. She passed in nov. 2015 so it's special to have, it has her name on it on one side in English and the other in another language, he thought Arabic.
It was cute, I had Lillian in her swing when he came over, he went up to her and was smiling at her and she just looked at him with wide eyes confused like "you're not daddy" then gave him one of her huge gummy smiles where her eyes go all squinty
Pompey - hehe, sorry your DH was waddling too. Glad to hear his pain is gone now though!

That's great that Jamie's routine is going so well. I wish it was like that here. I can't get Jack to sleep until 10ish most nights, and definitely can't put him down and have him stay asleep. A multi-hour stretch of sleep seems like a distant dream right now.

AliJo - very sorry that your grandmother has passed. I hope she was peaceful. Wish DH could have stayed home from work with you.

I really hope the seller will fix the house issues so you don't lose out on this one.

Yes, can't believe his big head...it doesn't seem that big to me!

Apple - glad you didn't gain weight last week. Hope you see a loss at this week’s weigh-in! Hilarious story about your DS and the ladybird!

Newbie - hooray for DH trying harder! Love it when public places have nice facilities. Our mall is brand new and has good changing areas, and nursing rooms off the bathrooms - only one comfy chair in each though.

Ally - sorry for the nap struggles! I haven't even been trying to put Jack down, ugh. Do you have a carrier for him? They're great if he's dying for a good nap but you don't want to be trapped on the couch!

Literati - that sucks the website is not working for you! I'm always on my phone and no problems for me lately.

How often does V wake at night now? Is she still pooping like crazy?

Yes, I think the percentiles are different for boys and girls. It looks like he's using the WHO chart, but not sure if there are different ones for BF and FF babies. I've heard of there being different ones and doctors not using the right one, but not sure about mine.

I hope DD1 becomes less clingy with time. Sounds like V is having quite a hard time with naps!

Vrogers - got away with no grocery trip yesterday but did one today and definitely wore him! No other choice really as I don't have the kind of carseat you can carry around.

AFM - DH is improving, but still sore. At least he did daycare drop off and pickup today, helped me with laundry, made dinner, and went to bed with DD, so I wasn't on my own with everything. I did have to go grocery shopping and bring Jack and he was chill in the carrier there. Cried in the car - what else is new? Sheesh.

Tomorrow is my BF’s bridal shower. Have to make Mac n cheese for it and bring chips and dip. Taking Jack with me of course. Gonna be a long day out of the house and two long car rides. Please let Jack just fall asleep in the car!! Also, my BF’s dog escaped their yard today and hasn't been found yet, so if she’s not found by then my BF is gonna be a mess and not enjoy her shower, ugh! :(
Thanks everyone in regards to my grandmother passing. I'm doing alright. I'll be okay till the visitation and the funeral. She would have been 89 on the 8th. So she did get to live a long and full life. I can't help but be a little selfish and wish she would have been around longer, though. Her passing was peaceful. She was on comfort cares. I'm not religious, but if there is an afterlife then she gets to be with many loved ones young and old that have passed.

As for the house we're going to ask the sellers to fix the issue areas. So, probably by Monday we'll know if it's a flop for sure or not. There is still some unknowns of course, but if they do fix it then we have a good chance. I'm just worried about appraisal coming in low then them not wanting to budge on asking price. This house buying crap seems to be more stress than it's worth. I'm sure if we get into it, it will all feel worth it. Right now I wish it would just end, though. I wouldn't feel sad at the moment if they decide to not do anything. I will later, but right now no.

T is doing well. He's such a happy baby. Of course he still has fussy times when he's hungry, tired, bored, etc. He also generally wants to be sitting on my lap looking at the world. Can't blame him, but it amounts to a lot of time holding him since he won't let me put him down. He's also starting to get distracted from eating. He'll be hungry and latch then decide to let go and stare at something the opposite direction the breast. Watches brother all the time and loves looking at our dog. He's changing so much!! He also started to try to roll to his belly. Oh and I'm getting more little laughs out of him!

O has been incredibly whiny the last few days. He just had a mental break down a little bit ago because his hands had cat hair on them. Got him to calm down and we went to wash his hands and he just collapsed on the floor and started bawling again. One of those moments I just want to head bash something.

Slammer - I'm sorry your BF's dog is missing! Hopefully it is safe and someone is just looking for it's owner. It's also amazing how long an animal can be missing and still be safe! There was someone looking desperately for their dog here in town with a 1k reward. Hired a professional dog tracker, etc. Found him a couple of weeks later.

Hope you enjoy the bridal shower and hopefully she can enjoy it as well!!

I don't know how fast it goes up on the percentile, but it's probably not that much bigger than an average sized baby head. Okay so, T is 33.7 percentile for head circumference at 15.6 inches. Then O was 51.8 percentile for head circumference and his was 15.7 inches.. so literally jumped that much for a .1 inch!

Glad hubby is feeling better. Hopefully it's a quick recovery. Seems like it will be. Especially compared to getting tubes tied!

Vrogers - That's really nice of your father to give you something so special! I have an owl necklace that my grandmother always wore and cherished. She gave it to me after her cancer metastasized and there was no treatment. (not the one that just recently passed but actually her daughter.. my great grandmother is who recently passed) It definitely means a lot to me to have it.

Lite - The carrier works well with T for the most part during walks. When we stopped at the park last time he woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep and fussed on the way home some. He probably would have slept the whole way otherwise. We were going to let O walk with us and push T in the stroller for a bit, but O had a tantrum so he just stayed in the stroller and I had a fussy baby strapped to me. Even with two adults it can be frustrating at times!

I didn't realize how clinging DD1 was being! I'd probably go nuts for awhile if O was like that. I'm sure I'd get use to it, but still.

I'm really wanting a double stroller, but we keep having to wait as well. By the time we get it O will probably not need it! ha.. doubtful, but yeah that's how long it feels like it will be.

Ally - T doesn't really nap. I usually get one longer nap, but generally his naps are 30 minutes. Does sleep better at night, though. Hopefully the routine works for you.

Newbie - Glad he's being a little better! Sometimes it just takes time. Some men don't mentally prepare for those 9 months like most women do! Some malls around here have a really nice family room like that as well. A lot of malls even have breastfeeding rooms.

Apple - I tend to eat really bad a day or two out of the week then I'm kicking myself because of it. Thankfully I'm still losing, but I probably overcompensate for it on the days I'm feeling guilty.

That was a funny story! Haha.. I can just imagine with O and T will be doing to me in the future!
Slammer- same on the car seat here, we already use a convertible one.
Glad dh is getting better and able to help out more again! And oh my goodness the car crying. When does it stop?? I did attach some toys to the front of the seat she faced and that did seem to help a bit for awhile.
That's so sad about your BFs dog, I hope she finds him/her and is able to enjoy her shower! I hope you guys have a blast and Jack sleeps!

Ali- definitely don't think it's selfish to want your grandma here still, you loved her and it's one of the hardest things to lose a loved one!
And I don't blame you for wanting the house hunting over with, like you said I think when you guys find the right house and settle in it will feel worth it. The process isn't fun though.
How sweet about the owl necklace, I kind of collect owl things haha. It means a lot to have something like that that can be passed down. Kind of feels like a part of that person is still with you!

I hope I'm not speaking too soon but it looks like my milk is coming back!! I added in water (definitely wasn't drinking enough) and started pumping more during the day rather than just pumping at night. It's nice because L will just sit in her swing and I'll sit across from her on the couch and pump 10-20 min (depends on if she's getting fussy or is content) and talk to her. I have been basically attached to the pump but I think it's worth it. I've also been doing more skin to skin, mainly when she's asleep because if she's awake she wants to be on the floor playing on her piano play mat. Nothing goes into the pump yet (although a few times now I've pulled the pump off and some milk has been coming out of the boob) but I can hand express a good bit and usually just put it right in L's mouth haha.
Hoping to keep up with the pumping and keep trying to get her to latch but at least be able to give more breastmilk than formula eventually, that's my goal!
AliJo - house buying is really stressful, but it definitely will be worth it once you're in a house. I hope this one still works out.

Sorry O has been so whiny. It's extremely hard to keep your cool when they lose it over something seemingly ridiculous.

Interesting about the percentiles!

Vrogers - I don't think my DD was this bad in the car at all, though we definitely took her out a lot less at this age. I really hope this gets better soon.

That's awesome that you're getting milk back! Good for you for sticking with it!

AFM - bridal shower yesterday. Thankfully a neighbor did find my BF’s dog! Shower would have been totally ruined otherwise. It was a long and stressful day for me. Made a Mac n cheese recipe for the first time because it's what BF wanted. Was doubling it and it took way longer to make than I thought it would. Rushed to get dressed and get everything into the car. Jack proceeded to cry for 30 minutes straight on the way there. FML. The party went off well though and BF had a great time. At the end I was trying to hold off Jack from falling asleep so he would be tired and hopefully sleep in the car...so I was no help with breaking down/cleanup while he fussed and I had to stick around for BF to give us some presents. She's really into little presents and taking pictures with them, and while it's always a sweet thought it's mostly the kind of thing that sits around the house getting no use, but you feel bad to get rid of. Plus I was dying to leave because Jack was tired and fussing. Anyway… Jack was good in the car half the way but woke and then cried on and off the second half. I was so exhausted when I got home I just cried.

Drove to a nice playground today as a family and I managed to keep Jack from crying on the way there, but had some screaming on the way home. DH was traumatized, lol. I think I'm starting to get used to it. Sure do wish he'd get better though.

Poor DH is still sore. Feel bad for him. He's taken the whole weekend off work.

How is everyone? Busy with their weekends it seems...
VRogers - I am glad your dad came over for a nice visit. That necklace sounds lovely! Yeah, we are going to try to find a used double stroller, but I haven't seen much out there so far, so we might just bite the bullet and buy one full priced.
I admire your determination with the pumping! :)

Slammer - Your BF's bridal shower sounds exhausting. I don't blame you for crying when you got home. I can understand why you would have been anxious to just get going and get Jack to sleep rather than stick around and take pictures with the new presents from your BF. Ah well. It is still sweet of her.
Your way home from your walk with the kids sounds like all my walks with the girls. V always cries all the way home. Blah. I need to get my timing better so she doesn't wake up before we get home, but that would basically mean barely being at the park at all. It is good you are getting used to it, but too bad your DH was traumatized by it! Haha.
V actually sleeps somewhat decently at night - waking every 2-3 hours. It could be so much worse (and probably will get way worse once we hit the 4 month regression) so I can't really complain. Still, she hasn't started doing longer stretches as some babies do around this age. I know Jack is a much worse sleeper, and you have my sympathies for that! V also can't be put down at all so having an 'evening' with her in bed without me sounds like a very distant dream to me as well. Probably won't happen until she's over a year, if she is anything like dd1. Oh, but the great news is V has totally stopped needing diaper changes in the night! Woohoo! I seriously have felt way better rested since then!

Ali - sorry O is being so whiny. My dd1 has been incredibly whiny like that since V was born, and it is so tough to deal with. Thankfully, this past week she was a little less whiny, so I hope she stays that way. Hopefully O will calm down soon too.
That's good T is happy to be in the carrier for walks. When I tried that with V it was a disaster. I know how you feel with thinking by the time you can afford a double stroller, you won't need one anymore.

AFM - I've had a fairly unpleasant weekend. Nothing bad or anything, but what felt like zero quality time with DH, and didn't get anything done that I wanted to get done. My DH went out for coffee with friends this afternoon so once again I am alone with the girls, and while it is going fine, I feel slightly resentful that I am the one at home by myself with the kids once again while he gets to do his own thing. Would be nice to at least get some family time...
Slammer- thank you!
Yay, glad pup was found and the shower went well! I would have been exhausted too though, I don't blame you.
I hope your dh isn't in too much pain and heals quickly!

Literati- I'm sorry about the crappy weekend. I definitely understand wanting some family time. Are you ever able to get out by yourself? I'm sure it would feel amazing if one weekend (or whenever he's off work) he could watch the girls for a couple hours while you do something by yourself and then all of you go to the park or spend time at home.

Hope everyone had a good Monday, I always tell myself on Monday evening that I got through and don't have another Monday until a week from now. Monday and Tuesday seem to be so slow
VRogers - I haven't had DH watch the girls so I can go out yet. I actually had hoped to zip out to shop a bit for spring clothes for dd1 by myself but that never happened as DH was always occupied. Now tonight he has a migraine so I haven't seen him. Then tomorrow he is looking for vehicles all evening. Blah, blah, blah! It's a good thing the spring weather is keeping me in a better mood.

That's a good thing to tell yourself on a Monday to make yourself feel better! Oddly enough, Mondays are often my best days because I still feel a bit rejuvenated from the weekend. I find the end of the week is harder for me! However, today I had too many things on my to-do list, and it is SO hard to accomplish anything with a baby and a toddler around, so I felt rather stressed out today. Oh well. Hopefully tomorrow we can relax more.
Did you and your DH ever end up getting a babysitter so you could go out for his birthday? I hope you did!
It is very slow around here this week. Glad you checked in!

Poor Violet has really painful gas tonight! I won't be having broccoli/cauliflower again for a long time! Just pacing around holding her by her tummy.
lit- v sounds like had work! its funny yet annoying how some babies hate being put down to sleep, Isa just loves being held. Sorry you had a crappy weekend, it sucks you didn;t get much qualitu family time or time with dh. You should ask him to keep the girls one of the weekends so you can go out for a bit. I;ve had dh look after isa many times while i just go out for a walk or see a friend for a while, and it really helps.

slammer- i do have a carrier but it is quite awkward, need to get a better one. Jacks sleep time sounds similar to Isa;s around 10pm, even though i take him to bed sooner. sorry the bridal shower was stressful for you, isa always sleeps in the car seat so i cannot imagine how frustrating it must be if J cries mostly in it. But you are such a lovely friend for all the effort you made and taking a young baby.

ali- i am glad her passing was peaceful, best way for it to be. Glad T is doing so well, and sorry O is being fussy.

vrogers- amazing about the breast milk, your patience is paying off!! i find mondays and tuesdays slow too.

afm- not really been online, isa has been really hard work, short naps in the crib during day and fussy evenings. He has this constant need to suck, if he isn't sucking his hands, he sometimes sucks a dummy, other times he just wants to comfort nurse- i just feel like a human pacifier- and a cow hahah. I want to break the feeding- sleep association but it's hard. feel like ihaven't had any time to do anything at all really.

i was getting a bit worried about isa's sleep, he wont settle till about 10-10.30pm, even though i take him to the bedroom at 8.30, and then will wake late about 10am, or later some days. He;ll have one longer stretch of sleep at night about 3/4 hours and then its every 2 hours just now. is that too late for him to go to sleep? or does it not matter so much at his age.

anyone have any advice on the constant sucking he doing?

also it's my birthday tomorrow, woo! turning 27. not doing much, its mine tomorrow, my brothers thurs and my mums friday so at the weekend we are all just going out for a family meal.
Ally - ooh, happy birthday (tomorrow) to you!! I hope you have a lovely day even though not much is planned. It will be nice to celebrate on the weekend.

Sorry Isa has been hard work lately and having crappy naps and using you as a pacifier. I have no advice on that as dd1 was like that all her first year! She always had to nurse to sleep and then as she got older she would have to comfort suck on me the entire nap! Ugh!!! She eventually broke herself of the habit by herself I think.

He isn't going to bed too late unless you want him to go to bed earlier. I personally prefer when they sleep a bit later so I probably wouldn't change things yet. If you are eager for him to go to bed earlier, I would wake him up maybe 15 minute earlier each day and try to put him to sleep that much earlier at night. But if that bedtime is working for you, just embrace it! I find with babies who can only sleep ON you, it can be nice for them to just go to bed when you do.
That's so lovely your DH will watch Isa while you get out for a bit! I am sure that is a refreshing break.

Violet had a super crappy night last night! After every feed she couldn't settle. She was gassy but also had a stuffed nose that seemed to be making her panic. Kept having to get up and rock her to sleep for the longest time with her a bit upright. It was so exhausting and I felt bad for slammer always having to go to the rocking chair at night! V is still a huge fuss bucket this morning. Let's hope she calms down soon! She isn't normally very gassy so I'll definitely be watching what I eat from now on.
Ally - Sounds like you have a very sucky baby, bless him! Other than trying to offer the dummy as opposed your boob (which I am sure you are doing) I don't really have any specific advice. What Isa is doing is completely normal and he WILL get there in the end, it just doesn't seem like it right now. In regards the sleep time, you say you take him to the bedroom at 8.30 but he doesn't fall asleep until 10.30pm.... what happens in those two hours? Is he happy and content or tired and grizzly? If he is happy, then he is probably getting enough sleep because he is waking late in the morning in which case I would do what LL said which is wake him slightly earlier each day so (hopefully) he is more tired earlier each evening. If he is tired and grizzly, perhaps he is overtired and maybe bringing him upstairs earlier before he gets overtired may help?
Happy birthday for tomorrow :)

vrogers - I am seriously impressed your milk is coming back, what dedication and perseverance you have! I hope it continues to go well and you get a supply properly established.
I like Monday's because Anabella is at preschool all day and I get time at home to relax a bit which is never possible with Anabella around!

LL - Oh dear, sounds like Violet's tummy didn't agree with your food choices! sounded like a tough night and hopefully it's a one off!
Sorry your weekend was crappy :( I have days like that and it's so frustrating!

slammer - So gad your friends dog was found, what a relief! Sounds like the bridal shower was a success, but I totally get wanting to be able to just get away at the end, especially as you had an hours journey knowing Jack isn't keen on car rides. Well at least it's done now! When is the wedding?

Ali - so sorry to hear your grandma passed away :hugs: Hope you're doing OK?

AFM - Yesterday I took Jamie to the cinema (a special mum and baby screening of Beauty and the Beast) and I couldn't have timed it better as he fell asleep on me as soon as the film started and woke up as soon as it ended. What a good boy!
Jamie slept from 8pm until 3am last night which is the longest he has ever gone at night, I couldn't believe it! He then woke at 7.15am for milk and then went back to sleep again until 9.15am!
I am dreading the 4 month sleep regression as his sleep will probably go to pot, but right now I am making the most of it!
thank you for the birthday wishes Pomp and Lit

lit- no i will leave him to sleep and wake when he wants, i was worried it was too late.
sorry V had a rough night, hope she is better today. Isa was gassy last night too, i ate a lot of roast veg, i dont know if it was that..

Pomp-a very sucky baby indeed! thanks for the re-assurance, he literally wakes up loooking to suck, as soon as dummy in mouth he is asleep haha. I give him bath at 8, then to the bedroom, where lights are out, and i feed him and he normally falls asleep. but the sleep is light, and once i put him in crib he will wake up soon after. Then i pick him up and comfort him, rock him, and he will fall into a deep sleep and stay in crib.

thats nice you went to a film screening, and so glad he has been so good for you and slept so long! what a lovely boy.

afm- going out to a friends henna party tonight, dh watching Isa. DH got me new straightners and some other gifts he said he will give me once he gets in from work tonight. Tomorrow is my brothers birthday and Friday my mums! April is always so busy. Saturday we have family coming and Sunday a wedding to go to!
seems quiet on the forum, hope all are well !
Isa - that does sound like a busy month. April is similar for me! My DH and my mom both have birthdays in April as well.
Sounds like you got some nice gifts. I hope you enjoy the henna party!
Oh, good, I am glad you don't have to adjust anything with his sleep! Sounds like your routine is working quite well for you! :)
It definitely could have been the veggies. It's so hard to know sometimes. V was still extremely gassy last night, and I'm not sure what I ate that upset her this time, or if it was anything. We had to give her gripe water, which she hated, but it did help her get a bunch of trapped burps out.

Pompey - wow, such a nice chunk of sleep for Jamie! I wish Violet would start doing some of those.
Yay for time at the cinemas. I want to see beauty and the beast, but probably won't see it until it is out to rent.

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