January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

vrogers - what a great night Lillian had last night! I can only dream that Jamie would go that long without waking for milk! You must feel very rested :)

Ali - congrats on the house, how exciting!
Good on you doing the exercising.

slammer - that's great you've organized a meet up with other local mums. I've recently joined a fb group similar and we've met a few times now and I've gotten particularly close to one person in particular which has been nice.
Sure sounds like you have a lot of appointments this week, I hope all goes well. How is your DH feeling about the vasectomy? How long is the recovery time?

LL - I am glad you had a nice evening with your friend the other night and the girls left you alone to talk in peace :)
Sorry you had a falling out with your BF, do you think you'll be able to reconcile?
Hope the 40th anniversary party went well today and wasn't as stressful as you were thinking :hugs:

Ally - Happy Mothers day! Sounds like it was just perfect and it was great timing for Isa to be sleeping through a lot of it allowing you to relax and enjoy.

AFM - Tonight we've started a proper bedtime routine for Jamie of bath, bottle and bed. It went well and he was asleep by 8.30 although he refused his milk because he was fed a little earlier. Anabella and him are sharing our room at the moment and she was so excited to be going to bed the same time as Jamie that she fell asleep a lot quicker than she normally would. Feels so strange to be downstairs without Jamie :( I have the video monitor on so I can see and hear him, but still.
VRogers - yeah, it is so hard to tell at this stage. It definitely is normal for them to stick their hands in their mouths a lot at this age. It would definitely make it harder to tell when they are hungry! V used to only put her hand in her mouth when she was hungry, so if she starts doing it all the time, I will be confused.

That is excellent that L went to sleep so early for you last night! Yay! Hopefully this is a start of a new routine for her.

Ali - I am glad your visit with your SIL went so well! I guess we both pigged out on junk food this weekend. Oh well - we can do better this week (maybe)! Haha. What a great long stretch Isa did in the crib!

Ali - yes, I am far less fatigued/sleepy/lethargic than I was when pregnant. I, too, could barely function then and couldn't live without a nap on my days off. Since having V I mostly haven't needed a nap and I feel less sleepy/fatigued. However, I am a lot more sleep deprived which affects me in different ways. And although I don't normally need a nap, I really was so tired I couldn't function a couple days this week, so needed one. It sounds like you're doing great with 2 kids, but I find it very difficult. My DH works a lot of hours, we lead a very busy life, and it feels like we are always rushing from place to place. So I am finding having 2 extremely difficult. I am glad you are finding it more manageable than I am.

Pompey - I am editing to add a reply to you, as we must have posted at the same time ish.
I'm glad the routine with Jamie went so well. What a perk that it made Annabella happier to go to bed too. Does this mean you are done with co sleeping with him?
I don't think we will reconcile. We do occasionally send each other a message to check in, but I don't think we will ever be close again.
Literati - that sucks about your BFF! While I'm happy to have mine, I share her with another girl who’s her other BFF. :( And she lives an hour away so I don't see her much. I really don't have anyone local to meet up with more regularly. That was my goal with the meetup group, but I haven't made solid connections from it yet.

I hope the appt tomorrow goes well for you both!

AliJo - way to go on doing strength exercises!

Hosting a group is a bit stressful, but my meetups have been very small. The worst part is people just not showing up.

I dunno about toys in the car. His car seat is a convertible, not a infant bucket so there’s no bar. And I have a mirror attached to the headrest of the actual seat of the car. I just can't wait for him to be able to hold a toy or something that I can hand him.

Funny...Jack kind of hates sitting! He wants to stand the most, though he will lay for a bit too.

Ally - glad you had some nice weather, and happy Mother’s Day! Very glad Isa’s been less fussy and gave you a nice stretch of sleep!

Vrogers - wow what a nice period of sleep for Lillian! So jealous!

AFM - well, my meetup was a bust. One backed out for a sick kid, and the other for a kid that was late napping. And DH left for work at 2, so spending most of the day on my own. I'm pretty tired after a busy couple days. Still managed to do paints and make pancakes with DD, but ready for the day to be over now!

Oh, and Jack slept like crap last night and DD was in my room from 11:30. Seriously, is this baby ever going to sleep better? He still wakes every 90 minutes most nights and wiggles and grunts a lot still. So over it!
Pompey - didn't see your post... Hope the routine for Jamie keeps going well. I feel like things are still so willy-nilly with Jack. DD had much more of a routine by this age I'm sure, but it doesn't seem to be falling into place as easily with Jack.

I actually made a couple acquaintances through FB a while back, but both of them have moved away now! Feel like I'm starting over. I really want at least one friend nearby that I can be close with and is in a similar stage of life.
Slammer - They have toys that hang from the seat headrest. I never keep the bar up in the car so those types of toys don't work for me either. I do always give him a stuffed animal that has tags all over it and a rattle inside. O loved it so I'm hoping he'll enjoy it as well.

T loves standing as well, but laying usually lasts the least amount of time. He does enjoy laying on the changing pad, but I think it's because you're right above him. I get a lot of smiles, squeals, and little laughs out of him on there.

Ugh.. I don't know what I'd do if T slept like that! I really hope it improves for you soon. I have no suggestions because I really don't know. I have enough troubles with trying to get mine to sleep on his own. I'm hardly the sleep expert.

Sorry the meet up was a bust. I'd be frustrated with that. I always try to have things in order for visitors then if they cancel I feel like I wasted all my time and energy worrying for nothing! At least I get something done, I guess.

Lite - We've been way busier than normal lately with the house hunting and all, so I can see how that would be extra tiring. Although, the boys tend to sleep better after a busy day! How much does your DH work? Sounds like he works more than a normal job. I hate that my DH's job forces him to clock out for an hour lunch because his 10 hour days are really 11.

Pompey - Awesome about the routine!! It is strange when you're use to them being with you. I should really try implementing routines. I just generally follow their flow. T already kind of has his own.

Vrogers - That's great that L slept so well! It happens once and then you know they can do it, but of course they won't cooperate!

Yep, definitely can be normal. It's hard to say! T chews on stuff, but isn't drooling yet.

Ally - Happy first mother's day!! Sounds like you had a great day! That's awesome about the crib! I really need to try harder with T. I kind of backed off when I went to work because I was just so tired although it would have been perfect if he slept that 7 hours in his crib instead of beside me! He's getting ready for bed so maybe I'll try the crib again.

AFM - T rolled over!! :happydance: Several times. I rolled him back he instantly flipped back over. I think it's safe to say he can go from tummy to back now! He's doing mini push ups as well. I swear just yesterday he was still struggling to keep his head up at a good angle on his tummy. Time is flying by.

Tomorrow I'm going to go see a co-worker that has been in out of the hospital to let her meet T. She's a lovely lady and I feel so bad for her! She keeps getting hit with one thing or another and she definitely doesn't deserve it! She's really eager to meet him so I'll be glad to make her day.
Slammer - that is too bad your BFF lives an hour away! That would make it difficult to see each other as often as you would like, I am sure. It is really a shame you don't currently have someone local who you are close with/in the same phase of life as. I agree it is ideal to at least have one like that! I only have the one friend who matches those qualifications as well (the one I always mention haha), and I am so grateful I at least have her! I also have my sister, so that is really nice. It is really too bad your meet-up didn't work out! Did anyone show up or was it just a very small gathering? I hope you are able to make a close 'mom' friend who lives nearby soon! I don't blame you from being tired out and wanting the day to be over. That has been how I had been feeling all week. I have crammed too many activities in lately, and I need a lazy day!! I hope we both get one soon. Sorry Jack sleeps so, so horribly still! You deserve a break on that front! I sure hope he improves soon.

Pompey - the 40th anniversary went just fine and it wasn't a bad day. I tend to get worked up about things beforehand and then they usually turn out better than I expected. I did feel a bit stressed getting V to sleep when my DH wasn't back yet, but for the most part it was relatively stress-free. V was really fussy and gassy in the evening, but my SIL and MIL were happy to help with her. My MIL and FIL were definitely touched by the celebration and all the effort that went in, so that was good. I did slightly feel like my other SIL was secretly resenting us for not helping more, but I was busy with V the whole day, and my DH had a prior commitment in the afternoon. But whatever - I am sure she will get over it.

Ali - it depends on the week, but my DH tends to work 50-55+ hours/week, and now on top of that he has to spend several hours/week on courses at home. There are days (like Friday) when he will be at work 7 am - 11 pm. Between that and my dd1 never sleeping/taking forever to put to bed, it feels like we are rarely even in the same room as each other! I do wish life would slow down a little bit. I miss the times DH was home right after V was born. Life sure goes quickly! Oy.

That really sucks your DH always has to work 11-hour shifts. Does he have to do that 5 days a week? How are you finding being back at work? Are you going to just work 1 day a week for a little while?
Yay for T rolling! They really do progress so quickly. That's great your co worker will get to meet T tomorrow. I hope you have fun.

AFM - I will update you all tomorrow on V's weight after her check-up! Hopefully I can manage to get 2 kids out the door on time! I have lots of practice going places with them, but not necessarily on a specific timeline! :p

I had a surprisingly good weekend and definitely feel more rested than I did going into it. Let's hope I can carry through some of that energy into the week.
Lite - He works 4 days a week. Since I'm back working I hardly ever see him. He's out with us maybe 3 hours (4 if you count when he gets home which is generally spent passing out on the couch and me telling him to go to bed :dohh:) on his work days. Then his first day off he sleeps most of it then I have to go to bed as soon as I can because I work the next day. Then I might see him at most 2 hours after work before I am in bed. Basically I hang out with and talk to a toddler and a baby 90% of the time.

That is a lot of work. That would be hard to deal with! Then being busy on top of it all.

Work is eh. Hard on me to know T isn't adjusting quickly. I'm trying to get 2 days a week. I need the money. If I can't get at least 2 I'll be looking for a clinical position which will be 5 days a week. Won't pay as good, though. I won't have much of a choice. My schedule isn't flexible with DH working nights.

Glad you had a good weekend and that yoy are feeling rested.

I'm out on the couch wanting to just go to bed, but I'm irritated. I'm so sick of hurting I'm starting to be fed up with co-sleeping. I never hurt this bad with O. I love the closeness and getting more overall sleep, but the constant neck, back, and hip pain is getting to me. I'm so irritated with it that I wanted to start snapping at DH for ever saying he's tired and didn't sleep well. Like.. try sleeping between two children. One who wakes up several times a night. He gets so much more sleep than I do. Then he lays in bed when I wake him up for at least 30 minutes. Wish I could stay in bed and relax for 30+ minutes. Nope I get to roll out of bed with my eyes half closed to change diapers, get O a drink, and feed T. Of course it doesn't stop there.

So yeah. Having a bad night and feeling sorry for myself.
Ali - sorry you're feeling sore and sick of co sleeping! That would not be fun to be crammed between two kids all night! It is no wonder you are more sick of it this time. That is very annoying of your DH to complain about being so tired when you are handling two kids by yourself every night! :hugs: Sorry you were having a rough night.

AFM - the appointments this morning were quite the ordeal. I am glad they are over with. Violet is 12 lb 9 oz (83rd percentile) and 22.25" long (48th percentile). She is still my little short and chubby baby! My dd1 was SO much bigger than her (but proportionally slimmer). At 2 months, dd1 was 13 lb 14 oz, and 24.4"! Quite the difference. But she was always same percentile height as weight.

V hated her vaccines and cried a lot and took ages to settle after. I finally gave her some Tylenol and she is now asleep.

My pp checkup was ok. She never even asked me about my mood or how I was doing really, so great job screening for PPD. *rolls eyes* Apparently my stitches actually healed perfectly, and the constant stinging when I pee is due to BFing hormones making me so dry down there. Uh...great! Looks like dtd will be out of the question until I get my AF again. Last time I couldn't dtd until 17 months pp, and that time I didn't have stinging when I peed at least! Ugh!
LL - V certainly is a little chunk, bless her! It seems like you make big babies :) Poor baby getting so upset with the injections. Jamie was inconsolable last week too.
I am so glad the anniversary went well yesterday. I always find I worry myself so much in anticipation of things but in the end it tends to go better.
I am still co sleeping with Jamie. We are not very traditional here as I still bed share with Anabella. So me and Anabella share our kingsize bed and Jamie is in the cot next to me which has the side down and is wedged up against our bed. My husband sleeps in Anabella's room. We never planned it this way, it just kinda happened. I was keeping Jamie downstairs with me until I went to bed, but last night we started a proper routine and it actually went really well :)

Ali - Sorry you had a bad night last night. Your sleeping arrangements sounds the same as mine! it is hard work at times isn't it. Sorry you're in so much pain as your DH takes it easy :growlmad:
Well done T on rolling over!!

slammer - Sorry your meet up with a bust. It is hard to get everyone together. The first time I was supposed to meet the new mum group I made on fb it went from 8 people attending to just 2 of us! However the lady I did meet turned out to be very nice and we meet regularly now and text all the time. Hopefully the next one will work out better.
Pompey - ah, that makes sense that you were putting them to bed in YOUR room! That is pretty good that Jamie will sleep there without you! V will not sleep on a surface at all unless she is snuggled right up against me. I have a feeling we won't get to a place where I put her to bed before I go to bed for a LONG time! Haha. Your bed arrangements do sound a lot like Ali's, whereas my co sleeping arrangements sound similar to slammer's (I think). The four of us basically play a game of musical beds all night! :haha:
AliJo - yay for T rolling over! Jack just started doing it on Sunday too!

Oh, hell naw on DH staying in bed for 30 mins. I'd be mad, lol. I feel like I got up alone and did bedtime alone with the kids so many times last week. DH only had two days off. He's definitely the more tired of the two of us, despite Jack’s terrible sleep habits. Sorry you are so sore from cosleeping. I am more comfortable than when I was pregnant, even when I sleep in the glider, so I can't really complain. And the PT stretches/exercises are helping my neck. If I had both in the bed and needing to be up against me I'd lose my mind though.

Literati - no one came. I had two that wanted to come, but had sick kids, another that canceled on the day of due to waking up to a sick kid, and the other canceled an hour before for her kid refusing to nap. Mom meetups are hard to arrange and get people to stick to!

Glad V is doing well, and I hope she recovers from the vaccines quickly! DD was always way different in her percentiles - like 20th for height, and 80th for head, and 50th for weight. Can't wait to get Jack’s numbers on thurs...not looking forward to the shots though.

I wouldn't think stinging would come from just being dry! No mention of granulation? I know I have the dryness problem too, and the low estrogen makes your tissues thinner as well I was told. I couldn't have sex until 8/9 months PP, and that's when I got my period back. Super frustrating! Hope it's not so long for either of us this time. I was given an estrogen cream last time but I didn't use it. Not sure if it might affect milk supply. Really not helpful that they overlooked screening for PPD!

Pompey - it is hard getting meetups off the ground, especially among moms...they always have a kid get sick or miss a nap, etc. Glad you have made a friend though! Making friends as an adult is just so hard in general.

AFM - got to sleep in a bit today as DH was off early last night so he got up with DD. He was tired and glum from so much work recently, plus he went out to the bank and did grocery shopping, so didn't spend much time with him today. He’s working again tonight but then off for a while. Gonna handle the morning on my own tomorrow because I need him later for my gyn appt and for him to watch Jack while I go to PT, so I want him to have gotten a bit of rest.

Took DD and Jack on another stroller/carrier walk today for 35 mins and let DD play a bit at a playground. Came home and had her play in her sand table. Also managed to give her a bath while Jack napped in the carrier. Miraculously managed to only let her watch 25 mins of TV this evening! Lol.

Oh, yeah, and as I mentioned to AliJo, Jack is rolling front to back since Sunday. Does it a few times in a row sometimes if I put him down and keep rolling him back.
Sorry I haven't replied in a while. Super busy and struggling with baby, work, home, and life. Ds sleep seems to have hit the three month growth spurt, so he's out of the nightly routine he'd fallen into and I'm exhausted. Feeling down, but don't think it is to the point of ppd, just wishing dh would be feeling OK and be more supportive, but maybe this is as supportive as he'll get and I'll just have to get used to it. Hope not.

Love reading you updates and stories. I will try to post more often.
vrogers- that is amazing Lilian had such a long stretch of sleep!

pomp=i think it is amazing you have a proper bedtime routine with Jamie! i do a bath, feed and sleep with isa around 8ish but i wouldnt say its always successful haha.

slammer- i hope this sleep gets better soon, i remember thinking that about Isa but it has gotten better, its not great but definitely better. fingers crossed. sorry meet up was a bust. Amazin that J is rolling! well done on the walk!

ali- amazing that t rolls over. Clever boy! that is nice thst you wll go meet co-worker, i am sure it'll make her day. I hope you manage to find a work situation that works for you. Sorry you are finding co sleeping so hard, i dont particularly enjoy it cause of the soreness either and i always fall asleep in funny positions.

lit- glad to hear V is doing so well, the little chunk! and glad you have healed down there but shame about the stinging! i hope it goes soon for you.

newbie-sending you hugs! hope things are better soon

AFM- after isa having a good weekend of sleep, the last couple of nights he has been super fussy and not settling, yesterday he hardly napped and even last night was up lots. I feel like he is feeding more, so perhaps a growth spurt? either way i feel like im going a little mad as ive hardly had 15 mins to myself.
Going to meet a friend later today for coffee, hoping he will fall asleep in car and i can actually enjoy the meet up.
Newbie - glad to hear from you, but sorry you are struggling. I think you have a lot on your plate. I wish DH was more supportive for you.

Ally - thanks, I too hope Jack gets better with sleep soon. Not really holding out hope though. Sorry Isa is unsettled again. They are so up and down all through the first year, but I think 12 weeks is a growth spurt, so you're around that now, right?

AFM - crap night last night. In bed with Jack around 11, then DD up and crying at 12. Laid her back down and returned to my room, but she came in a bit later and proceeded to whine/cry on and off for a couple hours because she was feeling sick and her nose was running and bothering her. Of course waking Jack multiple times with all that, so I was having to repeatedly boob him. And contort myself to hold her hand at the same time. Finally sent her off to DH after he got home from work around 3:30. So didn't get to give him a rest really, but oh well, he's surviving.

Had my gyn appt. The granulation on the outside was pretty much gone - no areas for her to really remove, but she did see a bit inside so put silver nitrate on that. I didn't feel any burning or anything. Also gave me an estrogen cream to use twice a week for a few weeks. Still no sex for another few weeks, which again, was unlikely to happen anyway.
Slammer - I am glad the granulation tissue has been taken care of...hopefully you won't feel any discomfort anymore soon. I know... I feel like it is weird that just dryness would cause stinging. But she seemed certain that everything looked perfectly healed. Ugh. I hope she didn't miss something. I am sick of the discomfort!
Sorry about your rough night! I know exactly what you mean about having to contort your body to feed the baby while you comfort your older one! When dd1 is in my bed, she HAS to sleep on my arm! So in order to feed Violet on the other side, I also have to contort my body into the most uncomfortable position! Ugh! It is not enjoyable. I hope your dd gets better soon so she is less whiny at night.

Yay for Jack rolling, and well done on managing to do so much with your dd while Jack is in the carrier. Sounds like you are really rocking this 2 kids thing! :happydance:

Ally - 3 months is most definitely a growth spurt time, so I bet that is what Isa is going through right now! I hope he settles soon. It is so difficult when you don't have a moment to yourself all day. I hope your visit with your friend goes well.

Newbie - thanks for updating us. So sorry you're feeling so worn out. I completely understand. It is exhausting, and I can imagine it must be so hard with Z out of his routine and your DH not helping much. Have you had a talk with your DH about helping more? I really think he should be stepping up, since it isn't fair you should be left to struggle so much. Hugs for you!!

AFM - doing ok so far this week. I feel like I've been out too much lately so might stick to staying home a lot more this week. I am not feeling as stir crazy anymore so it's not so bad.
We are finally getting caught up on laundry and such so hopefully our house will look a bit better for a while.
I am really hungry but stuck with a baby sleeping on me as always...
Pompey- I want to do the same with a routine! It's hard to do because she kind of cluster feeds in the evenings, which is what I think gets her to sleep through the night. It would be nice to have more of a routine and earlier bedtime though.
How cute that anabella was excited to share a room with the baby!

Slammer- ugh I'm sorry about the lack of sleep! Hopefully as he gets older there's more of a routine. I'm so jealous of babies, they can sleep whenever/however much they want yet they usually suck at it ha!
So glad you got to sleep in yesterday, that's always a treat! Yay for yours rolling as well, so jealous of all these babies rolling haha
I'm sorry for the rough night! Crappy sleep makes everything harder to deal with. Glad your appointment went well and you are healing well!

Ali- yay for rolling over! We've tried to get L to do it, she HATES tummy time. I see what everyone meant when they say it goes by fast, and that the days are long but the years (right now I would say months) are short.
I'm sorry about the rough night, I can definitely see why you would be frustrated with dh. It's too bad there's not a way to cosleep AND get some good (pain free) rest. I can see why that would be hard with two kids especially.

Literati- I'm glad you had a good weekend!
V sounds like a cutie! Shots are the worst, it's so sad, L cried like I'd never heard before in pain.
I love my doctor but she didn't ask about ppd either. She did mention my history of anxiety/depression back at my first pregnancy appt when I was 5 weeks. I'm glad you are healing perfectly! Could you just use a ton of lube to dtd or would that not help? I'm not sure how all that works with a vaginal birth.

Newbie- :hugs: no need to be sorry, just take care of you and baby and post here as much as you're able.
I'm sorry you're having a tough time and don't feel support from dh. Does he know how you feel? I had to remind dh he wouldn't be able to 100% understand everything I feel because he didn't carry her for 9 months, doesn't have the added hormones and I'm just more emotional in general. I had a REALLY rough time the first 6-8 weeks and it is getting overall better but I still have days where I miss my old life (sleep when I want, wake when I want, play video games, go out any time without packing a diaper bag, etc) I'm not sure your exact struggle but this is definitely the hardest adjustment/change I've ever had. Do you have any friends/family members who are a good support system?

Ally- sounds like a growth spurt to me! According to my app theres a 3rd leap is between 11 1/2 and 12 1/2 weeks and then another between 14 1/2 and 19 1/2 weeks. Seems like there's always some kind of growth spurt/change taking place. Hope you're able to get some good sleep soon, and coffee with a friend sounds awesome right now!

Can't believe how fast time is going. I got a little emotional today because L has grown out of a couple of her 0-3 month sleepers. She mainly wears 0-3 month and 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. She doesn't hold her head up on her own but I can definitely tell she's getting close!
So weird that we've had this group for almost a year!
newbie - nice to hear from you, i do think you should have a chat with dh, and ask him to support you more. I dont think he appreciates how much you do, looking after a baby is a lot of work. Once dh comes home from work, he does a lot with isa, play, change nappy,help give bath and settle him etc and it really helps so please do talk to your dh and tell him what you need.

Slammer- yeah he is 12 weeks, and yup after a few weeks of better sleep he is back to being yucky at night. hopeuflly its just short term! sorry you had a hard night and i hope the silver nitrate works.

lit- glad you are not feeling so stir crazy... well done on the laundry, always good to get these things done!

vrogers- well i ventured out, coffee with my friend on tuesday. isa was good, he slept the whole time, so it was easy. Felt so good for going out, and it broke my day up so if you can get out for a bit do try.
today going to try and get isa out for a walk.
isa can't hold his head yet either, but is so close, he is trying to roll too i feel, he moved around a lot and had great neck control. I also got rid of lots of his newborn and clothes that don't fit. Isa is tiny, everyone says but he has still gotten so big to me.

AFM- had a rough couple of days, Isa has had horrid sleep, v unsettled, and constantly needing to suck, he has been taking dummy a lot. not sure why. He did a poo last night and it was slightly green, so i think he has a little bit of an upset stomach. He was better last night, slept a few hours in the crib so hopefully that poo was just what he needed! He is still asleep now, (9.30am) so i am chilling online and drinking tea.
DH has been working over time, not seen him much and we are both shattered just now x
Hi ladies, just a quick check in. I will read through, reply and update later. Ive had a really busy week so found it difficult to get on here. My oh has been off this week so we have been out most days.. Don't want him to go back to work now :(

We re ok, had two very long nights between ollie and ds.. Ollie getting into habit of staying awake for an HR in the night just smiling lol x yay for babies rolling ! very cute will read through later, just sat outside dentist whilst oh has 3 fillings !! Sure he will need looking after after he comes out ha x

Will get back on soon x
Hi ladies manages to get back on lol.. Just been a walk with oh and ollie, ds at nursery so we were able to speed it up a bit. Ds walks at one speed ha..

Ally, forgot u were in Scotland, glad u had a nice Mother's Day :) having four boys I got quite a lot of nice things.. Oh thinks it's just commercialised rubbish ... I find that so annoying !! But stil got my presents.. Ha.. My eldest is 19 and got me, flowers, teddy and a huge card about 2ft with love u "mummy bear" inside lol.. He is always taking the mic .. We are very close tho ..my favourite presents are always the ones ds makes at nursery so cute.. And I'll keep forever..

Lit/ sorry it's hard at times for u with havivg 2 now, your DH working hours are tough.. That must be really hard for u.. Thankfully my oh finishes his course this week. He is so sick of it..im also always telling him to go and sleep .. He works worh children that self harm and that are often suicidal do he has to be on the ball ��

Pomp/ good that u are getting into a little routine with both children. Hope it continues to go well. I found it went ok with ds at first then he got wise ha.. It was fun at first then he realised he had to stay there ha..he is fine now though , definately worth the perseverance.. I'm trying to get ollie into one but it doesn't always go to plan. It's ok some times tho, I'll just keep at it. Sometimes oh just cuddles him on his knee and then he will sleep for ages but I keep telling him he needs to put him down sometimes , even if just for 5 mins then he will settle for him better. Don't get me wrong Id never let him cry I just like his little legs to have a stretch ha x I think it's a good get out for oh actually as when he holds ollie he does nothing else ! And ds trashes the house around him ha.. Drives me bonkers but only way I can get a bath ! Ha

Slammer: yay on jack rolling .. Bless him, ollie not there yet..n brilliant all the times u arw getting out.. Def rockstar material lol x

Ali, congrats on getting the house :) n welldone in exercises n sticking to trying to get fitter :)

Newbie/ sorry things not great at the min hon, def try and get on here when u can. Ive had a few ups and downs over thr last few years and B&B has always been really supportive x

Vrogers / I know what u mean about time going fast, ollie os in 3/6 month now .. And his feet are getting to the end of his baby grows :)

Update / ollie had his jabs this week , screamed his little heart out :(. Was off for couple of days but getting there now, had nice days out with oh as he is on leave this week.. It's ds 4th birthday next week so we have booked him a party at a play area..he is jet mad so I have ordered him a red arrow jet cake .. Then I overheard him telling his friends he wants a power ranger cake !! I'm just waiting for him to kick off at his party when he sees it ! I'm thinking im gonna have to make some kind of power ranger cake for at home !
Ive been having a few concerns with my 14 yr old this week, saying he doesn't like school, doesn't fit in and just doesn't feel right in himself.. Bit worrying, it started really on Mother's Day, his friends mum just recently passed away of cancer after a very short illness and I think he was thinking of his friends feelings and that has set him off. He didn't seem too bad last night but days before he keeps getting upset worried something might happen to me.. He is hard one :( he did seem better yester day so hopefully it was just an off few days x

Got farm days away in two weeks do looking forward to that it has rally good reviews, fx weather is ok ! X
My DH doesn't complain all that much about his sleep and he knows I don't get good sleep. He has the right to discuss his bad sleep, it's just one of those situations where you feel you have it worse and they should be grateful. :p He does do a lot of labor at his job. He shouldn't have to since he's a manager, but always have to otherwise stuff doesn't get done.

Slammer - Yay for Jack rolling! T didn't get much tummy time since he didn't like it much. I guess that didn't slow him down.

It is a bit irritating that he stays in bed. He does at least get up with me on the days that he doesn't work. Bums me more than anything because that's at least a half hour he could have spent with us before work.

Glad you are mostly healed. Hopefully that really helps and it doesn't take much longer.

Lite - I love looking at the difference between T and O when he was little. So far it's been similar, just T is a little bigger overall. O didn't bulk as quick, but as soon as he did he caught up. Their development has been pretty similar as well. Behavior is much different!

Ally - She really did enjoy it and it did make her day. She's been pretty bummed out from everything. She had surgery and that went well, but as a result she ended up getting a clot from her pelvic bone to the back of her calf. They wanted to give her a clot buster, but couldn't because she just had surgery. So they had to go in and suction it out.

I'm sorry Isa has had a rough couple of days. Hopefully he'll be back to normal today.

Vrogers - T hated tummy time as well unless he was on our chest, but even then he doesn't like it too much. He's only had tummy time a few times that was worth anything. She'll roll over without tummy time! O never liked it either and rolled back to front before front to back. Then he'd get mad because he hated being on his belly.

Newbie - I'm sorry DH isn't being more supportive. I hope he comes around soon. If not then I hope once DS gets older and is able to play that he's more involved.

Pomp - Yeah, sleeping arrangements get hard. After two days of work with hardly any sleep I don't really care. I just want sleep!

Apple - That's no fun that Ollie is waking up for a hour at a time at night. At least he's happy!

AFM - Well, been a rough couple of days. I worked the last two days. First day went smooth, T of course is still not adjusting very well, but work was fine. Second day was rough. Had two CNAs call in and it was all just a mess. The other nurse working that day was awesome and on top of things. We both helped the aids where we could, but she did most of it. She's a much faster worker than I am. Well we got through the day and I only stayed a half over the normal time we're out. Generally takes about a half hour to give report and then get out so I had to stay another half hour to get my charting done. Anyways get out seen I missed a call from my aunt. My grandma is actively dying now. So I got home, got the boys ready, and went to go see her. Visited with my aunts and uncles for awhile and talked to my grandma. She was asleep the whole time and not really with it, but I know she heard me and told me "love you" when I was saying bye because we were leaving. I'm kicking myself since I haven't been over in the last couple of weeks other than about 20 minutes before we ran to get our hair cut. I wish I wouldn't have taken those dumb hours at work. ugh..

Anyways.. that's my life. Inspection is today.. see how that goes. Hopefully it's not a disaster. I can't handle it right now.

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