January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ally - Oh, yes, poos get nasty once solids start! Going out for burgers sounds nice!

Literati - you're right, there was a serious adjustment period for me getting used to taking care of two on my own as well. But for DH the issue is really exhaustion. The amount of time he has both is pretty limited, but the constant care of a baby is brutal on two hours of sleep. But still, maybe he will get into a better swing of things. He said he'd give it another couple weeks and see how he's feeling. So we'll see.

Just looking at your signature...happy 3 months to V!

AFM - we had a pretty good family night last night. DH took DD to the bank and grocery shopping after daycare. I managed to do some cleaning while they were gone, and then we just had relatively relaxed time at home. And we got Jack's first giggles!!! DD was jumping on her bed (wearing a pink flamingo swimsuit...cause that's what preschoolers do, lol) while DH sang the ladybug's picnic song and I was standing there holding Jack and he was busting up laughing at her. :)

I also tried swaddling Jack last night. I swaddled and nursed him to sleep and managed to creep away, but he only lasted 15 mins, boo. But he did seem to sleep better and was willing to let go of my boob after waking and eating. This morning he was in too light of a sleep when I had to get up to last without me, but I think he went back to sleep easily for DH while I got ready. I don't love the idea of swaddling while bedsharing because it really doesn't follow safe bedsharing guidelines, but I feel pretty confident he can't roll anywhere while snug up against me, so I might keep doing it if he sleeps better for it.
Slammer - Aww!! I love that Jack's first laugh involved the whole family! That'll be a great moment to look back on!

If you feel confident with him being swaddled while bed sharing you'll be alright.

Adjusting to a second is hard. Especially when one is much more time consuming than what you got accustomed to. It would be hard to come home from work then take care of a baby. Hopefully something works out for you guys one way or another soon.

I don't have high hopes for him settling out of my arms, but who knows. Maybe I'll be surprised.

I would love if one of us had normal human work hours. I don't see it ever happening. If a school nurse was paid well I'd do that. There is talks about going back to 8 hour shifts at work, but I don't think it would work out. I'd have to do some 6-2 shifts and some 2-10 shifts, though. I'd love the 6-2 shifts, I'd hate the 2-10s. I do like having 4 days off in a row, though. Right now I have 5 days off, but I'm going full time.

Ally - Burgers sound good! I've been hungry for a good meal, so everything sounds good. I don't eat well when I'm working.

Glad Isa took to the rice pudding well! I'll probably start T once we get moved. Would start before but we decided not to do any actual grocery shopping till after we move. We're just getting by on what we have and buying a couple of things here and there.

Vrogers - I hope he can take vacation. That would definitely be nice!

That's great that she fell asleep in her crib! It can be really hard to move them to their own room. Starting with naps would be a great idea, though! Will let her get familiar with it.

Lite - Love that your instructor held her for you!

Haha.. my hubby usually buys everything he wants as well. Go figure! Gift cards are silly, but if I gave one to DH he would at least know he has free range with it. He usually asks me before buying something he wants unless it's not a lot of money.

They really do change so quickly. It's hard to believe how fast they learn new things! T rolls around on the floor. He doesn't deliberately roll to get to something yet (that I've seen), but I'm waiting for it.

I'm mostly caught up, I think. Sorry if I missed something!

AFM - Monday we all went to the park to enjoy the nice weather and I'm glad we did because it's going to be crappy until Tuesday with a high chance of rain Friday through Monday. I chased O around the park for the most part. DH did some, but he held T once he woke up from his nap and visited with a couple of friends that live near the park and came over. I pushed T in the stroller which was nice. He really enjoyed it. O went in his push car. I actually felt pretty good afterwards. It must have helped my hips and lower back. My joints were sore because they haven't fully recovered from pregnancy, but overall I felt better. I'm starting to hurt again, though.

Work was fine for me. DH not so much. The first day was really bad I guess. The second went much better. I guess he's still going to have bad days here and there.

Our census is down so we have to start taking hour long lunches. Not excited about that. It's nice not having such a high demand at work, but those hour lunches cut into my pay. Often I wouldn't even clock out before because our census was high enough and I wouldn't really have time to take a half hour lunch. We were allowed to always take up to a hour, but now its forced.

Everything is moving forward with the house. Pretty sure we're going to close now. DH is bringing home some boxes tonight to start packing some. Need to get a hold of the apartment manager and let them we're moving out. Maybe we can pay only half a month or something. Monday I have to call around and let them know we're taking possession so we don't have to pay hook up fees.

Next few weeks are going to be a blur and a mess. We'll probably start moving day of the close if we can and hopefully be mostly in or all the way in by Monday then I have an appointment for T on the 9th.

Also, T has been doing really well with naps in the pack n play. He's doing much better than he was anywhere else. Always on his side and if he startles awake he almost always goes back to sleep.

Sorry, long post.
Slammer - that sounds like a very nice family evening you had last night. How wonderful that Jack had this first giggle! I love baby giggles so much. It's cute he was so entertained by his big sister! It's going to be so fun to see our kids become close siblings someday. Hopefully they will play well together.

Admittedly, I still swaddle Violet even though we are co sleeping. I swaddle with one arm out just to be 'safe.' She has never rolled while in bed with me but perhaps I should have both arms out... idk. The two nights I did not swaddle she slept terribly.
Yes, your poor DH is dealing with some major exhaustion which isn't good at all. He is a trooper for wanting to wait it out for a couple weeks.

Thanks for the happy 3 months for V. I can't believe she is there already! I just want to soak up this time with her as a baby.

Ali - we posted at the same time again. My DH also usually asks before he spends money unless it's just a small amount. Unfortunately, he has a bad habit of buying lunch at work which he never asks me about, and those amounts add up! Then again, I treat myself sometimes too. DH said the same about wanting a gift card so he could have free range to spend it on whatever.
I ended up surprising him by making him a cake and having a few friends over to celebrate last night. Just a very low-key visit, but I think he was happy. My hubby is an extrovert (and I am very much not) so sometimes it's hard for me to think of what HE would like rather than what I would want haha.

AFM - I've had a nice morning so far! I had a make-up exercise class from the one I missed last week, and I did NOT feel like dragging us all out of bed and getting ready this morning. Both girls were sleeping in for once, so it was unfortunate to have to wake them up. However, I'm glad I did it! Getting out of the house felt great, and I found the people in the Thursday class a bit friendlier. There was one girl who I could see myself actually being friends with, but I don't think I'll ever see her again since she is just in the Thurs class. Oh well.
Violet fell asleep in the car seat when we headed home, so then I was able to stop at the Starbucks drive-thru on the way home. I also stopped by work just to drop off birth announcement/thank you cards before heading home. Was even able to eat lunch in peace because Violet stayed sleeping! I sure wish she would sleep as well as she does in the car seat the rest of the time! She has started having only 20 minute naps half the time even if she's in the swing or our arms. I hate cat naps!
Literati- yes I feel the same way, I thought the hard part would be getting her to fall asleep but nope!
I hope y'all have a fun day/evening, I'm sure it'll be nice to spend time as a family, and hope your dh has a nice birthday!
Glad you've had a nice morning! About the girl in your Thursday class, do you not usually go on thursdays, since this one was make-up?
The Starbucks run and lunch in peace both sound amazing! L has been doing the cat naps as well, and only in my arms so not much is getting done around the house.

Slammer- good point about indulging in what I do enjoy, thank you!
I'm sorry about dh struggling with taking care of baby. I hope you guys figure out a solution that works best for you guys. And you're a rockstar for sleeping in the glider, I'm sure you would much rather be able to sleep in a comfy bed but I know it's whatever gets baby to sleep!
Yay for jack giggling!! It is my favorite thing so far! That's precious that he was laughing at his sister too.

Ally- glad Isa liked the rice pudding! I'm not looking forward to stinkier poos!

Ali- glad you guys got to enjoy some good weather! We're getting some nasty weather here this weekend as well.
You definitely sound busy with the move and everything going on at work! I hope you can get some down time in between all that somehow, although I'm sure that's easier said than done!
Glad T is napping well in the pack n play. I really wish L liked hers but it seems like the mattress isn't completely flat/level or something

L rolled stomach to back for me a couple times but dh finally got to see last night. We always do a story in her room after I change her into her pjs and last night after the story I decided to flip her onto tummy and within a few seconds she rolled. Did it a second time too. She's also holding her head up really well now, not so wobbly and I barely have to support it (still mostly do out of habit and paranoia).
Hi all, I've been trying to keep up but haven't been able to reply.

Lit - the exercise class sounds great! I wish I could get involved with something like that. Sounds like you had a productive morning.

Alijo, shift work must be difficult with kids. Well done on doing that. Don't think I could cope!

Ally, wow! Rice pudding already! I don't think ds has the neck strength for that yet.

Afm, I'm doing OK, considering. MIL fell last week and has been staying with us. I have tried to be extremely tolerant but my patience is running thin. Seems like she will be here until at least Sunday, if not longer. I need dh to be supporting me right now and that isn't happening. He's exhausted looking after his mother. I'm coping OK, but I desperately need to work on my relationship with dh, but can't while she's around.

Ds is doing well. He's napping right now. He fell asleep in his cot by himself. Proud of him! He's be doing well at night too. Got his 4 month appointment on Saturday. Can't believe we have all survived for months! Dh is shocked with how much he loves ds. I'm feeling less of a bond than I thought I would, but I think it is getting better as he gets older.
Baby boy is still sleeping after one hour, at home in his cot. Can't remember the last time he did that.
Lite - Can you change classes? Tell them it works out better for you for those different days. That's great that she held Violet for you!

My hubby does the same and buys lunches and drinks. I just need to start making him lunches because he sure the heck won't! It does get really expensive. I'm very money conscious so it is hard for me to overlook it and he's not so much. He doesn't feel it's that much.

Newbie - I'd lose my mind if my MIL was with us! Even if you like her I bet it can be stressful to have someone in your space. Then also stealing any help and time from your DH. Hopefully she can head home soon.

Vrogers - I really do just feel busy all the time. I'm off plenty of days from work, but I don't have any me time at all.

AFM - I forgot to mention, T can sit up from a reclined position. Found that out while giving him a bath. I put him in his bath seat that just sits in the tub and is reclined. I turn to the water messing with it and I feel him touch my arm and look at him and he's sitting up! My eyes bugged out of my head because if he would have leaned forward anymore he probably would have fallen out and hit his head. He would have been fine, but I still don't want him hurt or anything.
Wow! That's great! Way to go T! Thank goodness he didn't mean forward too much. I haven't tried Z sitting up from recline, but I'll be careful with him in that position! I suspect he might be crawling early. His neck is so strong Abbas he constantly moves when he is on the ground... Actually he moves all the time! His legs and arms are getting strong too.
Newbie - He very well might! Sounds like he definitely wants to move. I kind of wonder if T will be crawling earlier as well. O was really strong, just never tried. He rolled instead. He crawled for a month before he started walking. He started taking his first steps at 9.5 months. He started walking with furniture the same day he decided to start crawling. I can see T crawling early to keep up with his brother.

Yeah, definitely be careful! They take you by surprise. The seat doesn't have straps or anything since it's for baths and you're not suppose to leave them unattended. Even though I was still attending him he still almost got himself hurt!
VRogers - yeah, it's very difficult to get anything done around the house with a baby. Thankfully, for the moment Violet is usually happy to play on her play mat for short periods, so I can get a little bit done while she is awake if my dd1 lets me. Sorry L is having cat naps as well.
Yay for your DH finally seeing L roll from front to back!

No, I'm not normally in the Thurs class. My class is on Tues but since I cancelled the one class, I was able to use my one extra credit on a Thurs class.

Newbie - I am sorry taking care of your MIL is taking its toll on both of you, and that you can't focus on your marriage this way. I hope she doesn't have to stay too much longer so that things can go back to normal. Sorry you're not feeling quite as much of a bond as you were hoping to. I am sure it will come with time!

Ali - unfortunately, I can't switch classes because the Thurs class is full. The only reason I was able to do a make-up class on Thurs was because someone must have cancelled for that day and a slot came available. It is full for the rest of the session though. Oh well! If I sign up for another 6-week stint, then maybe I will try Thurs instead.

Great job with T being able to sit up so much from a reclined position! He sounds strong. I am glad you rescued him before he hurt himself.

AFM - I am in a bit of a cranky mood today. I am having a friend over in about an hour, so hopefully I can be cheerful enough to enjoy it.

Violet is getting SO close to rolling back to front already! She can get all the way to her side and then she tries really hard to get all the way over, but her bottom arm stops her. She tried it for quite some time this morning. I am guessing it won't be long before she figures it out!

I forgot to mention but we did cave and buy the double stroller a couple weeks ago. Yesterday I took a nice hour-long walk with it, with a break for dd1 to play at the park in the middle. She made friends with a little girl there and had tons of fun! It was nice to watch.
Hi ladies, sorry ive been Not posted for a while. Ive really had a busy month. I have been trying to keep up but to be honest I have really struggled this week so I'll apologise again for not replying to everyone. Oh has had a big assignment to be in this weekend for uni and ive been proof reading it a lot. I'm also still havivg a lot of problems still my teenager. So any spare time ive been sat talking to him in his room or taking him out most of time with baby in arms. Then trying to fit in any other time with my toddler. The kids at his school have been horrible. It's only a few but the other kids don't dare say anything. Some kids are such shits..they have been setting up snapchat accounts in my sons name and putting horrible profile pictures.. Ive been really upset with it. Ds has been adamant he didn't want me to say anything to school but ive made them aware there is stuff going on. We are seriously thinking of home schooling him now. On a positive he has gone out today with a couple of other boys so im hoping he stays with them and stays away from the bullies. I know he is trying hard. It's so heartbreaking to see him upset though. I swear im very close to banging on their doors !

I have read through a couple of pages back. little ones seem to be doing great.

Newbie sorry about the MIL situation, im sure that's really frustrating especially when u r working hard to improve things with dh. I think I'd find that really stressful. Glad z is doing ok, bless him. Ollie seems to be getting strong also lately :)

Ali- wow 9.5 months first steps is brill. All my boys have been over a year. I wonder if T will be the same:) ollie still isn't even trying to roll yet! ?? He just chills and laughs.. Think he can't be bothered lol.. Hope house goes smoothly :)

Lit- V sounds like she is doing great , bless her trying to roll back to front, she sound like she is not far off now. Hope your friends visit cheered u up. Is your double stroller side by side or one in front of other? My ds is too big now for us to buy a double stroller but we have a buggy board. This week though we just felt like going for a long walk as if been moaning I wanted some exercise and really felt I needed to get out so I put ds in his old buggy instead of on the board and we walked for 2 hours lol .. It was bliss..:) we go away for a couple of days on the 15th so definately taking the buggy !! Shame u can't change the exercise class:(

Slammer/ brilliant jack giggling:) sounds like a really nice night..sorry dh struggling with childcare with jack. I hope it gets easier for u both soon. Hope work going ok. :)

Vrogers :) story time sounds loverly. We have bedtime story every night with ds and ollie sits on my knee and takes it all in. His little head is a lot stronger too but still like a nodding dog looking at the bright colours lol.. Really cute he looks really serious haha..great that DH got to see L roll over.

Ally.. Rice pudding, bless ha.. I love it when then start to have proper foods. I'll be starting ollie soon:) might try bits this weekend.

Nothing else to report really, just been a busy few weeks and I just feel like there isn't enough hours in my days! Ollie doing good. Not rolling yet. We had our first giggle the other day. He is very clingy with mummy still and will only settle for me. Oh finding that hard as he wants to help as much as poss but after he has been working all day it has ended up easier for me to settle him. Ds ( toddler has been really hyper lately so much so we are going to try and monitor the foods/ drinks ect he is having as he is really pushing us to the limits lately. Fortunately me and oh seem to work well together so keep each other sane but it's been hard. I will try and get on again soon. Sorry if I have missed anyone x and sorry for long post !!
Apple -
Wow, your poor teenager. I don't blame you for wanting to homeschool him. Would that be an option for you? Are you a SAHM? I can't believe how cruel kids/teens can be.

Sounds like your husband is very busy with homework and whatnot. Nice of you to proofread.

The double stroller we got is one in front of the other. I wouldn't want to try to push one of those wide ones through doorways! This one can fit a 45 lb kid in each seat so we can at least use it for a while.
Sorry your toddler is being so incredibly hyper! I hope you can find ways to calm him down a bit.
Hi lit, no im sue back to work december but I'm looking into doing private work and reducing my hours. My son only has 18 months left of school and my dad is really good at English and maths and is happy to do two days with my son. He works from home and is keen to do it. My FIL is a science teacher and has offered to help myself and oh are ok to help with othet stuff. I'm just going to give it a couple of weeks and see how he gets on to make sure it's right decision. X

I had a good chat with oh last night and we kind of put a plan together in how best to play things with our toddler so we are singing from same book. Hopefully things will settle soon 😁 x.

I'm sure new stroller will make life a lot easier :) x
Not sure if T is going through a growth spurt or if there is something else going on. He's just been off. Nothing horrible, but it's a noticeable difference. A little crankier and isn't eating like he was. He's been eating less. Yesterday I really should have pumped because he just wasn't draining me. Today I did pump a little this morning already. He's been drooling like crazy and chewing on everything but I'm not feeling any teeth yet.

I did give him a dose of Tylenol to see if that helped him. He ended up calming down some and napping about the time it would be kicking in. Maybe his teeth are working their way up and I'm just not feeling them yet.

Yesterday T decided a paci wasn't so bad. His tongue thrust reflex is diminishing so I wonder if that's why. Before he would try to push it out almost instantly and if he didn't get it out he'd gag. I'm really excited that he may end up liking the paci. It made life easier for DH when I was gone.

Lite - How are you liking the stroller? I'm using you to choose mine! :haha: Since both our older ones are big for their age. Thinking of getting one in the next couple of months if I can swing it.

Darn.. hopefully you can get into it next time around. I'd probably benefit from joining an exercise class. The gym I was at had regular classes that were free to anyone who went. I should have done it, but I felt too embarrassed. I'm very competitive so I rocked it for half the class then died because I tried too hard. Never went back :wacko: Now we're moving so I won't be able to. I don't know what the gym over there offers.

Apple - I'm sorry about the bullying. It's insane! I'm so afraid of my children dealing with it and I know they will to some extent no matter what. I was bullied pretty bad and the ways I dealt with it weren't helpful to me. I found just agreeing with them generally made them leave me alone, but caused a lot of self esteem issues. Although I did learn how deescalate situations like that (more appropriately) and people who are just general jerks don't mess with me because they find it quite unsatisfying. I feel the only hope I have for my children is to teach them how to deal with bullies (inwardly and outwardly) and to build their self esteem. Also, teach them not to bully. I hope you find a solution for him.

Ollie sounds like a thinker! He's taking the world in.
Apple - sounds like you have a great support system to help you if you do decide to homeschool. Good idea to wait a couple weeks to make sure it's what you all want to do. Sounds like you and your DH make a great team.

Ali - I am really liking the stroller. It obviously isn't 100% perfect, but it has made going for walks so much easier, and it is quite easy to maneuver. The one thing regarding having a bigger child- this particular stroller focuses very much on being lightweight and compact, which I appreciate, but I do admit dd1 looks a bit oversized for the second seat. She has to keep her feet up on the little seat ledge with her knees up a bit because if she let her legs dangle they would touch the ground. However, as I said, she is well below the weight limit and she has told us over and over that she is very comfy still. If you do buy a double stroller, I recommend trying to find a store with one in stock where you can try strapping them both in and make sure they fit nicely and you like how it steers first. Some of the ones we tried were absolutely horrible to push!

Aww! That's funny you tend to work yourself too hard for the first half and then are too exhausted for the last half of an exercise class. That probably wouldn't happen with the class I am in because I find it is very light exercise! :haha: It is more of just an enjoyable outing than a huge workout. I did try a drop-in Zumba class a few weeks ago, and THAT was a workout! I also really lost energy towards the end!

That is awful you were bullied in school. It also scares me to think of my kids going through anything like that. One thing I do find is that people usually discover eventually that bullying doesn't get them far. It might work when they are young, but when they are adults they realize they at least have to pretend to be nice to get through in the real world! Of course there are bullies everywhere, but I do find even the 'mean girls' I used to know have to act a lot nicer these days.
Ali - sorry u have experienced bullying also. I did in the last year of school for a short time but it was awful but I think it's helping me relate to my son. It's difficul as the boys that are bothering him all walk around the local area after school and weekends and then school aren't wanting to get involved in anything out of school times but they expect my son to report anything to them. I'm really hoping it passes but I'm not going to wait much longer. I can see it changing my son. It concerns me though that he seems to be a bit of a people pleaser, and is obviously massively affected by peer pressure. I just don't want him getting involved in anything he shouldn't.

Lit- I wish I could get to a exercise class, never done one before. There was one that you could take your baby to running for six weeks nearby but I missed the start with having to spend time with my older kids.
I have started doing this workout video on you tube ..lol my toddler looks at me funny. I can't remember if i have already spoke about this in previous posts u will have to excuse me my head is mashed today with different things lol.. It's called 7 minute work out and it's not a real person it's like a computer programme /image of woman that counts you down haha.. Ive found I can really fit this in well.., if any if you struggle for time u will have to check it out. I have to do the easy version lol😂😂 but it definately gets my heart going even in just 7 mins..Id never done a wall squat b4 I thought my time had come 😂😬 so unfit !

Well all my boys have been hard work today. Ollie not slept for longer than 10 mins sure he might be teething so gave some Calpol today. Took him and ds for a walk to park thinking ollie would sleep most of it but nope! He had different ideas and everytine he did sleep ds managed to wake him or poke him whilst on his buggy board!

Teenager went out last night with a friend that is supposedly ok and came back today looking like he had been out all night ! I was sooo mad. And then To top the day I started getting calls from the insurance company from my eldest sons car ! He doesn't even live with me anymore ! So one way or another all four boys have been draining ! It's actually the first time all of them have had something going on that has demanded my time.. And bless OH in middle of it trying to do final proof read on stupid 5000 assignment due in tomorrow !! So glad when that's gone x

So yes ladies feeling a bit out of it as I type this but B&B ladies always make me feel sane again :)

Hope you are all having a nice weekend.. I'm hoping tomorrow's going to be a better day !
hey ladies just checking in.

slammer- that is adorable about Jack's giggles.

lit- glad exercise class went well, and that you got to go to starbucks also. I hate cat naps! Isa is still doing his 30 min naps, whether in my arms, crib or car seat. that is great about the double stroller and that you managed to get out for a nice walk.

vrogers- thats cute about rolling. Isa rolls from side to stomach easily, a few times he has done back to stomach and he is also holding his head up really well.

newbie- that sucks about your MIL, i hope she can leave soon and you can have time with dh and work on your relationship.

ali- well done to baby t sitting up in reclined position.

apple- wow sounds like you have a lot going on. Hopefully you can get a homeschooling situation sorted, that might be best. Kids can be cruel. Glad ollie is doing well. Hope tomorrow is better for you. You have lots going on, but u are doing a great job.

ali- perhaps a growth spurt then, or maybe his gums getting ready? sorry you were bullied ali, it's horrible. baby t sounds like he is thriving and doing great. Good job :)

afm- ive been out on a few walks, but eating badly, feel big and bloated. decided i am going to go for a run tomorrow! Nights are better with Isa, he is waking twice, around 00:30 and then around 4am. Days hard cause of his cat naps. I found out there is a local mums walking group on monday mornings, going to try and get along to that.
Ah it's all in the past. We grew up in a small town and it can make things worse. My brothers were all bullied to some extent as well.

Ally - I have no idea how often T wakes. Is that bad? It's all a blur! I think he's down to 2 as well. Hope the walking group works out!

Apple - You sure have your hands full! I really should do something at home to work out. I'm too mentally exhausted so I end up being lazy.

AFM - I'm hiding in the bedroom. DH is up and I just kind of left. O comes in and bothers me now and then but oh well. I just needed a break. T has a bottle out there and I haven't heard him for a bit so maybe he's asleep. He was ready for a nap.

I need to go out and finish supper. Had some beef tips in the slow cooker. Got a short break I guess.
I typed a whole response and it got deleted so this one will be a bit shorter.

Apple - do you have a link to those 7 min workouts? Sounds like something I'd actually be able to fit in.
Sounds like you have a lot going on right now. You're doing a great job!

Ally - sorry Isa is still such a cat napper. It's nice when they consolidate their sleep later. I hope you go to that moms' walking group. Sounds fun! We have that here too but I think it is more geared to moms of 2 so don't know if I could join.

Ali - I don't blame you for disappearing to your room once your DH got up. Sometimes you just need a break! I am glad you tiny bit of one even though it was brief.

I did something similar yesterday. After a very long day, when DH got home, I just handed him Violet and said, "I'm going for a bath. Violet needs a nap soon" and that was it. I did get to enjoy a brief hot bath and reading a magazine, but it didn't last long at all because DH couldn't get V to sleep so I got out pretty quickly to go relieve him. Then we all watched Monster Trucks (the movie) together and enjoyed it. :)

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