January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Literati- thank you so much! I see now, but that's still good! L did the same thing weight wise, she started off in the 70s and has dropped down to 30s and 40s in percentile. It's weird how that happens!
I'm having the opposite problem with solids where L does not seem interested! Her doc gave us the go ahead at her 6 month appointment a few weeks ago and I spoon feed her purées but it's a good day if I can get her to take 4 "bites". I haven't tried in a few days so may try again today. I did get this little silicone paci feeder that I've put strawberries in and she does love that!
Vrogers glad that Ls scan went well!! Must be a relief! Gage loves strawberries too, I added some rice cereal to them and he gobbles them right up! He was leaning in for more after he finished the whole thing!
Apple so glad the christening went well, how funny that you were worried the god parents wouldn't make it! I agree with going with your instinct on finger foods and such. If you feel he isn't ready don't push it. You are his mother, and mother knows best!!

Ally, I do the same as apple, and what lit mentioned. I just boil and steam everything then put it in the blender with a bit of water until it's puréed and then I pour it into ice cube trays and freeze them. I pop them out and keep them in freezer bags labeled so that every night I can mix and match whatever foods I want and it only takes a few minutes to warm them up. Each ice cube is 1oz so you can measure how much they are getting too.

Lit, what kind of finger foods are you using? Does v have any teeth? I'm so worried that Gage will choke on anything that's not mushed, but I do give him small chunks of banana when I share my banana with him. I can't believe she didn't cry with her vaccines! Gage is always so inconsolable after his. Maybe it hurts his feelings more than anything. He does seem to be a sensitive guy! He pokes out the bottom lip when he is upset!

Ali, thanks for the tip. I will try it out. He is wearing size five during the day now. So I'll buy a small pack of some six and see how they do. I have tried to pampers baby dry because they are suppposed to be the most absorbent regular diaper, and claim 12 hours, but they last maybe 5 hours in Gage. We are doing the huggies overnight and they work but only with a diaper change in the middle of the night. So if regular sized up diapers don't work, I'll try to size up the over night diaper. It's all trial and error! Im not worried about the way they fit around his legs because his legs are so chunky ha! I hope t is feeling better! Good luck on the potty training!
Froggy - I was surprised V didn't cry as well. She was actually quite wimpy with her 2 & 4 month vaccines! She was hysterical for ages after. Maybe we just surprised her and she didn't have time to process it! Who knows haha.
Violet does not have ANY teeth. She can't chew that well yet, and at this stage if you give finger foods they're not going to be ingesting a whole lot of them. At this stage they're more just trying flavours, sucking on things, and learning how to chew. Violet surprisingly can chew better than I thought she'd be able to but obviously only really soft, squishy things. I have given her fingers of cucumber and she did really well with that. Started gnawing off chunks & gum chewing right away! She's also tried watermelon, cooked baby carrots & banana. She does gag if she gets too much, but gagging is still ok as they are just working the problem by themselves. Choking would involve them silent and struggling, which would be terrifying! But the gagging definitely freaks me out. I read a book about Baby Led Weaning last time, which is probably the only reason I would attempt it. I know with dd1 I felt safer with purées, but she couldn't figure out chewing the way V did at all. V somehow figured it out right away, so I figure it makes sense to let her!

VRogers - oh yes, sounds like L did a similar thing with her weight. I think it's normal if they're meant to be a smaller/slimmer sort because their birth weight is much more related to their gestational conditions rather than the size they're meant to be in the long term. Big babies (at birth) run in our family, and both my sister and I slowly fell down the charts for weight after being born (and are both slim now), so I think that's just how it's supposed to be sometimes!
That's too bad L isn't interested in solids. That's how my dd1 was for the longest time. However, even 4 mouthfuls is great at this point. They start off very gradually and it's ok to just be getting tastes of thing and just getting used to eating at this point, even if it's not much. I would say she's doing great!
Froggy- thank you! Strawberries are delicious, so I don't blame our babies for liking them haha
Ooh Gage is such a cutie! You're also gorgeous. His little cheeks!! Thank you for sharing!

Literati- that does make sense, that birth weight is more related to gestational conditions, hadn't thought of that before! And you're right, thankfully at this point it isn't a big deal if she's not super interested in solids.
How are you and baby V doing today?
Froggy - adorable pictures! Looks like Gage has a very fun little life!

VRogers - we are pretty good. DH has the stomach flu so he is home playing video games today. It is too bad he is sick, but kind of nice to have a bit of adult company I guess. I spent the morning taking out 6-9 Month clothes for V, although I'm not sure why because she still fits almost all her 3-6 mo stuff, and I've noticed that all our 6-9 mo stuff is very wintery! I might end up taking the 3-6 mo stuff all back out! :p
Other than that, it's been a fairly uneventful day. How are you and L today?
Just wanted to pop on quickly whilst O settled.

Vroggers / glad scan went ok hon sure that's a relief for u and DH. :)
All babies are different with solids my ds was totally different to O and did baby led weaning much later. L sounds like she Is doing great x

Lit/ go V not crying at vaccines :) O freaked out, I felt awful 😁.. Hope u r well hon x

Froggy/ thanks for sharing pics they are lovely, i tried to upload some the other day and it didn't work ! Nice pic of mummy and Gage :) What a little cutie Gage is. I didn't realise Gage was little IVF miracle baby. I just noticed today on your signature. I met with my friend this am with her little girl who is also little IVF miracle ️xx they are all such a blessing :)

Sorry not to reply to everyone at the min, ds at nursery so just with O but have loads to do..

We are all doing ok, we are away next week so looking forward to that. O still not 100% with poos but getting better, just trying different combinations with food. OH learnt ds to ride his bike for 1st time yesterday , he was so chuffed with himself , I wish I could suss how to upload a video he looks so cute as he is small for 4 but looks smaller on a bike with no stabilisers ha .. He is so pleased with himself ha and daddy is very proud of himself too ha .. Daddy very into cycling so it was a cert that ds would be on 2 wheels before 2 long ha ..

Hope everyone else and babies doing ok x
Literati- that's too bad about the flu, but I definitely understand what you mean about how it's good having adult company! L is in her 3-6 month clothes still too! I do use some of the 6-9 month stuff just because it's cute and is long enough to fit some of the brands. We do need more 6-9 mo sleepers!
We are doing good today, not a lot going on here either. My dad brought me lunch and coffee and visited, and I'm hoping weather here will be cool enough to go to the park this weekend! It gets so old sitting in the house all the time.

Apple- Where are you guys going next week (sorry if you've already said)? That's good O is starting to feel better! Also so sweet about other ds learning to ride his bike, I bet he's proud!
Trying to post a few pics but not sure if it's working ! 😣 think this one will be mums little food spread for O after christening x


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Sorry it's only letting me do one at a time ! Lol hopefully this is my little man x


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Try again ! This is O after his busy day having daddy cuddles x


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Apple- omg he's precious!! He has the biggest blue eyes. Also his cake looks delicious! Thank you for sharing!

Afm- our pediatrician office (one of her nurses) called, she said L has what's called arteriovenous malformation (she said it sounds scarier than it is), which is a clump of blood vessels. Apparently for now it just needs to be monitored, and she said best case scenario nothing will happen (not sure if it will stay there forever or eventually go away?) worst case she would need a minor procedure done down the road. We have to follow up continually with a cardiologist since it has to do w/ blood flow so she has an appointment later this month. Before that appointment she has to have a chest X-ray because apparently everyone who sees this doc needs one. I think that's everything! I'm a little freaked out, but she also didn't seem to make it out to be anything major or scary. Hopefully the appointment in a couple weeks is more reassuring!!
Apple, he is sooo handsome!!

Lit, hope your dh is feeling better! Gage is already on his way out of 9 months into 12 months!

Vrogers, I don't feel gorgeous! Lol, but thanks. Sorry about the diagnosis, I'm sure it will all be fine and that's good she is going to be so closely monitored. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now!
Froggy - good for Gage! Growing fast! My dd1 was in 12-18 mo clothes by this age I think! I am just relieved to not have to take clothes out as often this time.

Apple - great pics! Thanks for sharing! :)

VRogers - oh no! Sorry you're a literally stressed about L's diagnosis, but at least both the best and worst case scenarios sound pretty manageable and not too serious, but of course the thought of any sort of medical procedure on your baby would be terrifying! Hugs!

AFM - I am already so over feeding solids. I've already run out of easy things to give. Introducing solids iiiiiiss the worst! I will probably just stock up on baby foods next time we are at the grocery store hahaha. Finger foods are nice but it's so hard to find things that are soft enough at the beginning. Blahhhhhhh.

I feel like I get worse and worse at being a mom. When dd1 was young, I played with her constantly, fed her homemade babyfood, read to her all the time, taught her things, and life revolved around her. Now I feel I barely have time to do the basics, and V will never get my "Best" like dd1 did because my energy is all used up. Dd1 also never gets my best. They just get the very mediocre version of me now. Blahhhh.

PS I am also VERY, VERY over my DH being sick and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! Argh!!!
Vroggers/ im sure my friends little girl has the same thing. She has been told it should go on its own as her little girl gets bigger. Sorry it's a worry for you and dh:( any tests or scans are scary when they are so little. My ds has had to have quite a lot of scans and had an MRI under sedation when he was 12 months so know how u feel hon but the staff were really good and put parents at ease x

Lit/ hope your DH gets better soon ! And can give u a hand again. Strange how women just carry on regardless 😣.. Lol..

Sorry you feel you are struggling to spend proper quality time with both girls. I can totally relate to you. Ive found that we tend to split this between myself and oh more now. But I did say last week I want to have at least an afternoon just me and ds without O. It probably upsets us more than it bothers the children. They way ive done it is I say to ds today we are having a T day so he thinks it's totally for him even though O is with is as well tagging along. I also can't read as much ect as I used to but I try my best when I can to have 10 mins at bed time, when we go out I also take him to a local book shop and let him choose a new book every couple of weeks. We tend to follow collections. Currently on " what the ladybird heard" there is about 5in that collection , great book for their age. I then use buying the next one as a bit of a bribe for being good lol..We read the same one every night ha..if I can't manage it one evening which does happen a bit if O having a moment I make a big thing of it with ds and say he can choose a book himself and look at it with his torch, make it a bit of a game. By time ive done with O , Ds tends to be asleep :)
I find I feel guilty with my teen. Even tho he wants to do his own thing I find that letting him just go with his friends the easy option so sometimes try and make a day for him, even if I have younger boys with me. Normally tends to cost me a pair of new trainers for him ! After going out for tea. Even my 20 year old doesn't go short ! Lol bags of shopping new clothes and paying car tax ! Lol ..

Thanks Froggy and everyone for comments on pics. He is such a happy little dude. X

Hope everyone else ok,

Not sure of plans today , maybe zoo.. Between housework !! And sorting garden ,weather not great, 😣
apple- thanks for suggestions about food. Isa loves finger foods, he always has them, although, really need to a keep an eye on him as he sometimes puts too much in his mouth. But u know best for Ollie, so go with your instinct.
Very cute about ds and cycling! aww, the pics are adorable!! thanks for sharing!
where r u off to on your trip?

vrogers- sorry about L's diagnosis, but it still sounds ok and nothing to worry about. Big hugs for you. Lets hope it just goes away onits own :) Just keep at the food, and i'm sure L will show an interest when she is ready

froggy- i like the ice cube idea, thanks! aw lovely pics, Gage is such a cutie!!

lit- yah for V starting solids :) it is interesting she moved down percentiles but may get back up now that she has started solids? I can understand how u might feel about your time with your daughters, but i just want to say that no one is perfect and you are a great mum and you dedicate your time to them. They love you to bits!

afm- i went and got isa weighed yesterday. The time before this, he had dipped and was between the 9th and 25th percentile but hes now 18 pounds and just falling on the 50th percentile. I have noticed how he is looking bigger and chubbier haha. They don';t measure length though so i have no idea about his height...
been busy few days, i went into uni and i am here today too. yesterday evening i went for dinner with my friend, and dh put isa to bed. well tried... i got home at 8pm (isa is normally asleep by 7.30) and he was still awake. DH said he kept crying. i took isa and he nuzzled into me and fell asleep within 5 mins. just wanted his mummy eh, bless him.
DH and i have decided to have one day a month we have together without Isa, so we can do things as a couple. We are going to take turns in choosing what we do.

anyway i iwant to keep chatting but i need to get on with my thesis, will try to get on again soon.
have a good day all x
Ally - I think that's a wonderful idea to have a day each month to just have couple time without Isa! That'll be really fun to take turns picking something nice to do!
Thanks for the kind words.
That is sweet that Isa just wanted his mama to go to sleep. Nice you got to go out with a friend! I have no close friends anymore who would want to do that with me. :(

Apple - Thanks. Glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. It is hard splitting attention between them. For reading, I find I still read lots to dd1 (albeit less than I used to), but poor Violet rarely gets read to, since the easy time to do it with dd1 is when V is sleeping! So hard to fit it in for both of them. Dd1 was such an early talker and I worry poor V will be behind because she has been read to so much less. I am starting to read her one or two baby books before her bedtime too now.
That does sound hard to spend quality time with your teen! Sounds like it gets very expensive when you do! It's great you do that, though. You're an excellent mom! That's great you occasionally have the afternoon with just your toddler. V has bad separation anxiety lately and can't cope without me at all, but I do want to have a little date just me and dd1 one of these days! Just like old times. :)

AFM - met with potential daycare today. Don't feel amazing about it, but I felt super worried about our old daycare too, and ended up loving it. Dd1 had a blast playing with all the toys and didn't want to leave, so I guess that's a good sign? I'll have to think about it more, though.
Ally what finger foods do you give Isa ? Im gonna try ollie with little things. I got some of those organix baby crisps lol.. What a mess ! But he loved them. Good idea to have a day just you and DH. I just wouldn't have the sitters. I know mum Prob would have the odd afternoon. I know she is just really busy with work, she has an Amazon business from home that's really picking up so I don't like asking 😣. Im so glad my uni days are over ! Bet you will be glad when all your work is done. It's worth it in the end :)

Oh and we are going to cardiff for few nights then me n oh going to a hotel for night.

Lit / thanks for nice comments, your a super momma too. It's just a juggle but us mummys get better at it as times goes on ! Hope the childcare proves to be ok. I was super worried about ds at his but he totally loves it now and im gutted he will be leaving to go school on few weeks😣. He will be going holidays days tho and O will be there when I go back to work.

Anyway better get up n sort the gang ! Coffee calling. ☕️Hope u all have nice day x

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