January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

lit-yeah its great dd had fun at daycare and i am sure you will make the right decision about it.

apple- yeah the organix ones, carrot sticks, etc. He just loves them. Ah cardiff will be lovely, do u have family there?

Isa ia having a rubbish nap day today, argh, He is normally better than this. yesterday he did 2 long naps and one short one, but today just all short. Frustrating.
he woke up really early today, like 5,30 and then just slept on and off for short bouts before i took him into the other room and made his milk. normally he wakes about 7ish.
oh he has more teeth coming! his 5th ones has nearly popped out and i can see the 6th!!!
Ally - Sounds like Isa will be over and done with his teething before long! Still no teeth over here. Which I'm so glad about! He hasn't been biting me as much, but the first time he does with teeth.. oh my..

Do you think he's not sleeping as well because he's teething?

One day a month sounds amazing! Haha.. We're lucky to get one day a year it seems! We may need to plan something again with our friend. Even if it's dinner. My brother is also out of work at the moment so I could always use him too.

Apple - Coffee almost sounds good. I'm burnt out on it, though.

Your little guy is such a handsome little man! I want to snuggle him! Love the cake!

Did you end up going to the zoo? The weather isn't bad here. It's been cooler. Which is awesome because I don't have to have the AC running!

Lite - I definitely didn't feel awesome about meeting with my current daycare provider. Been going pretty well, though. She has enough toys to line the shelves at Walmart. That's what I keep telling people lol.. I haven't seen the rooms downstairs, but she says she has 3 playrooms downstairs because each of her grand kids think they have to have their own.

Are you going to meet with some more? It really sucks that you have to find another one. I really do get the stress.

You're not getting worse at being a mother. It's hard with two. T definitely doesn't get the same attention, but he does get to play with his brother. I feel like a failure just because I can't get myself out to do things with my children often. We're both always working. I wish I could back off on something and just enjoy life more instead of stressing about money and work all the time. I can't even think to do it because I make just enough to break even it seems. Things just keep popping up!

Vrogers - Hopefully she won't need anything done. I don't think that's something that generally goes away, though. Just remains because it isn't causing any issues. I remember something about it in school. If she does get it removed the bonus side is, you won't have to ever worry about it again. I think it would be on my mind forever.

Froggy - Oh my, he's just getting cuter and cuter! I LOVE his eyes. O has brown eyes and I just find them breath taking! T has blue eyes with a little bit of greenish/brown around the pupil. That's what the blue eyes look like in my dad and 2 brothers that have them. He still could go hazel like I have, but I think they'll stay blue. Go figure, second child doesn't have his father's eyes and still doesn't get mine! :haha:

AFM - Been awhile since I posted. T turned 7 months on the 2nd! He's starting to pull himself up to furniture every day. Also learning to climb the two steps that go down into the play room.

I had him in the crib with his mobile on. Trying to get him to chill enough that I could put him to sleep. He kept making his happy sounds so I look over at him and he has himself pulled up standing in his crib with the biggest smile on his face! So, now I need to drop the crib at least down one notch. He could pull himself up over the edge if he tried.

Yesterday evening T woke up from his nap SCREAMING. A scream neither of the boys have ever done. It was heart stopping. I can't even describe it. It was a high pitched terrified sounding scream. I'm afraid he had a nightmare. Which makes me fear he'll get night terrors. He does occasionally wake up crying really hard and often isn't ready to be awake. So, between that and yesterday I'm more afraid that I'll be facing a child with nightmares. While my oldest loves horror videos :dohh:

In other news O will be 3 yrs next month. Can't believe my baby is almost 3!! We're thinking about doing a Mickey Mouse themed birthday since he enjoys Mickey Mouse so much. So, I need to start figuring it out or it won't get done.

Alright, better get back to life.
Just a quick reply while Z eats his bedtime snack - AliJo, z had done that scream or crying hard on wake up a few times. I joke that he's having that nightmare where the boobs have run out of milk! I also worry that it will turn into nightmares or night terrors. Hopea hug from mum helps him.
Meant to add, any hints and tips for trimming finger nails? Z had super fast growing nails...
Froggy- I completely understand, but you definitely are! Thank you for the well wishes on L!

Literati- thank you! Yes, it's scary just having to wait and not knowing what will eventually happen but thankfully I know it could be much worse.
I'm the same with being over solids! And I was so excited to start. Lillian just isn't very interested. She spends more time playing in her high chair than eating. The silicone paci w/ holes (think I mentioned it before) does help, though! She at least gets to taste other foods.
I'm sorry you are feeling some guilt but from what I've seen on here you are a dedicated and loving mother! I think most people are probably the same way with kids after the first,and I can only imagine how much energy it takes to deal with a baby AND older kid(s). You really are doing a great job! :hugs:
I hope this daycare ends up like the last one, or you find one that you do love off the bat!

Apple- thank you for the encouragement about L! Under sedation sounds scary too, I would be a mess. Thankfully her ped and all nurses we have dealt with have been kind to us as well as baby girl!

Ally- thank you, definitely hoping the lump does go away or at least doesn't get bigger!
Sounds like Isa is doing great growth wise!
Poor Isa missing his mama. L has done the same the couple times I have gone somewhere and come back after bedtime.
Sounds like a great idea to take time for yourselves, I would like to do the same! It's good to spend baby free time with dh and reconnect.

Ali- i an the same as you, i think if it doesn't go away knowing myself I wouldn't stop worrying about it. So ready for the cardiologist appt!
Happy (belated) 7 months to T! Crazy that he is on the go so much, pulling up on furniture and whatnot.
Oh man, L has done the waking up screaming terrified thing a couple times, the last time was about a month ago and I was out of a deep sleep and grabbed her faster than I knew I could go ha! Hopefully it isn't something that sticks around for them.
Mickey Mouse birthday sounds fun! What are you guys thinking about doing for a party?

Newbie- could use some nail trimming tips here as well! Cutting them terrifies me so dh has used a file on them (which we need to do asap!)

Afm- Lillian's spitting up has been sooo much better! (She's had awful reflux, since it's been awhile since I mentioned it) Her doc mentioned at her last appointment, she'd like to get L weaned off the med in the next couple months, by going down to 1 dose instead of her usual 2 a day. Well, when we moved her to the crib it was harder for dh to give her the med as she's a stomach sleeper and would sometimes still be sleeping when he left for work in the morning, so we naturally went to just her evening med. The past at least 2 days, she hasn't had any med at all. Today she has been eating like crap-she normally eats 6 oz every 2 1/2 - 3 hours, but was doing 3-4 and then refusing the rest. Then at bedtime she screamed. So I gave her a dose and rocked her for 30 min till she could eat, and thankfully she's asleep now! So now we know she isn't quite ready to stop the med completely!
She is still only rocking back and forth on her knees, hasn't actually crawled forward yet!
Lit, you are doing an amazing job! Right now I can't imagine having a toddler running around while caring for a baby. You are really being too hard on yourself! Your whole day and night is dedicated to both of them! There is no standard for a perfect mom. IMO if you can go to bed at night and say today I did the best I could for my kids, you are a great mother! Nevermind the things we could have done, focus on what things you have done!

I hope the daycare works out!

Ally, the date night sounds great! I would love for us to do that, but don't live near anyone who could babysit. We do try to take advantage of the times we do have someone around though! We will be going on a couple of dates while my mom is here!

Ali, it's so funny that you say that about his eyes because every single picture they look brown, but IRL they are more a a greenish color! I only have a few pics where they look their actual color and those are outside in the sunlight. I can't believe T is pulling himself up! He is so strong! He is the most physically advanced baby in this thread I think! Gage still barely gets up on his knees. He is just happy rolling around and has gotten really good at spinning different directions on his tummy.

Newbie, I just bite gages nails. The clippers are scary! I do use the mm on bus big toes bea she for some weird reason his big toenail grows up and not out. But I find biting his fingernails is fast and safe because I can just put my teeth under his nail and not get his skin or get the nail too short.

Vrogers, that's great that you are down to one dose! I hope you can illuminate that dose soon! The crib sleeping is still going well? Does she wake to eat still at night? Or is she sleeping through?

AFM, dh had a second interview with the new company, and it went really well. The guy that he knows that works there got a phone call after the interview and said everything looks good! So we are just waiting on the to call to officially offer the position and negotiate salary! They were explaining to DH that they are looking to groom him to be superintendent! So that's exciting!
Thanks froggy. I've tried that but it doesn't work for me. My teeth are slightly misaligned, so I can't bite effectively like that. I had success last night by nursing him to sleep and propping him up on my knees then holding my phone light in one hand and used the clippers with the other. They are better than they were and was easier than with the nail file.

Good luck for your dh job opportunity!
Omg, I'm so behind!! Will try to reply to most things briefly.

Regarding the job - starting next Monday. I don't think there will be much opportunity for telework, but hoping for some flexibility with schedule. I didn't even really discuss schedule with them, lol. Really should have because I need to be able to leave earlier mon/fri for DH's work. Hopefully it will be fine. Just now sent them a message to ask the details on next week and to mention I need pumping space/time!

Vrogers - awesome that L took well to the crib! You're so lucky. Glad to hear that the lump is nothing too serious, though I'm sure you're still worried. I'm sure she will be just fine. That's awesome L likes the front facing carry. I wish I could do it with Jack. It just kills my back. The new job won't be auditing in the sense of having anything to do with numbers/math, but testing websites/apps. Hope I like it! I'm pretty sure I will.

Apple - glad O's christening went well. He's adorable, and what a lovely spread you had for him.

My current job is so flexible too, that I'm worried it will end up being a hugr mistake giving up something so flexible and low-stress for something new. But oh well, the decision is made now.

Did your OH apply to that job? Sounds like it would be great.

Good job on DS learning to ride his bike!

Literati - can't believe V didn't cry for her vaccines! I did the paddling pool with DD and Jack this weekend. Jack likes getting his feet in, but it's too cold to sit him in.

AliJo - I know, I'm super anxious about the new job! Hoping this isn't all a huge mistake!

Sorry T was sick! And that scream when he woke sounds rough. I hope he doesn't get nightmares. DD woke crying from every single nap for the majority of her life. Not scary screaming though. Jack wakes quietly and just looks around. It's a welcome change.

Ally - Sounds like you have a great social life with friends and family. Wish I had that, lol. Can't believe how many teeth Isa has! Good luck trying to make purees from scratch.

It's sad but nice, isn't it, when you know the baby just wants you?!

Hope you get to keep up your plan of one day a month with just you and DH.

Literati - I also am over solids. I don't find it fun. I have really not given Jack anything in a few days now because he was feeling a bit sick and wasn't interested.

Sorry to hear DH has the stomach flu! You already do so much on your own - to have him sick must be extra tiring.

I feel your struggle with two. I was the bomb with just Ava. Now just treading water with two. I don't think a day goes by where I don't think that maybe I shouldn't have had a second kid, though I do love Jack and feel way more bonded to him now than I did earlier. I just really miss how easy life had gotten with just my girl. And how I could do so much with her that I can't do now.

I hope the daycare works out. Are you checking others?

Froggy - omg, Gage is so cute!

Very exciting about DH's job prospects!

Newbie - I use little curved and blunted scissors to cut both DD and Jack's nails. They came in a little baby first aid kit I got when DD was born. Jack usually lets me cut his nails while he sits on my lap.

AFM - Jack is settling better at daycare. We brought one of our noise machines to her house and a swaddle up, and that seems to help her get him to sleep and be able to lay him down. He's eating fine too.

My back is still so-so. Still better than it was with no terrible days, but now even the hip carry is starting to aggravate it and cause spasms after a while. I have started back carrying more often than not, and I may have to just stop front/hip carrying altogether. I wish this back issue would just resolve completely, but maybe it won't. Frustrating because I don't always want to back carry. A front or hip carry is better if I want to be able to sit down while he sleeps in the carrier. Thank goodness at least Jack seems quite content with back carries. I was worried he wouldn't like it as much. So finally getting use out of the Tula because that's more comfortable for the back carry than the one I was favoring for a hip carry.

Jack had his 6 month appt. He was 17 lb 11 oz and 27" long. I think about average for weight, a little over for height, and 70-something-th percentile for head circumference (which I can't remember). Not sure where the paper went with the graphs! Didn't like getting the shots, but he was fine after that. He had a little tiny cold the last few days. Not too bad, but a bit fussy and didn't want DH to put him down when he was at home with him last thurs/fri.

Finishing up at my current job this week. Everyone is acting devastated that I'm leaving! Makes me second-guess my decision! But when I factor in the salary and bonus potential, savings on health care ('cause the new job's benefits are way cheaper) and no longer having the pay for parking in the city - I will be getting a pretty substantial pay increase! And this job has more prospects for growth too. So, still anxious and worried I'm making a terrible mistake, but hopefully everything will be fine! Oh, and the new job technically has an unlimted leave policy...like, there is no leave accrual - you just take the time you need. Obviously they will watch for abuse of the privilege, but still...that's totally foreign to me! It would be nice to take a little more leave than I do now, and to not be constantly worried about taking a sick day and making it up, or hoarding my leave for a big trip.

Ok, gotta stop now and go pump.
Froggy- thankfully I worked myself up for the crib switch for nothing! She's taken to it so well, sleeps about 8:30-7am or so.
Good luck to dh on the new position, how exciting!

Slammer- front carry definitely doesn't feel great on my back! Too bad there's not a front carrier (that I'm aware of anyway) that manages to balance enough that there's no strain on your back.
I hope you like the new job, too!
Glad daycare is working out! That was a good idea to bring a noise machine and swaddle.
I'm sorry about the lingering back pain, that's got to be aggravating. I hope you're able to find something that eases it!
It sounds like overall the new job is a good decision, but it's hard when you make any kind of big change. Leave/pay/potential growth sound worth it!

Afm- it has been like pulling teeth lately to get L to drink her bottle. We had a great schedule of every 2 1/2 - 3 hours, 6 oz and she would finish it in 7 min. I'm not sure if going off the reflux med for a couple days messed with her that much, or if it's something else. It's been SO frustrating, because she ate 5 oz this morning, then wouldn't eat any time I tried until almost 5 hours later with 7 oz, and since then has acted like she's cluster feeding. It's also taking her longer to eat a smaller amount. If this continues through the week we will probably call her doctor-although I'm not sure there's much they'll do since she's still technically getting enough to eat.
That's pretty much all that's going on here!
Popping back in to add that I just (re) downloaded the wonder weeks app and L is at the tail end of leap 5 so hopefully that's what's going on!
ali- that is scary about T and his screaming, did it happen again? happy 7 months to him!

newbie- nice to hear from you. no idea about the fingernails...

Vrogers- glad L's reflux is better! i remember you saying about it before. Isa had it really bad too, but he just grew out of it and he's fine now. Could it be teething tha is making her fussy with milk? when isa's first few teeth came he took less milk, but now that they are through hes back to normal. He drinks 8 oz every 4 hours roughly n food inbetween.

froggy- that sounds great! well done to your dh... exciting times.

slammer- good luck on finishing up with your job and starting your new one! hopefully they will allow a little flexibility so you can be home earlier on the days you need to be. I'm sure you have made the right choice, it sure sounds like it with the extra money etc. sounds like Jack is doing well and glad he is settling into daycare better!
haha i don't really have much of a social life i feel! i just have friends that live close by, like literally 5-10 mins away and i try to see them when i can. And i live near a big shopping center so cafes etc are nearby to pop in for a quick coffee.

AFM- not much to report really. Yesterday isa had a playdate with my friends baby. We went out for lunch and both the babies were in their highchairs. We looked away for literally 10 seconds and turned around to see my friends baby Eva putting her hand in Isa's mouth and isa chewing on it!! was sooo funny.
today it's really sunny! i'm going to take isa to the park later. Tomorrow dh is off so i will be at uni, looking forward to having some time away from home and do some work! i do miss uni life and my old routine sometimes...

dh is starting a new course soon, and will leave his job soon. wants a slight career change and hopeflly this will lead to a better paid job. Slightly anxious about it, we are going to be pretty skint for a while. We really need a bigger place, we just about get by now.
i'm hoping to submit my thesis end of year/start of next and then i can start looking for jobs too.

anyway, need to put isa down for a nap. hope u all have a good day x
Ally - sounds like a lot of changes coming up, career wise & financially. Sounds stressful, but you'll get through it!

VRogers - I hope it is just the wonder week bothering L. It definitely could be from that skipped day of reflux meds? Idk. That is too bad L was so upset and wouldn't settle the one night without it.

Slammer - I definitely was way more of an all star mom with one. It's hard feeling like you're giving them your second best now. Having 2 is hard! I'm sorry you feel a bit sad about things not just being you and Ava anymore. I definitely get nostalgic a lot about when it was just me and dd1, and I feel guilty I can't give her as much attention anymore. It definitely was way easier then. Then again, we have to remember that we are still in the thick of it with 2, and it WILL get easier at some point. I know dd1 absolutely loves having a little sister, and it's going to be wonderful when they can play together.

That is great that your new job will result in extra pay overall. The unlimited leave would be amazing, as well! Hopefully you can find a bit more balance that way. I understand feeling a bit remorseful about leaving if everyone was acting so sad, but you have to do what's best for you! This sounds like a good career decision for you!

Ali - sorry T woke up screaming. I hope he won't get night terrors. I think it might be a phase because I remember dd1 doing that as a baby at one point.
That is sad but exciting about O turning 3 next month. Mickey Mouse birthday sounds great. My dd1 had a Minnie Mouse birthday when she turned 2!

Froggy - thank you. I hope your DH gets that job! Lots of job transitions on this thread right now.

AFM - have had a busy long weekend so haven't had a chance to get on. DD1 turned 3 yesterday, so we have been celebrating. She had a birthday party on Monday (it was a stat holiday here). On her actual day we took her out to eat for supper. Can't believe she's 3 already, although she definitely has the attitude of a 3-year-old.

DH was around a lot more than usual since he took a 4-day weekend and was sick for 2 days before that. That has made dd1 into a total daddy's girl (normally both my girls are Mommy's girls). DH is loving that, but I am feeling jealous and annoyed by it. You give them EVERYTHING, and already by age 3 they're sick of you and just want their dad. GRRR!
Hi ladies not had time to read through and catch up as been away a few days just got home. Hope u and little Ones r all well will try and catch up later and reply properly x
Stopping in for a quick reply.

My MIL passed away Saturday. We left Sunday night for Michigan and are leaving tonight for home. DH has been pretty torn and is trying to keep it together. He tries to not think too much about it I think. Her health wasn't good and it was most likely a heart attack that took her. I just hope it was quick. I was hoping to at least get up here once more so she could meet T and see O again. I felt like it would have been our last visit, but would have been hopeful for more. Well, didn't get that. Glad she isn't suffering any more at least.

In other news. T stood by himself for a couple of seconds. Let go of the coffee table and held it fire a couple before plopping down.

I'll try to catch up probably Monday. I have to work Sunday. I was suppose to work Saturday as well, but DH needed another day.
Ali - good job on T standing by himself for a second. He is very strong.
So sorry to hear about your MIL. Your DH must be having a really hard time. Hugs!

Midnight - time definitely is flying. Wow about your eldest being 13!

Apple - hope you're doing well.

AFM - the girls and I have come down with a cold. It's the kind with a sore throat & headache and it's making me miserable. I can deal with a runny nose much better than I can a sore throat!

Vi has been unpredictable and a bit miserable lately. Her bedtime has been all over the place depending on her last nap. Yesterday she took 5 naps, then went to bed a bit late and was up at 2 am for an entire hour? Bleh. Not sure what was up for that.
I am meeting a different daycare later today. I feel quite sick about making this decision. It's really causing a lot of stress. We also have expensive vehicle repairs, so that's fun. And we have to travel for DH's grandparents' anniversary celebration out of town tomorrow, and I'm absolutely DREADING it. Even though the dress code says CASUAL (as in jeans), all the girls are wearing dresses but I really don't want to because there are very few dresses I can still nurse in (basically none). Not only that, but I'll have the Ergo on a lot which is going to look ridiculous. I'm so cranky about it! Don't want to visit with family at all. Just want to do our own thing in the sun for our third last summer weekend.
Ali, sorry to hear about your mother in law. Grief is a horrible, but necessary emotion. I hope you and your dh are OK. Well done on T standing up! Z has started to pull himself up but not steady at all. Plenty of time for that!

Midnight, wow! 13... Bet it doesn't feel like 13 years!

Lit, I'm sorry that things are so stressful for you right now. I hope things sorry themselves out soon and that you feel better. Z has been unpredictable lately too. Today, he napped for 20 minutes only! He's been waking up every two hours at night, too. I'm exhausted with it.

Afm, I'm back at work and our new teachers are arriving this week (international school, so they're flying in). We're busy preparing and I'm stressing about how to feed Z while in meetings. I've brought him into one meeting already because I didn't expect it to go for so long and I left formula for him another time. He loved the formula, which I am relieved about. I might be relying on it for a few feeds over the next couple of weeks. I pumped afterwards, which I hate doing - so time consuming.

Z is doing great. He's crawling and loves food. He eats pretty much everything I give him, which is so lucky!. No teeth yet, but I suspect they're coming and thawed why he's waking so much at night.

Treating myself. I left Z with dh and have come to get my hair cut. First time since March!
Ally- it definitely could be teething, I found that answer when researching (googling) so if she pops a tooth here soon it would make sense.
Good luck to you and dh with school/career changes! Those are definitely huge anxiety inducing changes, I understand wanting better for your family!

Literati- happy belated birthday to dd1! I hope everyone feels better soon, that's too bad about the colds!
We have trouble with the last nap of the day and bedtime, she gets so fussy without the nap but usually won't take it, and if she does it cuts so close to bedtime. So frustrating, I hope it works itself out soon for you!
Also do not blame you at all for dreading the family celebration- I hope it went by fast.

Apple- hope you and your family are doing well!

Midnight- happy 13th to your oldest!

Ali- oh no, I'm sorry about your mil. I feel so bad for your dh, I'm sure he's glad to have you!
Crazy that T stood by himself, its crazy how fast they change/grow.

Newbie- I hope you're able to work out feeding baby/pumping, that does sound stressful! At least he takes formula well.
Yay for the haircut! I always feel so much better after one, I could use one now.

Afm- still having eating issues, but since L doesn't seem to be in pain and still eventually gets enough food, I'm not sure there's much we can do. It's like all she cares about is playing and moving, she does NOT sit still and if we have to take her from playing/moving to eat or sleep she is not happy. Hopefully it's just a phase that passes soon, because it gets so frustrating to constantly feel like we are fighting with her to get her fed! She's still not interested in being spoon fed, so the only way I can really get any solids to her is with the silicone pacis, I just bought two more. I'm not too concerned with that part right now, too busy trying to get her fed with milk!
She still loves her jumper thankfully, so I rotate her between that, playing in the pack n play (she's not really crazy about this because she can't move around as well, but she tolerates it okay for a short time), and the floor in her room with toys.
Ready for her to figure out crawling because she gets so frustrated she just moves backwards and face plants a lot!
Newbie - thanks. Sorry z has been unpredictable as well. I'm sorry work is so busy with meetings and such and that you're not sure how you'll manage to feed Z enough with them! Hope it all works out.

VRogers - sorry You're having such trouble getting L to eat! Does sound like she's much more interested in being active right now.

Violet is also loving to move around and play. She hasn't quite figured out proper crawling yet, but does her little adapted form over much greater distances now to get whatever she wants, and she easily gets up to a sitting position by herself from all fours (has for a couple weeks now). I find it so surprising and cute to put her down somewhere on her tummy and then look up to see her across the room and sitting up, playing with her big sister's toys. She's so cute, curious and fun! She is still unpredictable but hasn't been going to bed super late the last few nights which is nice.
I am super overwhelmed and stressed by daycare decisions and basically just want to cry, scream and give up. It's consuming most of my mental energy which is why I haven't been on as much.
The family Anniversary thing was fine once we got there, but very stressful getting ready/picking an outfit and getting out the door. It was an overly busy weekend, so it felt like we didn't really have one. Oh well.
Hope you're all doing well.
Anyone else feel like the laundry/groceries/cooking/other tasks never, ever end?
Hi ladies , sorry not been on for a while , I keep trying but as soon as I get on someone needs mummy !
Ive had a busy week .. for a change lol.. been away , will update properly hopefully later today. Have a few things to sort , Ollie still not good with constipation so going to dr this am, then teenager cracked his tooth so off to emergency dentist straight after😣😣. Ds in for operation on Thursday so we are anxious about that. With him having 2 in last couple of years Ive not mentioned this yet as they have already cancelled it twice and I'm not having him worked up for nothing. It's stupid we have to go to the hospital for a pre op a 90 min drive away the day before late afternoon then hi home and be back the next morning for 7.30 am meaning we are gonna have to leave 5am ish.. have to take Ollie along .. what a nightmare, should be doing the pre op on the same day, bloody annoying. Anyway that's my quick little vent lol.. hope u are well. I will reply to all as soon as I get a proper chance :) x
Gonna go and try and finish a coffee !! Lol

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