January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

VRogers - yes, definitely better safe than sorry. :) Agreed.
Exciting about L's weight! Violet was already past that weight at 4 months! I wonder what she weighs now. I'll find out next week.

AFM - remember when Violet used to cry for hours and would very easily get overtired and would cry inconsolably from it? Well, she hasn't been like that (at least in severe form) for at LEAST a month now - maybe longer, so I was quite surprised and actually super confused when V started crying inconsolably this evening. I made the mistake of letting DH take her for 20 minutes while I showered. Bad me for thinking I deserved personal hygiene! She was upset right away, but he got her to sleep so when I saw she was sleeping, I went ahead and did my hair and painted my nails in peace and quiet for once. I thought how nice it was that I was getting to take care of myself for a few minutes for once! Well, when I came upstairs, my DH suddenly had a migraine. I thought it would be fine, as at least V had napped and I had had a break, so she would wake up happy and I could manage by myself until bedtime. Well, I was wrong! Violet woke up from her nap screaming hysterically. DH abandoned me for bed, and I was left with this inconsolable baby! I was so confused because she hasn't been like that in so long. I was panicked that she had hurt herself somehow and needed to go to the hospital! Well, it turned out she was just overtired somehow, and wanted to go to sleep for the night immediately after her nap for some reason (she did have crappy cat naps all day). However, it was a good hour of crying before I settled her, and then she was only asleep for a bit before waking and crying again. I think I have her asleep for good now, but wow was that ever stressful! Poor dd1 had to be so patient waiting for her night snack and to get put to bed because I was busy bouncing around the house with screaming Violet. It made me realize I do not miss the newborn days! Aspects of them, sure, but definitely not the colicky evenings!
Well, anyway, that was long winded but it was a stressful evening for me. Goodnight, everyone!
Vrogers/ thank u, yes I'll be glad when it's over. Unfortunately this is his 3rd time having an op bless him but I must admit we r not looking forward to the anesthetic, last time they had to hold mask over his face because he wouldn't sit for canula going in his arm 😢. The other time they were great and distracted him with bubbles and an iPad and he was away in no time. Unfortunately this is the hospital that wernt the best, we will be straight with them tho this times as we know what to expect and I'll take my own iPad if needed. The other two ops were more serious than this one so we r hoping once anesthetic is out of the way we can just get it done and be home asap. Plus we have ollie this time so want to be home for him but I'll need to stay with ds..bit of a nightmare, mum said she will have ollie if needed.

Good that you got L weighed, she is doing really well :) ive not managed to get ollie done for ages but I did get on my digital scales after bath last week and weighed myself then got back on with ollie and I worked out he was roughly 20lbs

Ally, 3 teeth, bless him. Glad Isa is getting a better sleep now and hope the 4th tooth comes quickly if it's on his way. Your picnic sounds loverly, you sound like u have a really close family.

Lit glad u got a little bit of Me time and even though it was short lived. Sorry V got so upset. Poor little thing, having her crying for an hour must have been so upsetting for you too, it's horrible when we just feel helpless. I also get about feeling bad on dd, as I feel same often with ds, saying that at the min I feel that im always having a go a ds as he just won't leave ollie alone. But then I feel bad as ollie isn't bothered he is actually laughing. It's just ds is so loud and screeching laughing with ollie all the time sometimes I just need some peace.. I don't know.. Maybe it's me, ive got other stuff goingbon so im Prob a bit stressed but it is annoying when ds just doesn't listen ..

Ali: ha hope you get your grill soon, it's funny that u are so excited about it. The things that make us happy once we mummys ha., I would be the same. Forget designer clothes and nice cars we want a grill !! Ha x I don't know how u all manage with the heat, im rubbish if we get a hot weekend lol..

Slammer/ glad treatment seems to be helping your back. Hope the solids are going ok, I think ollie is starting to struggle again today with his poo! Not been again and struggling even with prunes daily :( Gonna have to see sometime I think. The paddling pool sounds loverly. I wish we had the weather to get one out ! Hopefully get a few days b4 end of summer.

Newbie/ mive to hear from you :) we must be very similar age, im 39 in September :) I do hope ur DH gets better with the hand on stuff, I do think that some men struggle with the younger years and the little ones do get easier in that way as they get older so hopefully u will find this is the case for you.

Anyway personal update whilst on that subject Im still having difficulties with my oh at the min, things not great at all really, but it's slightly different in that he will do things with the kids, although it's mainly with ds , taking him to park and on his bike ect to give me space with O. He isn't able to settle O well at all, so I just avoid it to be honest as when I come back he is sometimes stressed himself so I think there's no point as I get the brunt of it even if indirectly. I have mentioned b4 that oh has a lot of stress at work so im trying to bite my tounge but i am getting a bit fed up with it to be honest as he has no time for us at all and doesn't see couple time as a priority, and says so. I just don't think he understands how I need that myself. He just says we have kids and they are the priority not us.,??? I personally think it's inportant to have both. Ive ignored him recently and put his comments down to him trying to juggle work stress and family demands and ive booked us a night away and mums having the boys. It's just after his son returns to US so hopefully bit of a distraction. .. Men !! 😖
Apple - I hope the Christening goes well! Sounds like your mom is planning a nice party. I wish my mom was useful like that, lol.

Woo on finally getting the batman kinder egg!

You're not alone on just needing peace and finding the older kid to be so loud. Ava's also generally not bothering Jack, but she can just be so loud and IN HIS FACE. Drives me crazy. Just too much going on at one time!

I'm sorry things are still not in a great place with DH. It is very hard to find a balance of couple time and taking care of kids - add in a stressful job and UGH. I hope he ends up appreciating and enjoying your night away!

Oh, and yay for Ollie finally rolling!

Newbie - nice to hear from you! So glad to hear Z did well with the travelling. And that he's napping well. I can totally understand not having another if DH is not hands on. I would definitely not recommend it, lol. My DH is super hands on, and I still find it difficult to manage two.

Ally - woohoo on DTD, hehe. Glad Isa is more settled and napping longer. Jack is still not consistent with any longer naps. They happen occasionally, but I haven't gotten one from him in a while now.

Picnic sounds lovely. I find taking babies outside is really entertaining for them. Just so much to look at and distract them.

AliJo - This Chiro doesn't even take my insurance, but he was recommended in a local FB group. I joined a "discount" program they work with, but there was an upfront fee for that, plus the initial consultation, and then it's $66/visit right now. A lot of money! But worth it since I am feeling better. He does more than just "crack" your back - I get heat and electric stimulation, acupuncture, Graston technique, and then an adjustment. But all that takes less time than the PT, and has done more to help!

Oh man, too funny O likes horror games! I'd be worried about nightmares too. I tried to have Ava watch Beauty and the Beast recently and she was too scared of the beast to keep going. And if we watch Cinderella I have to fast forward through the parts with Lucifer the cat!! It's a little ridiculous actually, lol.

Happy anniversary!

Literati - it's true that the less you watch, they less they ask for it. Normally I would be great about getting DD out in the summer, but it's been unbearable lately and too much for me with Jack too.

I hope the PT helps! I carry a lot of tension in my upper back. Want to see if the chiro can help with that after we sort of the more pressing spasming pain. I've considered PT for pelvic floor too...I have stress incontinence since DD. Not as important as my back right now though.

Oh, so sorry about the rough evening with V! Hey, at least you got your nails done before she kicked off, eh? Super stressful I am sure. I hope she doesn't have another night like that. I don't miss the newborn phase AT ALL.

vrogers - Ooh, exciting that L is rocking on her hands and knees! I hope the ultrasound shows nothing seriously wrong. One of my nephews has a red cluster on his back - angioma/hemangioma...something like that. Doesn't affect him.

AFM - I think daycare went better this week. He ate well. Slept well on Monday, but shorter naps on tues-wed. I just wish she was willing to use a baby carrier or something. He cries whenever she puts him down for sleep, even if he's already asleep. I guess he'll get used to it. :/ He's home with DH today and tomorrow.

He's doing some attempts at scooting/moving. Can get onto his knees and elbows, but just ends up lunging and sort of faceplanting/rolling. Lol. Can't wait for crawling. We didn't do too much babyproofing with DD aside from gates and locking some cabinets. We really should do some anchoring of things! Oh, I started putting him down on the bed for naps instead of the rock n play, and he nearly rolled off when he woke the other day! DH was on his way to get him, and I was still watching on the monitor and I was like "oh shit! quick quick!" Two seconds later and he would have fallen on the floor. Might be time to take the bedframe away and put the mattress on the floor.

Ava had a very manic evening last night...crazy laughing one minute and crying the next. DH was actually a saint dealing with her. Normally he has less patience than that!
Literati- L does seem on the small but long side of babies. I'm interested to see what Violet weighs!
I had a similar evening, L napped crappily and was fussy and crying and i had flashbacks to the first couple months and realized even more how much better it is (for me anyway) with a 6 1/2 mo than it was those first 3-4 months!
I hope Violet naps better today and you can have a little more time to yourself again!

Apple- wow you're a strong mama dealing with that! I hope this time around is as easy and fast as it can be and you're all home asap. That's nice you have someone to take O if needed.
I agree that time between kids and dh is a balance. For me it helps more when dh and I feel more on the same side, like a team, first. I hope you guys can talk and get things sorted soon!

Slammer- thank you, thankfully I am not freaking out about it because of how her doc didn't seem concerned. It'll be nice to know without a doubt though!
Glad daycare seems to be better this week! L is the same with waking when I set her down, it can be frustrating.
Is it bad that the face planting makes me laugh? I was actually taking video of L doing the rocking on her knees and hands thing since dh hasn't seen it yet, and she fell and I got myself chuckling on the video. It just looks so cute!!
I've been wanting to do a mattress on the floor once L outgrows the crib. At least you guys got to him before he fell! It's amazing how fast they can move for not being able to really crawl yet.
Hope Ava is doing better today, your dh does sound amazing for dealing with that!

Afm- we are finally attempting the move from rock n play to crib this weekend. It's definitely way past time! L has been uncomfortable in the rock n play for at least a month if not more now, and she can pull herself to completely sit up in it as well as of course trying to roll to sleep on her tummy. Dh and I are both dreading it because of all the horror stories and that we've waited so long. Shes a great night sleeper that I'm scared we will ruin that by moving her to the crib.
Hopefully it goes better than expected and I won't need much more coffee!
Ok, let me try this from my phone...make take a couple of posts to get everyone because I'm on my phone

Vrogers, what a relief that the dr wasn't too concerned! I'm sure the ultrasound will go fine and is just an extra precaution. Good for L's weight gain!!! How long is she? I was super nervous about moving Gage to his crib, but was very surprised to see that he sleeps so much better in there! I slept on an air mattress next to him for a week before moving to the couch for another week and now I sleep in my bed. I keep the video monitor on next to me and I can watch him all night. He only wakes once now to eat! I hope you guys find the same success. Will she be in her own room?

Slammer I'm glad to hear that things are getting better at daycare. How many other babies are there? Have you asked if she would wear the carrier? It's not like you don't have 20 of them lol! Aww poor Ava! Maybe she was sleepy? Glad your dh is so helpful!! I didn't follow just one post, I read a few and went with my own way. You can type in home made baby food in under an hour and a bunch will pop up.

Apple so happy that you finally got the op scheduled! Wow he has had so many! That must be nerve wracking for you! Yay for finding batman!!! Your right it's the small victories lol!!

Lit, your primping night sounds awesome! I can't ever find the time or energy to paint my toes! Never in my life have I had naked toenails, until now!! It's awful! I'm so sorry that V had such a bad night! I really hope it was just a one time thing!
Newbie glad to hear from you!!! Glad the traveling went so well! Sorry you don't feel like you have any help from DH, like Ali said maybe when he gets older and can be more interactive you will get some relief.

Ally I'm so shocked by how many teeth isa has already!! At least your getting them all done at once!

Ali hope you and dh had a good night out!! How did it go? Who kept the boys?

Afm, Gage has been doing so well in his crib! Except his leaky diapers! I bought some overnight diapers and will give them a try because it has become a regular thing now to change his clothes and sheets at 3 am! Hopefully they work tonight!! He went to his 6 month appointment today and is 19 lbs 12 1/2 ozs (86th percentile) and he is 28 inches (90th percentile)!! Big boy!! His head is 92nd percentile at 17.75! Big head! But it fits his body! I told dh that I was happy that I didn't have to push that big thing out! Lol!
Froggy - oh yeah, I know what you mean. I would never, ever have bare toenails before having kids. I hate the look of feet, so need my nails painted so I don't want to puke at the sight of them! Haha. I actually still never go with them bare, but they get really, really chipped and bad looking in between. It's almost impossible to find time to paint them! It was only 20 minutes I had while DH had Violet, but still nice.

Sounds like Gage is growing very nicely and proportionately! Glad he's doing well in his crib.

Apple - I am sorry things are hard with your DH. That's no good that he's not making time with you a priority. I know it's quite common to let couple time slide once you had kids, but I agree it is sO important, and setting aside that time is actually helpful to the kids too. Family life is going to be happiest and most harmonious if you and your spouse are in love and on the same team. It won't matter if you poured yourselves into your kids for years if it means that your relationship goes to crap and you end up getting a divorce. The kids will be way worse off! Not that lack of date night means a divorce is imminent! Haha. I'm just saying your relationship is very important, and you're right to prioritize it! I hope he ends up enjoying the night out you planned!

Slammer - that sounds crazy about Ava's mood this evening! Glad your DH was patient. That is too bad your daycare person won't use a carrier to help Jack sleep. I find that daycares in generally aren't very supportive of attachment style parenting. When Jack cries after being put down, does he wake up? Or eventually settle back to sleep? Hopefully he adjusts and it actually might help his sleep in the long run?

That is scary about him almost falling off your bed!
I definitely recommend getting pelvic floor physio if you have stress incontinence! I don't have that, but I've heard it is very treatable with PF physio, and I was pleased with my session.

VRogers - I'm sorry you had a similar evening with L. It's so stressful when they cry a lot and won't settle!
I hope the crib transition goes well. Since she sleeps so well as it is, it is possible that the transition won't be as bad as you think!

AFM - V is 6 months old today! Exciting but sad at the same time. My mat leave is officially more than half over. :(
vrogers - Good luck moving L to the crib! I bet it will go better than you think. If she's already a good sleeper it might just take a few nights to adjust, but she'll be fine. Doesn't matter what I do - mine are just crap sleepers.

froggy - Right now at daycare it's my DD, Jack, a 14-month old, and a 10-month old. It's an in-home daycare, not a center. DD will be leaving for preschool at the end of August and it will be just Jack and the two others until another baby comes in December. She has said before that carriers hurt her back. She just doesn't want to get into the habit of having him sleep on her, which I get - she has other children to care for.

Ava was probably tired, and she had the sniffles too. She was fine last night!

Hope the overnight diapers stop Gage leaking! Changing diapers and sheets in the night is a huge pain! What a big boy!

Literati - too funny you and Froggy talking about painted nails! I also pretty much always have my toenails painted, and try to keep my fingernails done, but can't always keep up. I have been doing it when I telework, lol.

Yes, he wakes/cries when she puts him down. He has gone back to sleep I guess a few times after some crying. Honestly, I don't want to ask for too many details because it will just stress me out thinking about it! But I have had that faint hope that learning to sleep at daycare might help his sleep at home too.

Boo to your leave being almost over! Can't believe I've been back to work 3 months already! Pathetic US leave....

AFM - So...I'm taking a new job! I interviewed last Friday, and got the offer yesterday. I am clarifying a few points with the recruiter, but nothing that would make the reject the offer, so I guess that's it! I'll be starting Aug 14, so I'll have to give my notice on Monday I guess! I'll be working for a company that audits websites and applications for accessibility for people with disabilities - I'll be doing the actual audits. Super nervous and excited. Feels a bit on the crazy side to be taking on a new and challenging job with a six month old at home, but gotta make a change sometime I guess, lol.

I'm in the office today, and it was dry when I came in, but it's lashing rain now and I didn't bring an umbrella. Boo!
Slammer - congrats on the new job!!!! Even if a bit of a crazy time to start something new and challenging, I think you're going to totally rock it! Very happy for you! Will you work from the office, or from home?

Yes, your US leave is pathetic! It is bad of me to complain when I get a full year! It's still unnerving when it gets closer, though.

I don't blame you for not asking more details. That would stress me out as well. I really hope In the end it helps you out! I definitely think daycare helped with dd1's napping, although she was a year already so I felt more comfortable with it.
3 young babies/toddlers 14 months and younger is a lot! I don't know how your daycare person does it!
You and I are the same in only making completely crap sleepers. Ah, well. Won't last forever, I guess.

AFM - Violet is in a very intense phase right now and becomes really upset if anyone else holds her, including DH. It has to be me ALL the time...and since that includes being held every second that she is sleeping and needing to nurse all night long, it's a bit exhausting! It sucks I can't even get a 5 minute break to recharge ever because she will become hysterical. It is touching but exhausting at the same time! Haha.
ali- bit late, but happy anni! hope u both had a lovely night together :)

lit-thats nice your dh has been home more and padding pool sounds fun :)
that sounds stressful abaout V's crying! hopefully just a one off! At least u managed to fit in some You time though. V is a little demanding madam isn't she haha. Hope it gets less intense for you.

vrogers- glad all is ok, such a relief. Ultrasound to confirm will be good but at least u can relax now.

apple- yah for O rolling! couple time is important, as is family time etc. The night away you booked , that will be nice and hopefully just what you need. But i totally agree with you, you need to have time as a couple, that is an entirely different relationship and role to being parents... men! my dh and i say, we are a 3 and have family time, we are a 2 and need couple time and we are ourselves and need our own time. I think as long as u get all 3, it won't be equal time, most will be family but make time for yourself and for you as a couple.

slammer- glad daycare has been better. oh wow, congrats on your new job! sounds brilliant. will it be flexi time and will u be able to work from home?

froggy- oh wow, Gage, big boy indeed! i have no idea what Isa weighs, haven't had it done in ages. Hes always stuck on the 25th percentile for weight and height, but will be interesting to see if he has changed!

well i hope i got everyone!
sorry if i missed anyone out.

AFM- Isa has been more settled at night now his teething phase is over (for now!). The last 5/6 days he hasn't had a nightime feed, he still wakes up many times but i can settle him back most of the time and then eventually bring him into bed at some point. Hoping he can start to self settle more, i definitely notice the second half of the night he is more unsettled and his sleep seems lighter.
Quite manic this weekend, my dads aunt and uncle are in town and visiting Isa, as are my aunt and uncle and cousins (i have a huge family haha). And my friend who i haven't seen in ages is also coming to see Isa today. She is actually moving to italy next week and is getting married there next spring so ths is the last time i will see her for ages now!
tomorrow, i'm planning to go to a family funday thing/ DH is working crazy long hours all weekend and my friend has agreed to take me tomorrow.
Busy busy!
what are all ur plans for the weekend?
Froggy- i had the same experience with being surprised how much better she sleeps when she can stretch out and sleep on her tummy! She is in her own room, and I keep the monitor next to me.
She was 26.5 in long at her 6 mo appointment a couple weeks ago, so apparently a long and lean thing!
Yay for Gage sleeping well in his crib! Is the crib in his room? I hope the overnight diapers help, I'm sure it's a pain to always have to change him and the sheets in the middle of the night. I chuckled at your comment about being glad you didn't have to push his head out. :haha:

Literati- it definitely does not make me miss the newborn days where she seemed pissed off about so many things! Happy 6 months to V!! It does sound like a bittersweet thing for you. So you will go back to work when she's a year old?
That sounds like a rough phase, I hope it passes soon so you can catch a break!

Slammer- thank you for the well wishes on crib transition! You were correct about it being better since she's a good sleeper. I'm sorry yours aren't, it seems like that's the norm with babies!
Oh wow, congrats on the new job! How exciting! My mom used to have a job where she audited(sales and tax I believe), she really liked it. I hope you do too!

Ally- yay for Isa being more settled lately! I hope you enjoy family and your friend visiting, sounds busy but exciting!

Afm- L slept amazing in her crib last night! I had a horrible anxious feeling in my stomach all day leading up to bedtime because I was expecting her to put up a massive fight. We put in her wedge (to lift the head of the crib since that's what she's used to) and got her monitor and sound machine all ready, and dh fed her like usual. She did fight for maybe 15 min, then rolled to her tummy and settled out. She slept HARD the whole night through! we could tell she had been trying to get onto her stomach during the night in her rock n play in our room and would be frustrated when she couldn't, so I think that helped.
Hopefully she continues liking it! I was so shocked how easy she took to it after almost 7 months.
I also figured out the front carry position in my carrier, and L seems to really like it. She actually cried when I took her out and set her down. Hopefully that makes it easier to get out and about.
We don't have any big plans this weekend, our biggest was the move to the crib. It's raining here today which makes it annoying to get out, but we'll have to get out to grab lunch since we have nothing to cook!
Hi ladies sorry not been in for a while, had really busy week with preparing for O's Christening. I haven't had chance to catch up so will just do quick post. So we had it yesterday and it was loverly. I'll tty and post a couple of pics if I get chance later. O was a little star all day no fuss at all. Having lots of cuddles from everyone but didn't complain he was fine. Our older children were godparents which went fine. There was one moment when we realised that one had decided to do a night shift the night before and the other had gone out in the town with his mates the night before and we couldnt get hold of either of them an hour before. 😁but they both arrived on time in suits wondering what all the fuss was about lol.. All in all a really loverly day. And my elderly nan got a blessing from the vicar which meant a lot to her. He came to her as she couldn't walk down the isle to him. It was quite moving. My eldest son who is very close to her got emotional. Anyway I'll read through later and reply to everyone as soon as I can :) hope u r all well
Ally - that's exciting about Isa not needing a night feed lately! Hopefully eventually he won't need you to settle him in other ways either. Sounds like you've been very busy with family and your DH's work. You are quite right about Violet being very demanding.

VRogers - I am happy that L did so well in the crib for you! I had a feeling she would do just fine since she sleeps so great to begin with.

I am glad she likes the forward facing carry. Yes, I will go back to work when V is about a week shy of 1 year old. :(

Apple - glad the christening went well and that the godparents showed up on time! That must have been a stressful moment for you when you were worrying they wouldn't arrive!

AFM - Violet's 6 month vaccines were today. Even though she is bigger than a lot of the babies on here, she is actually slimming down. She is 16 lb 15 oz so she hs actually only gained a little over a pound in 2 months! She has dropped from 85th percentile at birth, to 80th percentile at 4 months, to now somewhere only between 50th to 75th percentile! So she is definitely slimming out. My dr wasn't concerned and said she is still gaining nicely.
She is supposedly 26.75" long now, but I think they measured her longer than she is.
She took the shots like a champ and didn't even cry! We all had a picnic in the backyard after, and now we're going to play in the paddling pool. Good day so far!
Vrogers - Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones where your baby actually prefers their crib! Glad she's enjoying the carrier as well.

Did you get that ultrasound set up?

Ally - Thank you! It was nice! Felt too short, but it was definitely great! It's been a long while! We haven't been out by ourselves since T was born and it was awhile before even.

Glad Isa has been been better.

I have a large family as well, but we hardly ever see each other anymore.

Lite - I wonder what is up with her. Hopefully she's doing better. That would be so hard.

I sighed when you said your maternity leave was half over. Felt like I was on leave ages ago. I still long to be home with my boys.

Slammer - You're ambitious! I want a new job, but the thought of one stresses me out so much. I always perk up at the opportunities I see then back away quickly because trying to figure out child care would be a mess.

Froggy - If the overnight diapers work for you, try buying a box the size up in regular diapers. They're generally cheaper than buying overnights and works just as well. Unless there's too much room around their legs or something. With T it worked when he was in 2s still. I used 3s at night. I'm about get 5s for overnight. Worst case scenario.. you have a box of diapers when he moves up to the next size!

A friend of ours watched them for a few hours before she had to work. So we were a bit rushed at the end, but that's alright. She's watched O a few times and now the both of them a few times. We keep telling her she should just quit her job move in and be our nanny! :haha: She's joked about taking us up on the offer because her DH makes her angry. Then she was saying she'd have to at least make as much as she does now.. and we were all "Why? You'd have no bills to pay" She lit up haha

AFM - I was going to reply more, but I need to wrap this up.

T has been sick since Saturday. Fevers and today he threw up. I think he's finally getting better. He had a fever this morning so I gave him some medicine and he hasn't spiked one again. Taking a lot of naps, didn't want solids, didn't even want his paci. I thought teeth for a little while, but then just the way he was being made me think otherwise. Then him throwing up solidified it wasn't his teeth. He was super fussy before throwing up. Then once he did he started to act better.

Got a grill today. My brother, his GF, and the kids are coming over. I'll have to ditch them at some point because I have to work tomorrow and it's already almost 7. Joy.

Well, I need to finish putting away some of these small toys so I'm not picking them up.. again.. Work the next two days then have 5 days off. Excited for that. Going to see about focusing on O's potty training. Finally took interest! :happydance:

(I do see two more people posted since I started this, this morning. I'll just have to catch up on them later!)
Apple- can't wait to see pics, glad it went well! The whole time sounds lovely!

Literati- aw, I'm sorry you have to go back (it sounds like you aren't happy about it)! I can't imagine.
Wow, L screamed when she got her shots, go V! Sounds like you had a good day, I hope the rest of it went well. Violet is about a pound bigger than L. 80 percentile is still really good I think!

Ali- thank you for asking, ultrasound is tomorrow early afternoon! I'm hoping we find out then and there what it is so we don't have to wait again.
I hope T feels better soon poor thing.
Have fun grilling, and yay for 5 days off! Any plans?

Afm- like I said to Ali, ultrasound for Lillian's back is tomorrow at 1:15 so will be on here sometime after to update if we know right away!
She is getting up on her knees and hands and rocking back and forth sooo much now, and if I pick her up while she's doing that she gets upset at me. She'll be crawling very soon and then I'll really have to chase her around, she's already trying to get into cords and little pieces of trash/etc on the ground.
Ally/ thanks for comment and your DH talks sense lol.. I think that's a really good way of looking at things and really important to get a good balance..problem with my oh is he is really principled and simply won't take time for himself if he knows that ive been with boys all day / week on my own. So couple time is way down the list. It's Ironic really as we just want to look after each other, I know I need a break too but I honestly do feel ok most of the time. He has agreed to come away next week so hopefully he will remember what he is missing haha and feel better for it. To be honest im dreading leaving boys, as ive never left them b4, especially O but I know my mum is the best person for them to be with and she would contact me if O didn't settle. Once he is asleep he doesn't really wake only half/wake for a bottle so hopefully will be ok. We are only an HR away if needed..

Slammer, congrats on the new job!!! Sometimes u have just got to go for it. ;) I keep toying with the idea of a change but my boss at the min is just really flexible so I can get out of work easily if I needed to for boys so just think I'll stay where I am for now until O is at school at least. I keep doing little side lines to make extra :) hope jacks ok at daycare. My daycare sounds similar set up, but was saying to lit last week that are changing to a proper nursery and mivibg premises so ther will be a lot more children 😣.. Hopefully will still be ok as keeping same staff and she assured us she wants to keep the "one family feel " but I think they will struggle will a lot more kids. We will see.
Hope your back is doing ok :)

Lit/ I think we must be roughly at same stage with mat leave. Im due back Christmas Day !! Yeah right!! , lol.. I'll be taking some of my leave and going back January. Im a bit peed off as there is a policy where u could go back on reduced hours and had 2 years to make a decision if u wanted your original hours back but apparently that's at managers discression and my managers boss has decided that she wants to know what hours we are returning on and they are then going to be permanent. She is new ! Bloody annoying as others in same team have two years to decide. I really wanted to have the option to increase again if needed.

Ali/ sorry ..happy belated ani, :) and sorry it feels like your leave ended ages ago. I must admit we do pretty well with NHS for mat leave. I am taking an extra 3 months unpaid tho and ive had the pay split over the 12 months. Ive never done it before but I know O is definately our last so I thought im taking what I can ha .. It is a struggle financially tho:(

How the baby proofing getting on ha..funny T pulls at the shower curtain ., he is so advanced .. I can imagine him being fun when he is legging it round lol..your gonna have your hands full then lol.. That will Prob be next month ! Ha..

Hope the little man is feeling better sorry to hear he hasn't been too good. Glad you and DH got a little time to yourselves. Yay for getting the grill ! :)

Froggy/ hope the over night diapers go ok. 3am bed changed are not fun! I smiled at your comments about painted toenails, im the same. Gage sounds like he is coming on great :)

Vroggers/ hope the ultrasound goes ok. L sounds like she will be crawling in no time.. Then the fun starts ha..every thing from the floor into mouth !! Ha glad she likes the carrier front facing , I need to look how mine works.

Midnight / hope you re doing ok, busy mummy :) !

Hi to Newbie hope u r ok also..

Sorry if I have missed anyone im typing with boys fully on form, O bouncing in jumperoo and ds on route to making a train track the size of the front room !

Quick update, O doing great, got weighed last week and was 19.1. He was also 7 months last week :) still struggling a little with constipation but been giving him blended prunes and pear for breakfast which seems to be helping. He is such a happy little thing otherwise.
We are away as little family next week for 2 days then when we return me and oh go away for that night so looking forward to that.
I know I have mention oh work stress a couple of times well I decided to take matters into my own hands last week and spent two hours looking for a new job for him.. And found a good potential !! He has looked at it and is going to apply. He would get 12 weeks off a yr!! As its in a uni. Pay cut but worth less stress ..Fingers crossed he gets lucky x

Anyway better go , O is screeching like an excited monkey in jumperoo and ds is shooting me with his power rangers gun wanting a full in battle with mummy !! The joys of boys , ! Lol
vrogers- glad the crib move went so well, yah!

apple- sounds so lovely! glad it all went well and it sounds emotional as well. Do get some pics up when you can!! would love to see.the night together will be lovely and to be honest when stressed and busy, its easy to forget how good time together is. Boys will be with your mum and they will be fine :)
i would love a night together, i am going to suggest it soon for dh, maybe in a month or so.
fingers crossed for the other job for your oh :)

lit- sounds like a great day, with the picnic and pool. Well done to V for taking her shots so well. And yeah, sounds like she is growing nicely! I might take Isa to the drop in baby clinic n thurs and get him weighed, wonder if he is still 25th percentile.

ali- glad your date night went well. I haven't been out wth dh on our own since Isa was born. He is just over 7 months and wow, that is a long time we haven't been out together haha. Next month we have a couple of concerts, so that will be when we have a night out and my parents will watch Isa.
poor T, i am glad he is on the mend though.

afm-been a busy weekend with guests, has been lovely though. DH been working lots and not seen him much.
Isa doing great, he had one really restless night but was good last night. he is really loving his food! i have a good routine with it now and he eats three meals a day. Only thing is it is getting too costly to keep buying jars and pouches so I am going to make my own- anyone else do it and have any recipes or ideas for what kinds of things to blend?

anyone he just woke and i need to give him his bottle. catch up soon!
he is trying to crawl but can't quite do it yet.
Ally I just buy the bags of fresh mixed veg and boil then blitz it with blender and put in little tubs and freeze. I get out of freezer and heat it through and mix with a bit of baby rice. Im going to start to mix chicken with it.
I also chop loads of fruit, pear, Apple and prune today as O been struggling with constipation. I put in water then in microwave and cook it until soft then blitz that and into tubs including the water. Ive been mixing one of these with half a weetabix for his breakfast. The fruit is all fresh but I buy the prunes dried in a big bag for next to nothing just chop and put in water to cook with other fruit. Prob same price as one Ella's kitchen pouch lol.. Id Prob get 50 portions from this bag. Crazy really .

I spoke to a health visitor this week with him struggling to poo and she basically told me that O can eat what we eat now ( from 7 months) just blitz it. She said he can start finger foods. ?? Im not convinced on that one. I always trust my own instinct with that. Personally I don't think O is ready for that. He has been sucking on watermelon in the week and loves it but I was very careful with it.

Must admit tonight I mashed some veg and potatoes with a fork so was much more lumpy and he managed it fine.
I do have some Ella's kitchen pouches in but have found I hardly use them now. And it is definately cheaper. I have also bought some baby gravy from boots to flavour his food a bit.

O likes banana and blueberry mushed together, I do tend to mix most things with a bit of baby rice to as he seems to enjoy this better.
That's all ive done so far lol

Hope that helps x
Apple- she is so determined to get cords (my phone charger and a charger for our gaming system) in her mouth and gets frustrated when I won't let her.
Happy 7 months to O, hope he is able to get relief soon poor thing!
That was nice of you to job hunt for dh, I hope he gets the job with 12 weeks off! That would be amazing.
I would definitely go with your instincts on the finger foods, you know your baby!

Ally- glad Isa is doing well and enjoying solids! Sounds like you have a good routine. I have a few homemade recipes saved on Pinterest, but I haven't tried any yet so hopefully someone here has some ideas!

Afm/ L's appointment went okay, we were there for just under 2 hours and it was kind of scary because it was a "hospital" where people have surgeries and whatnot. L missed a nap (it was way too loud to get her to take one) and cried while they did the u/s. they sent the report to our doc and she'll probably tell us more but from what they saw, it is blood vessels and they just want us to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't grow. I am relieved it doesn't seem to be anything to fuss over, just to watch over time!
VRogers - I'm glad it is still looking like just blood vessels and nothing to worry too much about. That is really too bad L missed her nap during the ordeal. Hospital visits are stressful. You are brave!

Violet is not 80th percentile anymore. She is down to somewhere between 50th and 75th. Still a fine percentile, but I more just found it interesting that she is falling down the charts a bit.

Apple - sounds like Ollie is eating lots of solids already! We also let Violet suck on some watermelon, and she loved it!
That is beyond dumb about your work not following that policy anymore and making you decide permanently! That's no fun. I wish I could reduce my hours more. I work 4 days/week, but it still felt like too much with dd1, so can't imagine with 2! We are on similar timelines, but thankfully I'm not back to work until January 20th. I'm glad you can take some extra leave until Jan!

Ally - I don't have any ideas on what to blend, but ice cube trays work really well for freezing little portions for future. Once they're frozen, you can pop them into a freezer ziploc bag and save them until whenever! I only made my own babyfood for the first bit with dd1, and I think with Violet we will just be doing finger foods from the get go.

Ally - I'm so sorry you've been back at work for ages already. I can't imagine. Not fair for you at all! :( So glad you got a date night and that it worked out for your friend to watch the boys!
So sorry T is sick! It's always scary/sad when babies get sick. :(
Good luck with potty training. I have told dd1 we will try again when she turns 3 (which is in a week), but I am deeply dreading it. It was horrible last time we tried.

AFM - we started solids this week, and V is way more interested in finger foods than dd1 ever was, so we are just going to do the Baby Led Weaning approach and see how it goes. She LOVES putting stuff in her mouth and trying different flavours. She gets angry when we eat in front of her without letting her try something now. It's quite cute, but also tiring because I HATE introducing solids and like to take a long time to move up to 2 or 3 meals, but if she continues to take such an interest, I might have to sooner than I'd like. Such a hassle.

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