January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Let's see if I can catch up with everyone!

Midnight - I have no clue.. T won't even get his "6" month appointment until he's almost 8 months due to scheduling.. freaking annoys the crap out of me. oh well.. According to my scale he's 21 lbs. About to try and measure him myself as well so I at least somewhat have an idea!

Slammer - That has to be so stressful for you to know he's not doing too well at daycare yet. T has been fighting naps for DH. Then when he does fall asleep he wakes up after a short while. Like 15-20 minutes.

Hope going to the chiro helps. My back is still pretty bad at times.

I would say T is in the upper limits of 1.5 oz per hour I'm away. My stash is starting to drop so I need to start pumping more. I need to make 2 bottles worth while I'm at work on top of the one feeding I do on lunch. I generally only get 1 bottle. We give him 6 oz bottles, but he doesn't always eat them in one go. Somtimes he does. It's too difficult to know how many ounces to put in. I decided I need to start pumping while he is napping to get in the extra bottle I need. I don't want to. I hate pumping.

Bahaha.. I don't feel young at all. I feel broken. Tired 24/7, I for real can't tell you the last time I didn't have some sort of pain. I've had chronic back/hip pain for years. It's always shifting, but I have it somewhere.

I know I'm crazy for newborn fever, but I can't help it. I love babies too much!

Ally - Beautiful! I'm definitely jealous.

Wow, he's going to get all his teeth before you know it! O didn't start to get any till 8 months I believe it was. He got them fast, though. T can just wait till I'm done breastfeeding.. he's biting me! Bad enough without teeth. I don't know if I can handle it if he gets teeth and continues.

Froggy - I'm sorry you're having regrets. I had some with O. I wish I never used the shield as I do feel it affected my supply early on. I also wish that his tongue tie was addressed. The pediatrician felt it didn't need addressed since he was nursing well, but in reality he struggled with a proper latch. Which definitely affected my supply. It's no wonder he did prefer the bottle early on. He probably could drink from it easier. Ah well. O is healthy and was always well fed so that's all that matters!

Apple - After having a second I'm super glad that O has someone close to age for him to play with. Yeah there is over 2 years between them, but he still wants to play with him. I'm glad your two youngest will have each other!

Oh gosh, T is all over the place! I knew where he was one minute then the next minute I hear the dog dish move. He's so quick! Forgot I left the dog food down. I'm constantly checking for hazards.. can you believe I'd still miss one here and there? Ugh.. lol Ollie sounds very laid back. I kind of wish T would be laid back sometimes at least! haha

AFM - We went to the zoo on Tuesday. It was fun. O had a lot of small fits, but we just kept going. I knew he was going to. He doesn't do well with new environments for one and two once he finds something fun he doesn't want to move on. We left earlier than I planned because it was miserably hot. The sun came out all the way and I noped right out of there. I swear my skin was sizzling. It would have been too much for the boys.

I then got sick that night. Really bad sore throat and work up the next day feeling miserable. Had to work a 12 hour shift. That was fun. I felt horrible! I could still operate, though. Made me feel bad for O because he has had cold symptoms so I'm sure it's what I got and there's no way he felt the best at the zoo the way I felt.

T has been biting me while I feed him. He has no teeth, but it still hurts!! If he doesn't stop before he gets teeth.. I'm doomed. I really think I'll have to exclusively pump at that point. I really don't want to do that, but I don't think I could manage being bit all the time.

He still mostly army crawls with a little bit of normal crawling here and there. He's more efficient at army so he does that when he's trying to get something. He's trying real hard to pull himself up at furniture! He can pull himself up to a standing position if he grabs my fingers. I think he needs something more solid and stable than a cushion or something. He grabs our pants and tries to that way, too.

So he's been doing this thing where he will start whining and crying and just keep crawling towards the bedroom. I think he's tired and he goes that way because he wants to take a nap. Not sure, but he usually does nap after he starts to do that.

Anyways, I'm just going to keep rambling. I need to go take some more medicine. I really don't feel much better today.
midnight- never been to isle of skye, but definitely will go one day!
No idea about weight as we don't have anymore health visitor checks, till he is 1! but there is a weigh and go center, i just haven't bothered to go as he seems happy and healthy to me. but i would be interested in his weight!

slammer- thanks! the 3rd pic was where we had lunch, just stumbled across it during our walk. most scenic lunch i have ever had! hope chiropractor goes well.
Poor jack, lets hope the next time is better for him.

froggy- swimming will be lovely, i haven't done it yet with Isa but i really should! fingers crossed for your dh and the better job! every weekend on the beach, that would be amazing!

apple- yeah i hate spoiling bedtime routines! i never went, and i'm glad as my mum said it was really boring. I had a nice chilled evening with dh. Haha Ollie, he isn't fussed about rolling, just happy chappy where he is. Bless him. Look forward to your announcement when he rolls hehe. Stirling will be nice!

ali- yeah he will have all his teeth before we know it. In a way i am glad and want him to get his teeth over and done with. He is struggling just now, bless him. Much more unsettled and fussy.
Zoo sounds good, really don't think i could handle it in the heat though.Sorry you are feeling unwell, and doing a 12 hour shift... ah super mum.
T sounds so strong and mobile, good for him.
fingers crossed you feel better soon!

AFM- i had a nice two last days as my best friend was off work and we went out for lunch both days. It was a bit difficult with Isa as he wants to grab everything, eat everything and just generally make noise. I put him in a high chair but he never sits in it for long.
last night he was very unsettled, waking a lot and needing extra comfort, normally he sleeps 7.30pm- 1am quite soundly, but not these days. I hope it goes back to that, but i doubt it... i feel like he has been teething for ages now. He got his bottom two teeth and then once they popped out hi third one is making its way..
funny story, last night dh and i started dtd and then we heard Isa. Had to stop and get Isa. he wouldn't settle so i put him into the bed with us haha. Dh was gutted , i could tell.
tonight going to spend more time winding isa down, warm bath, bottle, story etc and hope he sleeps better.
oh and while he still catnaps a lot, he has been doing longer naps in the day, 1 hour to 1.5 hours. But i think that is only because he is awake more at night and hes making up for it lol.
can never win!
Slammer- I'm not entirely sure what those jobs are, but I hope you get the one you want!
Glad mine isn't the only one who still uses the rock n play.
Thankfully L hasn't had any bad reactions to any foods (yet)!
Hopefully this chiropractor can help with your back! I can't imagine constantly being in pain like that.
Yay for no sperm! I wasn't even aware there was a need to analyze the color haha
Ugh I'm sorry about your period! Will your milk supply go back to normal when your period ends? I'm sure that's frustrating.
Poor jack, I hope he's able to start taking bottles from daycare to take that stress of you.

Ali- that's so cute that T is so into food and gets so excited!
Oh wow, 6 months! My mom got pregnant with my little brother when I was 9 months old.
I can't believe T is moving around so much already! L is trying but the most she can get is a few feet, and gets up on her knees for a couple seconds.
You're a little older than me, I just turned 25 in May! I felt young until having a baby :haha:
Zoo sounds so fun, but ours is run down so I would want to go to one in a diff city. L doesn't do well in new environments either, it can be frustrating.
I hope you are feeling better! Working while sick is no joke.
T sounds so ahead with the crawling and pulling up! How funny that he crawls towards the bedroom for nap time, like he's letting you know he's ready.

Literati- she is definitely tall and slim for sure, takes after dh!
How is baby V?

Ally- glad Isa slept the same! I completely agree on how tiring it is to travel with baby. So much more stuff too. I ended up forgetting so much stuff for myself when we went to New Orleans because I was so focused on the baby's things!
That is a stunning view! Looks so relaxing!
I hope you're able to get some better rest soon, teething sucks.
Always fun when you're in the mood and are interrupted by baby! I always feel so awkward when L makes noise in the middle of dtd.
I hope both night time and nap time start getting better! Sounds exhausting to deal with.

Froggy- it's so cute watching them try to start moving around! I'm sure I won't be calling it cute when I have to chase her around haha
The purée system you have sounds genius actually. Here I am just buying little beech nut cans!
Also, you weren't talking to me but I saw what you said about supplementing and I just wanted to say you are doing an amazing job! You breastfeed for as long as you did, any amount of breastmilk is great, and he will also do well on formula. I hope I don't sound preachy, I just understand how it is to feel guilty about that!

Midnight- Swimming sounds like it was so fun!

Apple- can't wait to hear when Ollie rolls! House full of boys! I grew up with 3 brothers, they were definitely a handful.

Afm- feels like I haven't been on here in forever! L has had a few restless nights and for the past week has mostly been waking for the day around 6-6:15, and I still have to hold her for naps so it's been extra tiring! She has been taking longer naps now which is nice.
She has tried bananas, sweet potatoes, apples, and sweet peas. She likes everything except the peas. I also bought a little silicone feeding paci (not sure what it's actually called?) and cut up some strawberries in that, she loved it!
She is still using rolling to move everywhere, and pushes up on her knees for a few seconds but isn't really crawling yet (other than kind of scooting). She sits up really well, and when I put her in the swing after she eats she isn't interested in leaning back against the swing, just wants to sit up.
I think that's about all that's going on here, just so exhausted lately!
Hi ladies, my poor baby is really constipated.. Ive avoided giving him solids all day and hardly anything yesterday. He has had some lactalose , ive tried to give him water and watered down orange juice, even given him a baby suppository. Im just sat on couch sleeping with him now for night trying to keep him settled. He has litterally passed out with exhaustion bless him it does seem that his poo is starting to soften a little, but still only passing very small amounts, Im just praying what we have given him helps whilst he is asleep and he can go when he wakes. It's so awful for him. 😢
Midnight - Jack is somewhere over 17. Haven't weighed him in a couple weeks.

Froggy - hope your DH gets that job. What does he do? Being near the beach would be awesome. We are a few hours from it. Maybe one day we go more often. Haven't been in two years.

It's also blazing hot here. Sick of it. Really makes it harder to keep DD entertained with Jack. I used to take her to playgrounds no matter how hot, but I just can't sometimes with Jack because holding him makes it to hard/hot.

Apple - too cute about the mom and kids at the zoo. Could easily have been me, lol. Love my own Ava and Jack, hard as it is at times.

Hope your DS gets his surgery before school! Can't wait to hear when Ollie rolls, lol.

On no, sorry to hear about Ollie being co uncomfy and constipated. Have you tried prune puree? That used to help Ava.

AliJo - wow, six oz bottles. But T is a chunker and big eater. I'll never make a bottle that big. Four would be my max. Gonna try sending a couple of fours and a three to daycare. That should be enough.

Yeah I always have something hurting. My hip was acting up yesterday!

I do not love babies lol. I don't think I'll ever feel broody for another.

T might stop biting so much when a tooth pops through. That's how DD was. Jack bites a bit occasionally, but mostly just grazes me when popping off. If I am paying attention I will pry his mouth open as he’s letting go.

Ally - glad you got time for lunches with your friend. This age is so annoying for going out to eat...they really do get in the way and make it so hard to sit and enjoy. After a year is much better I think.

Your poor DH, lol! Hope you get some uninterrupted time soon.

Vrogers - thanks for the well wishes on jobs! Hoping to get out of here soon.

Yes, I think the dip in supply is the week before my period, and then it starts coming back after my.period starts. Super frustrating for pumping.

Sounds like L is doing well with solids. sorry about the early mornings and having to hold her for naps. Try to cherish those naps. I miss being able to just park myself on the couch for Ava’s naps.

AFM - Did I mention we started solids? Can't remember. Started giving him some applesauce puree pouches this week. Some have other fruits mixed in. He likes them. Wasn't too impressed with mashed banana when I tried that today. I don't think I can work myself up to puree things at home. I hate cooking so much. But the store bought things are expensive. We bought a lot of those pouches for DD. We still buy her some, but the cheap ones from Aldi that are mostly just apples instead of the more expensive exotic combos from other brands.

I think Chiro has helped my back some, but it's acting up a bit today. Two more sessions this week and then we reevaluate I think.

DH had off last night and we went out for a late dinner as a family. Much harder now with Jack. We saw the head of DD’s new preschool that she’ll be starting in sept there, and she came over to say hi.

Today we had DD play in her little paddling pool and then it rained the rest of the day. I took them to the mall.while DH was at work because otherwise it was just gonna be TV all day. We had a good time.

Ok back is killing me. More from my carrier and just the weight of Jack than the real seizing pain. Have him asleep on me in the carrier now, but I think it's bedtime for me too.
Slammer, dh does construction layout.Its sort of like surveying. He takes points from the architectural drawings and scales them to real size and shoots the pints and marks them so that the carpenters know where things are to be built. We travel with the company. We just moved in march to a new job from Atlanta. He built the new Braves stadium. We have been traveling for about five years now, it can be a lot of fun though because we have lived in so many different places and get to go do things we would have never done had he not started doing what he does. But I want Gage to be in one spot when it's time for him to start school.

The pool time and mall sounds like a fun day!! Out to eat is definitely challenging, although getting easier as time goes. Is jack sitting up at all yet? Gage is staring to get the hang of it and will sit in the high chair at the restaurant now.

The high cost of baby food is a really big reason I wanted to make our own. I'm a sahm, and while dh makes decent money, I always feel like I have to save where I can since we are a one income family. Basically if it's not on sale I don't buy it lol! I'm so cheap!

Apple, sorry about Ollie being constipated. I hope he found some relief today. One thing I had to stop feeding Gage was blueberries because it would make him gassy and poop an extra time the next day. So I'm keeping them on hand I case I need to induce a poo from him! Maybe you could try some?

Thank vrogers, I know all of those things in my head, but it still just makes me sad. He is a very happy chunky healthy boy though, and that's all that matters!

This whole sleep thing is so stressful isn't it? It's like once you can see some kind of light, they change it up on us!

Ali, what a smart boy crawling to his nap place for nap time!! I can't believe he is so mobile! Sorry you got so sick, but the zoo sounds so fun.

Ally, glad you enjoyed some grown up time!!! Lunch with a girlfriend sounds so amazing right now!

Afm, my mom is coming in two weeks and I'm very excited. She will be sleeping in Gage's room (which he now sleeps in by himself!!!) and asked if she could give him a bottle when he wakes at night.....umm yes!! Like I'm going to say no to sleep? Lol. Probably I will hover at first, but once I see if he is fine without me, Im sure I'll enjoy the sleep! We went swimming this morning and it was so fun! I'm going to try to go a few times a week because he took an amazing nap when we got back home!
Apple- poor baby, I hope he gets some relief soon! It's hard when you feel helpless.

Slammer- I have been better about reminding myself it won't last and I know one day I'll miss this!
I hope the chiropractor is able to help your back, I can't imagine how much harder that makes everything to do.
That's nice you were all able to go out for family dinner! Definitely not as easy with a baby along.
Also good you were able to get of the house! Everything just drags on cooped up in the house and is monotonous that way.

Froggy- I completely get it, I have to remind myself every single day otherwise the guilt would take over. Healthy and happy baby is definitely most important!
That's so awesome of your mom to offer giving a bottle overnight! Enjoy sleeping!! I bet it was so cute to see him swimming! I'd like to get a little kiddie pool for L.

Afm- we noticed a little lump on L's back. We actually noticed it when she was a newborn (dh says there were two, but honestly the first couple months are hard for me to remember) but last night she was in just a diaper and I really noticed it and of course started panicking. We called the after hours number at her doc, and her pediatrician called us back. She said it doesn't sound serious but she does want us to go ahead and call tomorrow to make an apt to come in so she can see it. L can move her legs just fine, doesn't act like it bothers her at all but it has me in a bit of a panic and ready to get to her doctor and hopefully be reassured!
Hello all! I'm back from holiday! I can't believe how much I missed while I was gone. It is too overwhelming to reply to everyone, so I will start fresh after this post.

Our trip was great. The weather was a bit cooler which was a welcome relief from our boiling hot home which I have already complained about. DH made a fire in the cabin almost every night! We got tons of family time in, DH did ALL the cooking (we BBQed everything, and he is the designated BBQer), we took lots of walks, had a few beach days, and had a great time! Violet did amazing! I found it was a great age for her and she was surprisingly flexible for naps. Used the Ergo while we walked and she would just sleep on the go! Dd1 had tons of fun playing in the sand. Although it was a great vacation, I came back and immediately felt the blues. I have been very down today and crying a lot. I am dreading DH being back at work, but he does have one more day off for us to run a bunch of dumb errands (joy).

As for ages, I am 29! I am starting to feel a bit old as I near 30.

I'm not sure how much V weighs. I find out in about a week.

Slammer - so sorry Jack isn't doing the best at daycare. That's a long time without a nap the other day! Hope he adjusts soon. I am sure you're right about having to pump/be at work being the reason your cycle returns so quickly.

Froggy -
That will be great to have your mom visiting! That will be amazing for her to feed bottles at night!

Ali - sorry you're in pain all the time! Do you have sports injuries, or bad joints?

Apple - thanks for remembering I was on holiday! That was sweet of you. :)

Ally - beautiful pics! Did you have a nice vacation?

VRogers - Violet is also still only getting a few feet. It's kind of nice. Once she can get a lot farther, we will have to seriously baby proof!
froggy - oh, I can imagine it's interesting to try out new places. You must be good at packing and keeping things minimal to move that much! I hate moving, lol.

Jack can sit in a high chair, but not on his own. He was willing to sit in the high chair at the restaurant, but kept dropping anything we gave him to play with on the dirty floor, so it was kind of better to hold him. But that gets old, lol.

Do you have a link to your baby food system? I know you said you got the idea from pinterest. I need step by step instructions or I won't even consider it, lol!

That's awesome your mom is coming to visit and is willing to get up with Gage for a bottle! I hope it works out and you can get some good sleep.

vrogers - yes, being cooped up at home sucks, especially with a preschooler bouncing off the walls! I think the chiro is helping, so if my back keeps feeling better I will be better able to take the kids out places on my own without fearing I'll be in agony.

I hope the lump on L's back is nothing serious! Let us know what the doctor says after seeing her.

Literati - I must have missed that you were going on holiday. That's awsome you can a great time. Coming back to reality sucks, doesn't it??

AFM - Mentioned above - I think the chiro is helping. I only had a bit of pain on Sat, despite doing a good bit with the kids I feel like. And yesterday I just had some soreness, but no spasms. I even did sweeping and mopping and vaccuuming, plus carrying Jack a lot. Really feeling so much more positive about life if this continues to improve! Had another session today, and going again on weds.

Kids are back at daycare today. I sent plenty of milk and DH told her to feed Jack as much as he wants, so we'll see how much he eats. He didn't get a nap before going, so hopefully he slept shortly after getting there. At least today it was just Ava and Jack there - the two others were out.

Not much else to report. We had a good day yesterday. I managed to make it to 5:20pm before turning on the TV for Ava. Seriously, that has to be some kind of record since Jack was born. How sad is that? And then she only watched an hour. Felt accomplished, lol.
Hi ladies,

Lit/ glad u had a nice little break it sounds like u had a loverly time. I know it's rubbish coming back home. :(

Vroggers/ hope fhe lump is ok. O has a lump on his back from birth. That's what his op is for what we r are waiting for. His is just a fatty limp (lipoma) if u wanted to look it up. It doesn't bother him but his is quite obvious to others so we are getting it removed. Let us know how u get on hom x

Froggy/ moving all he time sounds fun and tiring.must be nice to see new places though. At least u will have a good idea on locations when u r thinking of settling for when Gage goes to school.

Ally hope u n little Isa r doing ok :) sorry about dtd! Sorry for u and DH ha..it gets harder as they get older. It's a nightmare with a teenager in the house ha.. It's nice when he goes to stay at his dad's but u just know that oh will then be too tired 😞

Well after a night on the couch with my little man, and a little help he eventually passed a poo properly at 6 am. What a horrible night that was. Ive since been boiling and blending prunes with pear and he has had it every day with added fluids and thankfully seems to be going regular again now..

Slammer glad you are getting some relief with your back. I hope it continues. O is the same with a highchair lol .. We end up holding him most of the time !

Ali / how u getting on with your little crawler ha.. So cute !! You're def going to have to be baby proofing soon lol..

Midnight / hope u r doing ok hon :)

We are eating O christened on Sunday. Lady from church came to see us last night at home and had to meet vicar a couple of weeks ago. We are having our older children as godparents. My mums doing a little do at hers after, well I say little , I know she will make a real fuss. She is setting the food like an afternoon tea. Mums neighbour that made ds birthday cake is making is a cake for O. Im hoping It goes well.

Sorry if I missed anyone ds just woke up so better get up and do the breakfast run !
Sorry I will miss some buy wanted to say it's lovely about older kids as godparents. Xx
Hi ladies, just checking in. Sorry I've been offline for a while. It was a super busy time visiting family and friends. I'm back home now and winding down a bit before going back to work next week. Z is doing well. He traveling well and I was proud of him on the flight home. He slept and woke every hour or so and didn't cry much. He loved playing on the floor in the airport during transit after being cooped up in a tiny bassinet or my arms for hours. He's napping much better now, too. He's just waking now after 1.5 hours. Yesterday I got one two hour and one hour nap from him plus a cat nap in the morning. Way better than the 30 minutes I used to get.

Apple, don't feel like the old one here. I'm 38 (almost 39) and Z my first! I'm definitely a late starter. I don't think we'll have any more either although dh mentioned the other day that he'd like Z to have a sibling. I would too but I won't be doing it unless dh shows he's more of a hands on parent than he is right now.
its been a few days, will try to catch up now..

vrogers- any update on V's lump? sorry you are feeling so exhausted, i am feeling the same...

slammer- we managed to dtd the next night, yah! no interruptions.
yah to Jack starting solids. so glad chiro sessions are going well.
Hope daycare was ok.

froggy- that will be lovely when your mum visits, and the extra help at night too :)

lit- glad u had a lovely trip! the family time sounds great and i can understand feeling a little blue now that you are back.
A nice break is just what you all needed!
yes my trip was lovely, tiring with Isa but lots of quality time too.

apple- poor wee Ollie, so glad he managed to pass his poo. I give Isa water with his solids and i think it stops him gettin constipated as he poos every day, sometimes twice! I just put cool boiled water in a sippy cup or bottle.
Haha yes i can only imagine dtd gets more awkward as they get older.. at least now isa has no idea whats going on.
Thats nice about the christening! and making your older kids godparents, lovely :)

newbie- so nice to hear from you, glad the trip was a success and that Z was good for you. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip soon :)

AFM- Isa has been more settled the last couple of nights, thanks god! his third tooth has popped out but i can see the 4th one... so im expecting bad sleep again soon.
He's also napping longer! he catnapped for so long, and this is such a welcome relief. He normally naps 1.5 hours, twice a day and then maybe a short 30 min or 45 min one as well.
weather was really warm yesterday so i went to the park and had a picnic with my brothers and cousin, Isa was just happily looking around at everything, amazed haha.
well, i gues i should go do something productive now that Isa is napping, washing and tidying, yah! (not).
Ally - I'm glad Isa has been more settled. I stopped looking and counting how often T wakes. If I don't look I'm not as miserable! Sometimes he does great, other times not so much. The fact that he does sleep well at times is good enough for me! Much more than I had with O!

Have fun doing house work.. best thing ever.. ha.. We've been working on some cleaning and organizing today.

Newbie - I hope your DH gets more hands on. Maybe when Z is older and can play more. Hate for you to wait till then to get more help, but I guess better late than never.

Glad Z is napping better!

Apple - Baby proofing daily it seems. He finds everything. I have to keep the bathroom door closed because he plays with the curtain and I'm worried he will pull it down. I don't like to keep it shut because keeping doors open help keep the whole house cooler without running the AC as much. He's too stinking cute when he does crawl on his hands and knees instead of army crawling. He is starting to do it more and more.

That's really neat that your older children will be godparents!

Slammer - Super awesome that the chiro is helping!! It does take several alignments to help since your muscles will pull them back out till they're use to their "new" position. I need to see one but I can't really afford one. I have to get crappy cheap insurance to make it by till open enrollment.

That's awesome you made it so long without turning the TV on. I do have good days, but sadly O is wanting Curious George all the time. It's one of 3 movies. He's also wanting "Monsters".. not little children monster shows.. no.. he wants to watch this video blogger my DH watches play horror games! No joke. He gets scared by them and laughs.. :dohh: I'm going to strangle my DH if he gets nightmares.

Store bought is expensive comparably. I do need to start doing some of our own. At least some.

I hope you're right about not biting as much, but he's always been really big about putting stuff in his mouth and biting.. so I'm not going to get my hopes up.

Lite - Honestly I just think my body just out of place. It's possible I have a bad back since two of my three brothers for sure have problems with their backs. They are a lot rougher on theirs, though. So I'm hoping it's just from being out of alignment. Exercise does seem to help if I go at it slowly and not too hard too fast.

I would be so EXCITED if DH did all the cooking for awhile for us haha.. We need to get a grill. We're waiting on our rebate from our washer and dryer buy to get one with it. They're also going on sale since Summer is here which means it's heading towards it's end. I'm so excited for a grill! Means I don't have to cook.. and grilled food is amazing!

I'm sorry coming back has you down. I always wish I was around to help you out! Even some decent social interaction helps me. Plus, our children are so close in age maybe they'd disappear into their own world :haha:

Vrogers - Oh gosh, hopefully it's just a fat deposit. Or at worst a cyst or abscess. Let us know!! I'm sure it'll be alright, but just hoping she doesn't have to have it removed and it's something that resolve on it's own.

Froggy - I really don't know if that is what it is. I really do feel he knows, though. Just today he crawled back there and when I went to grab him he got all excited and fussed a little. I laid down with him and he went to sleep. They're way smarter than we give them credit for! It's just hard to imagine!

I'm almost over being sick, thankfully. The zoo was fun. We want to go back at least once more this year.

You're mom coming sounds like a blessing! I'd cry in joy haha.. of course I'm still breastfeeding so it wouldn't change much for me.

T always naps so well if we've been out and about. Usually keeps him up longer and makes him nice and sleepy without causing him to get cranky. He then just passes out without much fuss and is out.

AFM - I didn't reply to everything everyone said, but this is getting long and T is awake so I need to wrap it up. He's in the crib kicking at it so I'll wait till he fusses. He looks content lol

We got down a blanket that is half fluffy soft and half silky. T loves it. He'll pull out his paci to chew on it. I thought he might like it and forgot to get it down. Saw it and remembered. I give it to him at naps and he seems to snuggle and play with it.

It's our anniversary today. 10 years together and 1 married. Crazy! We're going out for dinner and a movie later. A friend is going to watch the boys and I can't be more thankful! We haven't been out by ourselves in sooo long! Won't complain for sure.

Well he's fussing! Catch up more later!
Slammer - yes, it definitely sucks getting back to reality! It takes a while to adjust to the norm again.
So glad the chiro is helping! Yay for positivity! I hope this day at daycare went better. Well done on going so long without turning the tv on! I find since it has been summer we've turned the TV on far less. And, the less we watch, the less dd1 asks for it! Which is great! However, I'm sure as soon as it gets cooler out we will be back to using it far too much. :/ It's hard not to with 2 kids!

Apple - sorry about your horrible night! I hope O feels better now and doesn't have that happen again! Enjoy the christening! That will be nice.

Ali - Aww, you're so sweet! I wish we could be close to help each other out and visit as well! I'm sure our kids would entertain each other quite well!
Definitely sounds like a bad back rubs in the family. Do you think you'd benefit from
I hope you can get a grill soon! It's so nice in the summer!
Happy Anniversary, and enjoy your night out! You deserve it! Our anniversary was a couple days ago as well, but we didn't end up doing anything with the chaos of just getting back from our trip.

Ally - glad the trip went well! It's definitely far less relaxing with a baby!

Newbie - that's amazing that Z traveled so well! I'm so happy for you! I hope your hubby steps up to the plate soon. Second kid or not, you deserve to have shared parental responsibilities and not to be left floundering on your own.

AFM - today I had pelvic floor physio to see about how to fix my diastasis recti. I was worried it would be a waste of time, but it turns out I am super messed up! My posture is crooked, I have tons of tension in my shoulders and ribs so I'm unable to breathe properly or align myself properly. My hips are also super tight. Have to work on loosening up my ribs/back this week along with breathing exercises. Once that's fixed, she'll move onto my hips and hopefully the DR will correct itself.
I felt quite frazzled at the appointment because I had to bring both kids along, and Violet was rather fussy for the whole thing.
Literati- sounds like such an amazing little trip! I'm glad you were able to spend time together as a family and hopefully rejuvenate. I feel like I get the blues after a vacation or long holiday, so hopefully it doesn't last too long for you!
Not looking forward to baby proofing! I know we have quite a few things to anchor to the wall, and I'm also hoping to gate off a big area (like our living room) for her to play once she starts really moving.
Good thing you did go to the physio, sounds like it is needed! I hope everything goes quick and the breathing exercises help.

Slammer- glad the chiro seems to be making a difference! I hope it keeps up and you're pain free soon.
Her appointment is tomorrow, will definitely let you guys know what happens!
You're doing great, tv time or not!

Apple- I hadn't heard of that and just looked it up. I think it's either that or the blood vessel moving like dh said (hemangioma I think it's called?). I'm not as worried as I was when we found it since it has never bothered her, but it will be nice to know what it is for sure!
I hope O has a lovely christening! Your mom sounds sweet being so excited.

Newbie- glad Z is traveling/napping well! I find myself in a much better mood when baby is napping well.
Are you ready to go back to work?

Ally- thank you for asking, her appointment is tomorrow morning! I will let you guys know what her doc says, trying not to be too nervous!
Wow, 4 teeth. I bet you are both exhausted. L is teething bad lately but thankfully hasn't affected her sleep really, and Motrin plus cold teething toys have helped!
Also glad Isa is napping better! Seems like most of our babies are past that awful cat napping stage...for now anyways haha

Ali- thank you I will definitely let you guys know! I'm hoping nothing has to be done to it!
T sounds so sweet cuddling and gnawing on his blanket!
Happy happy anniversary!! I hope you guys have a fun night together!

Afm- like I said above, L's appointment is tomorrow so will let you guys know when that's done! Dh is calm about it and convinced it isn't anything serious so that helps me stay calm.
She is starting to get up on her knees and hands and rock back and forth, and still moves around quite a bit with rolling and scooting.
Other than that nothing going on here!
Just a little update on L's back, her doc isn't worried and agrees with dh that it does look like blood vessels (can't remember the proper name that she used) but she said she will feel better if we do an ultrasound, so they are supposed to call us to set that up. Hoping that can be done at her ped and that we don't have to go to the hospital!
Vrogers / glad the lump looks ok, hope she can have the ultrasound without going into hospital. Hope u and your DH are feeling ok about it now x

We Just got date through for ds op in August. We are glad it's b4 he starts school in September, still not looking forward to it tho :(

Anyway im gonna have to keep this short as not got time at min to reply to everyone properly but just thought id pop and and tell you all ., we have had a roll !! First one lol..I was just giving O some fresh air to his bits and bobs and he was on a towel on floor and just went over lol.. Bless him he didn't quite know what to do so just looked up with a big gummy smile ha...
Another silly little victory tonight but oh is away with his eldest son for night so I was having mummy time with out 4 Yr old, I bought him a kinda egg, we have been looking for a little Batman figure for months and ds finally got one in his kinda egg tonight .. Might not sound like much to others but we have bought about 50 eggs trying to find this blooming Batman .. Ds was a picture he was doing high fives for an HR ha..my teenager was laughing he said I was more excited to find the Batman than ds.. I was thinking finally !! I had actually looked to buy one on eBay as was giving up ha ! Ds took it to bed with him lol x

I'll reply to everyone soon x
VRogers - I must have missed your comment on what was going on with L's back. I'm glad your dr wasn't too concerned but will do an ultrasound to be safe. I hope the u/s reveals it to be nothing!

We didn't really anchor most things to the wall with dd1, but I did get DH to anchor the very large bookshelf in our living room. It is a bit of a scary age when they start pulling themselves up on things!

Apple - yay for O rolling! Woohoo! I have heard it is easier for them to learn new skills without clothes on since they can feel what they are doing better.
Yay for a batman figure in your son's kinder egg!
Sorry your ds needs surgery. I don't blame you for not looking forward to it. I'm glad it is before school, though!

AFM - not much here! DH has been home from work on time so far this week which has been quite a treat!
Today, we went shopping for a gift for my friend's new baby (spent $30 on the gift... and then $70 unplanned on clothes for the girls - oops)! In the afternoon we played in the paddling pool in the backyard. We just got a slightly larger one, so I got in it with Violet as well, swimsuit and all, which I have never done. Dd1 sure enjoyed it! As did Violet!
Apple- thank you!!
I would be a mess, so I can see how you aren't looking forward to the op. I hope it goes well!
Aw yay O for rolling! Sounds so cute with his gummy smile.
I hope you guys find your batman figure soon, I think it's sweet that there's something for you two to do together

Literati- no worries, there were quite a few posts for you to catch up on.
Thank you, me too!
I guess I will need to look into what exactly will need to be anchored, although I guess it's better to be safe than sorry.
Glad you are able to enjoy time with dh and the LOs! I've been wanting to get a little baby pool to put L in, it's been so hot as usual here. I hope you're able to relax some while dh is off!

Afm- forgot to mention they weighed L and she's 15#14oz which is exactly 9 pounds up from her birth weight. Crazy!!

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