January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ally - Isa sounds lovely. I agree 7 months seems to be a nice age. T has been quite interactive and busy for awhile since he was mobile before he was 6 months, but he's become much more independently lately. He goes around entertaining himself and exploring. He also plays with O a lot which is so adorable! T doesn't sleep through the night and I don't expect him to for a long time. He's regressed and wakes up more often now. He's more like O was. Oh well.

Apple - Poor O! I wish T would have cut more than one his first time, just to get them done and over with faster. No sign of the next one yet. Hope you enjoyed the zoo!

Vrogers - I'm glad L is well! T would have screamed the whole time I think. Hopefully it eventually just goes away or at least fade most of the way.

I'm not a SAHM (so wish I was), but at this age it's kind of hard to "do" stuff with them. Just interact with them, maybe find a mom group to socialize with that will give her socialization with other children. As she gets older you get to incorporate other activities. Walks are always nice (when it isn't so hot) as long as they like the stroller. Read to her. Even if it's just a book you want to read. They listen and learn still. It's hard for it not to seem repetitive when they're this young. I feel bad because I find it hard to get out with both of them. I want to take O to the park a lot more, but it's hard to watch him and take care of T at the same time. O wants me to play with him, but I can't when I have T. Then the other children are who I worry about. There was a park where we use to live that I loved to take him because it was small and no one came around. I would feel fine taking him and T there, but there is nothing like that here. Frustrating.

I've been doing better this time trying to lose weight. Mainly because DH is on board with me. He's trying really hard to watch what he eats and it helps SO much. It's incredible how much someone else can help you when they're doing it as well. I don't watch him eat whatever making me crave it and being strong for him is easier than being strong for myself. We're both emotional and bored eaters. So horrible.

Lite - I'm so sorry about your grandpa. Losing grandparents is horrible. Especially to cancer and I've been there twice. I've actually have had 4 (2 of them were great grandparents) pass from cancer. My father's mother was way before I was born, though. As was one of my great grandpas. I'll be thinking about you and your family.

That's so great about your DH's new job! I wish my hubby would get something that would pay what we both make so I could stay home. :haha: I would still work, but part time. None of this full time crud. All my money would go to loans.

I have so much more weight to lose. Only 5 to be to pre-pregnancy which has been the same forever it feels like. I gained a few back when we went to Michigan. I still have a long ways after that, though. Ugh.. fat for life over here.

Midnight - I'm so glad the medication works for you. You make me want to try it :haha:, but really I don't want to become reliant on it as Lite said. I want to be happy without it. I don't know if it's possible, but I want to.

AFM - I know I didn't reply to everything and I really don't have the time. I apologize!

We've all been okay. T isn't sleeping well through the night at all. Waking up more than he ever did before. Keeping him in the crib is a joke. I think it's because of work to be honest. If I'm home for a few days he starts to do better, but as soon as I'm at work he regresses and doesn't want to be away from me at night and wakes more. Lovely.. He does well for his naps usually, but night time is a whole different story. The joys of being a working mother.

I'm pretty mentally worn down. I feel my depression settling in and I've been anxious more. Work is tearing me apart. It's been stressful there and I have anxiety about going to work which then causes me to be just overall more anxious at home. It's irritating. I feel like I'm unfit to be a nurse because I can't handle the stress when things get bad. Then I feel like I'm just being a whiner. Mental health issues suck. Feels like everyone just thinks you're just over exaggerating or whining. Which in turn makes me angry. Bleh.. I'm a mess over here. Unless someone has been there to the point that it feels like their life is out of their control, they really don't get it. Even some that have been there and get out of it don't really get it, because they got out, so why can't you? sort of thing.

Hubby is handling about as well as I expect him to.

O has been whiny. In turn making me more on edge.

Weight loss is going still. Hubby is trying with me and it's making it A LOT easier. It's pretty crazy how much of a difference it makes. I want to be strong for him so he continues and him not eating whatever he wants in front of me really helps as well.

T climbed onto the dishwasher when I had it open last night. He can also climb the two steps out of the playroom. It was funny when I looked at him getting onto the dishwasher.. he kind of just pulled himself with his arms on his belly then once he could got on all fours. I'm just staring at him all "Really??!" lol

Alright, well I better get back to life. Trying to straighten the place up. Working the next two days, but thankfully I only have to get the boys up for daycare one day because Hubby has Saturday and Sunday night off meaning I can leave them home Sunday. I'm just so ready for a new job. Was thinking about playing the Powerball but I wouldn't have won so meh lol Now it's down to nothing. If I ever win I'm not telling people. Not that I don't want to help people out, but for real.. it would ruin our lives if people knew.

Alright, hopefully I can catch up sooner rather than later.
Ally. - Glad you are enjoying 7 months! Violet isn't quite 7 mo yet but I agree it is a good age! :)

VRogers - I hope everything ends up being clear with L and you can finally just relax about it!
As for activities to do with a baby, it really is a bit dry when you only have a baby. It gets a bit more fun with a toddler (but also more work haha). When dd1 was a baby in the summer, I would take her for a walk to the park in the morning, and then I'd take her out with a blanket and toys in the yard in the afternoon. It's definitely easier when it is nice out so hopefully it will cool off enough for you to get out more soon. You don't really have to do much for her so much as you at this point. You could take her to a museum you're interested in, or just to walk around the mall, or have a friend over for coffee. Helps pass the time!
V doesn't have any teeth either. Dd1 got her first at 8 months old.
Makes me sad to hear you're embarrassed to be seen out in public. You should never feel like that! Bodies are beautiful in all shapes and sizes, and there is nothing to be ashamed of in still carrying some pregnancy weight, or any extra weight for that matter!

Apple - I hope the emails your DH sent help them change their mind about the interview. Your DH at least deserves an interview!

Ali - I know that feeling of having such crippling anxiety/depression and not feeling like anyone at all can relate or understand. That is not a good feeling. Lots of hugs for you. So sorry you're so worn down.
Also sorry about the grandparents you have lost. It is not easy.
Sorry T's sleep has regressed for you. Definitely sounds like he is just really missing his mommy on the days you are working! You can't blame him for wanting to be close to you at night, I suppose! I found that co sleeping with dd1 when I went back to work helped make the transition a bit easier on both of us since we got extra cuddles that way. V literally can't even sleep one second away from me still, so I understand the bad sleep.
That's great your DH is on board with the weight loss! My DH is constantly snacking on junk food at night, and I'm normally fine not to snack in the evenings, but when I see him eating in front of me, it's so hard to resist!

AFM - Thanks for all the sympathy about my grandpa, and the congratulations on DH's job! I think my grandpa appreciated the visit a lot. Was sad to see him feeling so yucky.
DH and I have been enjoying our time off together this week. Have been doing lots together, but also some of our own separate things. Like, he went golfing this morning, and then this afternoon he watched the girls while I got a pedicure (with the gift card I got for Mother's Day).
Next week we are going for a last minute short little camping trip before summer's over. Looking forward to a few more beach days!
Didn't want to read and run again. Thinking about you all. I don't have enough time to reply to everything.

No teeth here either... Crawling and standing and getting very good at both. 8 months next week... Time has gone very quickly.

We're heading to eat beach for a long weekend next weekend. Can't wait.
Sorry y’all. Things have been a little stressful with the new job. I'm still not properly up and running with real work yet, but I still can't waste time getting online to chat to you all while I'm there. I hope this week I'm going to get some proper training and ramp up a bit, but it will get more stressful then. They just haven't given me a good enough orientation/training really so far. I am confident that once I am working in my own projects independently then I will enjoy the work, it's just this starting phase sucks. It's like that any time you start a new job though I guess.

I don't even try to reply to people now, but hope to keep up a bit from here on out.

Jack has been army crawling for weeks now. He gets around fast. He is able to sit for short burst on his own too. Can't wait until he can sit for long stretches, and get in and out of position on his own.

His fourth tooth just popped through this week! Still not all that interested in solids, but he takes some. Over 18 lbs now.

My back was doing better with the chiro, but last weekend it was really acting up, and of course this week my chiro is on vacation, so there was nothing I could do about it! When I see him next week I need to really press him on what else we can do. I think I will seek out a different PT as well and add that. I just hate taking time away from home for lots of appointments! But this really really sucks. I begged my doctor for a muscle relaxer prescription this week and got one. Haven't taken it yet, and will try not to because it could affect Jack, but if I can't function properly then I will have to.

DH’s back is bothering him when he has a full-on day with Jack as well. I dunno what it is about this baby!

Ava starts preschool next Monday! She's excited. Sad I don't be able to drop her off or pick her up, cause I’ll be at work!

Will try to get on more regularly!
Ally/ glad u are enjoy in your time with Isa at this age he does sound adorable and a really good baby :) I agree this is a nice age. I find 12/ 18 months quite full on as they are Into everything ! Lol.. oh well keeps us on our toes ! Ha..
glad that u are getting to have some family time at weekends, but agree with the having to watch savings, this mat leave isn't doing mine any good at all, in fact I'm going to bank this week to sort mine out a bit ! Are you on Mat leave yourself ? sorry I can't remember, or are u still going through uni, I know u r there a lot and are still completing work, 😬..
I know it's a little while back but hope u enjoyed the festival in Edinburgh, my friend went and had a great time x

Ali/ I am really feeling it for u hon, Ive worked on wards as a nurse and it's pants at times. Is there anyone at work u can talk to, supervisors etc, I'm not sure how it works in US but they are suppose to be quite supportive in UK, that said I'd understand if u didn't want to discuss your business with colleagues even if they were your senior . I know Ive said before but you do sound like u are doing a great job keepin it all together. I was just wondering if there was anything that you have done in the past that has helped you when you have been feeling this way before. Have u been in your current job long? It might be as you say that u are ready for a change. Could u do community ? Just wondering If a new start might do u good. My oh is a nurse in a team leader position and he is totally worn out with it all, lack of staff, lack of funding, increased workload and all the politics of it 😣.. we are definitely looking to get him out. We have even been looking at new careers. I do hope you start to feel bit brighter soon. Just a thought to add, was wondering, do u think your hormones have settled properly after having T, I was really bad for quite a long time after my second son and that's what my dr put it down to x

Lit/ glad you are enjoying time with dh and the girls. It's also great that u have been able to both get some time to yourselves ! Pedicure sounds fab. And great your dh got to go golf:) Ive sent oh out this am on his bike he is really into cycling and this def does him good.

I'm glad you got to see your grandpa and that he was pleased to see you and got pleasure out of the visit himself. Sorry he is not very comfortable :( x

The camping trip sounds cool , Ive actually just realised you are going camping with V , we have talked about it but I wasn't sure how O would be. Are you going in a tent or doing the posh glamping lol .. I'd love to go but weather is so unpredictable here I'm not sure I'd risk it although I'm sure ds would love it.. u have got me thinking now ha x

Newbie nice to hear from you glad u r doing ok and have a fab trip hon x

Well we have had a nice week, I did manage to get to the zoo with all 4 boys!! my mum brother and his family. It was really nice we took a picnic and the kids really had fun, weather great. Ds 4 yr old was like a tour guide as we have annual passes so he took over lol...

we have been out for nice walk this am with oh , O and ds. That was nice , went to see baby swans.. oh has just taken ds out to park on his bike, O alsleep in cot upstairs so thought I'd pop on while I've got some peace, still no teeth here but driving him mad. So wish they would pop through!! 😞.. Ive given him calpol and using teething gel, he chews constantly on everything , got him lots of teething toys and I give him cool things to ease him little gums..

Met with a work colleague yesterday and really had nice catch up. I'm still having few issues with my teenager, I'll be so glad when this holiday is over, it's costing me a fortune and he is never happy ! Although whilst at zoo the other day we actually a saw a human side to him and he relaxed and had fun..which was a nice change from the teenage hormone ha.. he is clothes obsessed at the min and it is so hard to keep up with people, not that I want to at all , it's just really difficult, plus he is growing at ridiculas rate, taller that me now and I'm 5.4 ! X

Anyway better get some jobs done, have a loverly weekend ladies, my teenager is at his dads tonight watching the boxing , me and oh having night in and getting an Indian.. looking forward to that.. oh and on the weight thing.. after my Indian haha..ive decided to do this 9 day cleanse, ive done it b4 I'm going to start it 2nd September , it's cost me a bit but I know it kicks my butt so Ive treated myself for my birthday which is next month. My eldest son and his girlfriend are also doing it so we can suppprt each other. They go Tenerife end of September , I'm sure I'll be venting on here it's pretty hard going first few days but I think it will be worth it.. x
ali- I feel for you and the night awakenings, T probably is just missing you and wanting you at night. sorry your feeling down, mental health issues do suck and they can really interfere with life. I wish i had good advice, but think apple's questions and suggestions are good. Sending you a hug anyway.

lit- sounds lovely, the extra time with dh and camping trip sounds fab. I am not a huge fan of camping, not going to lie but dh loves it, hes such an outdoorsy person lol.

newbie- nice to hear from u and glad baby z doing well. beach sounds fab. my baby opposite, he keeps popping teeth but no crawling yet haha

slammer- i did think of u and thought u must be busy with ur new job. Nice to hear from u. sorry abot back issues, hope the tablet helps. Maybe he is just a big chunk and wears both of your backs out. think co-sleeping can hurt ur back.

apple- festival was great, didn't have time to go to any shows etc but hopefully next year. i do like edinburgh! i'm not on mat leave, so with my phd they let me extend the deadline to submit my thesis by 6 months, so my 6 months is over. Plus it was unpaid, which was rubbish. I'm only in now part time, 2/3 days a week so im at home mostly.
really glad u had a nice week! zoo sounds fun! i want to take isa to one soon!
night in with take away sounds lovely! my dh is so excited about the boxing match!!!! seems like most men are, i couldnt care less lol. its not on til like 4am though if i am right. my dh is like a wee excited kid haha.

afm- went to uni today, was productive. Isa napping just now so thought i would log on. can u believe i can see isa's 7th and 8th teeth coming!!!!! hes going to have all his teeth soon at this rate, but im prepping myself for few hard nights when they pop through. he not crawling, but soooo close.
Last night he slept so well until 4am, when he started crying i went to cot and his nappy had soaked through so had to change his clothes and nappy but then he was wide awake for over an hour! urgh, i kept him in the bed but i sleep much worse when hes in, i really prefer him in the cot.

also, one last thing. about weight. i just wanted to say that i lost all my baby weight, i gained just over 3 stone in pregnancy but i am naturally small and petite and i lost it fairly easy, mostly through ramadan. But what i wanted to say is, i definitely feel my body shape is a abit different, and i feel a bit insecure about my stretchmarks. And if some of u remember, i had horrible skin problems in pregnancy, i defo have scars and little marks that make me feel insecure. so i just want to say that however u are, just be kind and easy on urself and take positive steps toward whatever body change u want, cause if its not weight, there is always something else and i think we women are too harsh on ourselves x
Slammer - so great to hear from you! I hadn't even thought of the down side of no longer being able to waste time online at work! My work is the same where even if there's absolutely nothing to do, I can't do my own thing and just have to sit there trying to look busy. Gag. I agree the start of a new job is always a bit stressful and less productive until you're fully trained. I am sure things will get much more enjoyable soon. I hope you can just get fully at it soon!
Sorry to hear you won't get to drop off or pick up Ava at preschool. That is definitely saddening. Work sure gets in the way of family time, yet it is necessary so your family can have a good life. Blah!
So sorry you're still having such pain and difficulty. I totally relate to not wanting to waste your time at home at a bunch of appointments, but your health and wellbeing are definitely so important, and maybe if you get things fixed up right away, you'll spend less time away in the long run. That is no good that carrying Jack is hurting your DH as well. Exciting about Jack army crawling!

Newbie - beach weekend sounds amazing! Hope you have an excellent time next weekend.

Apple - we were going to try a tent, but we wimped out and rented a camper instead. We are definitely more the 'glamping' type! Haha! I would try a tent with a toddler, but a baby makes things harder. Also, as you said, it's hard when the weather is unpredictable. I feel better now that even if it rains, we have somewhere warm and dry to go.

Yay for going to the zoo! I'm glad your teenager even relaxed and had a nice time. That sounds expensive with him being obsessed with clothes and growing so quickly. Not sure how I'll ever afford that stage! Haha!

Nice that your oh was able to go out for a bike ride!

Ally - to be honest, I'm not a HUGE fan of camping either as I don't really like roughing it. That's why we always stay in a cabin during our yearly lake trip. However, as I said to apple, we are at least staying in a camper so it isn't quite as bad. Also, that is why we are only going for 2 nights. I couldn't handle much longer without my running water and whatnot. Haha! I enjoy the experience of having to be outside a lot and just enjoying time at the lake, but don't enjoy getting dirty or having to work harder for stuff or go to a public washroom! Haha. Good thing I'm BFing so don't need to pee as often. :haha:

Wow, Isa's teeth really are coming in fast. I think it's kind of nice when they come in all at once because you don't have to deal with teething on and off for ages.

I hear you on being insecure about different scars and marks and whatnot on your body. I also am a different shape and my tummy isn't nearly as flat as it used to be. Even when I had lost all my weight and more last time (which I haven't this time), I still felt insecure about my new body proportions, etc. You are so right that we are all insecure about something and shouldn't be so hard on ourselves.

AFM - DH has been working on the truck a lot and we haven't had much time together the last day and a half. Oh well. He is trying to get it done so we can have family time this afternoon before he goes to his work farewell party this evening. Not sure what the girls and I will do this evening to stay entertained...
Slammer, good to hear from u, I thought often that u must be busy in new role. It's good to hear how u r getting on. It definitely takes a while to settle in. Hope u r feeling ok with it soon, yay jack for his army crawl !!, bless him sounds so cute. Really sorry u can't take or pick up Ava from pre school.. as lit says it's horrible that work takes up so much family time but also needed.. 😣 I'm gonna keep buying those lottery tickets ! Lol..
sorry that u are having so much trouble with your back that really sucks, I hope you get some relief from the tablets if u take them xx

Lit/ wow the camping van sounds so cool ! I'm now really jealous haha..I'm also a glamping kind of person. I'm sure we will be in plenty of tents though in the near future. I'm actually looking forward to the boys being old enough to do that kind of thing as I can see us just deciding day before and setting off :)

Yes was definitely nice to see teenager a bit chilled out ! Hopefully he stays that way.
Can't remember I I mentioned again but dh didn't get offered an interview after the emails we sent 😣😣annoyingly so. They said that he was out by 3 points .. I know I'll be bias but I do think it's rubbish to go from being offered the post to not getting an interview. Never mind let's hope things happen for a reason this time.

Ally/ glad u enjoyed the festival.. u made me smile about the fight tonight 😂 Thankfully my oh isn't into it but my brother and boys are , all staying up until the early hours. I did last time with my teenager it nearly killed me n I was so bored haha.,

Thanks for the comments by the way, about our bodies, I'm definitely not happy with mine, especially my stomach , Ive had 4 and I know my skin will never be the same on my stomach but I'm just gonna try to get myself healthy as I can. I would like to lose another stone and a half. Plus we are wanting to get married so I'm gonna have that as my goal. :) but I am what I am and I wouldn't have my beautiful boys if I didn't have the body I have 😘

Anyway sorry to cut short but Ollie just woke up so better get to my mummy duties ! X night all x
Hi ladies , sorry just coming on for a vent really so apologise in advance... had a loverly day at the park with a picnic with oh , ds and O. I'd planned it to distract oh really as it's the anniversary approaching of his brother passing away and oh always struggles this time of year. Won't bore I with the details but in a click of a finger oh decides he wants to go home, basically totally took a comment I said wrong way, it really was nothing..and his reaction was totally out of blue and actually shocked me.I know he has a lot on at this time of year but I was a bit peed off as we were having such a loverly time and id really made an effort, all for his benefit..anyway really tried to make him see sense but he was having non of it. Not nasty or anything just stubborn. I knew by the way he was this was nothing to do with any comment I was just closet to him when he was feeling pressure 😣 His brother passing was not nice and think Ive mentioned b4 that me and oh found him.. so after half hour trying to pursuade him not to go and be alone as that just makes him think about stuff I give up and I drop him at home then take ds and O out again to stay out of his way.

I took them to McDonald's drive through for some food, trying to pass time really. Then just my luck the bloody woman in the car behinds foot slips of the pedal and instead of the brake she slams on the accelerator and smashes straight into the back of my car.. it was horrific, the bang was so loud and it threw me and kids forward. O and ds were both screaming as were her children.. thankfully we are all ok. I can definitely feel strain in middle of my back and it's uncomfortable to breath, feels muscular I think but main thing is boys seem ok.

Thing is I'm now really pissed with oh. I know it's not his fault but I can't help thinking if he wasnt such a idiot in the first place i wouldn't have been there and we would have still been enjoying our day out. He has been really nice since we have been home and think it's freaked him out a bit but I'm really having to bite my tounge..I keep seeing images of my poor babies crying in back of my car.. I don't want to fall out but he hasn't even apologised for this afternoon ..and seemed more concerned about what I'd told my mum this afternoon ! sorry for vent, I don't really feel I can talk to mum or she would not be happy 😣.. Do U think I'm being irrational ? Hopefully I'll feel better about it in the morning, both boys are sleeping now. They seem ok.. I just kept crying for hours after, I think it must have been the shock, 😢 Just sat up now can't switch off x sorry for vent x
Apple - so sorry about your horrible day, ending in being rear ended! That is so stressful and upsetting, and I understand being a bit traumatized and even wanting to blame your oh a bit. Sounds like he was being quite unreasonable earlier, which would have been very upsetting especially considering how you were going out of your way to make things nice for him. I don't blame you for still being mad at him, but you're still shaken up about the car incident so perhaps it would help to allow yourself to recover from that before you deal with the incident with your oh? That's good he's being nice now at least, but I certainly don't blame you for wanting an apology from earlier! I hope he'll come around. Lots of hugs. SOO glad you're all okay! How frightening to have that happen with your kids in the backseat!
Thanks lit/ sorry for earlier vent I think i was just a bit shel shocked. I do need to let things settle b4 I discuss things , I'm just getting through the day at the min..still feel quite peed off with oh even if. He is being nice , he was out with ds this am at a automobile fair and I was just sat home. So went for a walk with O in pram and went for a coffee and some lunch on our own..oh is like .. is something else bothering U.. inside im like .. really ! U seriously have no idea.. I sometimes just think men are another planet..think I need a bit more cool off lol .. we just sat and had tea and Ive come out for another walk with O . Poor baby struggling to poo again but managed now so I think he is sleeping it off x still no teeth here yet. Wish they would hurry up ! Thanks again for your reply hon, xx
Apple - Oh I'm so sorry!! I'm glad you're all okay! I'd be the same as you and keep seeing them crying in the back. Stuff like that sticks with me so hard. It's good you're letting things settle a bit first. Does sound like just an awful day. I'd be crying.

Lite - I love camping! I think it's just nice to get away from everything. I find it relaxing and I'm able to not stress about everything. Sadly I don't get to go camping.

Ally - I need to be more positive towards my body, but it's hard. I grew up with negativity around me. I'm trying hard to not be that way around my boys. Their confidence start with us.

Slammer - Glad to hear from you! Don't you love the army crawl?! T doesn't hardly do it any more, but he did for the longest time! Now he's just regularly crawling and starting to climb step height objects. Starting to cruise with furniture as well.. just last night he only had one hand on something then started bouncing and stayed standing. His balance is getting good fast!

Look up how long the medication will be in your system and pump and dump. I know some muscle relaxers have a short half time.

So glad your back is getting better! Wish I could say the same! Maybe when I have the money or insurance.

AFM - Last night was AWFUL. T woke up nearly 20 times. I'm not joking either. He woke up 3 times in the first hour. I think he's teething again. He's been really cranky. He's got some foods he has to mouth now and he gets soo mad if he drops them. He's over eating then spitting up. I finally gave him some baby orajel and then ibuprofen. He passed out soon after it should have started to take effect. I'm not use to this teething madness. Hardly ever knew O was getting teeth till they swelled or cut through.

Worked the weekend and for once nothing major happened! I was in shock walking out. Although, one of my favorite residents is actively dying. She's holding on and we just want her to move on and be at peace. She's a stubborn one! Love that lady. It's been hard on me.

I felt pretty good today and productive. Then I wore myself out and I've been tired since early afternoon. Doesn't help that I woke up early and got crap sleep. I even brought T out and went and laid back down, but couldn't sleep.

Well I better try to get to bed. I'm in serious need of sleep.
Well.. T just woke up after sleeping 2 hours. He's wide awake. It's 9:30.. I think I'm going to lose my mind.
T finally had his "6 month" appointment. Although, he's almost 8 months! Anyways, he's 22 lbs and 4 oz and 28.75 inches long!

So, T doesn't sleep through the night. I marked that on the papers and I really thought about lying. Well.. the pediatrician told me to let him cry it out and learn to self sooth. I said nope.. I won't do the cry it out method. Her response was something like this "Well, he won't learn how to self sooth then and won't learn how to put himself back to sleep in the middle of the night. It's your call, but it's not fair to you. Not fair to him either" I told her I would let him whine a bit, but I won't let him blood curdling scream with tears streaming down his face till he falls asleep. Sorry, no. She had no other suggestions. I've read a lot of the cry it out method and really it doesn't sound right at all. Sorry if anyone has done it, but big no to me. I will let him whine and fuss, but not truly cry.

So I'm bit irritated at that, but it is what it is. I know my children and I know that is definitely not best for him. Not best for me either. I can't stand watching my children suffer even if they are fine. Now I feel like I need to validate myself by getting him to sleep without needing me and shove it in her face next time I see her :haha:

Anyways, that's what's up with me today.
Ali / def agree with u on the controlled crying. No way would I let O scream himself to sleep and neither would oh. Yes let him wimper a little but he does that when he is falling asleep anyway. My older boys weren't sleeping through night for ages. I'm expecting at least another year or longer of broken sleep. O isn't awake long anyway and most of time as soon as he starts to stir I'm there to settle him so he is back asleep in a minute anyway. Sometimes just pop his dummy in.

Glad ur weekend at work wasn't too bad. Sorry about your resident. I used to work in a nursing home and would often sit with people holding their hands at the end especially if they had no family. Such a sad part of the job. U sound a brilliant nurse x

Hope u managed to get some sleep ! These babies always seem to wake when we need sleep the most lol..

T sounds like he is doing great x

O is really not great at the min which is so out of character for him. Really unsettled and won't be put down for long at all before crying. Still no teeth but chewing like crazy and having to change bibs few times an hr. poor thing he is fed up with it.

I ended up at doctors yesterday with my back after silly bump, they have said whiplash, I really hope it goes soon. It's uncomfortable to pick up O and when I take a deep breathe , so annoying! That's what u get for sneaking in a macdonalds drive through.. should have stuck to my diet lol... whilst at doctors I asked them to check ds as he mentioned his back hurting so we were worried especially after him having the op 10 days b4 the bump. They refused to see him and said we had to go to A&E so we ended up at hospital for 5 hours ! 😬 , then mum calls me whilst we were waiting to see dr as she was looking after O and I could hear him really screaming in the background.. oh my goodness it was horrible, hearing my baby and not being able to get to him, I could tell he was really bad. Oh left hospital and went and managed to settle him. I just hope its nothing from the car bump. I'm pretty sure it's his teeth though and he has been getting wind with the constipation meds so I think he had that too. He has been bouncing around in his jumperoo laughing in the day and sat up playing with no flinching in pain or anything, I'm just going to keep an eye on him.
Ds was ok at check up at the hospital.

I took boys to a farm today, ds was petting all the animals and we had nice lunch in the little cafe, O was taking it all in. It was quite funny at one point, this young girl /staff was walking round with small animals for the kids to stroke , ds liked it but she approached O in his pram with this huge bearded dragon lizard thing .. I nearly jumped off my seat lol.. as if u would give a baby a lizard.. not the brightest.. O went to grab it as if it was a toy he would prob tried to put it in his mouth given the chance lol.. suppose she was trying to be nice lol.. she looked about 14, good on her for getting little job tho ..ha just don't babysit lol..

Anyway home now just got boys to bed , O fighting it !! Such a little battler, so I'm just sat on bed whilst he is in his cot deciding if he wants to go to sleeep yet lol.. I read him a little book thinking I'd do the proper mummy thing and he just got really excited with it starts jumping around on my knee, he does this funny little snort through his nose when he is excited.. so funny..he then just tried to eat the book lol and was wide awake.. note to self .. stories to be done down stairs an hour before bed haha..

Oh Still mega stressed , his team that he runs at work has been nominated for a national award and he has to go to London to do a presentation to some big wigs in September, he really can't be bothered with it at all. The ironic thing is.. they don't even find out if they have won and they have to go to the big night again in London and it's £500, that's without travel just to have a seat at the table and he has to pay it out of his own pocket .. it's pathetic.. so anyway after a think and a chat with me he has refused to pay it lol.. will have to see what happens .. his boss isn't impressed but he said if she is mug enough to pay it she can carry on ha.. I do hope he finds another job soon.. main sad thing is the time of presentation in London is the day ds starts big school, I'm really pissed off about that as I feel oh should be there.
Anyway better go and try and have some sort of an evening with oh. O has given up the battle ha x bless him at least he went to sleep by himself in his cot, this routine does seem to be working. Might not be perfect but who decided what perfect is anyway. As long as my boy is calm and settled that will do for me., x

Night ladies x
I'm so sorry I'm just popping in real quick, will come back as soon as I have time for a more proper update, but just found out I may be pregnant again and of course am quite panicked. Took a test because my periods have been wonky since having L and I realized I haven't taken one in a month or more, took a wondfo and the test line came up blazing positive before the control line. Tried a ept brand a few min later and got the same results, so dh and I are freaked and since we use POM and haven't had any "oops" I have no clue how far I could possibly be if I in fact am. I did see that a uti can cause a false + so dh just ran out to grab a uti test, which may be reaching but we do not feel ready for this! I have only just started adjusting to life with a kid and both dh and I still sat in the one and done camp, or at least waiting until L is 3-4 sooo I have no clue how we'll do this!
Just needed to vent to you guys, of course will keep you updated
Here is a pic of the ept, pretty undeniable I think?


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Oh vroggers 😬That def looks like a strong positive hon. Maybe take another but if positive cross came up first I think there's a good chance you might be. I used Pom once and result is now 20 years old but also my best friend honey.. maybe get yourself booked into drs and let them do one. I'm guessing if u got another positive they will prob send you for a scan to see how far on you are. Sorry u r so freaked out but try and keep calm I know it's hard but u r a fab mummmy hon u and dh will deal with this what ever happens xxx hugs x keep us updated x
lit- cabin camping is fine, i could do that! i feel the same as u. i like the outdoorsy side of it, but i want to be warm and use a nice toilet etc haha.

apple- dh never managed to wake up for the fight haha, he had alarm set for 3am or something but then just decided to sleep instead lol. Yeah i think every woman has to accept their bodies are different now in some way, i bet u look fab after having 4!
Really sorry about ur awful day, and the crash. The crying will defo be from shock, its so scary. I understand being annoyed at ur oh, but he probab;y hasnt given it much thought, he is maybe too upset etc about his brother?hopefully he will apologise, but i agree with lit and maybe just give urself some times before u speak to oh.
also i just realised u posted thsi 3 days ago so i haven't read ur most recent reply and this might be irrelavent now haha.
apple, men do live on another planet, they need things explained in black and white lol.
it would annoy me also about dh going going to London, i hope he doesnt go. Zoo sounds fun. A and E, 5 hours, urgh. And that would have been so hard to hear ur son cying on the phone but not be able to comfort him. Hope ur whiplash gets better quickly.
Do whatever routine works for you... mines isn't the reccomended one haha. i give him bottle and cuddle him, then he starts to fall asleep and i let him, then put him into cot. should really put him down drowsy but at that time, i just want him to sleep so i can have some time to myself and with dh haha.

ali- did u manage to get some sleep? sorry about the rough night, those nights are hardest and take their toll... there are defo some nights isa is up a ridiculous number of times. i wouldn;t want to count.
also agree on controlled crying, i let him whimper and whine, and sometimes he tosses and turns for ages himself but mostly, he will fall back asleep himself.
T sounds like a great weight and he is doing so well, a credit to you:)

vrogers- oh my god!! that looks positive to me. Hugs! i know it is scary. but whatever will be, will be, and u will be amazing. Keep up updated.

after vrogers post, my period is also due today but no sign, normally i feel upset, hormonal, crampy before but i feel paranoid now haha. We use protection but still can't think what if , but im sure its fine, just probably a couple days late, my periods do vary in length a little.

Apart from that, can' t remember last time i updated. DH staretd college this week, he likes it so far. He has to get up really early on thurs and fridays to get there, so hes gonna feel the tiredness this week.
on sunday we took isa out for the day, two different parks. Isa was so good all day, no fuss, no crying, drank his milk, ate food and looked about at everything. Was a beautiful day, had such a lovely time, there was a mini zoo there too, and isa just loved all the animals.
Tomorrow is eid! got isa a really lovely traditonal outfit, will post a pic tomorrow. PLans are a big family dinner, dh will be at college till5ish. I'll have the day with my parents and lunch with them etc.
Isa isn't still sleeping through the night, but i feel betetr when i read some of u guys and babies are the same. Some nights are good, others are rough. I do need to put him down drowsy though..
today got a playdate with my friend and her baby, and then need to do some uni work in the evening.

Question- do any of ur babies move lots at night? i feel like isa moves sooo much! from sides, to belly, to back, to lying in funny angles, kicking blanket off etc. He also gets on his all fours a lot and tries to crawl in his sleep.
Apple- that is really sweet of you to say! Crazy that POM worked so well for us for 3+ years and we didn't change anything we did and boom. I'm trying to stay calm and just wait and see what happens at the appt but wow it's scary!

Ally- that is sweet thank you! I'm sure you're good since you guys use protection but I completely get still feeling paranoid!

I have an appointment booked for sept. 11 afternoon, told them I have no clue how far along or anything and she said they'll do an ultrasound so of course will update you guys then!

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