January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Vroggers/ sorry about the spotting and bleeding hon, I hope u get answers soon so u know what's going.. I'm sure u must be on an emotional rollercoaster .. hugs x I hope Ls tooth cuts through soon.. these poor babies are suffering at the moment..😢

Ally / yay for Isa rolling 😀Sweet that dh bought you flowers when I were not so good.. very thoughtful. I hope isa teethibg is over soon x

Ali / i know what U mean about not having time to finish jobs. Ive been wanting to finish my teenagers room forever but really gonna try this next few weeks. Poor O hasn't got a room yet so we are having to convert the loft .. no idea when that will happen with everything oh has going on so he will have to share with ds or a while 😣.

Nothing much different here. O still no teeth through, annoyingly. He still has a really sore little bum so Ive put it down to teething as he has never had it before. I'm giving him lots of aolor and baths and tries loads of creams but nothing seems to be working much.. it doesn't seem to be bothering him too much I'm just very careful changing him..

Ds starts school today for half a day .. I hate the thought of someone else being responsible for him all that time..he is still my baby xx 😘

Can't remember what I have posted but I'm doing a 9 cleanse .. on day 5 and doing ok x I know Ive lost 4lb since Saturday as had a sneaky loook at scales ha x
Just popping on, hope all well. Ds first day at school went ok me and oh were really emotional once he had gone in 😢 Been for second day today and he is just shattered coming out, so having melt downs .. it's such a change for him , so snuggled in couch now in pjs :)
O still no teeth ! His bum bit better though thank goodness.

I'm day 6 cleanse , flagging a bit but think it's due to not sleeping as well as both boys are up a few times at the min 😣
Vrogers - totally understand welcoming a miscarriage if you're not ready. I can't lie, if I got pregnant despite DH getting snipped I would absolutely have an abortion. I know not everyone might agree with that, but I honestly CANNOT have another kid, and it's not like we haven't don't our due diligence to prevent it. I hope things work out for the best for you.

L is the cutest!

Alijo - I dunno if our babies would sleep better on formula. I know it totally seems like all the best sleepers are formula fed, but I think if you have a bad sleeper they are likely to be bad no matter how they are fed, and switching for formula could just deprive the mother of the easiest method for getting baby to back to sleep...a quick boob!

Apple - glad your car got written off! Hope you find a good replacement.

Would O do better with pooping if you backed off on solids? Was he having any trouble before starting them?

Good job on your cleanse! I have never done anything like that.

Midnight - sounds like Violet is doing great. Interesting how she likes her own space unlike your others.

Ally - yes I think the skin is stress a related. My mom said the same thing. I don't feel that stressed but i probably am.

AFM - I am here at DD’s first day at the new year of dance class. Jack is asleep on my back. I must be PMSing because I was a terrible bitch this morning trying to take care of the two and get out of the house. I am so cranky and mad! Hope this passes soon.

Jack’s sleep is still crap. Really shitty night last night and I am just so done and over it.

Back still on and off crappy too. Done and over that as well.

I'm just a downer today aren't I?? Sorry y’all. I'll be more cheerful another day.
Hello, all. Sorry I haven't been on in ages. Camping kept us very busy, and then I feel like I've been constantly playing catch-up since.
My grandpa passed away last week and his funeral was a few days ago. I am a bit sad, but we were never close so it doesn't impact me as much as my dad and his siblings. I feel quite bad for my dad. The funeral was nice. Lots of nice things were said. It was a good tribute to him.
My DH started his new job on Wed. There are definitely some things for him to adjust to, but I think he likes it so far, and he has been home by 5:30 or 5:45 pm every night! And now he just found out he was actually working the wrong hours and he will actually be starting and ending half an hour earlier from now on! Unfortunately, he has to do a few overnight business trips this fall. Not too pleased about that because dd1 still doesn't always sleep through the night, so not sure how I will manage the nights without him.
I am feeling a bit worn out lately. Just don't have much mental energy. Have just wanted to lie in a dark room and not talk or do anything for a while.

I can't really reply to everyone's posts because I missed for so long, but I'll try to stay caught up from now on.

VRogers - so sorry about your possible miscarriage, but understand that you don't feel ready for another pregnancy yet either. Let us know how your appointment goes.

Slammer - sorry about your eczema flare up. That's no fun!
I will have to mention those computer glasses to my DH. Have they been helping you at all?
Yay for getting to take your dd to preschool after all.
Violet has been the same with her sudden "improved" sleep of managing to go 1-2 hours without the boob! :o Still co sleeping all night and whatnot, but so nice to not have her comfort sucking literally the entire night! Sorry Jack is back to even worse sleep with his cold, though. Hopefully after that passes it will get better again. DH has gotten Violet down in her crib for a few naps now, but she won't go down for me. She just wants mama! I think when DH puts her down she just gives up because she can't really be bothered if he holds her haha.

Ally - those were Such cute pics of Isa! Thanks for sharing!!

Ali - that is ridiculous what the nurse said. In my opinion, it would be the opposite of what she said - it wouldn't be fair to T *if* you let him CIO! really, sleep training or not sleep training is the parents' choice, and they shouldn't be saying anything about it at all. I would have been outraged if I were you. Thankfully, my dr never bothers me about sleep, and I don't go to see the public health nurses.

Apple - I hope ds's lump is nothing. That's ridiculous about your DH's business trip being so expensive. He def shouldn't have to pay for it. Hope he gets a new job soon.

Midnight - too bad Violet doesn't want to be rocked, but also nice that she sleeps well!

Anyone else I missed - sorry about that. I will try to catch up soon.
vrogers- hope u are feeling ok. Isa is crawling now too. My dh is tall, but isa has taken after me it seems...Hope her second tooth comes in soon.

apple- ur ds sounds so funny, him being bossy haha. Glad about the car... Glad ds first day at school went ok, i can only imagine how emotional it would be! How is the cleanse going?

slammer- aww slammer, hope back gets better soon and u have a good nights sleep. I feel fed up with shit sleep too, i wish isa would just sleep through the night and let me feel rested.

Lit- sorry about your grandpa but glad the funeral was a nice tribute to him. That's great about your dh being home ealier, hopeuflly u will get more family time now.
how was the camping trip? (or did i miss that post?)
sorry u are feeling so worn out , we all have those days, its exhuasting being a mummy!

afm- not much from me to report really. Isa is crawling now, he doesn't go far or fast, but if he wants to get something he will crawl to it, and then flatten his whole body so he can reach it rather than crawl all the way to it (lazy!! haha).
He's been quite bad sleeping recently, up a lot, and he wakes at 7am instead of the usual 8, so feeling knackered by the end of the night!
our car is having troubles, need to get it fixed next week.
I have two nights out next week, so excited! a gig with dh and a dinner fundraiser on Thursday , nice to have a break from the usual routine!
9.30pm, isa has been asleep for 2 hours, not a peep from him. Hope he stays like this the rest of the night! I want to stay up and watch a movie but feel so sleepy.
Ally - camping was fun. We enjoyed it, but it was also a lot of worked! The girls loved the beach.

So sorry you're so tired from Isa sleeping worse than usual. Yay for him going to bed early tonight. I hope you can get a movie in if you're not too tired.
That sounds nice having 2 nights out this week! You deserve it! Hope you enjoy.
Sorry about the car troubles. Those are always way too expensive. :(
Hi all,
Just pop on whilst O has a nap, ds at school for a few hours this afternoon.

Lit / glad the camping was good. Sorry about your grandpa hon. Glad it was a nice send off for him and they said nice things. Xx hope u are feeling a bit better in yourself and have more energy. You have had a full week be kind to yourself hon. I know it's easier said than done with two little ones. I'm glad your dh job is going well and really happy for you to have him around on the evenings xx

Ally, sorry isa has been up so much , it's so tiring isn't it. Hope this has improved for u a little now and u are managing to catch up on some sleep yourself.

Yay for Isa crawling !! :) and enjoy your nights out. Sounds like a good week!! :)

Slammer/ sorry you are not feeling so good feeling. Strange but Ive had quite a stressful week
, really irritated, then my period came 😖 hate it.. ds has been driving me bonkers. Ive have had to really try and not raise my voice at him as hard as that has been at times !! as if really doesn't help or work with ds and he just shouts back 😣..That blooming back does give you some hassle doesn't it..that in itself must stress u. My Oh struggles with bulging disc in his back and I can always tell when it's not good as he hasn't as much patience as he does normally and he seems much more tired within himself. I hope u get some relief from it but it's so hard with small children as u have to use your back ! X

I hope dd dance class went well :)

Vroggers/ hope u r doing ok hon x

Ali/ hope u r doing ok, am I right in thinking It's Os birthday today.. I thought noticed a while back it was same as mine :) hope T doing ok , is he walking yet haha..such a little gem xxx

Well , I'm just chilling at the moment. Should be doing jobs in the house whilst I have chance but honestly can't be bothered. It's my birthday today :) 39 years young !! Got some nice gifts off my youngest boys, and teenager got me this light up speech bubble and had wrote on it and put in on the couch for when I got up with nice message..with some smellys for the bath, my eldest is coming for tea... unfortunately Oh is working late 😣but we have said that we will get a takeaway at the weekend as he has a really busy week at work including the London trip that he was dreading to do those presentations!
Mum did a bit of a get together last night and made a big pie she had put few banners up and did a nice cake so that was nice. I know she did it as she knew my Oh wouldn't have done anything with being so busy. She is thoughtful x

Well O still no teeth !! I'm trying to put a little bran in some of his meals to see if it helps him poo better. Hopefully will help. Yes slammer I have thought of stepping a back a bit in weaning , Ive gone back to basics at the min.

He is sitting up, rolling but not crawling. He has started to do a little shuffle on his bum when sat up which is quite cute. It started when he was excited but I think he is starting to realise that he actually moves lol.. so I might have a shuffler not a crawler.. never had that with my other boys , does look funny!

What's everyone doing with baby clothes that are too small. I have loads. I hate parting with them lol.. I have a friend with a baby boy so going to give some to her. I was going to do eBay but I get hardly anything for them and I like to know where they are going., daft I know lol..

I'm starting to think about going back to work. My boss has asked me to do a post grad uni course when I go back to work .. it's because the service I work for is expanding .. I really don't want to do it I'm sick of uni and it means back to videoing sessions ect ., I really don't want to do it but I think it's expected ., I will have been out of work for a year..I go back in Jan and the course starts in Jan ! Gonna tell her no I think but Ive heard she is being quite pushy 😣..

I ended my cleanse a day early as had bad stomach pains and felt exhausted, then my period came 😣.. so really needs to eat some carbs. I generally felt ok before though and I lost 5lb. Ive saved the stuff and plan to do a mini 3 day one once feeling a bit better. Anyway better get at least a bit of work done whilst I have chance.

Oh and forgive me but Ive forgotten when US ladies live. I hope u are all ok and not affected by the bad weather. It's all over the news over here in U.K. xxx

Hope u all have good day x
Slammer- thank you! I completely understand, it's very scary and we weren't expecting it at all!
Definitely not the same as you, but my back has been bothering me for several days now. One day last week dh and I went for a walk and I carried L in the front carrier, and since then I have been miserable! We went to the park Saturday and it felt like the spot where I had the epidural hurt when we went up or down hill. It's incredibly frustrating and it's only been a few days, can't imagine how you must feel!

Literati- I am so sorry about your grandpa, even if you weren't close it is hard losing a family member.
I am completely with you on wanting to lay in a dark room, I was telling dh yesterday that I wish I didn't even have to get out of bed to take care of L, because it takes so much energy I feel like I don't have.
I hope the new job makes things better for your family and the overnight trips go better than you think!

Ally- have fun with the nights out! Also hope Isa starts sleeping better soon. L usually wakes around 6:30-7, 8 would definitely be a dream!

Apple- I'm keeping my favorites, sentimental ones (like her first outfit in the hospital) and personalized outfits, but things I'm not attached to I boxed up and gave to my dad to give to a pregnancy center in town. It's so sad how fast they grow out of clothes!
I hope whatever you decide regarding work ends up working out. It's a hard decision.
Sweet of you to mention the storms, I live in between the two states that have been affected so all we have gotten is a little rain and cooler weather. I hope none of our ladies are in the direct path!

Afm- my appointment is today at 2:15, will definitely be back to update. It's the weirdest thing. I've had multiple episodes of spotting (and that one with bright red period looking flow), several days ago my tests got as dark as control line and some even darker, and yesterday I took a test after not testing for a day or two and my line was much lighter than the control. Took another 2-3 and they were the same, along with this mornings. I have read about hook effect, although it never happened to me with L and I tested until my 8 week u/s with her. But I diluted the urine with water and the rest still stayed fainter.
I did get sick 2 days in a row over the weekend before the faint tests, but nothing since. I have no clue what's going on and glad I'll find out for sure later today!
Dh went back to work today after being off all of last week, so it's tough feeling like I'm also back to work after vacation. He was so much help, I was able to take a few naps, he pretty much did all the feedings, and we went out of the house quite a bit, to target, walks, to the park, etc. We did have a doc appointment for L on Thursday, she had the echo and we should find out results today or tomorrow but we aren't really worried.
I'll be back later to update!
Turns out I am definitely pregnant, over 7 weeks and due April 27. I finally managed to bring up depression with my doc, and that I'm worried because of how bad it got with L who was planned, so I'm nervous about how I'll be with one that definitely was not planned.
Thankfully she actually had a similar personal experience and talked about how I could go ahead and get on something now, in the second tri, or the day I give birth. She honedtly made me feel much better in that aspect, I'm just freaking out over handling two and so close together. I'm still processing it and incredibly overwhelmed and feeling all kinds of things and thankfully dh took the rest of the day off work and is on a coffee run right now. I've included the u/s pic.


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VRogers - oh my gosh, I am so happy/excited/nervous for you! I completely understand feeling overwhelmed, scared, worried, etc, especially considering how depressed you felt when L arrived. It's a huge unexpected change, and a very short age gap, so that would be a lot to process. We will be here for you through all the ups and downs, meltdowns, pregnancy tiredness, and more! Hugs! Rant here any time! So glad your dr was really understanding and was full of supportive suggestions regarding medication for depression.
I also understand having a rough week after your DH was just off for a week. I wonder if that's why I have been more tired than usual as well. I got used to having help from DH all the time, and now I don't have it. YOU must be EXHAUSTED being in your first trimester and dealing with a baby at the same time! You poor thing! I know you have to hold L for naps, but is there any way she would nap with you while co sleeping in bed so that you could nap as well? You poor, poor thing! Hugs!

Apple - what all did you have to give up during your cleanse? Well done on losing 5 lb. I don't blame you for quitting a bit early! Carbs are definitely necessary for that time of the month! Really glad my AF isn't back yet. I am THE most miserable grump for 2 weeks of every month when I have my cycle back. Blehhh.

Happy Birthday! Might not be still there, but still the same day here haha. Hope you got totally spoiled! :)
apple- happy belated birthday!!! glad u had a nice day. Your mum sounds very thoughtful :)
will the post grad course be funded and will u get paid throughout it? if so, i would so do it haha, i love studying.
I give small baby clothes to charity, i like the idea of some other baby whose parents can't afford much to have nice clothes. Most of my baby clothes were gifts from my baby shower!
well done on the 5 pound loss , i don't blame u for stopping early and i need carbs when i am on too!!

vrogers- oh my gosh, congratulations! i am excited and nervous for you. You must be feeling such a mix of emotions. The great thing is that L sleeps well, so at least you can feel rested and sleep ok!
how does your dh feel?
glad u brought up the depression and can take something for it.
it is a small age gap, but in a way will be lovely, they will be close in age and really close. I know a few folk with kids 1 year apart and kids always seem like best friends and really close.
anyway like Lit said, we are all here for you and will support you in any way you need!

afm- goodness Isa is going through a weird sleep phase, he keeps crawling, waking up and getting really distressed and crying. so i bring him to bed, but he is so active! kicking and moving about that it is too uncomfy!Last night he was up from about 3-4ish, i ende dup making a bottle, which he drank and then finally he drifted off and fell asleep. i moved him to the cot.
This morning i had to be in uni super early for a meeting, so i felt like once i got back to sleep my alarm went off. I left, isa was still asleep and so was dh.

anyway in uni and just quickly logged in. caffeine is my friend today!
hope u all have a good day x
Just a quick post thanks for birthday wishes, I will post properly later if I get chance. O really unsettled today , I think it's those silly teeth trying to come through again 😕Wish they would hurry up !
Congrats V! You will be OK. I had a small age gap with my older 2 and I was no way as stressed as I a now with a bigger gap! It all slot into place. I was still rocking my eldest to sleep but never had an issue! Congratulations!

Violet is nearly waking. Oh gosh that child is into EVERYTHING. She has a cold atm so is a bit sad (worse at night!)

My new twin niece and nephew are GORGEOUS!

Hope you are all well xx
apple- happy belated birthday!!! glad u had a nice day. Your mum sounds very thoughtful :)
will the post grad course be funded and will u get paid throughout it? if so, i would so do it haha, i love studying.
I give small baby clothes to charity, i like the idea of some other baby whose parents can't afford much to have nice clothes. Most of my baby clothes were gifts from my baby shower!
well done on the 5 pound loss , i don't blame u for stopping early and i need carbs when i am on too!!

vrogers- oh my gosh, congratulations! i am excited and nervous for you. You must be feeling such a mix of emotions. The great thing is that L sleeps well, so at least you can feel rested and sleep ok!
how does your dh feel?
glad u brought up the depression and can take something for it.
it is a small age gap, but in a way will be lovely, they will be close in age and really close. I know a few folk with kids 1 year apart and kids always seem like best friends and really close.
anyway like Lit said, we are all here for you and will support you in any way you need!

afm- goodness Isa is going through a weird sleep phase, he keeps crawling, waking up and getting really distressed and crying. so i bring him to bed, but he is so active! kicking and moving about that it is too uncomfy!Last night he was up from about 3-4ish, i ende dup making a bottle, which he drank and then finally he drifted off and fell asleep. i moved him to the cot.
This morning i had to be in uni super early for a meeting, so i felt like once i got back to sleep my alarm went off. I left, isa was still asleep and so was dh.

anyway in uni and just quickly logged in. caffeine is my friend today!
hope u all have a good day x

Violet does this sleep thing sometimes too!
Literati- all of you ladies posts made me cry! I'm so glad to have this board, it got smaller after we had our babies but it's a good supportive tight knit group.
I'm actually going to try that, or napping while in the giant recliner with her like I did when she was a newborn. It's definitely harder dealing with first tri plus baby!
How are you feeling, any better today?

Ally- thank you!! It definitely does help that L is a good sleeper, I can't imagine how much more tired I would be. I just need to learn to go to bed earlier because dh and I use that couple hours after L goes to bed for ourselves and we always end up staying up too late.
Dh is handling it MUCH better than me, I think he's seen how crappy I've been handling it and he's trying to be strong/positive. He's more overwhelmed with the financial side while I'm more overwhelmed with the emotional/mental/physical.
The age gap thing is true, its like there's pros and cons to every age gap. My little brother and I are 18 months apart and fought like crazy but are now good friends.
L has done the same thing since learning how to crawl! I've read it's pretty common. I hear you on the caffeine, I hope you aren't TOO exhausted today!

Midnight- thank you so much, it's encouraging to hear from others who have done the same thing and lived!

Afm- right now the sickness is actually worse than tiredness, I don't remember feeling this sick with L or maybe just forgot. She woke up from her nap just in time for me to set her on her mat and throw up into my hands/hair.
Also forgot to mention my doctor said I could try for a VBAC if I wanted even though my cervix was an issue, and she wanted me to come back in two weeks instead of four because of the depression/emotions I brought up. I think that's about all that's new pregnancy wise.
L loves our dogs thankfully! They just aren't sure about her. She squeals and laughs at them and wants to touch them, and they just kind of sniff/lick her and back away. (They are outside dogs so she only sees them when we take her outside)
Also forgot to mention I was taking one class this semester and the teacher emailed me and said I had already taken the class, so I dropped it and thankfully have a break now. I plan on going back in Jan. and then taking summer off.
Ally - that definitely sounds like a weird sleep phase, but probably just related to his crawling and should pass soon!

VRogers - I'm glad we made you feel a bit better. Good that your DH is taking it well and being positive about it. Makes sense that you two would be worried about different things.
Friends of mine just had a 13 month gap and they said their second was a much easier transition than their first, and since the gap is so close, they feel like they've always had 2. Of course, everyone has different experiences, but hopefully yours will be really positive and manageable as well!
That's great you have a break from class now. That came at a good time, considering how exhausted you must be! I don't blame you for staying up late with your DH. I do the same thing and pay for it the next day.
I am actually still feeling really tired, and was yesterday too. Starting to feel like something is wrong with me energy-wise, or maybe it's just because I'm stressed.

Apple - sorry O is so unsettled! That is no fun.

Midnight - my Vi is into everything as well! Sorry Violet has a cold. Hope she feels better soon!
OMG I've not posted in here in like forever. I do still read though.

I just want to say a congrats to vrogers! I know you must be feeling overwhelmed and anxious but I'm a firm believer in that things happen for a reason. This baby is meant to me and I know he/she isn't planned, I am sure everything will slot into place for you.

Quick update from me;
- Jamie has one tooth
- He sleep is atrocious!
- I stopped expressing and he is now formula fed (this hasnt made a jot of difference to his sleep)
- He can sit for long periods and roll both ways but he is nowhere near crawling
- The hole in his heart is now so small, the Dr's have zero ongoing concerns
- Most of the time he is happy but the last couple of days he has been miserable and sin and it's really got to me

Hope everyone is well. I have a lot going on in my personal life right now which means I struggle to get on here so much. I still write in my journal but that's about it. I will try and make more effort to come to this thread. It's lovely reading about all the babies :)
Quick post / I'm glad we have this group as well vroggers .. hugs hon, u will be brill x

Pomp/ nice to hear from u :) was only wondering how u were getting on the other day x

Will update properly soon x reading along
midnight- glad isa isn't the only one going through funny sleep stuff.

vrogers- i know i love this little group. Your husband sounds very supportive, and i am so glad for that. Together you will both get through this, exciting but stressful time. how are you feeling today? i never had sickness in pregnancy, but ginger might help?
i was totally exhausted yesterday, i went to bed at 8pm, just lay there, and dozed on and off. that is good about the class, and summer off sounds ideal!

pomp- i thought of u often and wondered where u were! i will check your journal out. nice to hear from u and hope u can get on more often.
Sorry about Jamies bad sleep, u are not alone, im having a hard time just now. so happy though the hole in heart has gotten so small! amazing! what a relief.

afm- i was soooo tired yesterday, had a sore head all day and went to bed super early. Isa was beter last night, the first few times he woke i got him back to sleep by just shusshing him. then later in the night i bought him into bed as my head was still sore and i just needed to sleep. he sleep soundly then.
tonight im going out with a couple of friends to a charity fundraiser- really looking forward. dh is gonna put isa to bed, which is totally fine as Isa settles with him really happily now, its very cute.
im feeling a bit run down, not eating healthy and not exercising, need to sort it.
Isa crawling everywhere now, its so adorable.
thats it for now, hope everyone is well x

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