January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Vrogers - Oh my goodness!! I don't think a UTI could cause THAT positive of a test. I would be panicking as well. Biggest hugs dear. No matter what happens we will be here for you! I fully believe you and DH will be able to handle it. There will be a lot of unknown struggles, but the love that will blossom will make it all worth it, I'm sure of it!

Apple - Sounds like a lot to handle!! I would definitely be panicking to hear my child scream in the background and not be able to be there to comfort him. Glad your boys are doing fine. I still can't believe you got hit so hard in a drive through!! Cars scare me. It's not my driving it's everyone else.

Ally - T will whine and move in bed and go right back to sleep. I don't know if he really wakes up. I think him teething is what is causing all these extra wake ups. Bad thing is, he sleeps better with his blanket he likes so much, but I won't let him have it at night because I can't keep an eye on him like I can during nap times. I'll be thankful at a year if he's still attached that I can just let him have it. Most likely he would be fine because he's not a heavy sleeper and if he got tangled for some reason he'd just scream, but I won't risk it.

T moves a TON. He smacks his head against the crib all the time, which can be another reason he wakes up. T likes to scoot so his butt is in the air. It's so cute, I love it!

AFM - Vrogers being possibly pregnant and then Ally thinking "what if" kind of made me laugh because DH was all "You're not on BC are you?" me "No" him "Then you COULD be pregnant" haha.. I don't even know why it came up. I think we were talking about how I'm likely to be pregnant this time next year. He doesn't think I am, he was just being smart. I also had a resident ask me if I was because I said eggs smelled disgusting one morning. I haven't got my cycle back and I really need to start temping, but I keep going "ehh..." lol.. going to have a whoops if we aren't careful.

T just laid down for a nap not too long ago. He was tired. I tried putting him in the pack n play and he started to really cry. So I brought him out here till he started to really relax and then took him to the bedroom. He again cried so I picked him up and snuggled him. He was practically asleep, but not quite there so I laid him down, which woke him up all the way, but I was able to sooth him back to sleep singing to him with my hand on him. So, I think I'm going to work with that and slowly try to reduce how much he needs me. I just need something stable so I need to get DH on board.
Ali- ah that made me tear up! It's so weird because I feel absolutely nothing, no sore boobs, no sickness or extra tiredness or anything, so honestly I'm hoping I go in and it's somehow a fluke or something. I guess we'll figure out a way to deal either way!
That's funny about what your dh said! Are you guys planning on trying soon? I apparently should have been temping, really thought we were careful with POM!
Sounds like a good idea with the napping/soothing. L still needs to nap on someone and I'm not sure how long that will last!

Random quick update on L, she finally popped at least one tooth. We've felt it for at least a week or two now and I was finally able to look this morning and definitely saw one!
Vrogers- looking forward to your update when you have your scan! Yah for L popping tooth out!
That's good you don't feel any soreness let's hope it stays that way!

Ali- my period came phew!! Really not ready for another one yet lol. U want a baby next year don't you? Am I right?

Just popped on it's Eid, Isa is all dressed up willipload a pic shortly!
Isa on Eid xx


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Vrogers - We are thinking about trying in like 8-9 months. Sounds crazy when T is about to be 8 months. I don't want another January birthday so probably more like 9 months to be safe and avoid January. I don't want to use birth control anymore so I need to temp along with other means to avoid being unprotected during ovulation. I don't believe I started ovulating yet, but only takes once so I need to be careful.

With T I didn't have any symptoms and the ones I did get were very easy to dismiss if I didn't know I was pregnant.

You'll know before long. Right now concentrate on L. If your time as a family of 3 is cut shorter than desired you definitely want to cherish your time with L! You actually have an appointment on O's birthday!

AFM - Something I wanted to say and kept forgetting. My best friend in Michigan is scheduled to have her c section on O's birthday! I'm pretty excited about it lol

Also, I really don't know what is up with T. He will not sleep in his crib for more than an hour before waking up. I gave up at 1am. I feel like I messed up somewhere because he use to sleep in there so well.
Ally - Must have posted at the same time or as I was typing! Yes I do. Thinking of trying in May-June. Or getting ready in May. I want to try to swing for a girl.

Oh my goodness that hair!!!! Can we just get all the babies together so I can gush over all of our adorable babies!!
Ally - I used to get so sore sleeping with DD, but it doesn't bother me with Jack. Though I sleep differently with him. It's seriously just carrying him around that messes me up. The one thing I can't avoid!

Can't believe how fast Isa is teething! Though Jack is not far behind. His 6th should come through any day now.

Good advice on being gentle with ourselves regarding PP bodies. I didn't feel/look that different after DD but really feel the difference with the second. Speaking of skin, I'm having really weird skin things going on. Having an eczema flare up in various places, plus random red dots all over Mt belly. Ugh. Feel so unattractive.

Glad you had a good time at the parks. Isa is so cute in his traditional outfit!

You do not “need” put him down drowsy at all. You only need to do what works for you and your baby. It sounds like you have a routine that is just fine! :)

Jack is starting to move more at night, and it's of course worse now that he has a cold.

Literati - I randomly ended up getting to see Ava off to preschool because we moved offices and had to work from home unexpectedly on Monday when the internet wasn't set up on time. So yay!

So happy for you that DH got a new job. I hope it means a lot more time at home for him. I was actually thinking about you last week...I stumbled across an ad on FB for some computer glasses...never even knew there was such a thing, but they block blue light and reduce glare to relieve eye strain when on the computer all day. Some people say it reduces their migraines to use such glasses. Was thinking maybe your DH should try them, assuming he's on the computer all day? I am trying some myself because I do get very tired and dry eyes from staring at a screen all day.

Apple - omg so sorry about the bust up with OH and getting rear-ended! How awful! I hope your whiplash clears up soon. Glad the kiddos are all right!

I hope your OH gets a new job soon too! Really too bad about that job hr didn't get to interview for, and I totally agree with him not going to London for that trip at his own expense. F that!

AliJo - sorry about the crap sleep lately! I can commiserate. Though I was going go come on earlier in the week and talk about how things were improving with sleep here, but now both kids have colds, so back to lots of wakeups.

I absolutely hate talking about sleep with doctors and hate hearing the awful advice that so many moms get. Our ped doesn't push me to do anything, but he always asks and when I say how bad it is, and that I just feed at every waking he's like “well have you tried not feeding?” And I'm like “why would I do that??” My goal is to get us both back to sleep as quickly as humanly possible, and that means sticking a boob in there. I ain't got time for trying this, that, and the other thing when my alarm is going off before five AM. And just no on cry it out. No. I did try some with DD, just getting her to fall asleep in the crib while I soothed, which of course meant crying, and it didn't improve her sleep in the slightest.

I took one of the muscle relaxers and just watched Jack for any effects (saw none). Pump and dump is just not something I can/will do. I'm not going to deplete my stash for that, nor do I want to deny him nursing when he wants/needs it. He still eats so often it's just not practical. The doc tried to suggest that too and I was like “yeah, that’s not happening”. Sadly the pill didn't even help...

Vrogers - omg, not gonna lie, I would be utterly panicked! But you'll be OK. I mean, that sounds like a pretty clear positive, but anxious to hear how things go at the doc. Sucks you have to wait so long for an appt! I actually had a dream a couple nights ago that I got pregnant again and I was completely distraught! Remembering how I couldn't wait to never be pregnant or give birth again after Jack, and seriously losing my mind at the thought of doing it again. It you're younger than me - you'll be able to handle it. ;)

AFM - phew! I was gonna say that Jack was finally improving on sleep...this week he had started wanting to be off me (I have been sleeping on my back with him propped on a pillow in the crook of my arm, half on top of me). So in the latter part of the night I let him off me and he would nurse then pull off, roll over, and sleep for 2ish hours at a time (how sad that even two hours stretches is an improvement for me!). But now he has a cold so he slept like crap the last two nights...not happy on or off me. Had to get up and bounce him last night. Ugh.

Five teeth and the sixth coming any day!

Back is still shit. Saw chiro this week, but no miraculous improvement. Trying some additional things though. Muscle relaxer didn't even help, so yeah, that sucks.

DD is loving preschool. I don't like that we don't really get a rundown from the teacher on how she did each day, like we did from our daycare lady. They mark a smiley face on the calendar in her folder. That's it. The kids are outside playing at pickup time, and the teachers are already gone and it's someone else watching them, so no one to ask questions of. But she seems happy anyway.

Work is going OK. Still a lot to learn,but I still feel good about having made the change.

OK, tired! Gotta wrap this up and go to bed...didn't mean to stay up this late (10:15, lol!).
Slammer - I'm still pretty hot over what the pediatrician said to me. Sure, give me advice, but don't tell me I'm being unfair to him. I was just reading something and the whole "baby sleeping through the night" thing is really a newer concept and is pressured onto parents when really it isn't that normal. You can help them sleep better, but wake ups shouldn't be completely unexpected. I KNOW he wouldn't give up and fall asleep and if he did pass out it would be from over crying which means he will wake up hysterical again. I know my children and he is stubborn. I get to deal with her again next month. Joy. Watch her be all concerned about my oldest and his speech delay. Which I'm not concerned about. He's steadily improving.

Don't blame you for not pumping and dumping. I took one when my back was horrible. Didn't even touch it the slightest.

Hopefully Jack is over it soon and he can start sleeping better. Really 2 hours sounds nice to me at the moment. T IS just being an awful sleeper. I do and don't hope it is teething. I do because that means he should improve when it passes. I don't because that means every tooth means a sleep regression. Ah well. Into bed with me he goes.

It's late here. After 11.. just got O to sleep not long ago and T moved back to the crib for probably an hour if I'm lucky.
Ally- wow he is a cutie! I love his hair!

Ali- sounds like a good plan. I hope you're able to get a girl like you want! You are definitely right about focusing on L right now.
O will be 3, right? Are you guys planning a birthday party?
That's tough about T not sleeping well in his crib lately. Hopefully it's just a phase, they go through so many it seems like everything is a phase. Maybe he's getting separation anxiety?

Slammer- oh I have definitely been panicked ha! I have felt (and still feel) like I can't handle two babies, and I'm honestly thinking I got PPD with L so that's also scary, which no matter what happens I've decided to bring up with my doc.
I feel so bad you're getting such crappy sleep, that just makes things feel worse. I hope his cold passes soon and he's able to learn to sleep on his own, or at least in a way that you're all able to get some good stretches of sleep!
Also sorry about your back, you poor thing! I hope very soon something works, can't imagine being in constant pain like that all the time.

Afm- I had some bleeding yesterday, it started out bright red like a period flow, and I hope this doesn't make me sound like a monster, but i honestly felt relieved like a heavy weight was lifted. But it never picked up, just went to spotting and lasted several hours before stopping. I still have no symptoms, no sore/swollen boobs or tiredness (L sleeps pretty well, don't hate me) no sickness or food aversion, nothing I had with L or my miscarriage back in dec. '15. it's just a weird situation. Guess I really won't know anything until the appointment so I should try not to get worked up till then.
Dh is off work this entire week and I am SO happy! We have L's echo on Wednesday morning but other than that don't really have anything planned.
Thought I would share a recent pic of L since I feel like my previous post was so whiny! We got the playmat she's on in the mail yesterday from Amazon, it's amazing! Has little teething toys and scrunchy toys and a mirror attached to it, and it's bigger than I thought it would be.


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Vrogers - Are you going to test again or just wait? If I was in your situation I would probably constantly test. That bleeding sounds odd. Really is just an odd situation overall, huh?

Don't hate you for L sleeping well. I'm glad someone gets sleep around here!

So, I sometimes wonder if I formula fed if it would be easier when it comes to sleep. Most people that say their babies are sleeping through the night have formula fed (That I've talked to around here). Then the ones that end up co-sleeping or babies are up a lot are breastfed. Which would make sense. Breast milk processes a lot faster plus I feel they're more likely to develop a food/sleep relationship. I don't know. Either way, I would never give up breastfeeding.
Hi ladies thought I'd just check in quickly, I'm just scanning through whilst getting O settled for bed. I'll read and reply properly later. Gorgeous pics of isa and L we have some little cuties on here 😍,. Hopefully get on later tonight xx
Apple -:hi:

Vrogers - Forgot to comment on L! She's totally adorable. I love it when their hair sticks up like that!

What play mat is it?

AFM - Kind of just popped on to do a quick update. T slept better last night. He cut his second tooth. He napped A LOT yesterday. He was so tired. He slept somewhere between 5-6 hours. I think that tooth really took it out of him. Then he slept better in his crib as well. I took him to bed when he woke up because of course.. I couldn't sleep so I was a zombie when he woke up for the first time.
Vroggers / hope u r doing ok hon..the bleeding is strange. Have u had any more since?
Love the pic of L, she looks very pleased with her new play mat 😀Hope the echo goes ok x

Slammer/ glad job going ok and that u feel it was the right move for u. Sorry little jacks not so good and it's affecting u both with sleep. And that blooming back must be so annoying for you, I do hope u get something sorted that eases it for u x

Ally / love the pics of isa the little outfit is gorgeous, his hair is fab. Glad u are enjoying Eid x

Lit/newbie hope ur little trips away are going well x

Just quick update. O doing ok, still no teeth through yet, so that is bothering him, he is still struggling with having a poo. Its from one extreme to another. He either cant go or is going too much and his little bum was sore yesterday for the first time. It's just getting the balance right. Annoying though, he never has sore bum so just giving him lots of air today. Ds starts school Wednesday 😬.. I'm quite emotional about that..😢 I'm sure one of the other mummy's had a little one starting sorry I can't remember which one . Hope they do ok though :)

I'm off to the shops today for last minute school shop for my teenager as Ive just been made aware that his dad hasn't got the blazer he was suppose to. I ran out yesterday to get one and there was a flood in the uniform shop 😣So it was closed. Can't repeat the words I have to discribe my annoyance at his dad ! Apparently he thought I was getting it .. total crap ! He knew. It's only because I reminded him last week that he remembered .. oh well I'm not with him for a reason lol..

My car got taken away last week so I'm waiting on a decision from the insurance company if they are going to repair it or right it off.. I'm really hoping they take it away permanently , I really don't trust it after a bump. They are saying it needs new boot door, new back bumpers and new side panel😣...I could really do without taking on finance for new car but think I might have to. I'm also waiting for a decision from bank. I went to sort my mortgage last week for a house I own that I rent out and asked for additional borrowing which I need at the min. I'm hoping they ok it. We are then also waiting for results from biopsy from lump removed from ds back in the op. The consultant did say he is pretty sure it's fat but I won't settle until they confirm that.. so waiting for lots of phone calls ha.. weather rubbish here, hoping it brightens up to get boys out for a walk , hope u all have nice day x
Ali forgot to mention, O is on formula now but still wakes up in night, once at 3ish for few mins ,he might only have 1-2 oz of milk. Then he will wake at 6 for the day x
Hi all!
Hope you are all OK? Violet has 2 little teethical and is crawling and pulling up. Into everything! So sweet though!
She typically has 3 naps a day usually the middle one is 2-3hrs if we are home. I am not big on routine though so just see how it goes, I'm not fussed if she skips a nap really. I don't stay in for them!

Considering we exclusivly cos kept for 6mths violet will self settle. It's sad lol all my babies liked rocking but violet hates it she wants to be on her own!

My in laws twin babies are due today!
Apple - I wish T would only wake once! On his good nights it's 3 times a night. That's when he is sleeping well and I'm okay with that compared to what he was doing. I'm pretty sure his fitful nights were because of him teething. Now he has a slightly stuffy nose so that's making sleeping difficult for him.

Midnight - Isn't it funny how they can be so different?! T likes to cuddle, but now he's into fighting sleep. He'll want picked up because he's tired then throw a fit because he doesn't want held because he knows that leads to sleep.

Twins!! That's exciting!

AFM - T has a slightly stuffy nose. No other symptoms. It only really stuffs up at night, which is disturbing his sleep. He actually woke up fussing some, but put himself back to sleep last night. The second time he didn't, though.

I need to just not stress about his sleep. It's going to be rocky. As for O.. I need to work with him. Trying to decide how I want to finish up his bedroom. It's taking forever because I don't have time. Now I need to get out and get some wallpaper remover because there are some tough spots. Most peeled off no problem.
ali- i cant believe you are thinking of having another baby next year, haha, crazy i tell you!!!
i think sleeping through the night is probably a newer concept and is a bit unnatural. I would like him to self settle, as normally i just have to pat his back for a while.
If its teething, his first few teeth will probably be the worst. Isa is teething now, up a lot at night and fussy with milk and food, but not as bad as his first couple of teeth.

slammer- skin might be stress related? hope it eases soon, i hate skin issues. Glad dd is liking pre school, and sorry bout the rubbish sleep while Jack has a cold....
i also had a dream i was pregnant, and really glad it was adream. Just not ready for number 2 yet, nowhere soon...
Well I formula feed and isa doesnt sleep through the night and i normaly co- sleep at some point in the night. I do use a goats milk formula though, which i think is closer to breast milk and maybe lighter than cows milk.

vrogers- i'm actually so glad L sleeps well at night! its great, and i wish my baby would sleep better!
Sorry about the bleeding, guess it just makes the situation more confusing! Guess it is just a waiting game... i totally understand the relief, i would be the same at this stage i think.
Great pic of L, what a beauty! she looks really tall?

apple- Aww lets hope O's teeth pop out soon! that must be so annoying about your teenager and his dad not getting the blazer.... grrr! gosh, yo are waiting on lots of phone calls. Hope bank stuff gets sorted, that u get good results about biopsy and about your car. I remember i crashed my car last year, and i was hoping they would write it off as i hated it and wanted a new one haha.

midnight- nice to hear from you! thats good about the teeth and crawling! cute about the twins! one of my close friends is having her baby right now!! currently in labour.

- thanks for all the comments on Isa (and his hair haha). Eid was lovely. lots of food.
His sleep has been not great the last couple nights, i think its defo teething as he is being fssy with milk again.
he doesnt feed at night but will offer him milk tonight as he didnt have much in the day.
Not much to update, same old. I had bad cramp with my period the other day so dh surprised me with flowers and made lunch, was very sweet.
We are thinking of travelling down south for the september weekend to see inlaws etc. About a 5/6 hour drive...

one of my friends is currently in labor, waiting eagerly for an update!

Isa is crawling.... kind of. He gets on all 4's and jumps himself forward, he can get all around in his own way but today did a little bit of proper crawling, just a few steps, then he started jumping. Its so cute!
Ali- I have tested daily, although only had one frer to use today and that one was quite dark. I also have some more coming in the mail, the cheap wondfo that are my favorite. I want them to have no matter happens with this because you never know when you'll need them!
Thank you so much, we say her hair fits her personality! The play mat is this one on Amazon ---> https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B071RD3PPD/ref=ya_aw_od_pi?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Poor T, glad he slept better! Those teeth really seem to mess them up when coming in.

Apple- I have had more bleeding! I had a couple minor incidents of spotting in the few days since the bigger bleed, and then have been spotting and cramping since this afternoon, so going on about 6 hours. So weird, just ready to find out what's going on!
Thank you for the compliments on L's picture and well wishes on the echo!
Hopefully O's teeth start coming in soon and don't bother him too much. Good luck to ds on starting school, I can only imagine how emotional that is! I hope he has a great day and makes new friends.
You definitely are having a rough week between the blazer, car issue and waiting for lump results! I hope it all works out, let us know about the lump! It's scary to have to wait and see instead of knowing all is okay right away.

Ally- thank you, it's so frustrating and I feel guilty for feeling any sort of relief from seeing bleeding, but we are just not ready.
L is pretty tall! Can't remember the percentage from her 6 month appointment, but she is a bit taller than average, dh is tall so definitely from him!
L has been a little fussy and "talkative" when eating so we think her teeth are bothering her too. Hopefully it doesn't last long for them!
Sounds so cute how Isa crawls! It's funny to watch them try to figure it out.

Afm- like I told someone above, have been having more bleeding. Went to target with my best friend while dh stayed with L, and halfway through started cramping. Came home and since then have been spotting. It isn't reaching the pad but it has been consistent since I got home around 2:30 this afternoon (it's 8:30 here). I honestly think it's a miscarriage, but I guess we won't know for sure unless I really start bleeding/cramping and the tests fade. If it is, I am still going to the appointment and getting on the pill! Didn't want to but this has scared me enough.
L is basically crawling now, at times she seems to forget what to do and just sticks her butt in the air but she generally moves pretty fast now.
Also getting a second tooth but thankfully it hasn't disrupted night sleep, just made eating and napping more of a pain!
Hi ladies just quick check in ... dear me what a day I'm shattered, prob won't have long so I'll reply to everyone properly later, hopefully tonight.. Ive been really trying to have a good mummy day with ds and O with ds starting school tomorrow and I hate to say it but ds has driven me bonkers at times haha.. we have been to park to feed swans and have had Ice cream and been baking choc cakes :) which has been loverly but he has been so bossy not letting me end conversations... 😣 .. And shouting at me ! Proper little bossy head on ! 😂 We ended the day with storied and big cuddles so it ended well and I even let him watch the iPad in bed for a bit .. oh well hopefully he will be ok tomorrow x

On a different note the insurance company have wrote my car off so I'm pleased about that as didn't want it back x

Will try and get on later sorry it was just. Quick vent ! 😍

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