January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Literati- that's encouraging about your friends! Hopefully it's the same way for us.
Could definitely be stress, or something medical related? I hope you're able to get a break soon and start feeling better! It's hard when all you want is to crawl in bed and sleep for as long as your body needs.

Pompey- it's good to hear from you! Thank you for the encouragement, you're sweet.
I hope Jamie's sleep improves soon! I'm so glad to hear about his heart, I'm sure that's a huge relief!

Ally- thankfully not as sick this morning, sparkling water and lemon help, if it gets bad again I will try ginger, I've heard of that helping.
I hope you have a nice time out tonight! I'm right there with you on the eating and exercising. I really need to get back to both, it does improve how I feel!
Vroggers / sorry to hear u are suffering with sickness. I had it bad with O , I found eating dry food helped me eg, plain crust bread, is just have a chunk of it, strange but eating something def helped me..

Lit / hope u r managed to get some rest hon and hope u are feeling bit better x

Pomp/ Glad Jamie doing ok. Sorry the sleep isn't great at the min ..He sounds at very similar stage to O x hope your personal stuff isn't too stressful.. Ive got a bit going on myself at the min, sometimes I feel I'm on auto pilot x 😣

Ally/ have good night hon. I hope Isa sleeps better soon for you x

Midnight/ V sounds like she is doing great x

Ali/ hope u r doing ok n work alright ..
slammer/ hope Work is ok for u 2, and hope your back giving u a break ! X

Had quite a busy day , took ds to a cafe for his breakfast as it was his last mummy morning before starting full days at big school tomorrow. He ended up with chocolate brownie lol.. for breakfast ..and was also a little monkey when we were there , wouldn't sit still 😣..

Me and O met a friend for coffee in the afternoon after dropping ds off at school for a couple of hours..That was nice she got me a big gift bag full of goodies for belated birthday which was a nice surprise so planning to have a pamper evening at some point this week.

Will be really glad when tomorrow is over, Oh has a big presentation to do and it's been stressing him this week. 4 hour train journey then and then back .. waste of time,

I got a bottle of wine from a friend for my birthday so Ive told oh we can have it with a take away once he is home. Sounds nice but I'm actually a proper light weight ha so will have to have it with lemonade as I don't drink. Think it just sounds therapeutic lol..

We are away for a couple of nights next weekend so I'm hoping we can switch off then.

Poor O doesn't know what to do with himself today refusing to eat , will have his bottle but generally just grumpy and clingy which isn't usual for him. I'm sure it must be his teeth.. still none through, can just startibg to see them at bottom, looks like two coming through.

I have spoken to ds nursery this week and booked O in to start 2 mornings from end of October. He will be with ds to start with as its school hols so Ive planned it that way. O will then start 2 morning by himself from November :( .. I'm dreading it. I go back to work straight after Christmas .. I just want him to get used to it , I'll prob pay for full mornings but only leave him a little while to begin , that's what I did with ds.

Ally/ the course I mentioned earlier this week is funded. It's on top of my normal role though. I wouldn't get study time only to attend..I spoke with my boss today about it. I'm going to have another look at it this week and then decide. There is another course also being offered that trains me to teach other staff about perinatal depression but I'm just not into the public speaking .. I like patient contact and don't want to be landed with a training role.. dunno what to do so asked her for more time. 😣 I admire all u teachers on here ha x small groups and meeting im fine, stand me up In front of 40 people and I don't feel that confident. Oh said I'd get used to it but I love my job and feel like I'm being pressured into a role change I don't want ..never mind ha.. hopefully I'll win the lottery b4 I return to work lol..

Have nice day ladies x
I lost my whole update because it logged me out.. /sigh..

I'll just pop in right quick I guess. I'll try to find the energy to reply tonight when the boys are in bed. It took me forever to type up. Some stuff has happened. I promise I'm not ignoring or forgetting you guys. Sending love to you all!!
Pompey - great to hear from you! Sorry you have some personal stuff going on. Hope everything sorts itself out. So glad Jamie's heart is no longer a concern! Woohoo! Sorry about his atrocious sleep. Violet's is also, but at least with BFing and co sleeping it is relatively easy still. You must be tired out!

Ally - sounds like we are all a bit worn down lately! I hope you can get on track with some healthy eating and exercising soon to help you feel better! I hope you enjoy the charity fundraiser!

Apple - that is sad to think about sending your little guys to daycare starting in october/November! :( Good you have a plan for getting O used to it there. That should hopefully make the transition smoother for you. It's heartbreaking thinking about leaving them, isn't it? I am so dreading that as well. I also wouldn't want to teach anything! You're not alone!

VRogers - glad you're not too, too sick this morning. Hopefully you can find something that works for you. Lots of hugs!

Ali - that is so frustrating when you lose your whole post. I hope everything is okay with you. Thanks for checking in.

AFM - not much to report. Have been staying quite productive this week with doing some meal prep during the day, baking banana bread yesterday, meeting with our insurance agent, etc. Just a busy but fairly good week. Still feeling tired and needing more sleep than usual. The weather is suddenly cold, drizzly and cloudy, which is a bit depressing. Violet is getting her first tooth. Just the tiny top edge of it is showing, and it is so cute. It is bothering her a bit during the day it she is not needing Tylenol or anything.
Apple- thank you for the sickness suggestions, thankfully didn't get sick at all today so hopefully it's like it was with L and just really sporadic.
Good luck to Oh with the presentation, I'm sure both of you will be glad when it's over.
I'm sure daycare will be tough on you but I bet O will love it! All the toys and new people.

Ali- I hope you're doing okay!

Literati- I'm sorry you're still so tired! I've been trying to go to bed earlier but keep waking up in the middle of the night and unable to sleep, very annoying and catching up to me. Here's hoping we both get some good sleep really soon!
We've had to give Motrin to L a couple times if her teeth bother her too much, it helps better than Tylenol but I'm just paranoid about giving it too much because sometimes I'm not sure if she's just fussy, tired, or something else.
Hi Ladies,

Sorry I've been absent for so long. I'm just now getting back into baby and bump. I hope everyone is doing well! I'll be going back and trying to catch up. ��
I can't believe that it's almost time to start thinking about planning first birthday parties.
Hi Thorpedo 😁, nice to hear from u ..1st birthday parties ! Crazy isn't it, times goes so quickly.

Ali/ so annoying isn't it when u lose a post .. Ive had a few harsh words with my phone before now lol...Ive actually started to copy and paste long posts into an email to myself if I get called to do something or kids want me mid writing ..

Ally/ hope ur headache went and u had good night. Isa sounds a cutie crawling and it's great that he will settle for daddy ! X I'm with you in the healthy food and exercise thing. I felt so much better whe doing the cleanse last week. Since I started my cycle Ive let it slip and I feel rubbish ! I'm gonna have to give myself a kick in the butt though as I don't want to put back in what I lost last week ! Haha..

Lit/ yeah definitely dreading leaving O but will try and do it as gradual as poss.. hope u have managed to get some rest. Sounds like u have had a busy week but good that it was productive :)

Vroggers/ hope u are having a good day hon and sickness not too bad !! Xx

Well my teenager is 15 this weekend. Ive decided to go on a little road trip tomorrow to see my nan , we r very close and I know she isn't very well but she never complains. I'm going with 3 boys, it's a 2 hr drive , she is a good character though so should be fun n boys love her.

Hoping O wil be ok he has been a little off sorts at times through the day again. Still not fussed on his food although I managed to get a wetabix down him this am.

Ds first full day at school today ! Bless him he was shattered and came out with his second bump note of the week !

Anyway I'm falling asleep ha better go .. have good day/ night , sorry if u missed anyone x
Vrogers - Congrats dear! I know you weren't planning on another this soon or maybe at all, but you will find love and cherish this little one just as much. Surprise babies are the best! (This is coming from a surprise baby so might be a bit biased :haha:)

I really hope the sickness passes soon. You have enough going on. Really don't need to deal with that as well.

Apple - I actually just took your idea! I'm using my email to type this up and using split screen so I can see what I'm replying to. I was on the computer when I lost it but I'm in bed with T and waiting for O to chill and go to sleep. He's at least being quiet.

Happy early birthday to him! I hope you all get to enjoy the weekend. Hopefully O gets back to his normal self. I hate when my children are out of sorts.

Thor - Hey!! It's so great to hear from you! I saw you are planning for a third! We are as well. I keep wanting to try sooner because I'm crazy. I won't know till T is a bit older when the right time is, but we're kind of aiming for May/June.

Oh goodness.. 1st birthdays! Do you have any ideas for it? I should probably start planning once I'm done with O's party. Since it's right after Christmas I need to have it ready or it'll be a mess.

Lite - Yay for Vs first tooth! Glad it's not bothering her much. T's first one did, but second not so much.

You're pretty amazing.. I can hardly make supper. Finding time to cook seems to have gotten harder over here.

Ally - Hope the fundraiser went well! I keep flopping on eating healthy. I did so well yesterday and complete rubbish today. I really need to find time to exercise. I know it would help me in so many ways.

Pomp - So happy to hear from you and so super glad about his heart!! Sleep isn't good over here either. I can't find to energy to try to fix it either. I hope he's back to his happy self soon.

AFM- First off, sorry if I missed replying to something big. I kind of just hit the recent posts. Sorry if I missed someone as well. I'm on my phone and it's a pain this way. I have been reading along.

So, my FIL is going in Monday to have almost half his liver removed for suspected cancer. Like, they're sure he has cancer but until it's examined they don't know much more about it. The first 6 days after surgery are when they will know if his body can handle only having half his liver. Really hoping he can pull through this. I'm so afraid for him and my DH. This is so much for both of them in such a short time.

Hiding the next part since it's bothersome and I don't want to upset anyone. So just a warning.
I had a heart attack the other night because when I checked on T he was was on his belly and cold. When I laid a hand on him I couldn't feel any breathing movements. I shook him a little and he moved. He just got chilled and was sleeping soundly, but all I could feel is a motionless cold body.. bah.. still haunts me. Things like that make me want to throw hundreds of dollars at O2 sensors.

T has stuffy nose, but is okay over all. Been clingy lately. He has two teeth now. Sleep is crap, but I have 0 energy to try and change that. Plus him being stuffy isn't helping.

Went to the zoo with O on his birthday. We had fun. Wanted to take him to the children's museum but it is closed on Mondays. Have his party Sunday.

We got a puppy. Labrador retriever with some mix. She's chocolate and a pain in the butt at the moment. She's 8 weeks old so that's to be expected. She's for O for the most part so I'm hoping she bonds with him. He just had so much fun with my FIL's dog that I felt he should have a dog that will play with him as our other dog won't. Her name is Maisie.

Um.. I don't know what else. I've been more depressed than normal. Like more than my usual lows. Anxiety sucks as well. I thought I might have been coming out of it yesterday, but it dug it's nasty claws right back in. Someone at work is noticing as well. First time I actually had someone comment about it. Bah. I am beyond tired all the time, too. It's the depression I'm sure. If it wasn't for my children I would be in bed most of the day. I'll be okay. I haven't had any red flags. It's just hard right now.
hi ladies.

apple- happy birthday to your teenager! Hope your enjoy your road trip.
Isa has been clingy and fussy also, no idea why. Not eating and drinking as much.
Where are you off to next weekend? how did oh's presentation go?

lit- hope V's tooth comes soon, but glad it isn't distressing her too much! staying busy is good.

thor- nice to hear from you.

ali- so sorry about your fil! hope all goes well as it can. Sounds very stressful.
Oh my goodness about T, how scary!!!! on the nights Isa sleeps well, i still have to check as i'm paranoid about his breathing or something... happy birthday to o!
so cute about puppy awww!
sorry you are feeling low, sending you hugs...

AFM- charity dinner was good, but isa didn't settle for max and cried for ages. I couldn't go home as i got a lift from a friend, and i felt awkward asking to leave so early, especially as we still had food to be served. Eventually he settled anyway but did stress me out a bit.
On friday night, dh and i went out to a gig, and left isa with my mum. Such a contrast to the night before, my mum said he only woke once briefly(we were out for 5 hours!). My mum had laid isa down, and put lots of cushions around him and she thinks that is what made him more settled. I had a really good night out, we met up with some friends. Didn't enjoy Isa waking up at 7am the next morning though haha.

so the cushion thing, we put some in his cot last night, like just around him, and he slept much better, he didnt wake once from 7.30- 1! So i dont know if this is will carry on. I even noticed, his morning naps were really short recently,and the last two mornings, with the extra cushions he has slept nearly two hours in the morning! what is this haha. I'm sure it won't last but sure hope it does!

busy week this week, dh and i have a gig on tuesday, i'm in uni monday and tues and friday we are travelling down south to see in laws.

on another note- 1st birthday parties. Isa's is on xmas day haha, how am i ever going to organise parties for him? not thought about it much but can't believe its just a few months away!
Thorpedo- so good to hear from you! I remember you were my due date buddy :)

Apple- haven't thrown up since that day last week into my hand thankfully!
Happy 15th birthday to him and I hope you have a lovely visit with your nan! I hope ds had a good first day at school.

Ali- thank you! It's so different this time around being unplanned but hoping I will grow into excitement at some point, it is still quite early.
Wow, I hope your FIL doesn't have cancer, but if so that they've caught it in time. Cancer is so scary.
I'm so sorry about the scare with T, what a relief he was okay! I would have about had a heart attack, I worry when L sleeps later than usual.
L has two teeth so far too!
I hope everyone has a fun time at O's bday party!
I'm so jealous about the puppy, I am a huge dog fan! Puppy stage is hard but oh my goodness are they cute.
Seems like a few of us are struggling with depression/anxiety, it sucks. I have been taking a supplement my doc prescribed and am hoping it helps so that I don't have to move to actual medication, but at this point I will if I have to.
I will also say I felt like a little weight was lifted when I brought it up w/my doc. I had been trying to pretend everything was fine because at the beginning when I wouldn't let people (meaning the grandparents) take L they said it was unhealthy and that I was depressed and it frankly pissed me off. Anyways, I didn't mean to make all this about me, just want to share that you aren't alone, you can vent here any time and if you do decide to get help (counseling,med, etc) there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, actually the opposite, takes a lot of strength to finally talk about it! I hope you're able to feel better asap whatever you decide!

Ally- I'm sorry about Isa having a hard time settling while you were at your dinner! I don't blame you for feeling awkward about possibly leaving. It is good he settled for your mom so you could have plenty of time with dh!
That's so weird about the cushions, maybe it helps him feel cozy and safe! Glad you've found something to help get more sleep.
I forgot you have a Christmas bday with Isa! Maybe you could do the part the weekend before Christmas? Or even two weekends before, the holidays are crazy.
Are you planning on having a big party or something smaller?
I had been wanting to just make a little cake and do some kind of keepsake like a monthly picture thing, but just with dh and L and I. We are super introverted and private haha

Afm- nothing major to report here, have not been sick since last week and really no major symptoms there. L keeps me busy and distracted so I usually forget I'm pregnant anyway.
We are thinking L is cutting more teeth because she is taking pacifiers after not taking them since 3 months old, and she's eating less milk. She's napping right now with dh but figured I would give her some scrambled eggs when she wakes up since I'm awful at feeding her solids.
VRogers - haha! I'm awful at feeding Violet solids as well. I frequently forget. I honestly hate it so much. It is the worst part about the baby stage for me.
Interesting that L might be cutting teeth! Poor girl. Glad she is keeping you so busy you can't fixate on the pregnancy.

Ali - so sorry you're feeling so depressed lately. You are actually right that we seem to be switching back and forth, because I have been feeling better the last few weeks. Then again, I've also been super tired like you (like, some nights I need 11 hours of sleep -tired)! So, I know how crappy that is! And it definitely sounds bad if a co worker noticed it. Hang in there! I hope you start feeling better soon. :(
Also, no way would I be making elaborate meals if I were back at work yet like you! I'd be doing the bare minimum or ordering pizza! So, don't feel bad at all!

Ali - that's great Isa did so well when your mom watched him, and that he seems to sleep better with cushions.

Thorpedo - nice to hear from you. I'm hardly thinking about first birthdays yet, but time is definitely going way too fast. How is your LO?

Apple - seems like there is always a Birthday or something going on in your house! Very busy. Yay for your ds' first full day of school.

AFM - I spoke to soon on the teething. Had to give V Tylenol just hours after that post. Then 2 days later she came down with a cold, so she's been quite miserable. DH was away overnight yesterday, so of course that fell on the night of V being so sick and waking every hour very upset and distressed and hard to get back to sleep (she always wakes that often, but normally just nurses back to sleep, so this was much more tiring). She was rather hysterical before bed so I was employing every method - Tylenol, cold mist humidifier, baby Vicks, saline spray, etc. Ugh. I do NOT like when babies get colds!

It got cold here really fast, which makes me sad, but I am totally in the fall mood and am excited to do some fall baking, drink pumpkin spice lattes, etc.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.
Literati- it's crazy because I was SO excited about it and now I hate it as well! She hates purees and the several times we've let her feed herself (scrambled eggs, cut up strawberries) most ends up on the floor so it's just more of a hassle than it's worth but I know I need to get her eating solids soon!
We had a bad night last night and I was crying thinking "F teething" and I really don't cuss :haha: but a cold and teething sounds like a special kind of torture, I hope she feels better soon!
Also I'm jealous of the cold weather! Its not as bad as middle of summer here, but we usually don't get better weather until October, and then our coldest months are December-February. hoping we get cooler weather asap because I'm more than ready for fall baking/pumpkins/Halloween!

Afm- we had a terrible night last night. I mentioned L has been eating less, and last night when we put her in her crib she pulled off the bottle and just kept screaming. Dh finally got her to take 7 oz, but then she never settled and went back to screaming. I went in and tried to feed her and settle her and got so frustrated I had to go outside and sit in my car playing taylor swift on the radio, meanwhile dh was on the phone with his friend. Anyway, we gave her some Motrin and finally were able to feed her a couple more oz and she went to sleep after 9, she's usually asleep by 8:15 or so. She woke up right before 7 this morning but thankfully fell back asleep, and so did I.
I get so anxious when she screams at night, and I think it's because the first night we were home from the hospital she was starving because my milk hadn't come in, but we didn't know it. Dh calls it baby ptsd ha. Hopefully today/night is better! I really REALLY hate teething!!
Hi ladies just a quick check in, Ive not read anyone's post, just not had chance today but hopefully will later. Just a quick question .. O has been sore on and off for a couple of weeks around his bits and groin, tried loads of creams and then thrush treatment , his bits looks slightly better but he has developed like a pin prick rash all over his stomach, groin , hips n chest , he is off his food for 2 days , a nurse at school suggested scarlet fever maybe.. I got him into dr tonight but just wondered if anyone has experience of scarlet fever and wonder if this may be it ?? O is still really smiley but still not himself, very clingy and seems tired, just having milk, teeth look very close to coming through as well m he is chewing like mad., 😞X
Apple - no experience with scarlet fever, but that is quite troubling about the rash. Poor O! I'm glad you got him in to the dr tonight. Hope he can get a quick diagnosis and be on the mend asap! You must be worried. I'm sure he'll be ok! Hugs!

VRogers - haha, yep, I find the same with food. Violet does actually like purees, but definitely prefers feeding herself. I hate feeding her purees, but if I let her feed herself it also all ends up on the floor and drives me crazy like you said. She also has no teeth (except the one that is currently popping through), so it's hard for her to chew anything but super super soft foods. I'm so over it! Unlike you, I was never excited to start because I knew how crappy it was from last time, but I understand the dive from excited to SO DONE very quickly! Haha.
Sorry L is so miserable from teething. Funny about you thinking "F teething" even though you don't cuss! It really is crappy! Cold & teething combo is definitely bogus. Thankfully, Violet was a lot more herself last night. She still has a runny nose, but is obviously feeling more herself.
I hope you get some cooler weather to do fall baking soon! The thing is that here it gets way TOO cold, and is unbearable all winter. There is no winning!
Just update, been dr with O, he was prescribed steroid cream with Antifungal for his bits and bobs and groin and was given a type of moisturising cream for his body/ rash. They said a viral infection , he has started to have loose stools which is totally not like him and he has and thrush type problem in nappy area, bless him 😢 My poor baba ..
just to keep an eye on him. Got him home , cool bath and all his lotions on and snuggles and he seems lot more settled fast asleep..had milk , still no solids for last few days but will keep an eye on him c will read through properly later just feel need to chill tonight , been a busy day :) hope u r all well x
Went back to drs again today as wasn't happy with O.They are adamant it's viral infection, said probably airborne so unavoidable 😣 .. poor little O has this silly rash all over his body now. It doesn't appear to be botheribg him as such but he can't tell us can he so he is just having lots of pampering, all his lotions and potions and Ive given him calpol and teething gel as well. He is fast asleep now, slept for 3 hours straight this am which is not like him at all.. still not eating solids , about 4 days now but having his milk.

ds not 2 impressed with school at the min :( Saying he doesn't want to go now, he is exhausted when he comes out and really moody. He is only just 4 really so one of the youngest bless him..ds also not sleeping very well. Hopefully he will be better soon, looking forward to having little break this weekend. Ive not had chance to reply to people yet properly just had crazy few days With I'll children n stressy teenagers lol.😂.. we are going to a b&b for couple of nights in the lakes. I'm just hoping O is ok to go 😣.

Anyway hope u r all well x I will catch up properly soon x
Apple - awww your poor O with his viral infection. It makes sense he would feel too yucky to eat solids, but at least he is still having his milk, which is the most important part!! I hope he feels better soon. Glad the rash doesn't appear to be bugging him too much.

I feel bad for your 4-year-old in school. I've heard from a lot of parents that their kids get so tired out from the first year or two of school. Makes me sad. It seems like kids start school too early these days. I bet they would benefit from at least shorter days early on, but that doesn't seem to be the way the school board thinks. Sigh! Hopefully your poor ds adjusts soon.

That time at a b&b sounds sooo nice! I hope O is feeling better for it! Are you going with the whole family?

AFM - nothing much new here. I baked some delicious brown sugar pecan cookies today and they are SO good. However, now I'm exhausted and just want to lie on the floor for a while (aka what I am doing while I'm on here haha). Violet is very interested in all the power cords in our living room, and every day I have to grab her from the spot between the couch and end table where they are like...30 times a day! What a stinker! I don't remember dd1 being very interested in cords, but I might just forget.
V actually had a decent nap for me in the crib today! Woohoo!
V is recovering from her cold, but dd1 and DH are sick. DH is particularly whiny, as I'm sure is no surprise to anyone!
vrogers0 glad u are feeling ok and not feeling pregnant :) Well i think for his first birthday it will be just be close family and a quiet affair, nothing big. I'm not keen on big parties and dh is quite introverted so he'd rather keep it small. I'm not fussed about first birthday, but later when hes older and has friends etc, will need to probably do it weekend before.
Aw sorry about your rought night, we all have those nights now and then. Hope she is more settled now.
As for solids, i find it so messy and sometimes really cannot be bothered with it, especially if he just plays with the food or keeps it in his mouth for ages.he loves the purees in the packets but i've been making more food at home now for him, but i still think he prefers the packets haha. cheeky.

lit-sorry V has a cold, i hope she feels better very quickly! and sleeps better too.i like autumn, i like the seasons changing, it getting colder and that. The cookies sound delciious! you made me laugh out loud about the comment on your whiny husband!! haha i feel like i know him from the things u say, and that he would be whiny when not well. Ahaha thanks for the laugh. hope dd1 and dh both feel better soon.

apple- i feel so bad for O!!! poor baba! i really hope his rash clears up soon and hes back to his normal self! how is he sleeping at night? all he really needs is lots of comofrt and mum cuddles!! :)
hope he is feeling better at the weekend, little break sounds lovely.

afm- isa has been more settled at night, its been great. Last night he slept in his cot the full night, and only woke 3 times, but each time was brief and he settled back quickly.DH and i went out last night to a gig, it was good fun and isa was very good my mum said. only woke once briefly.
today i really need to clean and tidy and put washes on. And on friday we are driving down south, a 6 hour drive, to visit my inlaws. Not looking forward to the drive to be honest! plus we are going to sleep in my MIL's spare room which is small and cramped. Fun.
Not much else to report really, isa is crawling everywhere, and still not having a night feed, which is great. I used to hate getting up at night to make a bottle.
DH seems stressed just now, with college and he is still looking for a job, money is a bit tight but we are getting by ok.
catch up soon ladies have a good day x
Ally glad the fundraiser went ok, sorry about Isa not settling , that's stressful, especially when u couldn't get home! :( glad you got to the gig tho. That's sounds fun and glad Isa settled ok for your mum. Hope your dh finds a job soon that he is happy with. Hope the trip to the inlaws goes ok and the journey down is a good one. I could only handle my in laws for a couple of hours lol x

Lit/ I agree with the school issue. I think ds would have been much better if he had done a couple of months half days to get him used to the routine. I feel really guilty sending him in as he is clearly tired and I know he just wants cuddles when he is feeling like that😢 I'm not feeling really happy about this at all at the moment :(

Lit / your baking always makes me feel hungry 😂 It sounds delicious! Banana bread and pecan cookies ! I wouldn't know where to start. Your cooking/ baking sounds fun. Ive done quite a bit of batch cooking this week and put into trays in the freezer but that's boring lol..it definitely makes my life easier though so worth doing. Hope V and your dh are feeling better soon x and yay for V having nap in the crib !! 😍 Hope you get lots more of that !! X

Ali/ hope u r feeling ok today. Sorry your co worker noticed you wasn't having a good day. Maybe try not to over think that though I'm sure they have off days. Hope boys and dh doing ok x

Vroggers, hope u r feeling ok today x sorry about your night with L bless her. Teething is so frustrating. I really know how you feel having to take a little time out. it's so stressful at times, especially if they are upset as we just feel helpless. It must be so horrible for them tho. Silly teeth !! O is really struggling with teeth in top of his virus 😞.

Slammer/midnight/newbie /thorpedo hope u r all well. Sorry if I have missed anyone x

Update /My teenager is going through it at the moment also with pressure from school. It's really annoying I'm getting phone calls from his head of year in disgust that he has gone to school in trainers and his attitude towards this is not good enough but the same day I'm getting calls from 2 of his teachers maths and science saying they are really pleased with him and his attitude towards his work in school and they can see he is making good effort in class which they feel deserve recognition.. it seems they don't communicate at all.. my son was really stressed last night and ended up in tears.. so the first thing on my list today is having a word with school ! 😣

O still poorly with this blooming virus. So annoying! He has the rash all over his face now as well as arms legs and torso
:( the dr said though that when viral rash appears that it's the later end of the virus so hopefully he might be ok for weekend when we go away :) 🤞Still no teeth but I'm sure 2 very close to cutting through at bottom.

Personally been feeling quite stressed last couple of days , just really hassled with one thing or another. O up st lot in night as is ds. I also got myself an appointment today to see dr. Ive been getting a pain just under my ribs on right side of abdomen. It's bit like a stabbing pain for few seconds then goes. It's been on and off about a month😞 And last couple of days Ive been more aware of it so thought better get it checked out. Dr sending me for a scan. Said it will be around 2 weeks ish and then she will call me with results. I'll be honest even though only with you guys but I am pretty freaked out by it. I know my heads running away with itself but can't help thinking the worst. I know there's nothing I can do I just need to wait until the scan. Ive been googling which I know isn't good to do but it's def around liver / gall bladdder area although dr thought it was small bowel area .. I don't know ?? Anyway sorry for little vent !
Hope u all have a nice day x
Apple- wow, your poor little guy! I hope he starts feeling better soon, that's gotta be tough to see him struggling so much with nothing you can do.
You're dealing with a lot, you guys need a good break.
I would be stressing too, I can't blame you there but Google definitely doesn't help. I'm terrible with that. Keep us updated, I will be thinking of you! :hug:

Literati- can you send some of those cookies here? :haha: that sounds amazing! Having the same issue here with L and the power cords. We usually play in her room since she can crawl around and there isn't too much she shouldn't get into in there, but when we are in the living room she heads straight to the cords. There's nothing like man colds haha, I hope everyone feels better soon!

Ally- sounds like we will be doing the same party wise! First birthdays are definitely more for the parents/ other family, some people do like to go all out which I think is cute but not for us! L prefers the little pouches of purees over being spoon fed, but I still have to squeeze it for her to get some.
I hope the visit with in laws goes better than expected! Maybe it'll be nice to get a change of scenery.
I'm sorry dh is so stressed, I hope he finds a job that works best for your family! Job hunting is no fun at all.

Afm- unfortunately been pretty sick a few more times including tonight, but lemon water helps and thankfully dh has been here today, because L has also been extra fussy today. She woke up at 2:30am screaming for a bottle so she's either extra tired today or her teeth hurt.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

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