January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ally / arr thanks for comments hon..yeah I do feel relieved. What’s nice as well is it’s kind of grounded both myself and oh a bit as things were a little tense between us the weeks before. Nothing serious really just a funny time of year for oh and this year I do feel I got the brunt of it. I think he realises that now. To be honest I don’t think the stress of that helped me at all but I will be making my feelings clear about that when the time is right x

The little cottage sounds great, Ive been looking for a two night stay somewhere in December. Oh not bothered either way but he will be happy if we go lol.. always is.

Poor Isa, it’s difficult when you can’t work out what’s wrong with them. O goes through funny phases with food. He is really into scotch pancakes and toast at the min but I need to get some more fruit and veg on his plate ha..

Well O has had a few funny nights lately , really unsettled through night then waking early. It’s now 6.30 am and after a night of being up about 8 times to him I gave it up at 5.30 am and came down stairs with him. Changed his nappy and popped him in his playpen whilst I made a coffee and when I came back in he had wrapped himself up in a blanket and was fast asleep haha, id only been out of room a minute,, now I’m up for day lol., charming !!

I have a friend coming round on Tuesday. We are going to sensory room with our babies then I’m going to make a batch of food for O and show her what I do. She is really anxious about starting solids with her little boy so I’m going to show her what i do. She is a first time mummy doing an amazing job but unfortunately her dh works away a lot so she is on her own most of the time. It’s only a temporary thing and they will be together eventually it just must be difficult for her at the moment. She has got some family around her though that helps out some days.

We went to a little farm yesterday, was a little chilly but they enjoyed it. Loads of animals and ds held a rabbit & fed sheep, mini horses and chickens. Loads of piglets, I just think of Babe every time ha..There was also a raccoon which was quite random for a farm ha but cute. Ds going crazy on a little tractor, had to slow him down as he was playing bumper cars with it with other boys! He was so excited on it though. Maybe tractor for Christmas lol..

Ally, no not seen stranger things, just watching end of s7 of walking dead , I really like that so will look at stranger things once I’m caught up with wd.

Going to play area this am to meet with a friend and her two children. Hopefully ds will play this time, he has started only wanting to stay on ground level. Won’t go higher up or on slides. Last time I got in with him as he had a melt down ! At the top.. finger crossed this time I might get chance to drink my coffee !!

Hope other babies that are not so good at the min are feeling better soon and mummies getting a little rest xx 😘

Have nice day ladies x
Just wanting to pop in quick. I hope to catch up with everyone after I get off work.

We are all sick at home. Upper respiratory and stomach. I don't know if it is all the same or if we have two separate illnesses at the same time. Either way it sucks.

The boys are doing fairly well besides being sick. They haven't been as bad as DH and me it appears. O keeps coughing at night and I'm afraid he's going to wake up and puke all over the bed.

T stood himself up from the ground completely on his own yesterday! He just planted his feet and stood straight up like He has been doing it for ages. He took one step as well yesterday and fell down but he attempted it himself so I was super proud. He's such a goober. Loves playing peek-a-boo and rolling it up with patty cake. He actually likes books. Which O didn't ever really want anything to do with them. He kind of does now but mostly if they ate interactive so I need to buy a lot more of those.

Anyways break is over so back to work.
Apple - that makes sense why you and your oh have separate finances. I know a lot of couples do the same.
That would be nice to get away for a couple days in December. I like that you do a lot of mini-breaks!

Ally - sorry Isa has gotten so fussy with foods! I hope he is not unwell.

Ali - ah wow, so sorry you're all sick again! It seems like it has been non stop for you since you went back to work. :( I hate that when you can't even tell if you have a weird combo sickness or have two sicknesses at the same time. I hope you all feel better soon.
That's amazing about T standing up on his own. And yay for one step! Won't be long before he's taking more steps!
Lit/ i need my little breaks for sanity.. especially with having 4 boys ! I also find that it’s not realistic to go on proper holidays at the min, I’m hoping to book a week away next summer. The finances work ok most of time but I do find it a pain asking oh for money as we have agreed the will just write me a check for what I spend on boys ect.. I can never remember properly so in reality I’m sure I spend more than he does 😣 that’s something I plan to discuss when I go back to work x

Ali/ oh no hon sorry to hear you are all poorly again.. hope u are better soon x

Yay !! for T standing on his own .. he will be off in no time :) was O an early walker ?

I just read a thread that really made me laugh.. it was discussing thing u just don’t do in front of your husband/ oh..hillarious some of comments lol 😂 got me thinking what I wouldn’t do.. ha, I’ll have to have a think some more and see what I come up with ha..
Apple - Yes, he was already walking at this age! So T is a bit slower to the draw. Although, he started crawling WAY sooner. Before 6 months (army crawl) whereas O didn't start till 8 months.

Lite - I'm exposed to everything it seems. Thankfully T hasn't really got any of it. He's a little sick now, but he's only ever been a "little" sick.

Yeah I had to get 4T this time. So I'm actually out of a 3T one then. He probably could still fit in a 3T, but I don't want him to outgrow it by chance. I'll just have to get a 3T for T when he gets there. He seems to be the step down for every season. It's a bit of a pain! I can't save on clothes.

Ally - We binged Stranger Things in two days. We weren't disappointed! They're planning on at least 4 seasons. Hopefully it continues afterwards. Even if they have to take a different route or different area. Definitely a lot they could do with it I feel!

I hope Isa is eating better. They go through phases so it may just be that. T won't eat pureed. He wants something he can feed to himself. I can still feed him some things, but he generally gets mad and tries to take the spoon to do it himself.

Did you go for your run? I want to start back up it's finding the time, though. I hate running in front of people, too. There is a trail near by, but I don't know. It's getting colder as well which means it'll tear my lungs and throat up. I'm debating on doing this 6 week deal at the gym, but I don't know. It's about 60 dollars and that's 60 dollars I don't know if I can spend.

Slammer - Oh my.. that sounds awful!! It is common, but I haven't had any of the kids around me get it yet. Mommas make everything better! I hope they're on the mend now. It was hard having one child sick. Two at a time is "fun".

Only part of not pumping anymore that I won't enjoy is I won't feel I can take a break. I "can", but it's hard to go take one when I have things I have to get done. Now I have a more important reason to take a break than finishing work.

Vrogers - I like letting O be able to explore the tree. I always loved Christmas trees growing up and had a thing for "redecorating". He had fun last year playing with some of the ornaments. It's just a good memory maker! Years down the road I can tell him stories about them! Same will be for T.

AFM - O had his second play session. Still no answers. Basically my child is stubborn and doesn't cooperate enough for them to evaluate him. I have "homework" to make him say/do something in order to receive something he wants. Which the goal was to make him use his words, but he does use his words here. So really the goal is to make him respond to being told what to do which haha.. I think people underestimate my child's stubbornness. NOTHING motivates him to do something if he doesn't want to do it. I told him to tell me "Cup, please" or "I want cup" when he wanted a cup. Instead he pulls a kitchen chair to the fridge and retrieves it himself. After 15 minutes of throwing a fit. I just let him have it. He was thirsty since he went since early morning without a drink so I thought maybe it would motivate him enough. Nope. It's not like he never will do as I ask, but it just depends on his mood. So, now I get to deal with ALL THE TANTRUMS to try to curve his "learned behavior". Which it is, but really I don't feel it was avoidable. I had to learn what he wanted by just knowing him for the longest time because he would not talk besides a few words. Ah well. I love my stubborn child. I also don't give into his tantrums. I do tend to do what he needs because I know, but I'm pretty sure that's a normal thing. Just for him it isn't doing him favors since I need to get him caught back to where he should be.

We're all on the mend here. DH is pretty much over it. So I do think I ended up with two separate illnesses. That's my luck. T has his appetite back so that's a good sign. O is still coughing some, but for the most part he's been fine.

We lost another nurse at work. Means we're down 2 leaving a bunch of open shifts. I wish I could work an extra day easier. I don't want to work a ton, but the money would help.

I have a feeling I'm going to have to work Christmas and I'm super bummed about it. It is what it is, I guess. It's T's first so I didn't want to be gone. Also it's the holiday I can for sure get with DH. He ALWAYS works Thanksgiving thanks to black Friday and one of us always works New Years Eve/Day. It's actually the only day I care to have off together. Thanksgiving is nice but the rest of the holidays are meh. We don't have family that does much for many of them. Usually not on the holiday as well.

Well, I better wrap this up. I need to get to bed soon so I can go to work not completely exhausted I hope.
apple- poor o and his restless nights, how is he doing now? hope he enjoyed the sensory room. That thread sounds funny, have u thought of anything? i'll have a think, nothing comes to mind straight away hahah.

ali- amazing t stood on his own. Isa is trying to walk, he'll take steps holding onto things but not on his own yet. Sorry you are all sick, hope you all feel better soon. sounds awful, everyone ill.
haha i can't binge watch, i like to watch slowly. I only have one episode left and will watch on friday night.
haha no i never made it out for my run, damnnnnnn. I need to soont hough. i'll try to do a littlw workout at home though using youtube.
sorry O's play session didn;t go great, he does sound very stubborn!
sucks about working xmas.

afm- ok well, i think isa has excema or something, has his skin has broken out and he keeps waking at night. I'm taking him to pharmacy to get checked, but just putting coconut oil etc on his skin. I think hes getting a bit of a cold too. Poor lad. I think he has dry skin and wonder if its related to the skin stuff i had when pregnant! hes still fussy but ate toast this morning with some egg and then some fruit.

Tired today as isa was up super early , think his skin was irritiating him. I am gonna wash all his bedding too, i changed mu detergent and wonder if its that. who knows lol babies are just a mystery.

i;m alright except tiredness, need to get productive today, order isa some new clothes, put bits on ebay etc.
Apple- oh thank goodness you finally have answers and nothing serious! I’m sure you’re relieved. My stepmom had her gallbladder removed about a year and a half ago and she has felt so much better since.
It is going SO fast especially compared to last time. Thank you for the encouragement about thanksgiving!
My dh is a Christmas grump as well.

Slammer- that sounds nice! Do your parents live close?
I’m sorry about all the sickness! I hope it passes soon and stays away for awhile.

Literati- ugh that sounds like a rough day, teething baby and toddler throwing tantrums. You’re a rockstar seriously! I hope you get a nice little break soon.

Ally- I completely agree, it seems like most of the time I’m not sure what’s wrong and just try different things until something works.
I’m sorry about the fussy eating, does sound like it could be his belly and if so hopefully he feels better soon. It’s good he’s at least eating his milk!
I watched stranger things! I watched the first season back when it came out and the second season in one weekend the weekend it came out on Netflix. It’s SO good!! Just too bad that I binged watched it and now already ready for a third season haha
I hope Isa isn’t getting sick! Definitely is the season anyway. L has a little eczema on her feet and arms, I’ve been trying to use Aveeno baby eczema lotion. Coconut oil seems to help most things so maybe it’ll help! I hope you both get better sleep tonight!

Ali- it seems like so many are sick right now, I hope you all feel better soon! I can’t believe T already took a step! I’m both looking forward to and dreading when L starts walking!
You make a good point with letting them explore the tree. I’m considering putting the tree up with lights and maybe keeping the breakable ornaments away while she’s still a baby. I’ll have to talk dh into it!
O does sound like a stubborn little guy! Sounds like he just wants to do things on his own too.
That’s so disappointing you may have to work Christmas. Would it at least be during the day so you guys could spend time together in the evening?

Afm- nothing much new here. It’s finally getting cooler so it’s nice to bundle L up and take her outside to the swing.
Going to target with my bff this weekend and so looking forward to it! We hardly see each other since she got a full time job the same week I had L, so it’s harder to get together.
L got her second flu shot last week and thankfully wasn’t nearly as bad as the first. She only cried for about 5 seconds, and then took a really long nap that afternoon. She has stood a couple times without holding onto anything, but doesn’t stay up more than a couple seconds yet.
I’m wondering if I have an anterior placenta like I did with L. I felt her around 18 weeks, and I’m a couple days away from 17 weeks this time and have only felt a few little tickles. Getting quite nervous about the anatomy scan!
Hello! I have missed so much, I'm so sorry! I miss you guys and miss reading all your updates. I am trying to go back and read now.

We've had a rough couple of months with Z having two ear infections and me being continually sick. Just started a round of antibiotics for a sinus infection yesterday. Not fun!

However, Z is doing great! Finally got teeth! Two at the top are through and one at the bottom is coming. He's cruising like a champ and started standing for a few seconds on his own. Last night, he was moving between two couches without holding onto anything in between! We think he'll be walking... Actually, running, before we know it! He's crawling so fast as well. He got in trouble at day care the other day for crawling over to the fridge, opening the door and getting it another kid's yogurt! Haha!

Can't believe our kids are going to be turning 1 soon! Unbelievable <3
Hi ladies,

Lit/ hope V is a little more settled for u and you are managing to get little breaks. Did she cut any more teeth ?

Ally/ hope Isa is doing ok and skin getting better. I forgot you had some skin difficulties, when u were pregnant. Did that all clear after birth?
My friend had something similar and it cleared straight after ..all my boys have had something at some point, i doubt it’s connected hon, hope u got some rest. Has washing sheets made any difference.. I know it’s a bit random but I’ve noticed that at night my legs have started itching lol.. always something &#128547;haha., so I was thinking of maybe washing my sheets to see if it helped.. did u manage to go for a run that time ?

Ali, glad u are all staring to get better :) sorry your work is tough at the minute.. hope this improves soon for u.. oh no working Christmas that’s pants .. my oh has to work it to in A&E so I’ve said I’m doing us a Christmas dinner on Boxing Day and setting table so O has his first Christmas dinner still with daddy.. well sort of lol.. sorry O was but stubborn at his session.. my ds wouldn’t talk at his for first 4 ! &#128547;.. I’m sure when O goes to school he will catch up just fine.. he is a clever lad , why ask if u can get it anyway haha... I’m sure he will be asking for things just fine when he is debating his Christmas list with u and dh :) .like u, I wouldn’t be concerned :) U r a super mummy x

Vroggers/ glad u r doing ok. Anatomy scans are always anxiety provoking , and exciting at the same time ! Glad you are managing to get out now for walks with L, hope you enjoy your day out with your friend, it’s loverly to have a good catch up.

Newbie/ hi hon:) loverly to hear from u. Z sounds like he is doing great. Hope work going ok. Don’t worry about not getting on to post much.. I think all the regulars on here go through phases of not being able to get on for a while with our busy lives and all miss it when we don’t haha . I know when I go back to work just after Christmas I will struggle to get on as much.. always nice to hear from u and other ladies though x

Slammer hope u r doing ok hon x

Hi to froggy n midnight x

Sorry if I have missed anyone O starting to get restless, I’ll update personally later xx
Apple - she just has the two teeth now, but since the one broke through she has been a lot happier. She is still a bit fussier/clingier than usual because now she's in a wonder week. Of course! However, I would say she's mostly back to her normal self. :)
Looking forward to hearing your update later.

VRogers - wow, I can't believe you're almost 17 weeks already! Doesn't even seem real to me! You should totally add a pregnancy ticker so I can keep better track...just saying. ;) That's interesting you haven't felt kicks yet. I wouldn't be surprised if baby were anterior again! How far along will you be when you get the anatomy scan? That will be so exciting! Sorry you're feeling a bit nervous about it.
Yay for getting to see your bff this weekend! That will be great! That is really too bad you've barely seen each other since L was born. I find it is very difficult to maintain those close friendships when you're in this phase of life. I'm sure it will get easier someday, though.

Newbie - so sorry Z has had ear infections and you've been sick so often! That is so miserable, isn't it? Lots of hugs for you! It does sound like Z will be walking in no time!

Ali - oh wow, O definitely sounds like an extremely stubborn one! I am also sort of relieved to hear my 3 yr old isn't the only one who still has extreme tantrums! Dd1 has been awful lately for tantrums. She can be thrown into hysterics over practically nothing, it seems. I have no idea why it is so much lately, as she used to only have tantrums every once in a while and now it's just all the time even though nothing has changed. I do think she's in a growth spurt as she's always hungry and needs more sleep than usual. She tends to throw tantrums when she's "hangry," so perhaps once the growth spurt ends she'll behave a bit better. I do hope O will finally cooperate to some of these speech-encouraging tactics. I'm sorry you're going to have to endure a lot of tantrums until then! Hugs!
That's terrible that you likely will end up having to work Christmas. :( That makes me so sad for you! I hope you somehow get it off in the end, or at least can manage to make another day just as special. My mom is a nurse and so every other year she worked Christmas. It was annoying, but we always found ways to celebrate and it was still really special. :)

Ally - that sounds like pretty severe eczema. I do hope the pharmacy is able to find something else to help.

AFM - not much going on here, aside from dd1's behavioural issues lately which I mentioned to Ali. Really hoping she gets over this stage soon! Violet is sweet as always. She is cruising along furniture and has let go of support and stood briefly by herself before, but she hasn't stood up from the ground without furniture yet. I do wonder when she'll walk. She actually crawled a bit earlier than dd1, but I think she will walk slightly later? Dd1 walked at 9 months + 3 weeks or so.

I am feeling cooped up with the weather being so bad here. I find it is way too much work getting bundled up and out the door for the cold (and scraping windshield, etc), so we end up staying in a lot, but when we stay in too much I go stir crazy! Oh well. I'm happy to be able to hibernate, because getting out the door to work in the middle of the winter is the worst!
This past weekend I was able to go out for dessert with a friend (for her birthday) without the kidlets, so that was a very welcome break! :)
Lite - I always swear that O has more tantrums than a typical 3 year old. I may be completely wrong, but not too sure I am. It's always the worst in public or new areas. At home he's not so bad.

Yeah I can't hardly be bothered to get dressed let alone bundled up haha.. Glad you got to go out with your friend.

O was walking at 9.5 months so T is a later for sure. He's taking steps now. Just a single one then usually tumbles, but he has held one.

Apple - I really think he's just being more difficult because it's a new situation with new toys. He really doesn't get what he wants by whining, so really I don't know how to curve something that isn't even a thing.

Newbie - It sounds like Z is doing so great!! Yes he does sound like he's about to walk.

That's so funny he got into the fridge lol They are so clever and quick. They never fail to amaze me.

Vrogers - That's a bummer if you have another anterior. I felt T so much quicker. It really made a difference. Gosh pushing almost half way. That's insane. I hope you enjoy your time with your bff.

If I work it will most likely be 6a-6p. I hope not...

He is super stubborn and I think he is rebelling agasint what they were trying to have him do at the sessions.

Ally- Did you find anything out about his skin? I doubt it is related other than maybe his skin will be prone to irritation since yours might be? I really liked the Aveno baby eczema lotion. Just pricey.

AFM - Sorry if I missed anyone or something. I'm on my phone.

We had corporate at work doing a mock survey. State will be coming any time now and it is giving me anxiety. Corporate made it awful enough.

O isn't caring what I do to try to make him say something. Even his most motivating items he will just walk away. He LOVES being on my phone. Like it is the first thing he asks for in the morning and usually ends up in a fit because I tell him no. So now i say "Say "Phone please?" And you can have it "No! No not!" "Okay, then you can't have it. You have to say "Phone please" if you want it "No. No not (crosses arms and walks away) Tablets, suckers, chocolates.. like seriously doesn't matter how bad he wants it he just will not do it. Walks away and does something else. I feel like I have to take everything away and make him bored. Even then I bet he would gladly just play with his hands and fingers like they are people like he does. I may just have to force him to sign. He needs to just do it and realize be gets rewarded.

T is doing well. He stands up all the time now. He will take a single step and tumble, but has held it once. So he's getting there. He loves to "stomp" on things.

My life is about to become more stressful. Pretty sure my brother his gf and their two boys will be living with us this winter. I don't want them to be but I can't leave those two boys where they are at currently. There will be set rules when they come in. I just hope it goes better than I expect. I'm too mentally exhausted as it is.
Newbie- so good to hear from you and hear how baby Z is doing! Isn’t it crazy how fast they change and grow? I hope all the sickness has passed. The story with him going to the fridge and stealing someone’s yogurt made me laugh.

Apple- definitely nerve racking and exciting at the same time!

Literati- I don’t know why I haven’t thought of the tracker, I need one even for myself, I constantly have to think about how far I am. I was totally expecting to be feeling so much more especially since my body JUST did this haha. I know it’s kicking around in there because it’s super loud on the Doppler, I’ve just only felt tiny little “pops” so far. At the anatomy scan I’ll be 18+3, I believe I was right at 20weeks with L at the anatomy scan so it’s a bit earlier.
Wow dd1 walked early! I looked forward to L crawling so much, but now it’s just more exhausting to keep up with and make sure she doesn’t get into everything so I feel bittersweet about the walking!
It sounds really cold there! Our weather has only just started realizing it’s fall. I don’t blame you for not wanting to get out in it.
Yay for being able to meet a friend for dessert!

Ali- time really is flying, it’s scary haha.
Ugh I really hope you don’t have to work or at least can get off earlier.
Teaching sign does sound like a good idea. I’ve heard it actually helps language development tons but obviously no personal experience. I hope you’re able to figure something out, I’m sure it gets frustrating.
I can’t imagine taking in people with everything else going on, that’s really sweet of you! How old are their boys, do they get along with yours? I hope it works out either way.
vrogers- i finished stranger things today, wow, cannot wait for next series!!! can't believe you at 17 weeks along now!!

newbie0 so nice to hear from you!! sorry you have all been ill, but its been lovely to get an update from you and glad baby z is doing well.

apple- didt get out for a run, doh!!! eaten lots of junk too haha. My skin all cleared up after yeah but do have scars from it, and random marks on my skin. Isa seems better now, been putting on coconut oil a few times a day and yeah wasged all his bedding etc.

lit- oh yeah i don't like being cooped up in the house, drives me mad. i need fresh air!! the lady at pharmacy said its most likely excema and gave me a moisturizer. what are your plans for this weekend?

ali-as i commented to lit, i went to pharmacy and they gave me a moisturiser and said his skin is dry and its probably eczema. I think main thing is just to moisturise and then get him some fresh air when i can, its cold and it can get hot and stuffy in the house which might not help.
how come your brother will move in? it sounds stressful but hopefully it'll go smoothly.

apple- look forward to ur update :)

So Isa seems much better, he has a blocked nose, but seems pretty happy, and while his sleep has been rubbish the last few nights, it wasn't so bad last night, and today he napped fine, and just now (its 11pm), hes been asleep since 8 and not woken yet. His skin still looks a bit red and sore, but moisturizing it multiple times a day seems to be helping.

i finished stranger things today, ah it was so good, can't wait for series 3.

whats everyones weekend plans? not much planned here, tomorrow eill do some uni work and sunday my aunt is coming to visit, which will be lovely.

anyway its getting late, and i am going to go get a cuddle with dh in bed before i zonk out.

speak soon ladies xx
vrogers- i finished stranger things today, wow, cannot wait for next series!!! can't believe you at 17 weeks along now!!

newbie0 so nice to hear from you!! sorry you have all been ill, but its been lovely to get an update from you and glad baby z is doing well.

apple- didt get out for a run, doh!!! eaten lots of junk too haha. My skin all cleared up after yeah but do have scars from it, and random marks on my skin. Isa seems better now, been putting on coconut oil a few times a day and yeah wasged all his bedding etc.

lit- oh yeah i don't like being cooped up in the house, drives me mad. i need fresh air!! the lady at pharmacy said its most likely excema and gave me a moisturizer. what are your plans for this weekend?

ali-as i commented to lit, i went to pharmacy and they gave me a moisturiser and said his skin is dry and its probably eczema. I think main thing is just to moisturise and then get him some fresh air when i can, its cold and it can get hot and stuffy in the house which might not help.
how come your brother will move in? it sounds stressful but hopefully it'll go smoothly.

apple- look forward to ur update :)

So Isa seems much better, he has a blocked nose, but seems pretty happy, and while his sleep has been rubbish the last few nights, it wasn't so bad last night, and today he napped fine, and just now (its 11pm), hes been asleep since 8 and not woken yet. His skin still looks a bit red and sore, but moisturizing it multiple times a day seems to be helping.

i finished stranger things today, ah it was so good, can't wait for series 3.

whats everyones weekend plans? not much planned here, tomorrow eill do some uni work and sunday my aunt is coming to visit, which will be lovely.

anyway its getting late, and i am going to go get a cuddle with dh in bed before i zonk out.

speak soon ladies xx
Ally- without spoiling for anyone who hasn’t seen it, the ending killed me! Such a good series, I’m amazed by the kid actors.
Glad Isa is feeling better, hope his nose clears soon! Not sure if you use/have one already, but we love the nosefrida, it sounds gross but sooo much better than the bulbs.
I hope you have a nice visit with your aunt!
Not a lot planned here either other than target with my bff, and dh and I want to take L to a museum in town and then when it gets dark to look at Christmas lights (our city displays them before thanksgiving).

Anyone who has a good nap schedule want to share? L had been consistently taking 3 naps, with the first at around 9ish, then the rest 2 hours after the previous nap. Basically I think she’s trying to drop to 2 naps and I’m thinking of just doing a nap around 9:30ish and then the second around 2ish? Is that too big of a gap?

Also funny I was just talking about no movement. My dad dropped by a cold coffee drink and I was sitting and felt about 4 little “bubbles”. Then just a few min ago while sitting in L’s room listening to the new Taylor Swift felt like 10 more. I forgot how weird it feels when they are still so small.
Ally, glad Isa feeling better :) I’ve not been great with my diet lately, loads of rubbish foods but trying to get back on it now lol..trying to fill up on fruit and stay away from biscuits &#128547;..n walking when I can. Hope u have nice day with your aunt.

Vroggers, exiting that you are feeling little one move :)
Can’t give advice on sleep and nap routines at the min as Os is out of the window lately! &#128547; .. taking L to see museum and Christmas lights sounds loverly.. :)

Well I’m definitely starting to get in the Christmassy mood.. I’ve bought quite a lot of presents and have a lot wrapped. Have to with my lot !! lol.. ive not over done it with O as we have so much from Ds. I bought a 3 ft gingerbread man yesterday, ds loves it. I only went shopping for bits and bobs, I’m terrible at this time of year ! lol

O is being a little monkey at the moment , he just won’t settle at all in his cot.. since he has started to stand in his cot he just crawls around , standing , falling , standing again , banging his head because he is just shattered! It’s exhausting.. hopefully a phase !

I’ve then been a terrible mother lol and let ds watch the iPad in bed, before sleep, basically because I was shattered with O trying to sorting him and the constant banging of head on cot ! &#129301; and needed a bit of sanity ! Now he is playing up every night wanting the iPad. Totally my fault &#128547;... I did stick to guns last night though and we went back to stories and he was ok. I don’t mind weekends just have to try and not ok school nights..

I took ds to a thing called messy church tonight. Never been before. It was crafts , songs and then story in church then food.. it was really good bit of time just with ds. He loved it. Anyway teenager at his dads tonight so planning on young ones in bed and film with oh x have nice rest of weekend ladies x
Apple - that sounds like a nice time at the church. Glad your ds enjoyed it.
Oh, I hate that when I let dd1 do something one time, and then she always wants it. Usually, if I warn her that something is just a ONE time thing and won't happen again, she's usually pretty good about it, but not always...

VRogers - oh, the early kicks! That is a weird feeling, isn't it? I'm glad you're feeling a bit now.
Like Apple, violet's naps are also all over the place so I can't really give advice. I personally let V's sleepiness lead the way. When L is ready to drop to 2 naps, she will do it naturally with maybe just a little bit of help from you, like early bedtime and whatnot. Violet is pretty much down to 2 naps, but yesterday she had too short of naps and ended up having 3. This resulted in her being wide awake for an hour-ish at 3:00 am! I was not pleased. I tried to cherish our time in the rocking chair, but it was not fun! Haha. Oh, and you could try the 2-3-4 rule? Works for some people. Means 2 hours of awake time, then first nap. Then 3 hours of awake time after the first nap ends before the second nap. Then 4 hours of awake time until bedtime. Idk if that would be helpful to you!
Yeah, the crawling definitely makes for an additional challenge. I actually really like the crawling stage compared to the walking stage. There is a short time when they learn to walk where they are really unstable, and I find it really stressful and draining following them around everywhere so they don't get hurt! So I'm hoping Violet waits a few more weeks haha.

Ally - that's good you for a moisturizer for him. As for our weekend plans, yesterday I had coffee with a friend, and in the evening DH and I went out for supper on a date night! Woohoo! Violet actually did fine with my parents for the first time. Today we have my DH's work's kids' Christmas Party in the evening.

Ali - wow, that sounds so frustrating with O being so stubborn and refusing to say any words to get what he wants. Hopefully you'll have a breakthrough soon, and then maybe he will realize it pays off to say the words? Idk! You're doing a great job persevering!
Wow, that sounds majorly stressful to have your brother & his family staying with you for the winter! I hope that goes away. That would require some major patience on your part. You're amazing! So sorry you're so mentally drained already. I wish you could get a break once in a while! :(
Lit/ yay for date night !! Lol .. glad V settled for your parents. O is mainly down to 2 naps now but they vary in length depending on what we are doing and if ds is around.

The night times here are a nightmare at the min. O just will not lay down at all, crawling about, battling tiredness, I’m just wondering if I try and leave longer from 2 nd nap to bed time he might settle quicker. Doing my head in haha .. I can’t leave him awake as he keeps banging his head. I’ve put loads of blankets in that I take out after for padding ha.. when I go up to him he is actually crawling around with his eyes shut !! &#128547;just fighting sleep. I’ve tried cuddling him to sleep but he is the same.. oh has been cuddling him to sleep down stairs but I don’t want to set this off or I know that’s all he will want. Never mind will get there ha..

Popped into work today to see some colleagues and stayed an hr and had a coffee. Be nice to see them again once back properly. Hope u ladies are all doing ok n little ones. Better go and stop O banging his head !!
Apple - that’s too bad that O is fighting sleep so much at night. I can’t even imagine being able to put Violet in her crib at night, but someday, I suppose haha. Seems like there is always a regression going on in the first year.

That’s great you had a nice coffee with your colleagues!

AFM - having a frustrating day. Have spent a couple hours trying to make Christmas cards now but keep running into technological glitches which is pretty frustrating. Trying to parent at the same time and I’m feeling quite overwhelmed! Argh.
Lit/ nice that u are making cards. I can imagine a little stressful parenting at same time if not quite going to plan !! Ive not made cards myself yet. We do lots of other crafty things. I went to hobby craft yesterday and bought lots of decorations to decorate with the boys. My friend is coming round with her little boy, she is on her own so wanted to invite her along. we are going to make a night if it. I’m going to put on some nibbles n we can chill whilst the boys make a mess with paint and glitter lol..

I made Christmas 2 cakes the other with two boys at my feet.. I literally lobbed all the ingredients apart from the fruit in a bowl, shoved mixer on then chucked fruit in .. vwalla!! Then burnt one haha &#128514;. It’s still getting iced though just cut well done bits off lol people will never know, and if they do they will be polite and not say haha..I normally love making Christmas cake and take my time , not this year, my kitchen looked like a scene from a crazy Christmas film &#128514; with the noisy baby banging his toys on the high chair!!! N mum covered in flour &#128514;

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