January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Thanks, Apple. What did everyone else's LOs dress up as?
It was kind of a crappy day, as DH was sick with a flu-like illness, and I had gotten my flu shot on Monday and so ended up becoming overwhelmingly fatigued from it. I went for a nap and planned to get up and have a super early supper before trick-or-treating, but I woke up 2.5 hours later at 5:30 pm! It was a race to eat and get ready then, but did manage to let dd1 trick-or-treat with her cousins like she does every year. Violet was content in the stroller. :) Today it is quite snowy and gross out, and I'm so thankful I don't have to go anywhere! Hope everyone is doing well.
Lit/ sorry about the illness on your home. You must have needed that sleep ! 😁 glad you got out trick or treating.. oh my goodness snow ⛄️! Just cold here. I’m hoping it stays clear for when I take boys away tomorrow..

Nothing much happening here.. O at nursery again this am with ds so I’m meeting my mum for coffee . Will be so weird with no boys ! I only leave them couple of hours even though I pay for 5 ha ha, I just want O to have opportunity to get used to it b4 I go back to work.

I went to Physio again this week, dressed more appropriately this time 😂.. actually ended up having good chat, Nice guy, i mentioned that I was thinking of doing some private work when My Mat leave ends so I can be home more with oh n kids and it turns out he has a private practice and he said I could rent a room as he is away 2 days a week so the room is empty and he pays monthly for the whole week. Said he wouldn’t want much. Said my oh could maybe use it as well as he does same thing. So considering that as it’s in a really good area..

That’s it really 5 am here ds just for a wee now I’m up 😣

Hope all other ladies are doing ok x
hi ladies, just getting online and catching up.

vrogers- how was your halloween? did you go to the farm?

apple-that's great news about the spare room and how little it would be as well! when do you go back to work again?
great about the extra cash from ebay! wales sounds lovely, i've never been? have u been before?
cake and cofee with dh sounds nice.
pumpkin costume sounds so cute!!! post a pic if u can x

lit-sounds like you needed that nap! great that u got to go out trick or treating though!
V sounds like she is doing well with the weight and height :) sorry about the stress with dd1 though! oh gosh i can't imagine...
maybe v just needs to take a few days to adjust to two naps, isa just naturally grew out of it.

afm- well i never dressed isa up for halloween, i guess i couldn't be bothered haha. We didn't do much anyway. on the saturday (28th) we took isa to a halloween parade thing, which was quite fun and isa liked it, but it started to creep into his bedtime and he got really moody so we came home.\
yesterday i took isa to baby story time, and it was great, he loved it.There were loads of other babies there and while isa stayed near me, it was really cute to see and he got all excited when the lady bought out bubbles.
Isa sleeping well just now, up once or twice briefly and i put him down drowsy in the cot and let him fall asleep on his own. Ideally i'd like to put him down and leave the room, but because he just stands up etc i don't. I just shuush and pat him, and when his eyes start shutting i just stop patting and watch him (it's so cute) and then leave.
Apple- your boys sound fun with each other! I've never had a CT scan, that does sound scary and I hope the wait goes by fast. I hope you and your family had a fun Halloween

Literati- oh my goodness I bet the belle costume was cute.
Doctor appointment with 2 little ones sure does sound exhausting, but you sound like you handled it well.

Ally- we ended up staying in because it was pretty chilly and I still need more winter-like clothes for L! They close for the next few weeks until after thanksgiving, so we plan on going then when they'll have Christmas trees.
Isa sounds like he really enjoyed story time, im glad you got to go.
Glad he's getting better at sleeping!

Afm- hope everyone had a good Halloween! Ours was nothing major since it was a weeknight and L is too young for candy, and of course we got 0 trick or treaters. Saturday before Halloween dh took L to a "gun show" (pretty much what it sounds like, mostly older men and cops and tables of different kinds of guns) while I stayed home alone. They were only gone for about an hour but it felt so weird to be home alone for the first time in almost 10 months! L did really well, she didn't like when they stamped her hand but she was okay inside and mostly stared at the ceiling. Dh said he enjoyed doing something with her that he used to do w/his dad so I thought that was sweet even if it's a hobby I couldn't know less about!
Can't believe L will be 10 months in less than a week, we're so close to one year which is unbelievable!
Random question for those that celebrate Christmas, are you planning on doing a tree? We always have, but im a little nervous this year with how mobile L is and I know she would be super interested in the tree. I thought about doing one and then putting a baby gate around it, but idk. May just stick with our little 2 foot tree up high.
Anyone have fun plans this weekend? We are wanting to take L to dh's fav Mexican restaurant as long as she cooperates mood wise!
Vrogers, glad y’all had a good Halloween. I don’t blame you for not doing the farm. It was chilly here too and we did something similar and I feel like it was 20 dollars wasted lol. Gage smiled at the animals in the petting zoo but everything else they offered was too big for him. I tried to get some pics in the pumpkins but he was more interested in playing with the pumpkins/dirt and wouldn’t even look up for a photo! We will do a tree but we will tie it to the wall so that it can fall, and I’ll be putting the ornaments higher up so he can’t reach. We have some fun “toy” ornaments that were dhs as a kid that I may put around the bottom so if he does manage to get one it won’t be a big deal. I found a really cool idea that I want to try. After Christmas you cut off a sliver of the tree stump and write “Gage’s first Christmas 2017” and coat it in protective paint and make it into an ornament!

Lit, i cringed at the poop in the drs office while holding violet!! That just sounded stressful!!! Glad you got such a long nap in!! It sounds glorious!! So happy that you didn’t sleep through trick or treat and dd1 got to go out!!

Ally, how nice that is a will drift off by himself! That sounds amazing! I wish gage would do that. So happy that you enjoyed the parade, it’s fun getting out and doing family things isnt it?

Apple, how cool about the space! Its Crazy how stuff like that happens sometimes right?

Afm, gage was Elmo for Halloween. Someone gave us a costume for free, so I ordered DH a beanie that has Oscar the grouch on it, and made a costume for myself of Cookie Monster and we went around a block in a subdivision down the street. Just mainly for pictures! Gage got some candy that me and dh ate lol! It has warmed up here a bit so I think we are heading to the park tomorrow to play for a while. But other than that no real plans for the weekend. Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!!!
Apple - a couple hours without kids sounds amazing! How did O handle it? I think it's a good idea you are transitioning him slowly! You're a great mom.
That's so cool about the potential to rent your physio' space! It's great you talked! Woohoo!

Ally - it sounds like Isa is still going down pretty well for you. It takes time to transition to him falling asleep completely on his own, and it's easier on him and you if you don't push it too quickly!

VRogers - I am wondering the same thing about Christmas. Our first Christmas with dd1, she wasn't mobile yet, and by the next Christmas she was pretty good at staying away from the ornaments. Violet is not only so mobile, but she is VERY into grabbing anything and everything that is off limits! I don't think I can handle not putting a tree up, considering it's one of my favourite parts of Christmas, but I am just not sure how Violet is going to ever stay away from it!

That's so sweet your DH took L on a little daddy daughter date to look at guns! I agree about the activity, but so heartwarming that he is doing something with L that he has fond memories of doing with his dad! I love traditions like that!

Froggy - so cute about Gage dressing up as Elmo! Yay for scoring some candy for you and your DH. ;)
Yep, the dr's office bathroom trip was not fun, but oh well! Thanks for the sympathy. ;)

AFM - Violet is all over the place with her sleep! First she was dropping to 2 naps, then yesterday she took 3 short naps, and then today she refused her first nap until 2:15 pm! A bit ridiculous! I am assuming she'll take a second at some point, but not sure why she had the first so late! I really feel like she's getting a second tooth but it hasn't popped through yet. She keeps biting me while nursing, which is NOT fun!
Hope you all have a great weekend. We don't have big plans.
Have I even posted since DH started his new job?? I don't think I have! I try to keep up with reading here, but I am finding even less time to post, which seems crazy!

So DH has done three weeks in his new job and it's awesome. It's amazing to have him home every night and to have them whole weekend together. Yet somehow I have grand plans of everything I’m going to get done each weekend and I don't get half of it done! Crazy. He is enjoying his job and he has a very easygoing boss. He may still pick up a shift at the bar now and then to make some extra money though. We were majorly in the red last month with finances, yikes. Just a lot of unplanned expenses.

Work still going well for me.

DD was being super difficult for a couple weeks and must have been due to the longer hours she's at preschool now with our new schedule. But she was much better this week.

Jack has pink eye, ugh. Had to pick him up early from daycare on Thurs and take him to the doc. Then keep him home on Fri. And of course his 9-month appt happened to be on Fri, so he was at the doc two days in a row. Not sure his measurement, but he was 20 lbs. I think he was around 50th percentile for weight and 70th for height? Not sure, lol.
DD had a blast with Halloween. She was Rapunzel and got to wear her costume at school. I also took her trick or treating at the mall on the Saturday before. On Halloween we went trick or treating with one of her friends on our street and her parents. She had so much fun! Jack was a pumpkin, but DH was carrying him and it was a little cold, so I took the suit off him after a while and put him on my back and wrapped us both up. He was pretty good, and we were out for a while.

Not much else to report. I miss you guys. I try to keep up with reading, but really struggle to find time to post!
Hi ladies, reading along but just quick post. Hi slammer loverly to hear from u glad all goin well.

I wil post properly later and reply to all then.

Had a loverly weekend with my boys in wales, will tell details later. O was great.

Not feeling great at min,this stupid stomach pain got worse when I was away. Tried not to worry but did get upset when away but hid from boys.. just wish I could stop worrying.. doing my head in.. get scan results from my ct on Wednesday. Sorry for vent :(
Slammer - so great to hear from you! Don't feel bad about not posting sooner. It's just great to hear from you when you're able to pop in!
That's wonderful that your DH's new job is so great! I'm so happy for you! I agree it is so amazing having them home for evenings and weekends! For you it must seem like an even more extreme gift since you had none of those before! So glad his boss is easygoing and that things are going well. That's too bad things went into the red last month. I feel like there are ALWAYS unexpected expenses somehow, so it's so hard to stay on a budget! Makes me wonder how anyone does it on less. I hope doing the odd bar shift on the side will help you get by until eventually your DH can make a bit more.

Sounds like your DD really had a blast for Halloween! Yay! That's too bad about her difficulty for a little while, but makes sense if she was adjusting to longer hours at nursery.
So sorry Jack has pinkeye! I hate pinkeye so much haha. Hope he gets better really soon! :)

Apple - so sorry your stomach pain is worse now. That must be worrying. I hope you can hang in there until Wed when you get your results. Hopefully it's nothing serious but something easily treatable so you don't have to have pain anymore! Hugs.

AFM - doing fairly well. Violet is finally popping out that second tooth. She is also bonding more with DH now that he is home more, so he actually successfully watched her for 3 hours on Saturday while I was out for a ladies' brunch and she didn't get upset! Woohoo! She will still only go to someone else for maybe a minute, but whatever! Haha. Baby steps.
I am already feeling cooped up and a bit down from it being so cold and snowy out. Don't really want to get out much anymore because it's too much work bundling up so much. Gag!
Lite - Doesn't it feel like it just warmed up and now it's cold again? I need to get winter coats for the boys. The smallest one I have is 2T which is just a bit too big still for T. I used it today to just get by till I get one. I'm picky when it comes to coats.

Apple - I really hope you get answers with your results. I don't blame you for worrying. I worry so much for myself now that I have children. They need me.

Slammer - Sounds like a great night out! I haven't tried wearing T on my back. Sounds like your DD had lots of fun which is great! I wish I could have enjoyed it more. Hopefully next year.

That's awesome your DH is enjoying his job. I wish one of us were here. We both have a lot of stress at our jobs. Different types but still stress.

Froggy - Lucky.. it's been so cold here lately. O still wants to go outside, but I don't want to take T out. I can't leave the door open anymore to watch O either. Bah..

Vrogers - I personally will put up a tree, but I'm not going to guard it. I doubt T will mess with it enough to make an issue. I won't be putting anything dangerous on it. I use to leave things in reach for O to play with then put the ones I didn't want touched up high.

Ally - Haha.. that sounds ideal to me. T doesn't want to sleep in the crib. If I lay him down drowsy he starts to scream and gets hysterical. Which is what it escalates to when he wakes up in the night to. Bah.. oh well. Glad Isa is sleeping well, though!

AFM - I didn't go back too far. I've been reading along, but been super busy. I've been taking T to story time and it's been going well for him. I met a mom I think I could really come to like! I haven't asked for her number or FB or anything yet, but maybe next time we meet. Her little one is pushing 18 months but T is the same size haha.. He's a little guy. We seem to have similar values, though. She's alone at the moment because her DH is overseas.

T is doing well. He's such a jabber jaw. I'm excited for him to start talking more other than mama or dada. I'm pretty sure he's making car sounds when he gets to playing with cars. It's cute. He could just be making noises, but he was making a different noise then started pushing a car around and changed to making a car sound.

T was a mouse for Halloween. O was Catboy from PJ Masks. We went to the zoo for their Halloween event then on Halloween I worked so I had DH bring them to work for theirs then went to the library then just like.. 2 houses near us. We went to our neighbors first and were there a half hour talking haha. O wanted to play with their dogs so we stepped in and just talked. Older couple that is really nice! But.. the night was crap because O had a meltdown at my work place and at the library. We almost just called it quits. Maybe next year.

O had his evaluation today. They didn't state their concerns or anything yet, though. They want to do one more play session. I think she wants to watch his behaviors a bit more. I think one was a behavioral specialist.

Work has been crappy. My work environment got more hostile. We went down one nurse so I picked up some hours so I can have money for Christmas which I'm probably going to work with my luck. Now we're about to lose one more. Then there is a lot of tension in the head offices.

Anyways I need to get to sleep. Work the next 3 days. 3rd day is only for 4 hours but it ruins the whole day.
hey ladies..

vrogers- i don't celebrate xmas and never had a tree up, but i'd feel wary like you for the same reasons, isa is just too mobile!

froggy- gage sounds so cute dressed as elmo!

lit- i agree about the sleep thing, i'm just going to go with the flow, for now just staying with him until he falls asleep is just fine. Hope V and her sleep is better now and less erratic! It sounds lovely that V is bonding with your dh more, and that you got to go out for a bit, you deserve that very much!

slammer- it's nice to hear from you! Rapunzel, that sounds adorable. Love the sound of Jack as a pumpkin, sounds so cute.Glad your dh is enjoying his job and all is going well. Hope Jack's pinkeye gets better soon!

apple - good luck for ur results tomorrow, ans really hope ur feeling better soon. Sending u big hugs!

ali- nice to hear from you. Mouse outfit sounds adorable! Glad story time is going well, i've started going to one and enjoying it so far, but not really had chance to make any friends yet. Hope you and that other mum get to become friends!
Your work sounds very stressful, but hope the next few days fly in for you.

afm- all is well round here, got story time tomorrow with isa and i'm looking forward to it. He is still sleeping really well, and i'm actually feeling more rested and better which is LOVELY.
After isa had the hand, foot and mouth, his skin has been really dry, so have been using coconut oil on it. And i give him chamomile tea to drink, cause its good for skin and he loves it.
i'm doing some marking of year 1 essays for some extra money at uni, ive got 25 essays to mark by next tuesday and it really does take a while to mark one, so that is keeping me quite busy.
im going to do isa a little birthday party on the 28th dec- 3 days after his birthday so people can come. I don't actually know what to do though, or buy him. What do u do on a 1st birthday party????
Apple - I hope something shows up on the scan results. I had an MRI of my back and was kind of hoping there would be something there so I could at least have a diagnosis and plan of action, but there was really nothing. I do have a slight curvature of the spine, but nothing to do about that.

Literati - yes there does always see. To be something unexpected! But we had to spend over $700 on a proper work wardrobe for DH since he never had to have business attire before. Plus like I mentioned above I had an MRI and there went $300 for that. Ughhhh.

Second tooth for V, wow. Jack just popped his 7th. My kids are always on the early end with their teeth coming through.

We are still not consistently getting cold temps here, but I think this week will be the change. Nowhere near snow.

AliJo - I wish you and DH could have less stressful jobs. Now that DH is home normal hours I honestly don't know how I ever handled all the time alone with two kids before. I must be blocking it out.

Sorry Halloween was a bit tough with O. It will probably be better next year. I hope his next evaluation goes well.

Ally - glad Isa is sleeping so well for you and you're feeling well rested. Sleep is still crappy here!

AFM - Jack got his 7th tooth last week. He is way into solids now, and it kinds blows my mind. His daycare lady gives him all kinds of things - eggs and spinach, beets, grapes, crackers… I have given him chicken, tomatoes, grapes, raspberries, Cheerios, cornflakes, crackers, even a bite of a Pringle chip lol. Still a bit lazy with it, by trying to do more. My DD still had very little interest in food at this age.

His pink eye is better, but still giving eye drops for another couple days.

He babbles a ton and is super cute. I feel I can finally enjoy him now that it's not just a constant slog of killing my back taking care of him on my own.

Sleep is still shit here. A good night would be one or two stretches of two hours. Bad nights I don't even know how often he wakes. Cannot wait until he's ready to be night weaned… I did DD at 17 months, and that was a good age.

Also can't wait to stop pumping at 12 months. It's still going well, but will be so happy to have that time back at work and to not have to deal with bagging my milk and washing bottles and parts every night.
Froggy- I bet it was so cute seeing him with the animals though!
Toy ornaments where they can reach sounds like a really good idea. And I may have to steal that last idea, that’s so sweet!
I bet Gage was adorable as Elmo! Glad you guys had a good Halloween and ate some candy haha

Literati- I feel the same way! I’ve always been one to put a tree up the week of thanksgiving and I’m not sure I’ll be able to do without this year. Violet sounds JUST like L with getting into everything, it’s so exhausting!
We are going through similar nap issues. It seems like L is wanting to drop a nap (she still usually takes 3), she fights the third one SO hard, but her second nap ends way too early to keep her up until bedtime. I hope it sorts itself out soon.

Slammer- so glad dh’s job is working out for you guys! I bet it’s nice to have him home evenings and weekends.
Poor jack, I hope the pink eye passes ASAP!
I’ve been missing your posts, but I completely understand how hard it is to find extra time to write a post!
I feel better that I’m not the only lazy one with feeding solids haha. I do little bites of most of what we eat but I’m really not doing “3 meals a day” right now.
I’m sure it’ll be so nice to have that extra time to do something else that is spent on pumping now!

Apple- so sorry about your stomach pain, can’t imagine how tough it is to try to push through the pain for your kids. I hope you finally get answers!

Ali- I think I may do what you and froggy said, put the ones that don’t need to be messed with on top. I really don’t want to go without a tree, it’s one of my fav traditions!
I hope you’re able get in contact with the mom from story time! I’m sure she would definitely appreciate it since she’s alone for now.
I’m sorry about the work drama, that’s frustrating. It’s good you’re able to pick up some extra hours for Christmas money!

Ally- I hope story time goes well!
Aw the bday party sounds fun! I’m also curious about gifts and whatnot for first birthday. It’s like they’re too young to understand what’s going on, but it’s a big deal to us parents so we want to do something. I’ve got a few “first birthday gift ideas” on my Pinterest, and I was planning on making a little healthy baby smash cake I found also on Pinterest.

Afm- last night was awful, put L down and a little while later she started screaming. We assumed she was just hungry, as sometimes she’ll want another oz or so before finally going down. We fed her more but that didn’t satisfy her and she just wouldn’t stop screaming. She hasn’t done that since she was about 4-5 months. I gave her some med thinking maybe it was her teeth, and finally dh went in and rocked her until she fell asleep and was able to put her in her crib. Still not really sure what was bothering her.
She’s also changed her wake time since the time change and is now waking at 6 instead of 7. I hope it goes back to 7 soon because 6 feels sooo much earlier!!
Not much else going on, I have a new game coming out this Friday so it’ll be fun to finally try to play something this weekend when L goes to bed.
Still keep forgetting I’m pregnant, it’s crazy how different this one is from the one with L, it’s like night and day. I’ll be 16 weeks Friday, which is blowing my mind! Feels like I JUST found out.
Those who have thanksgiving coming up, what are your plans? We decided on staying home and letting our parents come for a little bit, but dh’s mom was not pleased with that idea. Just not into packing up with a baby and worrying about nap time and bottles and being around tons of people when she’s in this stranger anxiety phase-so it’s up to her if she wants to come see us.
Hi ladies, sorry not been on properly for a few days. I really wasn’t in good place leading to my scan results..got myself into a bit of a state 😣 I won’t reply to everyone now as just settling O. I will try and get on later. Just wanted to thank everyone for support last few weeks with it xx 😘

I went for results yesterday, after making us wait for an hr, which really didn’t help as it was a private hospital and u don’t normally have to wait at all so I had all sorts going through my head.. Went to reception and was told they were just looking through my results again .. freaked me out more ! :(

Went in eventually to see consultant and he said nothing serious shown ! :)
thank goodness 😅 I’ve got a cyst on ovary that he is referring me for to keep an eye on it. Ive got to go for further X-rays to see if my gall bladder is functioning properly, if not they will remove it. The said they could see that my bowels were possibly blocking where my pain was as there was quite a lot there that really shouldn’t be and rest of my bowel was clear so this maybe causing pain.. 😣😣 I’ve been given movicol to take everyday long term. I’m just now waiting to have gall bladder checked again. It’s apparently a different X-ray that I have to drink and eat as they do it. I don’t mind possible surgery for that. I can handle that ! X
Pain still there but worrying about what it could be not as much any more thankfully x

Today just feel totally shell shocked, so have had some quiet time to myself and chilled with my boys. honestly I’d even gone and bought all Xmas boxes in case I wouldn’t be able to the day before scan 😣 think I went bit crazy. Didn’t realise how scared other half was about it all, he was just really clingy and cuddly last night, bless him x

Ive never been so glad to come home to housework and make tea lol x

I’ll try and get back on later x

Thank u all again x
VRogers - we will go to my parents' house for Thanksgiving. Looking forward to it.

Sorry about the tough evening L had! You never know what's bothering them..

Apple - that's good the scan didn't show anything serious, but sucks you have to go through more tests. Hope it's all cleared up soon.

AFM - well Jack's pink eye is cleared up, but now both kids have Hand Foot and Mouth! It's a common virus apparently, but Ava never had it before. I'm sure she picked it up at school. This whole preschool thing is wreaking havoc on our health! Oh, and Jack has a double ear infection to boot! Daycare lady said he was fussy all day, hardly ate and napped. I noticed the rash on Ava last night but wasn't sure about it until the daycare lady said Jack had it too and that's what she thought it was. I picked them both up a little early and took them straight to urgent care to confirm. So now we have antibiotics for Jack and just hoping the HFM doesn't get too bad. Ava seems totally unbothered, but it can get bad and make eating and drinking painful apparently. Jack was pretty content once we got home and he had his mama with him.
Slammer - oh no! So sorry the kids are sick AGAIN! I've heard lots of bad things about HFM but we haven't yet had to deal with it.
That's good it doesn't seem too bad yet. Do you have to keep Jack home from daycare for a while now?
That's amazing that having your DH home to help has helped make parenting a lot more enjoyable! You deserve that!
Sorry nothing helpful was revealed about your back, but I hope the pain resolves soon.
Yeah, work wardrobes are a total pain! DH has to wear full suit & tie every day for work, and it costs a pretty penny trying to keep up with that. Blah.
17 months is when I night weaned my dd1 as well! Well, I tried at 15 months as well but it failed, but it finally stuck at 17 mo. That seems like so long to go this time around. Violet still nurses constantly at night. It would be extremely rare if she ever went 2 hours. So, I'm with you on the crap sleep. Blah!

VRogers - definitely sounds like similar nap issues with our girls. Hopefully they resolve soon. That sounds stressful with L's bad wake-up the other night.

Apple - i'm so happy the scan revealed nothing serious! What a relief! Sweet of your oh to be so worried. I hope you can relax a bit now as you await further testing and such re: your gall bladder.

Ali - sorry work is such a hostile environment! That doesn't sound pleasant at all. Hugs.
The boys sound like they had cute costumes. I also probably need to buy a new winter jacket for dd1. Her 2T one still fits, but just barely. I just can't believe how much all this stuff costs.

Ally - 1st birthday is more for parents, so do whatever you like! For us we had friends over for some snacks, did a smash cake, took some pics, and that's about it. It was still memorable, though.

AFM - DH has been away all week for work, and it has been hard. Violet is teething and cries every time I put her down, and dd1 is always energy-sucking, but today she cried excessively/threw tantrums and whatnot, so that was extra tiring. Feeling exhausted from that, but okay otherwise.
Hi ladies,

Ally, 25 essays, oh no that’s doesn’t sound fun ! Every penny adds up though doesn’t it. Glad Isa is starting to feel better. Hope his skin is better soon. I’d never thought of camomile tea, I’ll remember that.. cute that he likes it ha x for my boys first birthdays I’ve alwys done little family gatherings really. They just get bigger and more expensive as the years go by !! Ha, when I think back I’ve had so many different themed parties over the years, pirates, super hero’s, the best, or most memorable was my teenagers 6th birthday .. he wanted a Michael Jackson party !! He had a MJ cake with a silver glove on 😂😂 he went dressed in a black hat with a little silver glove, dancing about .. hillarious 😂.,,

Lit/ Ollie just got his second tooth also.. I do admire u ladies that are still nursing at night, and the ones working and pumping at work ! You all deserve a medal 🥇:)

Sorry it’s been tough going with your dh working away. Is he back now ? Can u get a little break ? ..Hugs x

Vroggers / 16 weeks wow, times going so fast.. how are u feelin in yourself. Good that u are sticking to your guns on thanks giving. It’s hard to please everyone but you are right in putting L first, especially is she had a little bit of stranger anxiety, bless her. Hope she doesn’t have any more upsetting nights for u. It’s horrible when we don’t know what’s wrong with them, just feel helpless. Glad she managed to settle..hope the early waking improves. X

Ali/ sorry work is not great at the min. What kind of place is it that u work in ? Is it a hospital ward or a residential home ? My oh works on A&zero at the min ad they are totally short staffed .. it’s just not fair on patients or staff :(

Halloween outfits sound really cute :) My 4 yr old had new cat boy mask 😂 we are not allowed to call him by his name when he wears it ha .. glad story time is going ok x

Slammer / so pleased for you that things going good with your dh home a better times from work. Sorry little ones are not well. Hope they are better soon, glad Ava doing ok with it hope it stays that way. Are you having to take time off work now ? Glad jacks eye is clearing up.. we are same over here with illnesses from preschool, it’s just one thing after another. 😣 so annoying !

Froggy/ your Halloween outfits sounded great ha..u are very creative :) making matching lol, I can imagine Gage looked a little cutie ha x

We r doing ok here, O coming on really well, def a little attitude now ha.. I can’t really leave the room now without him wanting mummy, this has been really since him starting doing a few hours at his nursery. This is going ok ish .. he does get upset now as he has realised that I leave him. I hate that :( I just know it will be a lot harder if I waited until I was back in work as I wouldn’t be able to get him. He only does a couple of hours at the min which I’m ok with and it’s really gradual for him.

Wales was great with the boys.. Ive not really updated about it since coming back, we really fitted loads in for a weekend. We went to a pottery place and painted our own Christmas decorations, we make them every year so I thought his was a bit different, surprising how the older boys really enjoyed it ha .. we went bowling and the older boys went go karting, teenager chuffed that he beat his big brother haha..lots of pub meals and coffee and cake for mum ! All 4 boys were good really, just 4 yr old had a few moments. Ollie was a little gem the whole time. We managed to get adjoining rooms with a door in the middle which ds loved as he could go in with his older brothers when ever he wanted but I could also shut the door for a bit of peace. One night we just stayed in, got a take out and played monopoly which was really nice..

O doing well in himself, crawling , well, really fast army crawl, looks funny, pulls himself up to standing. Hair really coming on now, will have 3 meals most days but not loads. He loves toast for breakfast. Likes to eat mini rusks and rice cakes. Likes pancakes and bits of fruit. I’m going to make him some up and freeze again next week as I’ve been a bit lazy with that last couple of weeks.

We will be putting up a Christmas tree, well I will ha.. oh wouldn’t bother if it wasn’t for me he is a bit of a Christmas grump 😣..it’s always been a big thing with me and my boys so will continue with that. I have had battery lights for last few years anyway so will prob get those out again this year and try and keep an eye on O. Haha try being the word !

Anyway this is getting long just wanted to update as been but preoccupied with the silly ct scan. Hope u all have nice weekend x
Apple - DH just got back tonight, but yeah he's back! He actually is gone again because he took dd1 swimming, but having only one kid feels like a huge break these days! Haha. I don't know how much of a break I'll get completely, but I think I should be entitled to At least a nice bubble bath to myself after that week!

Sounds like such a nice little holiday for you and your family! Nice that you got adjoining rooms!
Sorry O is experiencing some more separation anxiety now that he's been going to nursery. You are still allowing him to have as easy of a transition as possible with starting out a couple hours at a time, so I applaud you for that. Well done! I'm sure he'll adjust in no time. So heartbreak having to leave them, isn't it?
Lit/ yeah it’s awful, he has started being like it when he is with others now, like oh and my mum. Following me round the room with his eyes and wimperkng for me straight away. I just keep feeling so bad about it but I just remind myself that ds was the same for a few weeks and then just seemed to accept it and settle over night and we never really looked back from that point and he loved it and made lots of friends. O is just a bit younger than ds was though so not sure how long it will take. He just gets lots of extra songs and cuddles when he gets home..It would be good if they could suss getting him to nap but even oh struggles with that so at the min I’m taking him around naps so he has time to get used to the staff and being around other children whilst not so grumpy and tired 😣.. he will get there.
I just wish I didn’t have to work so much! I can’t not though really as mine and oh finances are separate, we just prefer it that way with us having older children. Basically I don’t want anyone telling me what I can spend on my kids and we have very different views. That’s why he has loads of cash in bank and I don’t haha., but I have better memories ! And so do my kids. Well I think so anyway lol,, don’t get me wrong we split bills ect and I wouldn’t go without, he wouldn’t see me short but I just like my own account with being a second relationship. I’m very independent. Still have my other house, won’t let that go or sell it. My eldest son lives in it now. Still under my wing ! Sort of haha..don’t like thought of him having a dodgy landlord ! Saying that he seems to be handing himself , he has fallen out with most of my old neighbours for parking in his spot haha 😂 doesn’t put up with rubbish lol.. his mothers son ha..it is a bit pathetic though some have 4 cars and drives and still park in his space and leave theirs empty. He said last night “ if that stupid woman across the road parks outside mine again I’m gonna park on her drive !” lol.. I said .. mmm maybe not the best way of going about it lol.. he is too old at nearly 21 for me to tell him now ha, so I just shut my ears most of the time :)

Hope V is feeling better. I know what u mean about just having time for a bath, it’s a rare thing here at the moment, especially for purpose of relaxing I’m normally rushing out., I should just leave them to it ha , I’m too soft ! X

Ive booked an hour in a sensory room next Tuesday for O so looking forward to that :)
hey ladies

slammer- aw sorry about the hand foot and mouth. Isa had it last month, it wasn't nice, but did clear up fast. Fingers crossed it clears up for them real soon. i have a lot of respect for you (and other mummies on here) still breastfeeding and pumping at work etc.

vrogers- aw poor L and her screaming. Honestly, babies are ust weird. There is normally something going on and we can never work out exactly what. Hope it was just a one off thing. I cant believe how fast your pregnancy is going! Hope the rest goes smoothly and easily!

apple- been thinking of u and was really worried. So so glad its nothing serious. Cysts are nothing to worry about but its a shame about the gall bladder. Like the others said, at least you can relax now and feel some relief.
MJ themed party sounds so cool!
your trip to wales sounded lovely, and so cosy! glad u all had a lovely time. And even better that O was a good boy and well behaved. Makes things easier!
Totally agree with u about money, u have experiences and really they are priceless. Even though we are a bit short just now, i've said to dh we should book a little trip for new year, like a little cosy cottage or something and just chill out together.

lit- ah sorry you have been on your own, must be such hard work. You do deserve a bubble bath. hope you managed to get one :)

afm- so Isa has started out of the blue being really fussy with food, he normally eats pretty healthy and pretty well, lots of fruit and veg. I'm not sure why- i can't see any teeth trying to break through, and he isn't unwell. Ii think maybe a bit of an upset belly, as poos are a little runny. Its been pretty stressful trying to get him to eat. Drinking milk happily though so i can give him more of that to make up for lack of food.
anyone watch stranger things? i love it, dh and i watching series two slowly. Im not much of a tv or series person, but this is just brilliant.
I'm going to try and go for a run tomorrow, its been ages, but i do feel the urge to exercise.
i think thats about it really!

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