January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Apple - that will be fun to have your friend over so your boys can do crafts while you hang out! I love doing things like that (okay, minus the crafts! :haha:).
Finally got my Christmas cards ordered, so fingers crossed they turn out!

Haha, I can relate to the catastrophic scene when baking these days. At least you got it done, even if one of the cakes got a bit burnt. I’m sure it’s still good!
Hi ladies , bit quiet on here :)

Thought I’d just share funny moment from this morning ..,

Ds said to me
“ mummy what are you doing ? “
“ putting make up on “
“ why ? “
“ to try and make mummy look a little bit pretty “
Ds says “ what like the Hulk “

I was like , maybe not quite like the Incredible Hulk ...I then realised he had obviously seen me in the past in my mud mask !! Lol 😂

He cracks me up sometimes ha x
hi ladies,

vrogers- isa just naturally moved to two naps, but its probably a good idea now for L to have 2. Ones at 9.30 and 2 sounds good. So cute you are feeling movement!!

apple- sorrybout O and the restless nights, hopefully wont be a long phase. Isa was like that for ages, crawling and standing, n banging head but then settled and started sleeping through the night. but recenty, with his blocked nose etc hes unsettled again and really active in his sleep. I would take O to bed later, let him be more tired, he might settle faster then.
messay church sounds great!
hope u enjoyed movie with oh :)
cakes sound lovely! im not good at baking at all.
that is so funny what your ds said, the hulk, hahahah.

lit- yah for date night!! it must have been lovely to go out together! hope cards turn out good.

hope rest of u ladies are ok slammer, ali, midnight etc.

afm- as i was saying to apple, isa is quite restless at nights. Hes had a blocked nose, and bit of eczema , and dh said he thinks he can feel some teeth coming through. I have just been putting him in bed with me, but hope he settles soon at night better.
He's on two naps, length and time is v variable but i sometimes think he would be better off with one long one. But i'll let him naturally decide when that is right.
he's so active, its taken me so long to write this post! he was on the floor, then he left, and within 30 secs was in the bathroom throwing things around haha. he loves opening drawers around the house and taking everything out!!! he literally takes it out, puts it in mouth, then throws it behind him and moves onto the next thing. So funny to watch I must say.

dh was feeling bit own, he started that job, but he hated it so left. I don't mind as i know he hated it and its not worth it. I've told him to work self employed and do gardens as he was a landscapper before he left his work to finish his studies. He seemed excited by it, he can't do the scale he used to do at work as that was in a team and he doesnt have all the tools but he can do smaller stuff, like fencing and patios etc. I think he could just maybe do weekends as during the week we both have college and uni. He loves outdoor work. He's going to see a garden on sunday so hopefully that'll be the start of it.

today, taking Isa to baby book club, and then tonight once he is asleep try and do some uni work.

those who formula feed- when are oyu planning to take them off it? would u use follow up milk, or just move to normal milk? isa still has 3 bottles but sometimes i think its too much and maybe he would eat more if he had two bottles etc.

Apple- at least I’m not the only one with crazy naps. I think the standing in crib and not settling is definitely a phase. When L first started standing in her crib it was all she did. Now she settles just fine (usually) at night and just crawls around and stands when she wakes up.
You’re definitely not a terrible mother, you do what you need to do and there are WAY worse things he could do than a little screen time :)
Haha aw, your ds sounds adorable! I’m going to have to remember to keep a little notebook of things L says when she’s older.

Literati- it really is weird! When they’re this small it sometimes even tickles.
I tried the 2-3-4 thing yesterday and she would NOT settle for a second nap until it had been 4 hours since her last time, so I think I’ll just start doing what you do and follow her cues instead of trying to make her nap at a certain time. For now, at least. She is definitely down to 2 naps now though.

Ally- she has finally transitioned to 2, we are now trying to figure out the second one, she does great for her first nap usually!
I can relate to how active they are right now! It’s funny to just sit and watch her move from toy to toy and then her diaper box, closet, and anything that isn’t a toy. They are so curious at this stage.
I’m sorry dh hated that job, it’s good you are supportive! Since he enjoys outdoor work that sounds like something he should try out.
I’ve been wondering the same about formula. I read some people add in milk into the formula until they cut out formula for good, and some people just cold turkey take away the formula. I’m not sure what we’ll do. It’s hard imagining completely cutting out bottles overnight so I think we’ll try slowly transitioning just before a year.

Afm- we went to the grocery store Sunday and in the middle of an aisle I noticed L has two top teeth! Not sure why that makes me so excited like it’s a huge milestone but it did haha. So I guess now she’s got 4 teeth in all.
My dad is in Florida with my aunt (his older sister) who is sick in the hospital and he’s wanting to stick around until they figure out what’s going on, so he won’t be home by tomorrow for thanksgiving. So it looks like we’ll just have dh’s mom over which should be interesting as we’ve had a little drama with her lately.
Since we’re staying home we’ve decided on steak (im not a turkey fan), pumpkin pie, and trying out a chicken stuffing crock pot recipe.
Ally , hope Isa settles soon for you and his eczema calms down..sure he is loving the mummy cuddles. Sorry the job didn’t work out for your dh. The landscaping does sound good for him if it’s something he enjoys...I tend to keep my boys on formula a bit longer than 12 Months and then gradually Introduce cows milk in cereals ect first and sauces.

Vroggers glad u t doing ok.. yay for L getting two more teeth. I would have been excited as well ! Lol...O still only has his two bottom but manages to bite with them ha..I do write down funnny things my boys say.. it’s good to look back on..

Lit hope u r doing ok x

Slammer, midnight , froggy hope u guys all ok as well ;)

Well had a bit of a sad day ., my oh has been struggling with his mood, he gets on with stuff but definitely isn’t right and I addressed it with him today and said we need to look into him getting it sorted.,he has been taking things out on me, quite passive aggressive at times which is upsetting for me when trying to deal with little ones. As much as i support him he needs to take some responsibility himself.. well it hasn’t gone down well.. I’m being ok with him but i think he may be worse than I thought., he won’t take anything or talk to anyone., such hard work.. he is such a nice person and amazing daddy but I know he isn’t right, hopefully he will be better about it tomorrow x
Apple - oh no! Sorry things aren’t right with your DH. That sounds really tough. I wish he wouldn’t take his moods out on you! You sound like a very supportive wife.
Funny & cute story about “the hulk”!!

VRogers - sounds good to just follow her cues for now. That’s good she has successfully made the transition to 2 naps. Perhaps 4 hours after her first nap will consistently be the right time?

Ally - I’m sorry Isa has had such restless nights and that your DH hated his job! Good of you to be so supportive of him moving on.

AFM - feeling really crappy. I am fairly sure I have mastitis, although I have to go to
The dr tonight. Last night suddenly came down with severe chills & couldn’t warm up for a good 3 hours, when I finally took Tylenol. Woke up this morning and had a headache, sore left boob, fever and fatigue. Of course this would happen while DH is away again, so I was feeling quite sorry for myself and not sure how I’d ever make it through. Thankfully, my mom came to the rescue and took my dd1 for the afternoon and evening so I could rest and go to the dr more easily. This really sucks... Wishing it hadn’t happened! :(

Update: spent my evening at the dr’s office (fun), and it was confirmed mastitis. On antibiotics for a week. Can’t wait to start feeling better!!
vrogers- aw bless her, 4 teeth:) enjoy your thanksgiving!

apple- sorry you had a sad day, hugs! i think its good you spoke to him, and i think guys deal with emotions and stuff differently, so the not talking etc may just be his way of thinking things through. My dh is certaintly the same , if hes stressed about something etc he goes quite quiet and wants time to himself, which is his way of processing it. I think that would be the case for a lot of men! hopefully he'll chat to you about it, but he may find it hard to open up. You're such a wonderful partner though, and supportive.

lit- i am so so sorry you have mastitis, i remember i had it twice, really badly. Is your dh back now to take care of you? you need to rest and recover. Really hope you feel better soon. xx

afm- not much to update from last time, it feels really cold, my skin is all dry. I am trying to be super productive today, washing,tidying, etc and need to pop into uni later for a quick meeting. Feeling a bit moody as on my period.
have a good day ladies x
Ally - Thank you. My DH is not back yet, but he should be back late this evening. Looking forward to that!
Sounds like a very productive day for you. Well done!
Apple- little things are so exciting haha. I’m really sorry about your oh! He’s really lucky to have someone as supportive as you, it’s good you try talking to him. It seems like it’s harder for a lot of men to talk about how they’re feeling and admitting when they may need help. I hope he opens up to you soon and is able to get whatever help he needs!

Literati- thankfully she went down fairly easy for her second nap today! Hopefully it sticks.
Oh no! I’m sorry about the mastitis! It’s good you are on antibiotics now, I hope they kick in and you’re able to feel better. I hope your dh is back soon and you can get a little break or relief!

Ally- definitely sounds like you are being quite productive! Ugh sorry about the period, that’s no fun.

Afm- happy thanksgiving US ladies. We had pumpkin pie and made some chicken stuffing which turned out really good. It’s just dh and I (and L of course) home, we’ve been having some annoying drama with dh’s mom and now one of his brothers, so she never responded to his text about what time she wanted to come over. Oh, well.
Hope everyone is having a good day, holiday or otherwise!
Hi ladies just quick post will get back on again later.

Thank u all for support and comments u are all so kind.. I managed to have a really good chat with oh last night that was initiated by him which was good. I got opportunity to say a lot that needs saying and oh spoke a lot about things as well. I do think he understands now and hopefully we can move forward with it .. things like this are so hard. I think what makes it difficult I’ll is that we both work in mental health and we know a lot of staff in this area but anyway we have a plan and we will discuss it more another time. So thanks again x today’s another day :)

O been really good at the min, same restless nights but been taking him to bed later and leaving more time between last nap and bed time and he seems to be settling quicker..

Ds seems to be better at school with a bit of distraction on the way there ;)

Im trying when I have time 😣to write the content for a website for my private practice. I’ve actually decided to go into it with a close colleague. We work really well together and she has same work ethics as me so that’s kind of exciting at the moment.. I’ve spoken to an old colleague who has rooms available and he is keen for me to have one for a full day from jan.. I’ve also been showing Oh what I’ve been doing with an amazon shop I’ve been setting up last few months, he has never really taken much notice but last night he seemed quite interested. Would be nice if he could get on board with it. We will see.

Anyway sorry not to reply to anyone individually in this time. I’m away in the morning visiting nan with my 4 boys! Staying over ... love having them together. Going to go to Christmas markets 🎄 on the way which I sure will be chaotic but worth it when I get the big annual hot dog and hot choc !!

Happy thanks giving for yesterday to our US ladies

Have a nice day im sure I’ll be on over the weekend at some point x
Apple - so glad you had a good chat with your oh. That is very exciting about your plans to go into private practice with a colleague. I hope all goes well! What exactly do you do, again?
That should be tons of fun at the Christmas markets. Enjoy!

VRogers - glad you had some yummy Thanksgiving foods. Happy belated Thanksgiving to you. My mastitis has really cleared up and I’m feeling much better.

AFM - this weekend we are trying to get lots of Christmas shopping done with the Black Friday (weekend) sales. It’s been nice having DH back, but I haven’t exactly gotten much of a ‘rest’ yet. I’ve also had two horrible nights of sleep (or lack thereof), made worse by his incessant snoring, so that hasn’t been fun! :(
Just going to pop in real quick and I'll catch up with all of you later.

It's my birthday today. Woo.. sarcasm there. Just hanging out at home with the boys. DH took the night off, but I don't know if we actually do anything. We didn't do black Friday shopping because.. just no. We do get 25% off our entire purchase at my DHs work here soon. That will be most of our shopping.

O is doing well. He's finally saying what I ask of him to get something most of the time. Been trying to expand his sentences, but I can only do a couple words at a time for him to say it correctly back. Which is fine, but makes me wonder if he just can't motorize a long phrase without a lot of practice. If he tries it comes out garble.

T is doing well. He's been sick. Some upper respiratory stuff. Sounded croupy one morning, but thankfully that didn't last. It was going into Thanksgiving so I know taking him in if it continued would be a joke. Also believe he got a sinus infection on top of it. It's starting to let up, though. He's been happy, though.

He's a climber! He will climb up their slide both the slide and the stairs. He also goes down it which is cute. Climbs up on the little chairs and trying to climb the kitchen chairs. He practically tries to climb any thing and everything. Is walking short distances. The most I've counted is 7 steps, but he takes off till he tumbles. He is standing up and trying to walk so it won't be long.

Anyways I sat long enough. I need to get the house cleaned. I needed to give my back a break.
Apple- I’m glad dh opened up to you! You have a great attitude about it all and are incredibly supportive!
It’s also good that he finally showed interest in your amazon shop! That sounds really cool.

Literati- I’m glad you’re feeling better! Ugh my dh snores too, it’s obnoxious! Hope you’re able to get lots of good deals. Are you looking for anything in particular?

Ali- happy birthday one day late!! It’s good you were able to spend it with your boys. If I do any shopping it’s cyber Monday so I’m with you on Black Friday.
Glad O is doing well for the most part with speaking back! Even a little progress is great, I think.
Poor T getting sick, glad it didn’t more serious. I bet it’s so cute to see him go down stairs!
Wow it’s hard to believe we have walking babies on here!
L loves when I lay on the ground, she just climbs all over me. It’s funny.

Afm- had my anatomy scan this morning. Dh stayed home with L because we thought this appointment would be awhile, and it really wasn’t. Thankfully another healthy as can be baby and another GIRL! Dh actually took the news way better than I was expecting. I handed him the u/s pictures with the “its a girl” ones on the bottom and he just went “oh...it’s a girl” and when we got home he was telling L that she was going to have a little sister and all this other cute stuff.
I do wish I could take a nap now though!
Forgot to add a couple pictures I thought were cute!


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VRogers - oh, how exciting! Congratulations on another girl! I can’t believe you’re really pregnant and know the gender already! One nice thing is you’re going to have these early years over with really quickly and then can move onto the (hopefully) easier stages! I’m very excited for you and am so happy your baby girl is doing well! That’s great your DH took the news of another girl okay! Woohoo!

I was looking to get as many Christmas gifts for people as possible on sale, so we brainstormed on ideas for people before we left, and then shopped. Some of the deals weren’t amazing, but we did manage to get quite a few people off our list, and for much cheaper than usual! I also ordered some stuff online and am checking the sales out today as well. I prefer online shopping for the most part, but I do like to hit the malls at least once at Christmas so I can get ideas and whatnot!

Ali - that’s good O is doing a bit better with his speech. Baby steps are good, so don’t worry too much about the longer sentences for now, because at least he’s making major progress!
That’s great you get a good discount at your dh’s Store! That will help a lot.

So sorry T is sick! Hope he feels better soon. Sounds like he got hit with a lot at once. He sounds like trouble, that one, with all the climbing! I actually have a feeling Violet will be a climber as well because I have already have been catching her climbing on certain things as well. Dd1 never was a climber (she was able to, but just wasn’t obsessed with it), and I was always relieved about that. Ah, well!

AFM - poor Violet is sick and teething. She has a fever, which I assume is from teething, but could also be from being sick. It’s always hard to tell! She has slept almost all day (only on me) so that has been sad but also kind of nice to just soak up snuggles all day.

We decorated the tree on Sunday! Lots of fun. Unfortunately, we had to put a baby barricade up around it, so it looks kind of crappy, but at least it will keep Violet safe.

I am getting excited for Christmas! Once my tree is up, I can finally feel festive. :)
Also, Violet is 10 Months old today! Where has the time gone?!
apple- sounds exciting about private practise !hope u had a lovely time at your nans.
How is o doing? hope the nights are better.
Great that you got things off your chest with oh, and it sounds positive

lit- poor V, hope she is feeling better soon. I bet she loved sleeping on you all day :)did you manage to get all your xmas shopping done?

ali- happy belated birthday! sorry its so late. Did you have some cake? T sounds so cute, climbing about.

vrogers- awww glad the scan went well and congrats on another girl! very exciting :)

afm- we had a rough few nights with Isa, but he seems better the last night or so. I think hes been teething badly, i can feel a few teeth coming through. But today he ate loads, so hopefully hes feeling better. Its so tough when they are so small, you just don't know whats up!
Trying to plan a little trip away over new year, i really wanna get away to a little log cabin type thing. Need to book soon though, as places will fill up quick.
Ally - didn’t get it all done, but made a big dent in it! :)

Poor Isa with his rough nights and teething. That’s good he seems to be turning around now.
A little log cabin trip in the new year sounds amazing! I hope you enjoy! :)

AFM - Violet is still sick with a fever and needing a lot of sleep on her mama, but she seems to be doing a tad bit better. Hopefully tomorrow she’ll really be on the Mend!
Hi ladies quick check in, will reply to all later. Off with O today didn’t take him to nursery as been constipated again bless him , we have managed to get things moving today so hopefully he will be more settled now.

Had loverly weekend at nans, my auntie made loads of effort and made it like a mini Christmas with decs and presents as we don’t see them at Christmas. My boys had a good time. It was nice to chill and not rush off.

O having really bad separation anxiety at the min , it’s horrible :( only want me.. even had meld down with oh the other day and he is normally fine with him., I think he is getting over stimulated at nursery, it’s a bit crazy there and very noisy. They change premises on monday and the new place is really nice with a better baby area and it’s a lot bigger so I decided to keep him with me today and we will try again on Monday.

I’ll be honest I’ve not had chance to read through properly I was just aware I’d not been on in a few days , hopefully get chance later then will catch up properly.

Will just say gorgeous pics Vroggers x and happy birthday Ali x hi to all other lady’s.

I need to crack on now and sort through ds toys whilst he is at school. Never lets me near them when he is here haha.. trying to blitz front room b4 routing out the tree ��

Talk again soon x
Lit / oh no poor little Violet 😢she does sound unwell bless her., nothing better than mummy cuddles. Hope she is feeling better soon xx glad u managed to get some shopping done and got some bargains .. that’s always a nice feeling :) yay for getting your tree up 🎄🎄☃️😍 I love it too once the tree is up. I keep buying extra decs I do it every year , never learn! Ha.. I took O ds and my teenager to a garden centre the other day. It was all lit up. O loved it x

Yeah I’m looking forward to working with my colleague. We just get along really well, sat next to each other for couple of years. So always put world to rights lol ..over several coffees a day.. We are both mental health nurse background and now cognitive behavioural therapists..we will be doing Cbt private but looking at setting up some group work as it’s needed in our area for depression / anxiety & mindfulness I’m not putting any pressure on myself , just doing it gradually and see how it goes.

Vroggers / gorgeous pics hon. So happy for u that your little lady is doing well. It will be loverly having your girls close together and great for them when they get older..I’ve given up on us having. Girl haha .. with my 4 boys ! Lol..I must admit it’s really handy having two young boys close together, saved loads :) and they are really close already..

Ally / sorry little Isa was not well. Sending him hugs.. glad he is feeling better now. It’s horrible when u don’t know what to do for the best with them. The break away sounds loverly. Where were u thinking ? How’s your dh job situation going ? :)

Ali/ happy birthday honey , I know I said briefly in last post. Hope u hd a nice day. Sometimes quiet days are the best :) sorry to hear that T hasn’t been good croup is the worst , glad he was ok through it. Bless him walking 7 steps .. he is such a trooper..

Good that O has stared to string some words together for you. He will get there In his own time. My ds is still struggling to find the words he wants to say when saying sentences. He is slightly older at 4 and is at school now. It’s mainly when he is passionate or excited..I’m sure he will get there soon enough.. hope your work is going ok xx

Well O is doing really well apart from the constipation but that seems better this evening. I’ve decided that my little man can have mummy cuddles when ever he wants.. I’m sick of the comments from people about if he is cuddled too much he won’t go to anyone else. He is fine, it’s since him starting nursery that he has started to get separation anxiety but he has only ever been with mummy so what do people expect .. they can sod off , if my baba wants cuddles he can have them. I have two older boys that are not interested in cuddles now haha so I’m making the most of my two youngest little men. In fairness the two oldest are still mummies boys really 😉

Managed to get some sorting done today, looks no different like lol but I have done it.. going to attempt to put tree up tomorrow somehow between a X-ray in the morning of gall bladder, then rush home get tree n decs out, then off to school for Christmas fair, then back to make tea/ buffet like every year and do the tree with boys !! .. wish me luck lol 🌲☃️🎄🎄😣
Literati- I agree! I feel like I’ve said this so many times already but it feels like I just found out.
That is a plus, being done with diapers and toddler years sooner rather than later haha. I’m hoping they will get along for the most part!
I’m sorry about Violet being sick! L is teething as well, it makes bedtime harder than usual.
Yay for a tree! We put ours in a room L doesn’t usually spend time in. When she has seen it she always reaches for the ornaments and has pulled a few off.
Happy belated 10 months to V! Can’t believe how soon we will have one year olds!

Ally- thank you!
I’m sorry about the rough nights. Sounds like quite a few of us are dealing with teething.
Trip sounds like fun! Anywhere in particular you are wanting to go? We stayed in a little cabin for our honeymoon a few years ago, it was so nice!

Apple- aw, I bet it’s fun with a house full of boys though! I grew up with 3 brothers and it was always interesting haha.
poor O, I’m sorry about the rough separation anxiety!
Ugh I hate comments like that. He’s a baby and he’s your son, you get to cuddle him as much as you want! He won’t always be this little.
How did the X-ray go? How are you feeling?

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