January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ali - I'm glad you fought it off and didn't need antibiotics unnecessarily. I just cringe inwardly at the thought of waiting since when I got it, it was very rapid onset and got extremely bad right away. I never want to go through that again! Hopefully you're 100% soon. Glad you got one day off at least.

Apple - I hope the specialist can figure out exactly what's going on. Glad O is feeling better. V is also doing better today.
apple- glad O is doing well! hate waiting, i feel your frustrations. Hope everything will be ok. Its good bloods are ok, and it's nothing serious!

ali- so glad you are feeling better!

lie- glad V is doing better

not much going on here, Isa is still recovering, his skin has almost fully cleared up now. He's been in a lovely cheerful happy mood and is babbling loads and sometimes makes sounds that sound like words. Can't believe he is 1 soon! dont know what to do for his birthday!
Hi ladies finally got chance to read back a little been quite full on week.

Ali/ oh my goodness what a time you have had ! Glad you are feeling better hon. Sounds like it’s been horrible.. nearly blacking out must have been scary. You obviously have insight though into medical things so that’s good that you managed to hold off from antibiotics.. sending delayed hugs !! :)

Ive been trying to monitor if my abdomen pain gets worse with food. I wasn’t sure at first but now I’m thinking not really. It might aggravate something a little but not like ibs type pain..

I had to smile when u said O was watching PJ masks Ive just bought my 4 yr old a cat boy for Christmas. I ordered it expecting it to be about a ft talk but when it came out it was about 2 ft tall ! Haha..I sat it in ds car seat on way home from shops and sent oh a pic lol .. just got to blooming hide the thing now for couple of months !!

Lit / poor little V, it’s horrible when they don’t know what to do with themselves.. I hope if she has got a tooth coming though it comes quickly. O goes through phases, particularly when not himself of having lots of poos. Bad thing is it makes his little bum sore. Hope V is better soon. Nothing better than mummy cuddles x and she gets lots of those :) my fiends little girl is 6 weeks older than our little ones and she sounds just like V. She won’t go to anyone at all except my friend. I held her for the first time last week when we met for coffee and she is one early December. It lasted less than a minute before she wanted mummy again and she was looking for her straight away bless her..she is such a dainty little thing as well, O is quite a bit bigger than her., chunky munk ha :)
Sorry your massage hurt you must be tightened up quite bad. Hopefully it will start to help soon. It hurt when I met that Physio 😣.. did I mention I have been sent 6 more sessions 😂 I’ll dress more appropriately next time and hopefully get 50 shades thing out of my head haha ..

Ally, glad Isa is slowly getting there. When O had a virus it did take a while for the rash to go then one day it just went all at once. Hope he is getting back to his little self. Glad u did ok in the storms, it’s awful here tonight ! 🙁really windy and raining, x I was thinking about Xmas today and thought of Isa :) have u thought about what u are going to do for his birthday ? I can’t believe all the little birthdays are coming up ! This thread must be on a year anniversary ha 🎂 if not longer for some ;)

Vroggers : glad that u are settling into second tri. You will be feeling movement soon eek exciting stuff ! !! ..have u worked out your due date yet ? Sorry if u have already said but did u manage to find any storytimes near by.

Slammer/ hope u r doing ok hon if u r skimming through.

Thanks everyone for support and kind words about my ab pain. It has been really worrying me but I’m trying to focus on other stuff. I have been reading about muscle damage , and problems with the abdominal wall which does describe symptoms similar to some I am experiencing.. just be glad when I know. It’s just there most of time. I go Wednesday and mums coming with me so I’ll ask as much as I can then.

Had hard time with my teenager this week , very stresssful. I think he has underlying anxiety and some depressive symptoms following the bullying and different school issues over last couple of years.
He lives for his peers which I know is normal at his age but he just seems a bit of a follower and it worries me as I am aware that there is a lot of cannabis being smoked eithin different groups. I just don’t want him going down that road as I know he isn’t the type that would handle that well. We have had some good heart to heart chats though last couple of weeks and I’ve managed to get him to talk to a school counsellor so hopefully this will help. He has been getting really angry in school but seems better since we have spoke. Ive put a complaint in at school about a few issues so we will see what comes of that. His head of year is actually very good. Ive been to a careers event with him also to try and get him some direction as he is all over the place.. glad I’m not a teenager any more !! So much pressure these days

O is just fab at the min really shuffling about but still not crawling..he is such a happy boy. He is definitely the most smiley I’ve had. Starting to get his own little attitude with his big bro lol and moody if ds tries to take something from him. Loves the bath.

This am I think I lost the plot a bit ha.. it was about 7.30 am and I’d been up a while with O, i was settling him in pram for a nap as he was getting tired again and he started to get a bit fussy .. so I shushed him and said shush shush .. thinking he would wake the baby .. then remembered he was the baby 😂😂😂I just laughed at myself .. what’s that all about !! lol .. def need some more sleep 💤

Anyway teenager at his dads tonight ds and O now in bed so I’m going to go and chill with Oh.. have a nice rest of weekend ladies x
Apple - Yes! We almost didn't make it out of a store once without 40 dollars worth of PJ Masks stuffed toys! He was so excited when he saw it on the shelf. We managed to get away somehow without a complete melt down. Had DH distract him while I hid them haha.. Definitely getting him one for Christmas!

Being an teenager will never be easy I don't think. I hated it for other reasons, but I just want my children to enjoy their years growing up because being an adult isn't glamorous. Sure, lots of nice things can come of it, but the overall stress is insane.

O sounds like he's doing well! T has such an attitude as well. It's fun to see how they interact with their older siblings.

Ally - I know.. I can't believe we're going to start having 1 year olds! Heck.. we already almost have one! Danser's baby!

Lite - Yeah, I'm glad I didn't have to get medication. Really just didn't want to deal with all of that haha..

AFM - I'm so tired. I worked today and I work tomorrow. The boys were suppose to go to my daycare provider, but she had to take the day off for personal reasons. O is not wanting to go to sleep because when I got home he was napping.. till about 7 pm.... ugh.. I wish DH would try to stimulate him to keep him awake when it's getting late. So, I'm glad I don't have to get them up and out of the house because I don't see me getting much sleep.

I wanted to say T is managing the two steps down into the playroom like a pro. He knows to turn around and put his feet down first. So I'm not worried really at all when he's over there. Not like it's a hard fall anyways as long as I keep toys away from the entrance.

Anyways I need to get to bed and hopefully get sleep.
Hi ladies finally got chance to read back a little been quite full on week.

Ali/ oh my goodness what a time you have had ! Glad you are feeling better hon. Sounds like it’s been horrible.. nearly blacking out must have been scary. You obviously have insight though into medical things so that’s good that you managed to hold off from antibiotics.. sending delayed hugs !! :)

Ive been trying to monitor if my abdomen pain gets worse with food. I wasn’t sure at first but now I’m thinking not really. It might aggravate something a little but not like ibs type pain..

I had to smile when u said O was watching PJ masks Ive just bought my 4 yr old a cat boy for Christmas. I ordered it expecting it to be about a ft talk but when it came out it was about 2 ft tall ! Haha..I sat it in ds car seat on way home from shops and sent oh a pic lol .. just got to blooming hide the thing now for couple of months !!

Lit / poor little V, it’s horrible when they don’t know what to do with themselves.. I hope if she has got a tooth coming though it comes quickly. O goes through phases, particularly when not himself of having lots of poos. Bad thing is it makes his little bum sore. Hope V is better soon. Nothing better than mummy cuddles x and she gets lots of those :) my fiends little girl is 6 weeks older than our little ones and she sounds just like V. She won’t go to anyone at all except my friend. I held her for the first time last week when we met for coffee and she is one early December. It lasted less than a minute before she wanted mummy again and she was looking for her straight away bless her..she is such a dainty little thing as well, O is quite a bit bigger than her., chunky munk ha :)
Sorry your massage hurt you must be tightened up quite bad. Hopefully it will start to help soon. It hurt when I met that Physio 😣.. did I mention I have been sent 6 more sessions 😂 I’ll dress more appropriately next time and hopefully get 50 shades thing out of my head haha ..

Ally, glad Isa is slowly getting there. When O had a virus it did take a while for the rash to go then one day it just went all at once. Hope he is getting back to his little self. Glad u did ok in the storms, it’s awful here tonight ! 🙁really windy and raining, x I was thinking about Xmas today and thought of Isa :) have u thought about what u are going to do for his birthday ? I can’t believe all the little birthdays are coming up ! This thread must be on a year anniversary ha 🎂 if not longer for some ;)

Vroggers : glad that u are settling into second tri. You will be feeling movement soon eek exciting stuff ! !! ..have u worked out your due date yet ? Sorry if u have already said but did u manage to find any storytimes near by.

Slammer/ hope u r doing ok hon if u r skimming through.

Thanks everyone for support and kind words about my ab pain. It has been really worrying me but I’m trying to focus on other stuff. I have been reading about muscle damage , and problems with the abdominal wall which does describe symptoms similar to some I am experiencing.. just be glad when I know. It’s just there most of time. I go Wednesday and mums coming with me so I’ll ask as much as I can then.

Had hard time with my teenager this week , very stresssful. I think he has underlying anxiety and some depressive symptoms following the bullying and different school issues over last couple of years.
He lives for his peers which I know is normal at his age but he just seems a bit of a follower and it worries me as I am aware that there is a lot of cannabis being smoked eithin different groups. I just don’t want him going down that road as I know he isn’t the type that would handle that well. We have had some good heart to heart chats though last couple of weeks and I’ve managed to get him to talk to a school counsellor so hopefully this will help. He has been getting really angry in school but seems better since we have spoke. Ive put a complaint in at school about a few issues so we will see what comes of that. His head of year is actually very good. Ive been to a careers event with him also to try and get him some direction as he is all over the place.. glad I’m not a teenager any more !! So much pressure these days

O is just fab at the min really shuffling about but still not crawling..he is such a happy boy. He is definitely the most smiley I’ve had. Starting to get his own little attitude with his big bro lol and moody if ds tries to take something from him. Loves the bath.

This am I think I lost the plot a bit ha.. it was about 7.30 am and I’d been up a while with O, i was settling him in pram for a nap as he was getting tired again and he started to get a bit fussy .. so I shushed him and said shush shush .. thinking he would wake the baby .. then remembered he was the baby 😂😂😂I just laughed at myself .. what’s that all about !! lol .. def need some more sleep 💤

Anyway teenager at his dads tonight ds and O now in bed so I’m going to go and chill with Oh.. have a nice rest of weekend ladies x

Hugs xxxx I came to post my teenagers are driving me MAD!
Literati- I agree, I remember how time seemed to drag last time because I wasn't caring for a baby while going through it haha.
Teething is no fun for anyone. I always hate how it's not a definite thing, like you can only guess and don't know for sure unless a tooth pops through.

Apple- her leg was a little sore for the day or two after but no other effects thankfully.
Yay for O's first tooth popping in! They look so adorable with their few little teeth.
We do puffs and really anything we eat (reasonably) we give her little pieces of. She hasn't seemed to dislike anything yet other than pea purée.
Will be thinking of you for Wednesday, keep us updated, I'm sure it's scary to not know.
No worries, I can't even remember if I ever said. The first appointment said April 27, the scans I've had since have come up with different due dates but I just go by the very first one.
I'm sorry to hear about your teenager, I think most of us had a rough time those years! It's good you were able to have some good chats with him, he's lucky to have a mom like you who cares so much!

Ali- wow, you poor thing. I've heard mastitis is awful. Glad it seems to be healing nice, I hope it keeps getting better and doesn't come back!

Ally- glad Isa is feeling better! 13 hours is amazing, sounds like he needed it.
Junk food/gluten free sounds like something I need to do too! I imagine you'll feel so much better by the end of it.

Afm- I had an appointment today, dh left work to drop me off and then stay at home with L since last appointment went so long. Of course, this time I was in and out in less than an hour.
We did an ultrasound and she said everything looks perfect, heartbeat great, it changed my due date to April 21 (from April 27) and put me at 14 weeks 3 days/plus or minus 8 days, but I'll still stick with the first date unless my doc says otherwise.
Next appointment isn't until the week after thanksgiving and will be the big anatomy scan where we find out sex.
L is still hit or miss with her bottles, she definitely seems more interested in solids but I am still terrible at a solid routine with that, it's random and all over the place with what she eats and how often. She still gets purees occasionally but is most interested in what we eat so she gets small bites (chicken, veggies, cheese, etc). She's good other than not liking her bottles as much, crawls around everywhere, stands on her own for a couple seconds, looooves being outside and massive stranger anxiety.
Midnight / sorry your teenagers driving by crazy also ! It’s such a difficult age. Fingers crossed mine seems to be having a quieter week. Ive been dreading the school holidays, the summer was a nightmare! Big hugs back !! :)

Vroggers / glad appointment went well. Little ones sound like they are coming along nicely :) exciting !
L sounds like she is doing great, bless her crawling and standing ! It’s amazing how these babies are coming along..x

Ali/ I agree, I just want my boys to enjoy being a child / young as adulthood is hard work. My motto is make good memories and make my boys into good husband material ! Haha.. my eldest is 20 now, has loverly girlfriend. If they have words he does still sometimes have a vent to mum. If I think he is in the wrong I’ll tell him “ get back there n sort it out!” Ha and buy some flowers 😂. I must admit he is quite soft anyway. He is quite independent, but I brought him up that way. Good cook ha ..oh eldest son is same age and can’t do anything for himself and doesn’t try. Does my head in ! Ha..

Go T ! Managing two steps !he is doing great isn’t he. I’m definitely with you on oh stimulating baby when getting tired. O slept for an extra hr at tea time the other day and he was up ages after and I was shattered. If oh has him after work , 6 pm ish O will often be getting tired but oh just askes for a bottle, I’m like no! He will crash then be up all night. Oh is just trying though and doesn’t know him like I do so shouldn’t complain really. I suppose it’s the automatic thing to give him milk to settle him, but I know he would be fine if he was just distracted with something new. Hope work went ok for u without any hassles !! X

Lit/ hope u r doing ok hon x

O been fussy last two days, think second tooth is bothering him. It’s so mentally tiring when there is nothing you can do to really settle them. We get there though with lots of cuddles. He is definitely nearly crawling properly now and getting faster to where he wants to be. Ds had first speech therapy yesterday and wouldn’t talk at all ..lol, just went shy which isn’t like him at all. 😣 she managed to get him to in the end. His little stammer seems to be getting better by its self but he seems to struggle to find the words he wants to say to complete sentences. I’m not worried, he is only 4 and doing ok. I’m sure time will help. We are going to buy him some new books and look at the together more to see if this helps.

Anyway in middle of school morning so better get off, have nice day ladies. Sorry if I missed anyone x
Hi ladies, hope all well. Just thought I’d update. I went to see dr today and they took more bloods and sending me for CT scan. Fingers crossed all ok x

O has his first little taster session tomorrow at nursery. I’ll be staying with him. 😢 his first full Morning is on Friday with ds .. I’m dreading it !!
Apple - you're right - your friend's baby sounds a lot like V! Glad you were finally able to hold her briefly.
I really hope all is well with your CT scan & thAt you have nothing to worry about! :)
I agree it is so mentally draining when they're fussy but there's nothing much you can do about it! Hope O feels better soon.

Ali - that's great Isa is feeling better and such!

VRogers - that's great L is trying bites of normal foods now! I'm still bad about solids as well but getting a little better now. That's great your ultrasound went well & you were able to get a better idea of dates, even if you're not officially changing your due date.

Ali - I don't blame you for being exhausted. I hope you didn't have too horrible of a night! That's amazing that T has taken 2 steps!

Midnight - sorry your teenagers are driving you crazy!

AFM - things are going pretty well over here, although dd1 has been clingier/harder to entertain lately, so that's driving me a bit crazy.

Today I had a play date at my house with a lady and her daughter from church. They moved here only a few months ago, and we've gotten together lots in groups but never one-on-one. I was hoping it would work out to have some play dates with her since dd1 and her daughter play so well together! I was rather nervous about having someone new over to my house, but the play date went fairly well. She is a talker so you mostly just have to ask her questions and she will keep the conversation going quite well, so that was good. Hopefully she'll want to do it again sometime! Nothing like finding a new mom friend to make you feel like you're dating again! Haha.

Hope everyone is doing well.
hey ladies, just reading through posts now x

apple- had a little think about birthday but my dh's family are all down south, so thinking of a small celebration my side of family here and then go down south for a few nights and celebrate with them also.
Good luck to O with nursery, i hope he settles in well! must be hard to leave him.
i had a thought, how do they put babies down for naps in nursery?
sorry abour ur teenager, teens are a hard phase, hopefully the councelling will help. Youre a fab mum and doing a great job. \Good luck with ct scan, hope u get answers!

midnight-sorry teenagers are driving you crazy!

ali- wow to baby T! two steps already. Hope u get some sleep and feel rested!

vrogers- glad scan went all ok! Baby l sounds she is doing great minus the fussiness with bottles. Isa has cut one of his bottles, so has 3 now,- morning, lunchtime and bedtime and 3 meals, sometimes with snacks too.

lit- playdate sounds lovely! it's great to have that, i enjoy playdates with my friend and her baby.

AFM- Isa has pretty much recovered, his rash is gone etc but i think i can see more teeth coming and hes teething again. i feel babies constantly have something going on! hes been a bit moody but otherwise he's lovely. So chatty, and loves crawling about and standing holding onto things.
On sunday dh and i went out for dinner and dessert together which was lovely.
anyway Isa is up from his nap, so going to go out and take him to park. I feel like i dont know what to do with him sometimes and worry hes bored x
Ally - There is always something going on with babies. It doesn't really slow down until they're well into the second year. Even then they're constantly changing and they start to do something and you're all "Wait.. you weren't doing that last week" But the BIG dramatic changes slow down.

Lite - Haha.. Like dating again. That's funny. Never thought of it that way, but yeah you're right. Trying to find the right fit that you won't feel judged by. I sometimes get together with the one lady I met. We get along fine, but I feel she is SO much nicer than I am. They're religious too and I'm not the least bit. She doesn't really know that, though. I just kind of beat around the bush when it comes to that stuff. I don't think it will matter, but she does keep trying to get me to go to churchy things lol.

Apple - Yeah, I shouldn't complain. He does things so differently from me. I am constantly telling him how to do things and he gets annoyed. Thinks I feel he is incapable. No.. I'm just a mom and I'm always going to tell people how to take care of my children. I alwasy heard people say you become more relaxed with a second child. Maybe in some ways, but really I don't feel I have. I'm still really paranoid about a lot of things.

I'm kind of glad your 4 year old is going through speech therapy about the same time O will be. Someone to relate to a bit. O's is different, though. He wouldn't talk at all during his meeting. Finally started saying a few words. Only single words and none of his sentences.

Vrogers - I'm excited for you to find out the baby's gender! Do you hope for a girl or boy? Or don't really care.

T prefers solids. He still wants the breast a lot, but when I'm away if given the chance he won't touch a bottle. I need to start working on cups with him. That way I can just transition away from bottles and breast at the same time. T also wants finger foods more than puree. It was about this time that O started to straight up refuse puree and only wanted finger foods.

I just feed T around normal meal times. Maybe base it around her naps some. If you guys are eating feed her with you. I'm not a breakfast eater but I'm trying to sit down with the boys to get more routine to their lives.

AFM - So, I took O to the preschool story time for the first time. I honestly NEVER want to do it again. He was such a handful and I had both boys and just ugh. He wouldn't sit still or go along with story time. We went to the area next to it to play with toys and what not. Well that faded and he wanted to get into stuff he shouldn't, threw a fit, and started screaming when I told him to stop doing something. Throwing himself on the floor, running, blah blah blah. I finally had enough and had to drag him out while holding T. All the while he's screaming and crying. This whole time he's doing this I watch 20 other children being well behaved. Enough to make me feel like the worst parent around.

T was good. :dohh: I do plan to do it again, I just don't want to. He needs to learn. I think I'm going to buy a cheap umbrella stroller for the trip. That way I can drag O out screaming and push T as he sits happily like he's use to complete chaos lol

Well last Monday took O in for a speech eval. Going to have him evaluated by the other two as well. One was social services and I can't remember the other. If he qualifies for help in more than just speech (which he hasn't yet, but I'm sure he will) he'll get a place in preschool. If just one we will go in weekly for it. Well that went as well as expected as well. He wouldn't talk, he threw fits, threw himself down and smacked his head on the thinly carpeted floor. I talk to him before going into new places trying to tell him he needs to listen, needs to be quiet, blah blah. Never lasts. Oh well. Maybe I won't screw T up as bad as I feel I screwed up O. :wacko: Really just feel like crying today. I do feel like a failure of a parent. bah..

So yeah today has sucked. Both boys are napping. T is on his second. O NEVER naps this early. I think all his fits wore him down. Guess maybe story time has some bonuses.. ugh
Apple- teething really is awful. L likes to chew a cold washcloth, just in case you haven't tried that one yet. It seems like there really isn't a whole lot you can do other than wait until the tooth pops and just try to dull the pain a little.
Glad speech therapy went okay!
I'm sure the ct scan is scary, I hope you get answers (and a solution).

Literati- yay for a new mom friend! It seems like it's a good thing she's a talker to help keep conversation going. I hope you guys become friends!

Ally- her doc did tell us she would be drinking less milk as she added more solids. She's already way more interested in solids than milk which gets frustrating.
Glad Isa is feeling better other than the teething!
I feel the exact way with L, I'm apparently not great at entertaining babies and can't wait until her attention span gets a little better and she can do things like run around outside and color.

Ali- dh really wants a boy, but I would be fine either way. I kind of want another girl so it's easier to share rooms (although I know it doesn't matter much when they are younger).
Cups is a good idea, I think I need to do the same. Do you have a particular one you guys like (I've heard the munchkin 360 is good). We have a nuk sippy but I haven't tried it yet.
Thank you for the advice on feeding times! She definitely gets bits of our dinner, I just need to do better about breakfast and lunch, I'm more of a snacker throughout the day.
Story time sounds so stressful, but you're definitely not the worst parent. I would bet there were other toddlers in there who threw tantrums right before or after story time, just happened that nobody saw. I don't blame you for not wanting to go back, I would feel the same. It's good that you are willing to try again though!
Sometimes things like that happen no matter what you do or don't do, you have certainly not screwed eithe of your boys up, especially with how much I can tell you love them just from what I read on here. I'm sorry you're feeling so crappy :hugs:
Hey everyone!!!!! I follow this thread every day and have kept up with you all. I feel like my day isn’t complete without seeing what you ladies are up to!! I just can’t ever find the time or energy to post! But I wanted to come on and give you all an update from Gage and I! He has two teeth and the bottom and his tops are coming through soon. He eats solids at breakfast lunch and dinner and I just started an afternoon snack. He still does formula every three hours and takes about 6ozs. Except at bedtime he gets 8ozs! I just in the last few days got him night weaned. He still wakes like 4 times, but doesn’t need a bottle anymore to go back to sleep. He is pulling up to stand and crawling everywhere!! He is fascinated with cords!! Drives me crazy! Like vrogers, we did his flu shot, and they want to do a booster of it since it’s his first shot. He had his 9 month check up and is still huge! He is 97th percentile for height and weight!! 24.7lbs and 30 1/4 inches!!! He is wearing 18 month clothes now!! Some 12 months still fits, but barely!! I introduced a sippy cup a few months ago and he has it down now so he gets water in it for his meals. We got him a walker and he is doing great and loves it!! His favorite it to cause the dogs in it lol. I feel bad for them, but then I don’t because they drive me crazy so I feel like they have it coming haha! Gage can say mama, dada, bye bye and he says no no. The no no is while he shakes his head, because that’s what I do when he is about to get into some thing he shouldn’t lol! He copies anyone he hears cough. It’s hilarious! We are still in a corporate apartment waiting for my DHs new company to send him to the town we are going to. They have him working on a local job right now. It’s not too bad, but our stuff is in storage and I was only planning on is being here for three weeks, so I have had to either go dig out different things, or go shopping for new stuff which I hate because I’m a cheapskate!!! We are leaning toward going next August for an embryo transfer. We will see. I would really like to have Gage potty trained before I’m changing another kids diapers! Lol. I’ll try to update more and contribute more to the conversation!!! Congrats vrogers, and WDW on baby news!!! So exciting!!!
ali- sorry story time was tough, and the speech eval. You are an amazing mum, kids will be kids and play up. HUGS!

Vrogers- i found a story time group, i will take isa next week, so it's something else to do. How are you feeling?

froggy- its so nice to hear from you!! The pics are lovely, i can't believe what a big boy he is!!! amazing about the embryo transfer potentially next year!! I really cannot even think about another baby anytime soon yet haha.

afm- not much going on! tonight there is a Halloween parade nearby and dh and i were going to take Isa. It's after his bedtime though, and i am always so reluctant to go anywhere that might disrupt his routine but the odd time is ok so i agreed to go along.
dh got a little part time job, starts in a couple weeks, but will be glad to have some money coming in.

are you dressing your littles ones up for Halloween? :)
Froggy- oh my goodness he is cute, all that hair! He sounds like he's doing amazing and growing well. Can't believe how big all our babies are getting! So exciting about the possible upcoming embryo transfer, I don't blame you at all for wanting Gage potty trained first haha.

Ally- I'm glad you've found a story time, let us know how it goes. Our local library story time for babies is smack in the middle of L's first nap time, so it looks like I'll have to wait until she drops a nap (she still takes 3).
Thank you for asking, thankfully not near as sick and got my appetite back.
Congrats to dh on the job, I hope he likes it.
Have fun at the Halloween parade! I got a onesie from target a few weeks ago that says my first Halloween, I'm too lazy to go all out haha. Will you guys be dressing Isa up?

Afm- hoping to go to this little farm that has pumpkins and animals and little activities for kids when L wakes up. It's pretty chilly here today (the south finally decided it's fall) and I need some warmer clothes for L since most of her 12+ month clothes are more for warmer weather, so I'm hoping we're able to figure something out and go.
Anyone doing anything fun for Halloween?
Hi ladies,
Middle of night here so just popping on. Came to bed at 8.30 so now wide awake !

Froggy nice to hear from you. Gage sounds like he is doing great. Beautiful pic. What a little cutie.. i did wonder how you were getting on with dh job situation. Glad all going ok. Exciting about the poss embryo transfer next year x

Ally hope the parade went ok. I know what u mean about mixing up routine though. I’m like that with O, but I’m sure it will be fine, and we adapt haha x let us know how the story time goes .. shame we couldn’t go together ! Ha

Vroggers, hope you managed to get to the farm. That sounds really good fun for the little ones. X

Lit hope u r doing ok hon and having nice weekend.x

Ali/ sending big hugs hon XX sorry u r feeling this way. Not a chance you are anything but brilliant mummy !! That’s clear to see on here !! Kids have their moments and drive us in sane at times, questioning ourselves. My ds was exactly the same at story time when he met his new school class this year. There must have been over 30 kids sat in a circle with teacher at the front and ds was totally ignoring her! Shouting at the kids he knew, throwing a teddy in the middle of the circle. I kept telling him to settle knowing all the parents were looking at him making their initial judgements on who would be the little trouble makers, 😣.. I was gutted and really worried he was going to be the class clown!! Which we really didn’t want for him. Turns out he is really settled and well behaved now at school.. kids have moments and teachers are used to it hon..

My eldest, now 20 was the worst !! I remember at a wedding when he was 3 he escaped under the table when best man doing his speech and when we looked up he was other side of the room pulling tablecloth of the table with wedding cake on !! Shouting and laughing at best man doing his speech !! I could have died but best man just laughed at him and I think it broke the ice for him as it got him a laugh from the guests 😂.. i remember taking my son outside and really telling him off, I was so stressed and he was only 3 ! Anyone would think I was telling a 15 year off like a crazy lady! I remember one of the guests saying to my dh at the time .. you need to settle him down he was going to ruin day for my mother in law !! Wtf .. I could have decked her at the time haha.. not that I’m the decking kind of person by any means lol quite the opposite ! .needless to say I never liked her for years after !! Haha ..😂 so yes hon they drive us mad but we love em.. u r a super mummy so don’t be thinking any different . Me and ds laugh about it now but he still get a frown from me ! He he now says “ I wasn’t that bad” he gets “ u bloody were !! lol 😂

Wonder how slammer is getting on x

Hi to midnight, sure your house is as crazy as mine this Halloween ! Haha x

So my little man has poorly cough.. poor little thing so having lots of cuddles , just started yesterday afternoon :(

He went to nursery for first time his week with ds. He did ok. The teacher sent me lots of pics of him playing and doing some dancing. She was stood holding his little fingers as he stood bopping about on the video ,. Bless him. Let’s see how he is next week when he realises mummy actually leaves 😣At least I’ve got ds with him another 2 tiMrs b4 he is properly on his own.
Me and oh went for a nice walk on the beach, clock watching and checking our phones the whole time ! We then got cake and coffee which was a nice change. Then sat outside waiting to pick him up for half hour ha x

Ds on school holidays now . He is ready for a little break and mummy time. It’s been a long first half term for him since starting. I’m taking all 4 of my boys to wales for weekend next week so looking forward to that. 😁.

Teenager had a sleep over at my eldest sons last night as his girlfriend was in a night shift. My eldest sent me a video this morning of his brother on couch fast asleep, and he squirted him in the face with squirty cream.,laughing his head off on the vid., teenager just sat up and said “ u r such an idiot and went back to sleep , face full of cream ! honestly they are 20 and 15 and still wind each other up constantly 😍 very close though, love em ha ..

I got cancellation appt for ct scan so had it done yesterday. I must admit it makes u feel pretty vulnerable when u r lying there in just a gown and this big machine is over u. I go for results on the 8th November. Just focusing on going away with my boys and having busy week with ds. Lots of emotions and thoughts going around but just trying to get on with it. Ive had loads of bloods taken and they injected this dye into my arms so I’ve bruises everywhere which is annoying.

On bright note ! :) I’ve made £160 this month on eBay so that’s going away with us to wales :) teenager made £58

My eldest son is doing some food for Halloween so talking youngest boys there. I bought ds like a fury monster onesie and O a little pumpkin suit. Of course ds isn’t happy and wants to be a ninja turtle 😂!

Ive been up at 5.30 with O for the last few nights 😩 clocks go back tonight so looks like possible 4.30 am rise for me haha 😂

Have nice weekend ladies x
Apple - the ct scan sounds a bit scary, but I hope the results are a huge relief for you and that all is well!

Midnight - hello!

Ali - you absolutely are not a bad mom and did not screw O up at all! Kids will be kids and like Everyone has said, all kids have their moments and most likely those kids at storytime did too but just not in public right then. But you're not alone! Sorry it was so embarrassing and stressful for you. I absolutely hate those moments! My dd1 has definitely given me my fair share of them. You're doing an awesome job! Sorry the speech evaluation didn't go well and that O wouldn't really cooperate. Must be frustrating.
I'm sure your friend would like you just as much knowing you're not religious. It's important to be able to be yourself/be honest! That's nice you have found someone to have play dates with. :)

Ally - TBH, it's probably more you who is bored as opposed to Isa. Babies don't really need as much entertainment as we think, but it sure can be boring sitting around and trying to entertain them! That is good you're getting out for walks and outings, though. I think it's good for them to see lots of different sights and whatnot.

VRogers - I hope you had fun at the little farm with pumpkins/animals! :) it's fun to do those outings with them.

Froggy - great to hear from you! Sounds like Gage is growing great. My dd1 was similar in size (but even bigger!).

AFM - dd1 is going as Belle for Halloween but we never managed to get a costume for Violet, and I don't think I can be bothered. Would make a cute photo, but that's about it.

Today was violet's 9 month appointment. She is 18 lb 15 oz and 27.15" long. She's probably around 50-60th percentile for weight, and around 40th for height.
The doctor's appointment drained me of my sanity because dd1 was getting so rambunctious and crazy in the "little room" which we sat in for a good 45+ minutes. She also suddenly announced she had to poop after waiting a LONG time in the little room before we had seen the dr yet. I had to abandon all our stuff in the room, and bring dd1 out to the public washroom while carrying Violet (wearing ONLY a diaper) in one hand. Had to wipe dd1 and wash our hands and such all while holding Violet one-handed. It was beyond annoying! I'm just happy dd1 didn't have an accident at least. Now DH is home sick and playing video games, but at least he is a slight distraction for dd1.
Violet is super cranky the last few days and seems to be sick again (everyone in the house is except me). Hope she's back to normal soon. She has just recently dropped to 2 naps, but she doesn't do well with it and seems really tired all evening until bedtime, but won't actually take another nap. Hopefully she adjusts soon.

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