January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Lit sorry we must have posted around the same time lol., I missed your last post x hope your play date went well. The film sounds fun. I love Christmas movies :)

Slammer/ sorry the night are stil up and down.. your post made me smile though lol. They are so sweet yet can also drive us bonkers at times haha .. O just wouldn’t settle for 2hours tonight and just kept bouncing around in his cot like he was at a trampoline park 😂.. I’m like .. seriously baby go sleep !! Ha ., he is now flat out in my bed snuggled up like butter wouldn’t melt ! Ha
Literati- thank you for the gift ideas! We probably won’t do a whole lot this year since she doesn’t understand and I imagine she’ll get tons from our families, but I still wanted to do something at least.
Sadly we do still have to hold her for naps! I have tried at diff points/ages to put her in the crib but it never works no matter how long I wait. It’ll definitely have to change by April, I’m just hoping she’ll naturally want to go in the crib for naps.

Ally- Isa’s party sounds like it will be fun! Can’t wait to hear how it goes. Glad he’s feeling better, it definitely is up and down especially with the teeth coming in.

Ali- I’m so sorry about your FIL. how is your dh coping?
Wow, I bet they have fun during the day but I can see how that would be frustrating at night when there’s so much excitement for them! You’re really kind to let them stay with you guys, I’m sure it’s a huge adjustment.
I can’t believe T is walking so well! He sounds like a little cutie.
I don’t blame you for feeling frustrated. I would feel the same way and I’m sure it’s hard with a mix of kids in the same house and different parenting styles/rules/etc. i think you’re doing a great job and I agree with how you feel!

Apple- making Christmas bouquets is a fun idea! I wish I was that crafty. You should post pictures when you can! :)

Slammer- ugh right there with you feeling lazy!
Also there with you on the teething and frustrations! L’s sleep is decent for the most part but crappier than it was when she was younger (probably the teething) and her cuteness does not help my tiredness haha.
Sounds like a fun weekend planned!

Afm- L has been keeping me busy, it feels like longer than a week since I was on! She had a few crappy nights and then 2-3 nights where she slept the whole night without a peep. I had to go and brag on her to dh last night. She woke up around 5:15 crying and only stopped when I rocked her and then finally fed her. She fell back asleep in my arms for about an hour after awhile, and then took a good morning nap so she’s back on schedule, but I sure am not! I will probably be going to bed early (of course I say that and then end up watching Hulu or playing a game when she goes to sleep). She has kept me soooo tired!
Dh and I had this little “tradition” of driving around looking at lights so I told him we have to go tonight otherwise we will probably not end up going. Other than that no big plans this weekend, hoping to catch up on sleep somehow!
Also little funny side note, the baby will sometimes start kicking and moving while I am rocking/napping L and a few times she has seemed to feel it and squirm like it bothers her. Makes me laugh!
Anyone have any plans this weekend or for Christmas for those who celebrate? We are staying home this year but probably havjng my dad and his wife come over for gifts at some point!
Slammer - haha, well I only can right now because I’m off work. Once I’m back at work I’ll probably not see people very often at all, partially from lack of time, but also just because I won’t have the energy. That is crazy to think you’ve been back at work for 8+ months already. I often think of that and it boggles my mind! I can’t even imagine it! You are a real trooper to have been working this whole time - and pumping to boot!

I hear you on the ups and downs depending on whether they’re fussy or sleeping okay. Violet still nurses CONSTANTLY all night long. I am also often wondering when I can Night wean, but she SCREAM like crazy if she doesn’t get her milk, so I don’t really have the will right now since I can sleep okay like this. I completely understand hating the extreme fussiness. Violet JUST came out of about a 6-week long insanely fussy phase, with 2 of those weeks being unbearable because she was also pushing a tooth and became like a whole different baby. It really took a lot of the joy of parenting away. It felt like she was constantly miserable, and that it didn’t matter what I did. That kind of fussiness can really drain a person! I hope Jack stops teething and gets less frustrated about the lack of walking and whatnot soon.
That’s so great you can go to your sister’s Christmas party as a family this year! I’m so happy for you that you finally have your husband back.

Apple - Thanks. Oh, btw, I forgot to reply to you but I made shortbread cookies as well as brown sugar pecan cookies.
Sorry you’re kicking yourself about inviting your oh’s family over for Boxing Day. Hopefully it ends up better than you expect.

AFM - I am starting to seriously dread Christmas with DH’s family. His brother and his wife are insisting on having everyone over to their acreage for 3 days/2 nights (they originally wanted 3 nights! EEK). I’ve already been beyond dreading it for months because overnights don’t really work for us with Violet. Keep in mind that “putting Violet to bed” involves just holding her and having her attached to my boob for the entire evening still. I do NOT want to hang out all evening with all the in-laws with a nursing cover on while Violet sleeps on me. Not only that, but I feel like everyone will be judging me and giving me unsolicited advice about how I have given her bad habits and need to sleep train her. I know I’m going to be an anxious wreck. Not only that, but they have older kids so they have NO baby gates (and we can’t bring ours because it is the type that you actually install into the wall). So, I have an extremely active crawling baby and I am going to literally have to follow her around every second of the day for 2.5 days so that she doesn’t fall down the stairs and kill herself. To make things worse, they also have a CAT so I have to worry about Violet going after it and getting scratched. Also, Violet is very much INTO everything, and she spends her entire day pulling books and movies off the shelves, alternating with pulling any cord she can find and knocking over our lamp. And that’s in our BABY PROOFED house. In a non- baby proofed house with nice things and whatnot, it’s going to be AWFUL trying to keep her away from things 24/7! So, to say I am stressed about it is an understatement! I’d like to just go home for the nights, but DH’s family is the type who will resent us for not staying there and participating with the family, and they will think we are selfish and entitled and that this is “inconvenient for them too”...except their YOUNGEST child is nearly 5, so they are just completely out of this difficult phase!
Sorry... just needed to rant to someone. I wanted to talk to DH, but he is mad at me because I snapped at him when he announced he was going to go on yet ANOTHER random guys’ trip in the spring (he has already announced two other guys’ trips for 2018...how indulgent can he get)!?
VRogers - I think we replied at the same time. Don’t worry, I still hold Violet for all her naps as well. I hope L will give that up by April for sure. My guess is that it will start to get easier once she’s a year, although one can never predict. I know my dd1 started to be able to be “put down” for naps by about 13 months. I actually couldn’t PUT her down, but I would get her to sleep on a mattress and then slip away and she’d stay asleep. :) I hope something works out with L soon! Can’t believe you’ll have a newborn to snuggle soon.
Enjoy looking at Christmas lights with your DH! we are hoping to do that yet as well.
Hi ladies , Just a quick reply as just scanning through , will reply properly later,

Lit/ can u take a travel cot? I took one when I went away with the boys last month and it was a god send. I took a bag full of Os toys and he would sit in there happily even if it was just the odd 10 mins it gave be time to get a coffee x
Apple - I could, but Violet is very busy and likes to explore EVERYWHERE all the time. Might keep her busy for really short periods, though. Thanks for the idea.

No I think I’d be a bit pissed also if my oh had 3 guys trips arranged, especially when girls so young. It would be loverly for us to have 3 girls trips ! but I know myself i personally wouldn’t leave the boys. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have an issue with him doing stuff or going places with friends but I’d have to be happy that we had our family trips planned especially if his trips were for a few days at a time. Maybe make time If h can fit done girl days so u can get a break too.. I was only chatting to a Mum at school this week about a similar thing as her dh buggered off for day to watch goitvakk match on his mums tv and she was unwell with kids and had pms which didn’t help ☹️His response when she nevtuoned it was “I need some alone time” ! Needless to say she needed her little vent at school ha x

Cookies sound awesome by the way :)

vroggers / glad L has settled a little with sleep this week .. wow ! a few whole night sleep through , I hope she does that for you when lo arrives !! Even just a couple of nights :) I get it takes u a while to catch up yourself though , especially being pregnant x hope u get some time and feel rested soon.

Ali/ I know I replied to you in an earlier comment but sorry hon I was trying to fit in and reply to everyone so just noticed I didn’t mention your FIL. Really sorry to hear he is so unwell. I’m sure your poor dh is all over the place :( . You have so much on at the min with your additional house guests and what not on top. Hope u get a little rest yourself. I’m sure your house will be full of fun and very busy on Christmas morning with all those little bodies running round x I hope u r getting help prepping Christmas lunch if it’s you that is doing it for everyone .. hope u r not working hon x

Ally /slammer hope u r having nice weekend :)
Hope other ladies are well x

Well, My poor baby has a bad cough and feeling very sorry for himself really chesty ☹️.. hopefully pick up soon . It’s his Christmas party for him and ds at nursery tonight, not sure we are going to make it.. I hope we can they really make a lot of effort for kids and I know Santa will be there ☹️. Maybe make an hr or so..

We went to oh sisters yesterday, not been for really long time but I suggested to oh we make an effort as two wrongs don’t make a right as they havnt come to us either. It’s nothing personal to them there has just been a lot of family stuff last few years with them losing a sibling to suicide :( I’m really glad I suggested it, it went really well and surprisingly natural which I didn’t expect as I’ve always felt a bit awkward in the past.

His sister always used to find a way of bringing my oh ex into conversation which I used to find really annoying. When we first got together she even suggested asking her to come to a family do at Christmas where they basically all fit in a small front room, I just didn’t feel my feelings were being considered . She is bloody re married ha..why would she want to spend Boxing Day with her ex who she hardly spoke to and his new partner.. I don’t know ?😣..I’m not the clingy of jealous type at all but when ever she had been in same room as me prior to that she had blanked me and made it obvious in front of oh children who were teenagers which I felt was unfair as I made an effort for their sake. Anyway that little vent over haha.... we had a nice morning so that was good for oh. My ds and his little cousin who are both 4 had a crazy time all excited, they were soooo noisy but that made it more normal.. I know it’s harsh to say but it was kind of a sign that life goes on and I think I got a sense of that from oh family, it was first time some of them had even seen O and he is nearly one and of course he stole the show as he is so adorable and a little character x

Well after nice morning I had a bit of an eventful evening. I got very unwell with stomach cramps and feeling sick. Honestly, within 10 mins of being fine one min to feeling slightly sick I had horrendous sickness and running to loo with bowels and then there was blood in my sick which totally freaked me out as I was aware my gall bladder was really hurting, oh called an ambulance, was very cool and in control the whole time kept boys upstairs and called my mum to come. Ambulance was here in 3 minutes ! as was round corner.. all my obs were ok. I was just shook up and bit out of it. The only thing I’d eaten was a sausage an hour before and just bits through day 😣which I maybe shouldn’t have so not sure if it was my gall bladder reacting to that or some minor bug but I was ok an hour after, they said blood was prob from my throat and I just needed to keep an eye on myself and wait for consultant appt after Christmas 😣 so spent night on couch 😣.. what a drama .,

Although horrible at the time as i honestly felt I was going to pass out there was a funny side as I was txting my friend having a catch up as i started to feel ill and I said I felt a bit sick so id get off, then txt her back 90 mins later and explained that in that time I’d been really ill in minutes, had an ambulance and now in couch with a quilt ! After her initial shock and worry about me her friendly advice was to stay away from all kind of sausages for the rest of the night !! Ha .. that’s a friend that can turn something slightly bonkers into some innuendo lol x
Vrogers - I hope things go well with getting L into the crib eventually. You could also try a floor bed. I only used a crib with DD for a few months and not at all with Jack. We moved him (Ok, him AND me) into his room with a mattress on the floor a couple weeks ago. It's what we did with DD too.

That's cute that L felt the baby!

Literati - I feel for you with Violet nursing all night! God, that's so rough. Jack's still being a fusspot too and it's getting really old.

Ugh, Christmas with your DH's family sounds like it's gonna be a trial. I don't understand when families are so demanding and don't understand the difficulties of having little ones. I am thankful my family is not like that - though I do sometimes wish my family gave more of a shit about seeing us!

Three guys trips for your DH makes me go :O. Wow.

Apple - Sorry little man had a cough! It's the worst when they're sick.

That's crazy about your OH's sister bringing up his ex all the time. Weird. But glad the visit went well this time!

What a scary thing with getting sick and having blood with it too! I hope you are OK.

AFM - Well, our weekend of events went "to pot" (as Apple might say ;) ). The timing of leaving for my sister's holiday party on Saturday was bad, with Jack nowhere near a nap, and an hour and 40 minute drive in front of us. He was ok for maybe half an hour and then just lost it. We were in stop and go traffic, and he wouldn't calm down and I was about to lose my damn mind. We were probably 30+ mins from my sisters when we called it quits. We were on the highway and I knew there was a mall not far off the nearest exit, so we bailed, went to the mall, got McDonalds in the food court. By the time we finished eating Jack was ready to sleep so we just got back in the car and drove an hour and 20 minutes home. :( Thankfully he slept nearly an hour and was ok being entertained with toys the rest of the time. DD had a DVD going both ways so she was good. Thankfully she didn't take the news of not getting to see her cousins badly (Ok, she really only cares about one of them). She enjoyed getting McDonalds, lol. So, like, 4 hours after leaving we were back home after a pointless excursion. What a waste of time. But by the time we would have finally got to my sister's house Jack would have been super pissed and needing a nap, and I just didn't see the point of going on like that. Maybe next year we can try again. :(

Then sunday I took DD to the mall and when I came home DH said Jack had been fussy the whole time, so he ended up going alone with DD to the Customer Appreciation Day with DD and I stayed home with Jack. He needs to pop these teeth, or whatever the hell is bothering him! Seriously, DD was never bothered by teething at all!

Not much else going on. I bought myself a few presents at the mall. A necklace, and some PJs. :)
hey ladies, havent been on in days. Catching up now.

lit- how was ur playdate?
The trip with in laws sounds like a nightmare! I hope u can get out of it?? It just sounds like its going to cause u too much anxiety, and worry about V. Could u just say V is ill or something? if u do have to go, travel cot would be a good idea, and with so many folk around, you'd have extra help with V which might make the trip easier?
I can't believe ur dh has planned so many trips! I agree with apple, make sure u get some time in for urself and family trip too. My dh never does any trips or anything with his friends, i dont think he'd dare haha. He know it'd annoy me.

apple- yes he has a lion onsie for this birthday! its so cute! hope it fits haha. Great that u can go back to work phased, and reduced your hours.
Glad the trip to oh's sister went well but so weird about her bringing up oh's ex/ Such an odd thing to do. Past is past!
so sorry about your eventful evening, but glad u are all aright and obs are all ok. Funny how ur friend bought in the innuendo haha.

vrogers- sorry about the restless nights with V. Funny hows she bothered by baby kicking- its so cute though. Her little sister is already annoying her haha. The tradition with ur dh sounds v cute!

slammer- sorry about Jack, hope the fussiness ends soon! That sounds like a nightmare, travelling all that way and then back. I don't blame u though, its probably just better to get back to home comforts. Hopefully next year! Maybe boys find teething harder? haha. Isa definitely gets fussy and whiny when teeth are coming.

afm- I really don't have anything interesting to report- i am so boring. 7 days till Isa's birthday!! at the weekend we took him to toys r us and bought him some birthday gifts. The one thing he really wanted was a fake broom lol, so got him that and he loves it. he plays with it lots, and holds it and crawls around. Little weirdo.
Looking forward to his birthday and his party next week and then going away for new year.
i've got a bit of a sore throat just now, but nothing major.
Have had a few rough nights with isa, but other nights hes been very settled- but that seems to be the general way for Isa. nothing consistent with him.
Some days hes only having one nap, other days two, think hes transitioning to 1. Any other babies on 1 nap already?

oh yeah forgot to say, I had a playdate last week with an old friend. It was lovely, but my friend is absolutely nuts. She was saying how she loved her labour (she had it completely natural) and wants to have lots and lots of kids, and is trying for her second already and can't wait to leave her job and just be a houswife. I think im complete opposite haha. I want to work a bit and i might one day have one more baby but nowhere near ready for another one yet haha.
Ally - haha, that’s funny about your friend being opposite of you. Everyone has their own timelines and whatnot. Your point of view is just as valid! Glad you had a nice play date.
Violet is almost down to one nap, so you’re not alone. She is still at 2 naps, but she has the odd day here and there where she only has one, so the transition is somewhat near. I know my dd1 transitioned to 1 nap as soon as she turned 11 months, so it’s not unheard of!

Slammer - Thanks for the sympathy re:sleep. How is Jack doing with mattress on the floor? Has this helped with his sleep?
That is really frustrating about driving such a long way to go to your sister’s party but then having to give up because of Jack traveling so terribly. Argh! I find it very hard to do social gatherings/holiday parties/traveling and whatnot with a baby! So hard to fit things in within a baby’s nap schedule.
I hope Jack gets over this fussy phase soon! Violet is also way more bothered by teething during the day than dd1 was (but less so at night - dd1 was a nightmare at night)!

Apple - wow, that was quite the health scare with you vomiting blood! I don’t blame you for calling the ambulance with all that’s going on with your gall bladder. I’m glad it turned out to be nothing too serious.

AFM - still stressed about Christmas with the in-laws, but we are now borrowing a baby gate from someone for while we’re there, so I at least won’t have to worry about Violet falling to her death! What a relief.
Yesterday was nice. DH was off to watch the girls in the morning while I went to physio. We then picked up groceries and had lunch together before he went back to work. In the afternoon, I headed over to my mom’s with the girls and we did some Christmas baking together! It went surprisingly well and it was good to have an extra set of hands so we could alternate someone holding Violet while the other one did the mixing or whatever. :)
I think I am overdoing it on the baking, though, as I am feeling pretty lumpy at the moment! Haha.
Literati- makes me feel better that I’m not the only one who still has to hold my almost one year old for naps! It feels like family/friends judge me when I have to plan around her naps because she doesn’t nap on the go or in her crib.
Ugh 2-3 nights, that’s quite demanding especially of someone with a baby! Is there any way you could stay home with V and just visit during the day time when it’s better for you, or would that not work out? Unsolicited advice is the worst, I don’t blame you for not wanting to go. (Just read your other reply, at least you guys have a baby gate and can hopefully keep the cat away! That solves one issue!)
What the heck to dh planning 3 trips! I would be snappy too.

Apple- that is sweet of you to reach out to oh sister! Hopefully she gets over oh ex, that’s in the past and disrespectful to you and your family.
Oh no I’m sorry you got so sick, that would be scary! I hope you’re feeling better now and that it doesn’t happen again.
Your friends reply about the sausage made me laugh, sounds like something my bff would say!

Slammer- I’m sorry going to your sisters didn’t work out! It really does suck to plan around naps and sucks even more when it messes up plans. That’s good dd took it so well!
I’ve been wanting to try a floor bed actually! I thought about doing that when L is just under 2 and this baby will be about 6 months and could take the crib. I’m not sure if that would be too late for L to get used to, though? I’ve heard good things about floor beds.

Ally- whoa, I can’t believe Isa will be 1 in less than a week now! Doesn’t feel like almost a year ago that you were telling us about his birth. I hope you guys have fun at his party! He sounds so cute with the play broom.

Afm- L woke up screaming around 12:30 last night. She has been doing this off and on for awhile and we always assume it’s teething, but dh noticed during a scream fest this past weekend that her reflux seemed to be bothering her. She’s been off her meds for quite awhile now, and I feel terrible because this whole time we could have been helping her with her med. Last night was the worst night we’ve had since she was a newborn, we didn’t get her back to sleep until after 3am when dh finally thought to give her the med. we’ve decided to do it every other night to start, and I’ll bring it up with her doctor at her appointment in a couple weeks. Hopefully she goes back to sleeping mostly well!
We did attempt looking at Christmas lights last weekend, it was bad timing because L needed to eat and she just yelled the whole time (she does this “AHHHHHHHHH” almost every car ride and even randomly throughout the day at home, it’s annoying either way but worse in the car).
I’m not really sure if any family is coming over for Christmas, my dad and his wife will be out of town and dh’s mom hosts at her house all day. Dh is taking all of next week off, I could cry I’m so thankful.
Hi ladies :)

Prob quick reply , O just fallen asleep but don’t know how long for he is still really unsettled ☹️

Vroggers/ sorry L hasn’t been good poor baby. It must have been so upsetting for you. Hope the meds help her now, u must be tired hon x
I wonder if she will go down for naps when she starts toddling about. My friend has to hold her little one all the time. I must admit O has his moments but has been very similar himself recently. Thankfully, he has started to settle for oh a little at night but he puts up a fight initially.

Ally/ 2days to birthdays :) can u believe our little ones are turning one?! Crazy isn’t it. How far off walking is Isa now ? The fun really starts then haha .. so cute though :) I didn’t realise you were actually going away over New Year. I thought it was after. That will be loverly. Glad u had a nice time on your play date. Your friend sounds really nice :)

Slammer / sorry u had to turn back from your sisters. Hope jack is ok x such hard work at times isn’t it😣.. hope all well otherwise. Your dd sounds a little sweetly, sure she is really excited this year :) x

Lit/ how are you feeling about the trip now ? I know I commented to Vroggers but did u notice if your dd started to nap better once she was walking and more independent ? Hope you get some rest yourself hon over the Christmas period, sounds like it might be a bit full on.. you are such a trooper nursing like like you are and slammer pumping at work ! X

Ali hope u r well hon x Hope all other ladies are ok x

Well my little man is still full of cough and cold .. so annoying and feel horrible saying this as it’s not about me at all but I’m so shattered, I’ve been sleeping on the couch propped up with O five nights this week, it’s just easier, especially when oh is working in the morning, and O settles so much better sat up sleeping in my arms. Means I’m not getting much sleep though..think we are all ready for Christmas now, oh still working but looking forward to the day with my mum and my boys x Ds my 4yr old is super excited to the point of driving us bonkers haha..

Oh was getting him going tonight with a bell from the Christmas tree, saying Santa was having a practice run ha x

Well going to try and chill now , got O to sleep in his pram sat up so going to try and get some wrapping done ! X I think I’m done then buy more ! Ha x
Merry Christmas to all and babies xx

Happy birthday Isa !! Xx 🎂🎂
Apple- thanks!
Merry xmas to all ladies and babies
Will need to read and catch up tomorrow, have a lovely day everyone xxx
Merry Christmas, everyone! Hope you’re all having a lovely day!

VRogers - you’re definitely not the only one! I understand about feeling judged by family and friends. I worried about it a lot more with dd1, but still do to an extent with Vi. It is stressful when most people can’t relate to your nap situation and so you feel weird and misunderstood.

Apple - I don’t know if she started sleeping better for naps immediately after walking (she walked at 9 months), but once she was a year it was like she “grew up” a bit and went down for naps much more easily.
Merry Christmas ladies and babies who celebrate, and happy birthday to Isa!! Will be on later to catch up and update! 🎄
Hope all u ladies and babies had a loverly time.. I’ll be on soon to catch up properly xx
Happy Birthday Isa!! (Belated) Can't believe our babies are turning one!!!!

Hope everyone enjoyed Christmas. It's been crazy over here. Christmas went well, but with the two extra boys it was a bit of a bitter sweet situation. I wanted to hog the day with my two boys and watch them play with their toys and have fun. It didn't go that way. Lots of fighting over toys. I'm super glad I can provide a place for my nephews and they got to enjoy Christmas, but I do want my home back. They can all play well, but yeah.. O is starting to act out more and I just down right hate it. He never did before in the ways he is now.

So.. I've been playing with the idea of TTC once my cycle comes back. I don't know why but it is stuck in my head and won't diminish. Hubs is okay with it. I'm pretty sure he would be okay with it even if baby was a newborn, though. :dohh: He just lets me making choices sometimes and goes with the flow which can be irritating because then I feel like I need to be the adult and really weigh the options. I may just NTNP. We don't get much of a chance anyways. We've kind of been doing that anyways since I'm not on BC and my cycles can't be tracked. I even got ovulation strips to try and it's just always the same. Pretty sure my cycle is trying to come back but keeps being suppressed.

What is everyone doing for birthday parties? I work both the weekend before and after T's so it'll be later. We will do cake on his birthday, though.

Anyways. I better go get something to eat and get to sleep. Work tomorrow.

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