January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Hi ladies, just got a bit of a break so see how I get on ha b4 I’m disturbed ! .

Lit/ wow walking at 9 Months ! Bet that kept you in your feet ha x

Ali/ sounds like you did a grand job at Christmas. I can I derstand u wanting to watch your own boys play with their toys. We had a cousin same age as ds and they argued all the time, then screamed and shouted they next minute were hugging saying they were best friends ! Lol.. it’s such a loverly thing u r doing for your brother x

Vroggers hope you are feeling ok hon x

Froggy, nice to hear from u, merry Christmas hon x

Ally/ hope Isa had a fab day !! When’s the party again ? X

Slammer hope u are well hon and had a fab time x

Hope all other ladies well, sorry if I’ve missed anyone x

Christmas Day was good, oh worked but to be honest it was nice to have my four boys to myself. We had a loverly dinner at my mums, she made so much effort. Unfortunately my sister in law was poorly with s&d so her and my bro and nephew didn’t end up coming which was a bit of a dampener as mum made so much effforr but it couldn’t be helped. Thankfully she is picking up now. I went round and dropped off gifts ect.

O was a little star, really got into it. Opening all his things bless him. Ds just basically freaked out ha , so excited but then so tired , then grumpy and he is only just starting to calm down ha .. they got so much stuff! I honestly don’t know where I’m going to put it. My elder boys had a good time and were very spoilt :)
I did a little buffet Christmas eve, was so excited this year putting his plate out lol.. as I said before we went to mums for lunch and then oh son came round in the evening.. Boxing Day I had oh parents and children round, I made loads of food and we are eating left overs today ! Today we have had a day just me , oh and two youngest today which has been nice. We went for a walk to some woodlands, a park and to this big hall, nice to get some fresh air. I’ve got a joint of beef for tomorrow so cooked that today to save time.
Had a nice night eventually last night when everyone left, managed to get kids settled early which was a treat. We ended up with a bottle of wine and watched a film .. lol ended up watching fifty shades of grey as we have had it recorded for months ha... we ended up laughing at it. It’s not what we expected ! Bit like what u would expect from pound land porn shop .. oh has been calling himself me grey all day haha ..so I added the “more like mr grey hair almost!

Not looking forward to going back to work next week ! Mat leave officially finished on Christmas Day :(
Ali- I’m sorry christmas didn’t go how you hoped! It makes sense that O would be acting out more with such a big change, but I’m sure that doesn’t make it any easier for you.
Ttc plan is exciting!! I didn’t officially get a period (just random spotting) and ended up pregnant so apparently it’s a thing haha.
For L’s birthday dh and I decided to just have it be us 3. I got her a little shirt from target that says “happy birthday” and will take some pictures and let her have some cake (although I’ve toyed with the idea of making a healthier version so it’s not too much at once), so nothing too big. Will you guys be having a birthday party with friends/family, and any theme? I may not like doing parties myself but I like hearing about first birthdays!

Apple- your mum sounds sweet! It’s nice you were able to spend time with her and your boys alone.
I laughed at the mr. Grey comments you and oh made to each other, you guys sound fun!
Glad you had a nice few days of holidays and yummy food!
I’m sorry about mat leave ending, I hope it’s a smooth transition for everyone.

Afm- we had a nice Christmas with us 3 at home. We took L to target a few weeks ago and I let her “pick” an ornament (that she immediately stuck in her mouth) and she chose this little snow monster character, we assume from some kids movie. So dh went back to target and found a pillow/stuffed animal of the same character, and I put it in a bag with some tissue paper to open on Christmas morning. Then we watched the grinch and Charlie Brown Christmas while L played with her toys.
Christmas Eve, we had to call the cops on our neighbors. Fireworks are illegal where we live (although nobody follows that rule on New Years and July 4th) and our neighbors accross the street sat outside with a bonfire drinking (didn’t care), smoking (didn’t care) and shooting off the loudest fireworks I’ve ever heard. They went into the street, essentially right outside L’s window where she was sound asleep and set them off. She woke and fussed, so dh immediately called the cops. They sent someone, and just as he rounded the corner the guys in the street set some off, so the cop knew right where to go. Thankfully they obviously stopped after that.
I am NOT looking forward to New Years! I feel like it will be even worse than July 4th was because people will set them off until well after midnight. We do have a white noise machine in L’s room but some fireworks can be so loud, it’s obnoxious and I have come to despise them since having a baby.
Anyway, enough about explosives!
Dh has been off work this week which is a huge treat, and then Tuesday of next week we go to Texas (about a 4 hour trip) for his work trip. Wednesday through Friday he has a class, so we will be in a hotel with L. I’m hoping she sleeps okay and I can find some ways to entertain her during the day!
I had an appointment with my ob yesterday, but of course nothing exciting, just did pee check, bp check and they listened to baby heartbeat. Next appt is the glucose test and then I’m seen every 2 weeks! I am blown away how fast it’s all going this time, it’s scary!
I think that’s all that’s new, can’t believe L will be one in less than 2 weeks! Others have asked too, but is anyone planning anything for first birthday?
Hi guys!
Hope u all had a lovely christmas.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes!!

Isa had a great time and was very spoilt with lots of gifts and presents.

Ali- sorry your christmas didn't quite go to plan and that O is playing up. Did you have a nice dinner? any update on when they will look for jobs and could possible move out?
i can't believe you are thinking about ttc haha! crazy woman.

apple= sounds like you have had a lovely indulgent xmas period and i'm so glad. how is ur pains? are you feeling ok? Not watched 50 shades but i can imagine it's a bit tacky and cringey haha. Isa's party was yesterday, will update at end and put some pics up too

vrogers- sorry about all the fireworks! glad the neighbours stopped after cops came though. Your xmas sounded lovely. Glad your hosp appt went well and all is going well. You sound like your just flying through the pregnancy and doing so well.

afm- I can't believe my baby is 1!!!Xmas day was just chilled, he opened presents, and we had a nice meal. Yesterday we had his birthday party. My parents went to a lot of effort, lots of food, parents ordered an amazing cake for him and he just got lots of gifts from my friends and from family. Dont know where to put everything lol.
It was an animal themed party so some were dressed up. Isa was a wee lion, great onesie but he did get too got and bothered it in though so the mane and wee paws went off haha. It was a lovely day, tiring though isa was shattered and asleep earlier than normal.

I've added some pics, one is isa with my cousin, the cake and then me, dh and isa :)
On sunday we are away to lake district for new year, all busy busy busy here.


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Ally- omg look at him!! Your family is adorable. And that cake looks delicious. It sounds like he had a great party and everything went well!
Ally - Aw how adorable! I don't even want to think how my baby is almost 1! I know I'm crazy. T is a handful wi5h his attitude so you would think I would want to wait lol.

They will probably be here awhile. I expect until spring or summer. They have never been on their own so I know it won't be easy to get them there. I'm trying to be supportive, but not too easy on them. It's hard for me to not say "Get your shit together. You are both adults and have CHILDREN to take care of so stop being childish" I'm doing it for those boys and not them. The kids don't need to suffer because of them.

Vrogers - Well if I could hit ovulation before AF came I would probably try with my current mindset lol. It's just unpredictable and good chance it won't be back for awhile the way T keeps nursing.

I'm probably going to do small. Last time I had people over it was a disaster. No one helped with the party. As much as I want to celebrate his big "1" I don't feel anyone is excited about it enough for me to waste time for them to be half assed involved. I'm a bit bitter lately lol.

Glad baby is doing well! Have you guys been thinking about names?

Apple - I would say sorry your maternity leave is over but I almost forgot what was one at this point haha
Does suck, though.

AFM - Not too much going on. Well other than everyone but I has had the stomach flu. I have to work the next two days so I suspect that is when it will hit me. T has been super sleepy with it. Took 3 naps yesterday. He's down to 1 generally. O threw up 17 times with it. He's feeling better, though.

T is doing well over all. His walking is getting so good. He turns around without falling now. He even tried to walk backwards which was funny. Didn't make it but one of two steps.

I really need to start exercising. My body feels so crappy. Bleh.
Vroggers/ glad the hospital appointment went ok. Time does seem to be going so quickly. Your Christmas sounded really nice :)
Sorry to hear about the trouble with the neighbours. That’s no fun 😣, I would have been really annoyed.

Ally / wow love the cake ! And gorgeous little family pic. You look like you are having good fun :) glad it went so well for little fella and that lion suit lol .. well that’s just fab! Haha. Hope your little trip goes well if you don’t get on again before new year x I ordered Ollies cake yesterday, not sure to have animals or trains :) I’m just doing a little tea party for family x

Ali / it is a difficult situation you are in. Glad you're managing it though and respect for keeping your cool regarding not working ect X hope something gets sorted soon. Do your boys get on with his children ?
I do feel it more I think about going back to work this time then ever before. I think it’s because I know O is my last baby and it seems a bit final. I went back a lot earlier with my other 3 but this time I wanted to take as long as possible with being my last. I was gutted for u mummy’s that had to go back ages ago.. I’ve done it, it’s shit.
O is also really unsettled in nursery. I’ve been weaning him in since October but he just doesn’t seem to be settling. I’m now thinking that maybe I should have just left him for longer days and he might have got used to it better. Suppose it’s like taking off a plaster, take it off quick and it’s over quicker but doing slowly it hurts for longer. There are babies there that started after him and they seem settled. I feel really guilty. Suppose sometimes all u can as a mummy is try and it doesn’t always work out. :( I just keep thinking ds was the same for a while but now loves it when he goes.
TTC again , exciting stuff, :) x

Lit/ slammer/ froggy/ hope u are well ladies x

Well I actually started this post yesterday and keep having to copy and save it ha !
My little fella has been really constipated again today , I’m sure he must go tonight he has had so much stuff to help him now :( an aged to help him pass some tonight.,

Ds has been driving us bonkers this week, so excited but so cute at the same time . We have had the full school nativity after our several times a day and singing full blast haha.,

Well happy new year ladies it’s 11.30pm here so not long to go. Hope 2018 is a good one for u all x
Apple - I am really sorry you have to start work this week (or next?). I feel you - I am 3 weeks away from going back, and dreading it like crazy! :( It is so hard to leave them, no matter how much time you’ve had off. I still think 1 is very young for them to be without their mommies! I am sorry O still hasn’t adjusted really to nursery with you putting him in early. Please don’t beat yourself up. You’ve done all you could to get him used to it and make for a smooth transition for him. You’re an amazing mommy!

Ali - wow, TTC already when your cycle’s back? That’s a bit crazy, but I almost get it. I have been completely baby crazy since Violet was born. I would probably start TTC this coming fall, but now I have been figuring out the finances and realized we should probably have at least a 3-yr gap so we can pay off more debt first. So, April 2019? It will be really hard to wait that long.
So sorry you didn’t get to have Christmas with just your immediate family. It would be hard letting another family in like that. You’re amazing!

VRogers - thanks for the update! Glad baby is doing well. Sounds like a nice Christmas for you!

Ally - wow, can’t believe Isa is 1! Loved the pics. Thanks for sharing. Cute little family! Looks like you went all out with cake and decor! Great job!

AFM - I had a great Christmas. It was busy but nice! The overnights with my in laws actually went pretty well. There were some uncomfortable moments for me, but for the most part it went great and no one said anything judgmental.

Haven’t planned Violet’s birthday yet but will probably celebrate the actual day since it is a Saturday. It will likely be just family and maybe ONE other couple with 2 kids our girls’ age. We will do a large cupcake for Vi for her smash cake. That’s as far as I’ve gotten.

Happy New Year to all! 2017 was a great one but definitely a lot of challenges for me with transitioning to 2. So thankful to have spent it at home with my girls! Our NYE was the lamest ever as DH had a migraine all day and we had to cancel a retirement celebration for my mom (for other reasons as well). Oh well!
Thanks everyone for the lovely birthday messages for Isa. Happy new year to all you and hope 2018 is a good one, full of good health, love and wealth!

ali- how u all feeling now? better i hope.

apple- hope Ollie and his constipation gets better soon.

lit- i agree, i feel 1 is too young to be leaving them! what will be ur plan for childcare when u go back to work? so glad the overnights at ur in laws went better than expected! love how u and ali are thinking about ttc number 3's! i still cannot imagine being ready for that anytime soon haha! am i normal?!

we had a lovely NYE down south in the Lake district. Stayed in a little wooden lodge and it was cosy and warm, and very picturesque. Next day we went to a safari park and it was so much fun. DH and I definitely enjoyed it more than Isa haha. Back home now, and back to normal!
Lit / glad the stay with the in laws went ok and u had a nice Christmas. Sorry new year wasn’t the best..hope dh now ok. Thanks for the comments hon, means a lot. My stomach is honestly sick with the thought of leaving him. I know he will settle eventually. He is such a mummies boy :) x

Ally/ you’re little cottage stay sounded loverly:) glad u had a good time at the safary park. Which one did u go to ? I’m trying to plan some little trips in advance so might check it out with my boys. We have been south lakes but that was years ago.

Vroggers/ hope your neighbours behaved NYE !! X

Well our new year was quiet, just me and oh sat up. Teenager was out cane in just after. Thankfully not drunk ! Ha..

Mr and oh just watched tv n chilled really, had a bit of a laugh. Raised a glass at midnight, very thankful for many things in 2017, with O arriving but hoped for less stressful 2018 and main thing we did a toast to was O having a poo by morning haha !

On that subject I have booked O into dr for this morning for this so hopefully get sorted.

Well, I’m just enjoying my last day b4 work tomorrow. Thankfully boys are at my mums so I won’t be worrying about O just yet. Just taking the decs down with ds. Trying to get it as organised as poss so easy to get out again next yr ha ..

Ive has a few heated discussions with my teenager over last few days , not very motivated. Needs his butt kicking, his dad not very helpful. Quick to give me advice but doesn’t really step up himself. Quite annoying 😣

On brighter note O is 1 onthe 13th , think I mentioned I’m doing a little tea party for him. Wanting to keep it small really. I was looking at decorations for him and saw some twinkle little star ones which I thought was quite cute. Not sure if to invite oh brother and sister. We have his parents and older children coming and we only saw his siblings for first time in a year at Christmas. I just feel it all falls on me but as my brother and wife are coming I’m feeling should I be inviting them for oh, we are very close to my bro and sister in law and see them every week.I’ll have a think about that one. ! 😣

Weather awful here rain and high wind , wish it would clear up !! We are right by the sea so might go a drive and watch the waves as it’s high tide today, ds loves watching them and at least it gets us out for a run even if we stay in car x

Hope other ladies ok,

Have nice day ladies x
Hi ladies , little quiet on here. Hope u r all well x

Well first day went ok. Was a little strange as someone else was sat in my usual desk so I had to kind of hot desk but there is worse things I suppose. Just been there 5 years so felt a bit odd. Nice to be around my old colleagues again. I’ve got leave to take before April so I’ve arranged it that I take every Tuesday off which is nice, gives me bit more time with O.

O went ok at the dr. Got medication to help moves bowels along and he has been last two days so 🤞 I’ve also made him some prune and pear jam and started giving him that on finger toast.

He has started standing by himself and letting go of things so free standing, just for a few seconds but looks cute :)

The lady that was making Os birthday cake has had to let me down. His birthday is next weekend so I’ve decided to get creative and give it a go !

That’s it’s really for me :)

Hope u all have good day x
apple- glad first day went ok, and that you can take some leave and have more time with O. What kind of cake will u make? i made a simple chocolate one the other week, using jamie oliver recipe. Was pretty wasy to follow and turned out lovely.
we have a lot of rain and windy weather too.

afm- dh's nana passed away twp days ago, she was really old, and we knew it was coming. Anyway, dh has gone down south(about a 6 hour drive) to see his parents. He hasn't seen his brother in 2 years either and is going to surprise him by visiting his house. Really weird him being gone, he'll be back on sunday, only 2 nights, but i've never had a night alone with Isa haha.
Its to tiring and long for us to go with Isa too, so thought best DH go on his own.
Hope all ladies are ok. Whose birthday is next???
just realised, ali's baby T was 1 on the 2nd! i dunno if i missed it, but happy belated birthday baby boy!!
Yay happy birthday baby T xx 🎂, I’ll have to go to page one to keep up with birthdays x hope u had loverly day with little man Ali x

Ally/ bless u on your own ! It’s weird isn’t it but I can understand your reasons for staying home. Sorry to hear about your news. Even if expected it’s still still sad. Hope your dh visit goes well with his brother x

I’ve been looking at different cake ideas on the net and I think i might try and do a number 1. I’d love to do a bigger one but scared I’ll make a mess of it lol.. I’ve bought 2 rectangle cake tins today. Online they seem to just cut it out from a template. I think I’ll be ok with that bit I’m just rubbish at piping icing haha.. I’ve seen a nice rainbow one though using smarties so if I mess up O will be getting a rainbow cake ha .. covered in smarties or m & ms x I’ll check out the Jamie Oliver recipes :) thanks.

Lit / I’m ashamed to say I had to google “ smash cake “ haha. Then realised I’m dumb ha.. I’ve seen loads of video clips but didn’t know it was called that. I’ve never done with any of my boys. I actually have a cake mound that my boys bought me one year for Christmas of a giant cupcake. Still in box unused, I might give it a go ha x
Ali-Happy birthday T!! What did you guys end up doing? You are such a good person to be putting those boys first and helping out you’re brother. Is she still not looking for a job? Maybe instead of bluntly telling them to grow up, you could sit down and make a budget out. Like estimate how much they would bring in with a minimum wage job and go over what rent and exit would cost and see if that gets your point across. Just put it as “I want is all to sit down and we will help you plan a budget” I’m sorry Christmas wasn’t what you hoped for. It really sucks that you’re in this situation, but you’re boys will see how you help out family and maybe that will impact them to help people out too!

Ally, the party looks like it was so cute and fun! You did a great job! Did isa receive a lot of gifts? Gage got so much from Christmas, that I’m nervous about having room for bday gifts. Sorry to hear about dhs nana, I hope the two days fly by for you. My dh has to go out of town to man another job for a few days a couple of months ago and it was extremely strange. I got a bottle of wine and watched trashy reality shows that I secretly live but dh hates lol. It was some nice alone time, even though I missed him.
Hi froggy we must have posted at same time ! :) glad u had nice Christmas and that u r well x
Just looking back, from regular mummies and ones that pop on when they can and little ones birthdays,
baby Z was also one on the 1st happy birthday little man x hope u r well newbie x

WDW little one soon and
Midnight baby V :) x
I think Vroggers / Baby L is next from our regulars , sorry if I’m wrong x

All these babies growing so quickly x
Apple- it sounds like your holiday went great. How nice that you will get off every Tuesday, that should help with the transisition! How are you feeling lately? You must post pics of the cake, i would be scared to tackle that. What theme will you go with?

Lit- I’m so happy that Christmas went better than expected. Doesn’t it seem like the older we get, the lamer NYE gets? Its such a struggle to stay awake! The large cupcake sounds so cute! I’m in awe of those with more than one kiddo, you all have done such an amazing job!!

Vrogers- hope your neighbors were behaved on NYE, how rude are people? It’s insane how inconsiderate people can be! What part of Texas did you travel to? That’s where I’m from. Right now we are in Alabama. I’m not looking forward to the drive to Texas for Gages bday!! It’s so amazing to me how fast this pregnancy is going! Have y’all thought of names yet?
I was looking online and I saw some twinkle twinkle little star themed decorations that I thought was quite cute. I’m only having a little tea party, saying that the numbers seem to be growing ! Ha x

I’m not feeling too bad, since I now know my problem is gall bladder I’ve been avoiding fat as much as I can and I can tell a difference, although I do think I’m going to have to have it removed. I’ve got a appt to discuss that on the 21nd😣.. on positive I’ve lost 4lb ha x
Sorry about posting three times, I’m on my phone and can only go to one page at a time!
Afm, we are doing good. Just chugging along. Dh and I got fitbits, we got one for free from a mattress purchase and decided we wanted another one so I went and bought it yesterday. It’s pretty cool and we started logging our food and stuff too. I have done the food logs before and the actually work because they make you accountable for what you eat. We are fixing to start working out too, but are trying to find the best schedule so we can take turns but not take up our whole evenings. We are getting ready to buy a new car too, so that’s exciting! We both have really old vehicles, that run well but sometimes it seems like they won’t for very long. So I’m going to get one now and then dh will get one later on. I’m probably going way overboard for Gages bday, but oh well! I have almost all of the decorations made/ordered! It’s so exciting! Christmas was great, watching Gages face when he woke up and saw toys was priceless! He just grinned really big and sat on the floor staring and smiling before he crawled over to check everything out. Of course he lived opening presents too, but it took him awhile to understand that it’s mkte than ripping paper(which he loves to do) and there is actually a toy inside lol. NYE was ok. We watched tv and movies and I had too much wine! I joined a play group and that has been so much fun. Gage and I go to an event once or twice a week. We have met some nice people and gage loves to watch the other kids and thinks they are funny. He plays by himself but doesn’t really play WITH someone yet. There are a couple of little girls that we seem to gravitate toward when we go, they are closest to his age than anyone else. A few weeks ago one of them was behind him giving him hugs, and the other was in front of him playing with his hair, and he was just in the middle smiling so big! I said “uh-oh, I think I’m in trouble!”
Twinkle twinkle sounds so cute! I have found some edible snowflakes on amazon, maybe they have stars too, that may help reduce the piping icing for you. Good job on the 4lbs down! The numbers grow fast don’t they? I sent out 19 invites to Gages party, but it still is 50 people! I’m hoping that people do the polite thing and rsvp so I can get the right amount of food/cake. I really don’t want to have to deal with a bunch of left overs because I’m prepared for so many but they don’t all come!

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