January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ali- my cycles got so wonky after having L, i can see how it would be hard to plan another!
Aw I’m sorry nobody seems to care as much about his first bday party. I don’t blame you for not wanting to do the work all yourself.
Dh likes the name Elizabeth (which grew on me) and I like the middle name Jean, after my grandma(who passed in 2015) on my dads side. That is most likely what we will go with!
Ugh I hope the stomach flu misses you! I can’t believe T is such a good walker, L still doesn’t really want to try other than cruising a little using the couch.
Wow, didn’t realize until the other ladies pointed out, happy belated birthday to baby T!! I hope whatever you were able to do, you guys had a fun time!

Apple- glad you had a nice New Years! I’m glad overall going back to work has been good and that you will be able to take off tuesdays! How are you feeling health-wise? I hope all the pains have been staying away!
Are you using any particular recipe? I planned on making L a little cake as well, not sure which recipe to use!

Literati- I’m glad the overnight Christmas went okay! I’m sure you’re glad it’s over.
Sounds similar to what we are doing party-size wise for L.
I’m sorry about the lame New Years!

Ally- the safari park sounds so fun! I wish we had something like that where I live.
Oh no, I’m sorry to hear about dh’s nana. It’s good he’s able to be with family, but I haven’t had to do nights alone with L yet so I imagine that is tough!

Froggy- I think I remember you mentioning being from Texas awhile back, we went to Dallas (Lewisville, more specifically). I had family that lived in Houston for awhile, although they recently moved to Florida. Do you like living in Alabama, or do you miss Texas?
Dh likes the name Elizabeth for whatever reason (which has actually grown on me, apparently we like older names haha) and I like Jean for a middle name after my grandma!
Glad you guys like the fit bits! I just told dh I need to download myfitnesspal again (I had it several years ago when we first married) because like you said, it helps keep you accountable for what you eat. I too really want to get back to working out!
A new car is exciting! Do you have one in mind?
I say go as overboard as you want, they only turn one once (and two, three, and so on haha).
Play group sounds like fun, I’m glad you found a good one! Gage sounds adorable with the little girls!

Afm- we just got back from Texas last night, it was a nightmare! I was hoping we would be able to find something fun at least one day, but dh’s class didn’t end early (he’ll usually get out by about 2-3, this time it went to 4:30). Night time was the worst. The hotel provided a pack n play, which we discovered L is not a fan of. She would only sleep in it for up to 3-4 hours, then wake up crying until one of us laid with her on our chest until she fell asleep, then we had to put her in bed with us. We never coslept, so she just got all excited being with mom and dad and thought it was a party! Dh had to take a test in the class Friday, and while the instructor normally lets him take it early, this one didn’t so we ended up not leaving until after 4. Between after work traffic and a bad wreck, it took about 5 hours and we didn’t get home until after 10pm. L is usually in bed by 7:15ish, so she screamed until she lost her voice the entire trip home. It was AWFUL!
Anyways, we decided no more hotel trips until she’s a bit older.
Her 12 month appointment is Wednesday, she turns one Tuesday which is crazy to me! Can’t believe we will all have one year olds by the time this month is over!
Can’t remember if I said yet, but L now points, although I’m not sure if she knows what she’s doing yet. She’s still not walking on her own but I’m not ready to start chasing her around even more than I do now with her crawling!
Dh goes back to work Monday after having one week vacation and one week being in Texas, so it’ll be hard but also kind of nice to be back into routine with L.
Pregnancy wise nothing too exciting, I am feeling tons of bigger movement, lots of rolls and pushes rather than just the little taps. Next appointment isn’t until the 22 which will be the glucose test and then I go to every two weeks! I say this all the time but it really is flying and I feel incredibly unprepared.
Have I missed any more birthdays from our regulars, and are there any between today and Tuesday? Can’t wait to hear how bday parties go for those doing one!
Thought I would pop in real quick to share a couple pictures! Glad these monthly pictures are done as they were getting harder and harder to take. I’m attempting to bake L’s smash cake, we’ll let her have it tonight when dh gets off work, and this weekend we wanted to grab dh’s nice camera and take some one year pictures! My bff has her first OB appointment today (she chose my doctor actually!) and then she’s coming by my house before going back to work, so excited for her!
Anyways, now trying to get L to take her nap, hope everyone is doing well, it’s quiet in here!


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Yay happy birthday L , how gorgeous is she ❤️Look at that hair ! X amazing :) hope u have fun with your smash cake x

Just popping on will catch up later x hope u r well Vroggers x

Midnight / Happy belated birthday to V hope she had a loverly day x

Hope other ladies and babies well x

Hope US ladies been ok in bad weather x
Happy birthday L!!! Those pics are adorable!! Post pics of your cake vroggers!!
It’s the most pathetic “cake” ever but here it is! :haha: it was made with mashed bananas, oats, whole wheat flour and a few other things, and the icing was just cream cheese, vanilla extract and apple juice concentrate. I thought it was pretty gross tasting but she loved it! Although she only dug into the icing and ate a couple bites of the actual cake. It was fun, AND she slept through the night for the first time in quite awhile! We have her 12 month appointment in a couple hours and I’m dreading all the shots.
Which baby has the next bday?


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Awww that’s brill ha . Not pathetic and little lady looks happy 😃, u should she the state of my work in progress ha... I’m attempting a number 1 , it’s just two sponge cakes at the min ha..
how funny she slept through the night , cake it is then ha..

I’m just sat at dentist with ds and my teen, really pleased with ds as it’s the first time he sat in dentist chair and he got a sticker. He was always really nervous before. He was pleased the dentist said his teeth was perfect haha.. me on the other hand needs £ 250 of Work doing 😣...

Well I’m back to work after then prepping for this party Saturday. O upset at nursery this am hope he settles :( x
Just wanted to update real quick. So on new years eve T burnt his hand while under my brothers watch. One of the worst things I have dealt with. He cried and screamed for 2 hours before I got him to chill then later took him to the ER because of the location of the burn. They said what I was doing is what they would have done and sent me home.

Then his 1yr appointment he was sick. Cough and runny nose. Well he was a but wheezy sooo.. He got a neg treatment and a chest xray.. had to have labs and shots as well. Also they wanted to remove the dead skin from his hand. That was all fun.. not.

So O has been sick as well. Cough, nasal congestion, but also a fever. Took him to urgent care on Saturday and was told most likely a virus. Then he spiked a 104 temp on Monday night so we took him to the ER. We get told bilateral pneumonia. Sent via ambulance to a bigger hospital. Find out he has RSV and only pneumonia to his lower right lobe. So thankfully he gets sent home on oral antibiotics. I got a call yesterday and he was positive for strep as well.

So since my boys have been sick and injured. I'm sure T has RSV as well. Probably what I'm fighting. O is finally getting better with the antibiotics. This was all after the stomach flu.

Now I'm just hoping to get through the flu season without them getting it. T hasn't had a party yet and they aren't well enough for one.
Hey ladies will update properly tomorrow! Just wanted to say happy birthday to L! Gorgeous pics and cake looks great!
Ali so sorry about the boys being so unwell! T's burn sounds so sore poor boy! Best to postpone party till they are better anyway which is hopefully very soon!
Hope work goes ok Apple xx
Oh Ali, so sorry about the boys being so poorly. Sounds like u reacted quickly and did what needs to be done with T. Hope u r ok in yourself you must be shattered. Def better to purspone the party until he can enjoy it. Hope everyone better soon x

Hi Ally, hope ur well x.

Think everyone seems to be busy this week so will catch up with you all soon, I’m still on mission cake making , 😣 lol ..

Oh and good news is that O seemed to settle a bit better this morning at nursery !! Actually stopped crying and played for a little while and ate some pasta. ! I was sooo pleased ! Xx
Apple- thank you! I’m sure yours can’t be worse than mine though haha.
Yay for perfect dentist visit!
I hope the party goes smoothly and everyone has lots of fun!

Ali- holy...you guys have had enough with the injuries and sickness, I’m sure you feel done. I hope everyone gets better ASAP and sickness stays away for a looong time. Poor T with his hand, I’m sure that was hard to see.

Ally- thank you!! Hope you and Isa are doing well and he’s sleeping well for you!
Hi all, well little fella was one today :) had his little tea party❤️. It was quite stressful as ds was manic and took some of the attention from O but I’m planning to have a day just for O tomorrow to just chill . He got lots of nice things. I made a number one cake in the end and had him some balloons made which were cute. I’ll try and put up some pics up x
Apple- ah I’m late but happy birthday little O! I hope he has a fun time on his day today too!

Afm- does anyone have any advice on getting a one year old to eat?! Her doctor said to just throw away bottles and get her to drink cows milk from a sippy and on food, but she will only eat a couple bites of “real food” before we end up having to give her a bottle. Like this morning, I tried to give her a pouch of strawberry banana yogurt and she took a couple bites and then got mad. Then I made these little baby waffles and she did the same. Sometimes she will eat a little more, sometimes we can get a whole pouch in her, but I have nooo clue how to get enough food and water in her to cut bottles completely! Hopefully someone has been through this and has any kind of advice?
On a slightly better note, her sleep got so bad that we decided to start Ferber, and last night was night 2. She cried/fussed for less than 5 min (it was one hour the night before) and then woke up once in the middle of the night and fussed for less than 5 min (30 min the night before). Best she has slept in months, just hope it sticks.So at least there’s something!
hey ladies, finally gettin online properly!

apple- happy birthday to O!!!! Looking forward to pics. Sounds like a lovely day <3 cannot believe our babies are all turning 1!! crazy

vrogers- i dont think u should cut milk completely! especially if she doesn't eat much or struggles too. I give isa 2-3 bottles a day, along with meals. Sometimes he eats fine, other days not. Only tips i have for getting L to eat more, is make sure she is really hungry before meal time. Skip a meal, so if she doens't eat much at breakfast then don't offer her anything else till lunch? or alternatively, offer her little bits throughout the day, maybe she just likes small amounts?
Glad L had a good sleep!
Isa goes to sleep just fine, on his own, i normally stay in the room, but its when he wakes at night. Sometimes he will settle straight back himself, other times he stands up in his cot and cries so i pick him up and rock him back to sleep, or put him in the bed until he sleeps then move him (more often, i just end up falling asleep with him next to me haha). Any tips on how to deal with night awakenings?

afm-Isa is doing ok, he has been majorly teething and now has 16 teeth!!!!!!! almost a full set now. He hates being fed and loves to do it himself, which means a massive mess everywhere! he doesn't seem to be anywhere near saying first words yet... lots of noises and babbling but nothing obvious yet. Same with walking, he crawls and stands up holding onto edges etc and gets around but if i stand him up on his own, he just panics and falls down lol.
busy with uni, got lots of little things im doing for extra money thats keeping me busy like marking, some tutoring and helping my supervisor develop some online materials.

hope rest of u ladies are all ok
Ally- those are great suggestions, thank you! She is bad constipated today so we have slowed the solids and gotten her to take water and pedialyte in a bottle and some in a sippy. When her movements are better I think I will try the smaller meals throughout like you said, I think she may do well with that.
We had the same issue, L started relying on rocking to get asleep, so when she woke and realized she wasn’t being rocked she cries. We are doing Ferber-the first night you check on them after 3 min, then leave while they are awake and go back after 5, and then 10 from every time after. The second night is longer wait times and so on. I realize this isn’t for everyone though, and if you would rather rock to sleep then I think that’s fine too! She was just waking and not settling for hours at a time and we realized something needed to change.
Wow 16 teeth!! L isn’t walking yet either.
Sounds like everything is going well and you are staying busy!
Hi everyone. Didn’t realize how long it had been since I was on here. Happy belated birthday to all the babies who have turned 1.

VRogers - such cute pics of L. Thanks for your sharing. Her cake looked good too.

Ali - so sorry about T’s burn and all the terrible sickness in your house. Your poor boys can never catch a break! Hope you’re all feeling better soon. Not looking forward to the kids getting sick all the time from daycare.

Great to hear from you all. I’m sorry, but I’m finding it too overwhelming to reply to everyone but I did read everyone’s update and I’ll try to keep up from now on.

AFM - it’s my last week before work. I’ve been very busy crossing things off my to-do list that I procrastinated the whole year being off. It sucks, because it has made this month too busy and I haven’t been able to relax and just enjoy the girls as much as I’d like. I’m in quite a horrible mood today, though, but whatever. Dd1 is just extremely whiny and it’s grating on my last nerve. Vi and I both have colds, so that’s a fun way to spend our last week, but we can’t really complain at all because at least it’s not RSV or pneumonia.
We still have yet to plan Violet’s birthday party. We will be having it at my parents’ house since they have more room and have a ramp for my sister who is disabled.
We had a meet with daycare with me there last week to get Vi used to it, and then tomorrow I will take the girls again and just drop off for half hour. Then next week when I am back at work, my mom is going to pick them up early for daycare so they don’t have to go a whole day right away. I am thankful for that and hoping it will help with the transition. I am dreading leaving Violet and majorly dreading the insane mad rush getting them to daycare in the morning. Thankfully, my mom has them 2 days and she will be coming to our house (at least at first).
Violet still has to be held for naps so she is going to be massively overtired at daycare for the first little while. That will be stressful, but I’m sure she’ll adjust. Like L, she is not yet walking. She is very busy and loves to climb on everything, though.

Hope you’re all doing well.
Not been here in so long.

Hope all are ok?

Violet started walking at 10mths in November. She is very confident now and much happier walking then crawling!

She is so cute and such a blessing to be around. Her personality is sweet.

We started swimming lessons. She wasn't keen at first but enjoyed it at the end!

We got engaged and booked a wedding.

Hope everyone else is good xx
Hi ladies, sorry not been on for few days. I did actually post a decent post yesterday replying to most but it somehow lost it !! So bloody annoying ha... I’ve tried a few times to upload a few pics from Os birthday but it’s not letting me. I will keep trying.
I’ll post again later O bit unsettled x
Midnight - well Done, Violet, for walking so early! Glad she is happier now. That’s good she’s warming up to swimming lessons. Congrats on getting engaged! That’s super exciting!

Apple - sorry you lost your post. That’s always so frustrating. Would love to see pics from O’s Birthday!

AFM - dropped Vi off at daycare for half hour today. She was inconsolable and I felt so bad coming back to her sad little face. She was basically hysterical until we got home, and then she was fine again. Poor girl! I am so not looking forward to leaving her. :(

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