January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Oh no lit/ 😢sorry to hear that hon, i totally get how u r feeling after just going through it with O, he has just started to settle, but as u know it took a while. If it helps at all I went to collect him today and I watched him for a good few minutes before he spotted me and he was playing away, pottering about doing his own little thing. I’m really glad I stuck it through, he still gets a bit teary when I drop him but no where near as bad but settles quite quickly now. I think it was once he got used to the fuss of being around other children, he is used to ds bit once he got used to routine at nursery he seemed to settle quite quickly x I think I maybe dragged it out a bit with my own separation anxiety but once I went back to work and he had to stay for longer he seemed to settle better x one things is he doesn’t sleep there, I think it’s just too much going on so once he is home he is flat out. I’ve just got him at 1pm today and he has crashed straight away so I’ve had afternoon doing nothing !! before ds gets home and the crazy house starts again ha.. won’t be able to do that for long as I’m just doing half days using my leave but this afternoon I thought sod it and sat with a coffee an caught up on soaps lol x suppose I better get up off my butt now and get some jobs done ! X
Literati- how do you feel about going back to work? I hope it’s a smooth and easy transition back! That’s great your mom is helping you with it.
We too still have to hold L for naps, I really need to work on that!
Poor Vi, I’m sure it’ll be so hard at first but she will adapt and I imagine grow to like going, with all the other babies and toys. That’s so sad, though!

Midnight- congrats on the engagement, that’s exciting!
Congrats on engagement midnight x

Hope things settled a bit for u. What hours are you going back when u start work i know it’s so difficult for mummy and baby x hope V settles soon for u hon. I’ve found I can start to feel a bit more me not just mummy just having the adult conversations. Hope u get to that soon x

Hope other ladies and babies having good weekend..

Not much going I here, it’s oh sons 21st so we will be going for a meal at some point.. ill have to fake my smile through this one I find him really difficult to talk to , so does everyone, just hard to get into conversation with 😣..he is quite moody , don’t know where he gets it from ! Maybe that’s a lie 😂.. !!
oh family don’t normally bother with birthdays or anything really just give cheques but I said to oh I will be making a fuss at my sons 21st which is in May so I wouldn’t want his to feel we didn’t make an effort as I won’t hold back for mine sons, ;) I’ll make it nice for oh son get a cake ect, not that I think he will appreciate it but at least I’ve made an effort .. blooming ek don’t i sound miserable haha..

I still can’t get the photos up if Os birthday I’ll try from laptop if I get chance.. I’m sure he isn’t that far off walking now he is really fast with his push along walker and free standing all the time with a toy in each hand.. he has started to do this really cute squinty eye smile where he screws his nose up, he is constantly doing it if anyone looks at him lol.. he has obviously realised he gets a positive response from everyone , as everyone laughs and coos at him, telling him how gorgeous he is, he gets so much attention as he keeps doing it to strangers ! Ha., I’ll try and put a pic of it if I can .. really funny 😂

I’m planning on working on a website I’m setting up if I get chance, thinking I’ve mentioned b4 I’m setting up with a friend part time to see how it goes. It’s been really nice to be back with her in Work as we are both quite fed up with our current roles , too many changes, and wanting additional things off of us as part of our role.. all tick box exercises and pointless meetings that takes us away from seeing people which is what we are paid to do.. then people left waiting .. so annoying., vent over !!
I think I’m in a strange mood today ha x sorry guys had a dodgy week ! X
I miss you guys! Arg, life has been so crazy. More sickness. Snow days. School closed. I keep getting so behind on work because of having to take care if these kids when they are sick or school/daycare is closed. So frustrating. And then I have no time to get on here and talk to you all. :(

Apple - glad to hear O is settling at daycare and you can take Tuesdays off. Hope work is going well.

Literati - I hope going back to work isn't too bad! I'm sure V will settle. Jack took a few weeks to settle, but he was only 6 months old then. He has a great time most of the time now. (When he's not freaking sick all the time!)

Vrogers - such cute pics of L! I agree with others to take it easy on the doctor’s advice regarding bottles and food. It's not like a switch flips at 12 months and all of a sudden a baby doesn't need any of the things they did the day before. Give her bottles if you want. Hell, my 4-year-old still has a morning and evening bottle!

Ally - 16 teeth, wow! Jack popped his first two molars and I’m sure the next two are coming soon.

AFM - I can't believe y’all thinking about more kids, lol. I am still SO DONE! Never ever would I consider a third. No regrets on DH’s vasectomy.

Jack has been a real PITA lately to be honest. Very difficult to please and entertain. Super draining and frustrating. This week has finally been a bit better. I think having those first two molars come through has helped.

He eats like crazy. Almost anything.

I am a bit stressed with work, always feeling like I am behind, and trying to make up time here and there in the evenings and weekends. It sucks. I still enjoy the new job, just wish I didn't keep having sickness and snow days and school closings effing my schedule up.

Jack will be 1 on weds I think (the 24th). He's close to walking. Hopefully any day now. I can't wait for him to walk!

I have been listening to audiobooks lately, and enjoying that. I can't stand listening to the news these days on my commute and don't enjoy regular radio either. So I listen to my book in the car, and in bed when I am laying with Jack putting him to sleep or falling asleep myself. So that's the good thing in my life right now, lol. And I have painted my nails two weeks in a row now, and that makes me happy, lol. It's the little things, right?
Slammer- it’s good to hear from you! Thank you for saying that, about how a switch doesn’t flip overnight when they turn 12 months. It’s defintely a process like everything else has been.
Are you guys doing a party for Jack? I can’t rememeber who all was/wasn’t.
It’s good you have audiobooks, definitely better than the news haha. I agree, it is the little things! Anything outside of being a Mother/constantly being needed, I have found refreshing! I feel much better when my nails are painted haha.

Afm- We have been dealing with off and on constipation with L. She is taking less formula and okay with solids, but it’s hard to get her to take enough water from a sippy. We resorted to water through her bottle and she still will only take about 2 oz at a time. On top of that, we realized last night she’s cutting her molars. So she has been a little clingier/harder to entertain lately! We did finally find out she does best with straw sippies, and likes her water ice cold. She also takes to pouches better than anything else.
Does anyone else have trouble with their babies keeping food in their mouth? L does it lots, I did read offer less food on their high chair until they have swallowed everything so I will do that.
L is getting closer and closer to walking, she walks like a champ when we hold onto her hands, and she’s been cruising a lot more lately. We definitely need to get more baby gates!
I had an appointment today for the second baby, everything was good with baby but my BP was a little on the high side. This happened at the end of my pregnancy with L, so my doc said just check it once a day and call if it hangs out in the 140s/90s. I need to be better about drinking more water!
Next baby appointment is in 2 weeks from today which will be my glucose test, and then 2 weeks after that is an ultrasound that I’m hoping dh and L will come to with me.
Hi ladies hope u r all well, just scanning through quickly will reply later, just thought l id pop on.

Vroggers/ glad all ok with new baby. When r u due again ?
O have been given a little powder from dr that we put in his bottle and he can at anything now, he used to suffer so bad with constipation. He definitely was better when I blended prunes on toast or in a weetabix x

Slammer/ nice to hear from u hon, I often wonder how u are getting on. Sorry work is a bit stressful.

Happy birthday jack !!! Xxx 🎂🎂

The audio books sounds a good idea! Might try that as I’ve been placed miles away one day at work so would be a good switch off during the drive :)

Well nothing much happening here...Settling back into work just a bit busy at the mo, my nans poorly with flu so planning on going to see her soon once she is a bit better. O doing ok, had horrible shots yesterday 4 !! All at once poor little thing..
I got out of the 21st meal as oh son decided to go out with friends that night so they went this evening instead, just oh, his son and our 4 yr old.,Quite funny actually, for some silly reason oh decided to let ds have some of his coke .. that’s a def no no ., sends him crazy, well ds spent the whole evening practically upside down with his legs in the air messing about 😂😂,, I had a sneaky smile to my self as oh has annoyed me a bit this week so it was a bit of karma 😂😂 you have to get a laugh when u can haha ...

Only other news is I’m looking at booking Disney Paris in October for 3 nights , just pricing it up at the min x

Have nice evening ladies x
Hi everyone. I am back to work and it is crazy busy right now.

Apple - I work 8 am to 5 pm four days per week, so they are fairly long days for Violet to be without me already. That is great you are taking half days with your remaining leave to help ease O into it. That’s too bad he won’t sleep at daycare, but I’m sure he’ll adjust once you’re back to full days.
Hope your oh’s son’s birthday went well.

Slammer - definitely the little things! Have to focus on the positives. Work is very busy. It sounds super difficult always having to make up hours with Jack getting sick so much. It is so frustrating when they get sick constantly! :( You are a real trooper. Are you still happy you switched jobs? Happy Birthday to Jack!!

Midnight - thanks. Glad to hear your 2nd youngest did settle eventually.

VRogers - glad baby 2 is doing well. That’s good they are keeping an eye on your blood pressure. I can’t even believe you’ll have a new baby in our arms in a few months! I agree with everyone that a switch doesn’t flip overnight and L will be fine if she’s not eating that much yet.

AFM - first week back at work and it is NOT going well. I have enjoyed more adult conversation and being able to work in peace and quiet, but otherwise it’s been absolute crap. On my first day back, they informed me I only have 6 weeks or work left before I am laid off...so now I am on the job hunt! And, just getting done mat leave, I won’t qualify for any EI payments so we will be totally without my income if I can’t find something by then. Talk about stressful! Have looked at job ads but hardly anything appeals to me. I am a Technical Writer, and there are not a lot of jobs like that on the market (aka none), so I’m going to be taking a huge pay cut to do something unrelated that I don’t enjoy.

On top of that, Violet is not settling at daycare. Granted, she’s only had one day, but she wouldn’t eat or drink ANYTHING for them. Thank goodness my mom picked her up early so she didn’t starve for 9 hours! However, that will not always work because my mom is going to be on holidays out of the country in a week and a half... so Violet HAS to settle by then! Ahh. She won’t take any pumped milk or cow’s milk for anyone, and now she non stop nurses all evening because she’s so deprived.
The evenings are insane, as DH is away with work, and as soon as I get home (already tired from work), I have to work NON STOP to make supper, clean up, get kids ready for bed and then get them to sleep. They are basically crying the whole time because so overtired as well. No time for baths either, so not sure when that will ever get done. Today is my day off, but had to spend it revising my resume and sending in a job application. This all just sucks, sucks, sucks! Also, If I can’t find a good job that pays well enough, we will not be able to have a 3rd child. :( So sad and stressful and unexpected.
Lite - I'm sorry about what you're going through. I really hope Violet settles soon because that is the worst thing to go through. T screams every time I leave and it's just because he is at that separation stage and that is bad enough.

I really do get the nights alone with the kiddos. It's the worst. I get home from work and usually have to fed, clean up, bathe the boys, get them to sleep, and prepare for the next day. Second day is worse because they are super fussy from daycare and no mom.

I'm so sorry about the job situation. I couldn't even imagine. I'm facing needing to change and that is bad enough. I really hope this is just a blessing in disguise for you.

Apple - Hope your Nan gets better soon. This season has been horrible for illnesses.

Haha.. that's funny about the drink. I wouldn't even dare.

Vrogers - Happy little lady #2 is doing well. Glad they are watching the blood pressure.

T will chew on some food then pull it out of his mouth and then do it to another piece. I don't know why. I think it's the texture, though. Like he feels like it he should swallow it. Seems like a whole different reason than L.

Slammer - Definitely the little things! Sp glad to hear from you. I totally get the sickness. Audio books are a great idea. I have a book that is needing read but I can't find the time or energy.

Midnight - Congrats on the engagement! Happy to hear from you. Seems like life is really moving along for a lot of us lately.

AFM - I'm still sick. Sinus infection now I believe. Up until today I have never had sinus pain. Well.. it sucks.

T is well. Not sick anymore and his hand is pretty much normal now. Little pink where it was but that should fade. He's such a good eater. Loves his veggies. Although, he will scream at you for now sharing yuour food.

He has been walking for what feels like forever. He was walking backwards the other day and it was cute! He would walk forward and then slowly walk backwards.. then sideways. He is running but tends to fall during that a lot. He just walks like a little pro.

O is doing well. No more illness. So big news for him.. He's daytime potty trained!! So excited. I don't know how traveling will be but we will see. That's my only concern at the moment for daytime. He still wants the little potty. He has even woke me up at night to go. I just threw underwear on him and he was done having little accidents by the end of day one. Well one other issue is he is withholding bowel movements.

So we finally got some word on his speech. They actually aren't concerned too much about his communication. They think he is doing just fine academically. They want to evaluate behavior, though. So it is a long process to evaluate so we shall see. I think he won't qualify by the time they are done but I still feel it will help to put him through the experience.

Anyways I was just responding as far back as I could see at this point since I'm on my phone. I really should sleep right now.
Sorry to hear Lit about work and nursery:(

As for milk, my violet still has loads about 27oz a day? I kinda feed on demand as if was breast feeding x
hey ladies, not been on in ages. Hope u all well.

Midnight - massive congrats on ur wedding! how exciting! amazing that she is walking already!

apple- glad O is settling more now. Out of curiosity, how do wee ones sleep at nursery? Do they have cribs? and how do the nursery people put them to sleep? It would be great if u can get pics up of O! he sounds so cute. so funny about ur oh giving him coke and then him being crazy and hyper. Karma... haha. Disneyland sounds great, will it be all of u?

lit- i feel so bad for you, i really hope Violet settles soon and things get easier. Fingers crossed a job comes your way soon enough... I am sure Violet just needs more time, im sure in a week or two she'll be more settled and that will take pressure off you. Sending u big hugs, sounds like a stressful time.

ali- glad to hear T is doing well, and wow he sounds so advanced in his walking.I hope u feel better soon! Thats great about O being daytime potty trained!
Hope u got a good sleep.

AFM- all good here, Isa bit unsettled at night, but better than he has been. I'm feeling super tired these days, really need to do something about it. He's eating relatively well and playful and happy. Not walking, but pushes his walker around whole house but soon as he isn't holding onto anything he just panics and falls. He really copying some of our behaviors, he wants to hold kettle and pour tea, and if he has a bottle in his hand he spends ages trying to unscrew it haha. So funny he is. He gets about so fast, i turn around and hes off into another room and im going about shouting his name cause i don;t know where he is haha.
Anyway im at uni, and have ameeting in a few mins and need to get prepped! and make a cuppa.
Sending u all good vibes and hope u all doing well xxx
Thanks. She walked November so is confident now at standing,getting up and down furniture(!) And changing direction.

Oh no lit/ bloody hell hon what a week for u 🙁.. not saying we are all the same but if it’s any consolation both my boys were terrible at first crying over tired. They still are at times but I think I’m learning to deal with it better and just adjust the best I can. I think it’s all we can do. This weeks been a bit crazy for me as well and I must admit when ds has been kicking off , totally not his fault just one of those no matter what I do for him it’s wrong kind of moods😣I’ve been giving him the iPad again a bit earlier than bedtime to settle down and we often miss baths if they are too tired. I’ve not been letting him have the iPad on school nights but this week I’ve just been letting him chill with it to wind down whilst I sort O, plus our internet connection has been playing up so he has been in meltdown as he hasn’t always been able to watch his favourite tv.. oh is really into hands on educational activities, parks , playing with trains cars ect, minimal tv, and play in garden when ever possible. I know he doesn’t approve of the iPad but He doesn’t do half I do so iPad is staying ha for now anyway ..I’ll get back Into swing if it.. just going to take us some time to settle I think. Thursday mornings are a bit crazy as I’ve got to get ds to breakfast club b4 school, O to nursery and older son to high school 😣I’ve done it 3 weeks now and been late to work every time 😣..

I can’t believe on your return they tell u 6 weeks to being laid off. What the hell 😣, did they not know b4 u came back to give u more notice? Sounds so stressful for u, it’s bad enough going back after a year.! Hope u find something better and stuff me x

Ally/ nice to hear from u hon:) Isa sounds like he is doing great, bless him copying u and dh with bottles ect ., that’s funny ..I’m actually thinking of going Disney with my step daughter who is 24 and her son who is same age as our ds , both will be 5. I’ll take my teen and he can take a friend and I’ll take O, it’s only looking at the min, I was going to wait until O was older but I don’t want ds to miss out at a good age so I’ll just go again with O when he is bigger as well. I was thinking of asking oh is he would rather have a few days chill to himself.. his back isn’t great and I know standing and walking around all day would hurt it. He has wanted to go to mull for years watching the wildlife but not a place for our little ones so I might pack him off there for some man time haha.. Is that up your way ?? He might want to come yet but I’ll let him decide x

hope ur meeting goes ok..

Midnight, V sounds like she is doing really well bless her, walking since November! Ha bet she looks a cutie :)

Ali/ how cool is little T walking about ha.. bless him he sounds super cute :) and great that O is potty trained in the day. Glad the speech is going well x

O bit fed up with himself today , think it’s stull from his jabs :(
Apple- april 27! It’s coming up on me way too fast. I’ve done prune juice and prune purée and both do help.
That’s funny about the coke! Also don’t blame you for not wanting to go to the dinner.
Omg so jealous about Disney Paris! Who all will go?
I hope O feels better soon, those 12 month shots were rough.

Literati- it’s crazy, really does feel like I just found out. Thank you for the encouragement on L and her eating!
Wow really crappy of your job to lay that on you. I hate job hunting. I hope you’re able to find something else that you like and maybe even pays well enough.
I’m tired just reading what all you have to do, that’s exhausting! Dh has had some later nights lately where I almost have to do bedtime alone, I can’t imagine having to work myself on top of it. I hope Violet settles in, I’m sure she will in time but until then I imagine it sucks.

Ali- I’ve done a bit of research (google haha) and seems like there’s so many diff problems/situations people experience with toddlers and solids. It does make me feel better because it felt like it was a perfect smooth transition for everyone but us and that doesn’t seem to be the case!
Ugh I hate sinus pain, hope it clears up soon.
Oh I bet the walking backwards and sideways was adorable. Can’t belirve he’s running!
Yay for O being daytime potty trained on top of doing well speech wise, I bet that’s a huge relief! Sounds like he’s doing really well.

Midnight- that’s about how much milk L has right now.

Ally- the tea thing sounds so cute! I love when they try to copy what we do. It really is funny how fast they can get around even without walking, I have to do the same with L sometimes calling her name because I don’t know where she went.

Afm- I’ve relaxed (today anyway ha) on L’s eating and just trying to follow her lead. I offer a mix of purée pouches and finger foods and then wait a little bit and do a bottle. We are just trying to get her to take in more water now to help the constipation.
She still isn’t walking, although yesterday when dh got home from work she was standing at my legs holding me, reached for him and took one step alone before grabbing dh. She’s got to be close!
She’s obsessed with opening/closing doors and turning light switches on/off. It’s funny how tickled she gets.
Other than being a little constipated lately, she’s cutting molars so she can get pretty uncomfortable. Her sleep has been a little crappy the past couple days, hoping it gets better again ASAP!
Hi ladies , hope u are having nice weekend. We just had a chilled one really made a little picnic and went for a drive to a wooded scenic area then didn’t get out of car as too cold lol ..

O such a cheeky little thing lately ha.. definitely knows what he wants and what he doesn’t.., going through this really annoying phase of just chucking food off his high chair so we just give him one bit at a time now lol.. he blooming volleys it across the room !! If u try and give him something and he isn’t in the mood he smacks it out of your hand 😂..

Vroggers / sounds like L will be walking very soon x glad you are doing ok and got some time to relax x
Thank you all for your words of encouragement and support! I don’t know what I’d do without you all! It’s still been crazy around here, but we celebrated Violet’s first birthday on saturday. Can’t believe she’s 1 already!

VRogers - Violet isn’t walking either yet. Thanks - it does feel like a lot on my plate. I’m sorry your hubby has been working later hours lately. That isn’t fun at all. I’m glad you’re relaxing about the food, at least for now.

Apple - that’s funny and frustrating about O throwing everything off his plate! Violet also likes doing that, although she hasn’t become obsessed with it (yet). I do find all babies go through that stage at some point - some much worse than others. Thanks - I am encouraged to hear your story about how your boys have adjusted as well.

Midnight - great Violet is walking so well

Ally - thank you! that’s so cute that Isa wants to be involved with your activities like pouring tea and such!

AFM - evenings are still crazy. I have a couple interviews later this week so I’ll keep you all posted! Wish me luck!
Apple- I hate the food throwing/tossing! They seem so pleased with themselves though.

Literati- good luck on the interviews! Definitely keep us posted.

Afm- Monday morning woke up with some kind of stomach bug. Dh wasn’t able to come home so I struggled taking care of L while also vomiting every hour or so. Somehow got through that and dh brought me some (pregnancy safe) anti nausea med which I took before bed. I’m completely better today, so I guess it was just a 24 hour thing and thankfully both dh and L seem to have passed it.
L has been taking longer to settle at night. We put her down around 7:30 and the past couple nights she has fussed, played, talked to herself for 30 min to an hour. I don’t really want to move her bedtime later though, so I guess I’ll just see if this a phase and it passes-sure hope so!
Hi everyone! Life over here has been so busy/crazy. It’s calming down a lot though because I don’t really take gage out too much since the flu has been so bad. They called a state of emergency here and so many people, especially kids, are dying. It’s very scary stuff! So we just stay in as much as possible until this passes. Gage is still not walking yet, but managed three steps by himself last night! So hopefully we are almost there! His birthday party went amazingly well! We had so much fun. The trip to Texas was awful though. They shut down the interstate in Louisiana due to the ice storm and our gps took us down some back roads that people were slipping off of left and right, so we got a hotel for the night until the opened the interstate back up. Gage enjoyed the hotel, but was awake until 9:40 that night because he was excited to be in bed with us and wanted to play. I will reply to everyone shortly when I can get on my computer, it’s so hard on my phone!
Hi ladies , been trying to get on for a while, just quick post as my last yesterday doesn’t seem to have posted If that makes sense !! Lol..

Vroggers / sorry u were poorly, that’s the last thing u need !! Glad it passed quickly and no one else got it x

Froggy/ glad gages birthday went well 😍 sorry about the bad weather conditions during your trip , sounds scary. Glad gage liked the hotel tho lol..,

Lit/ hope the interviews went ok. N V doing ok , hipe V settling into nursery better x

Hi to Ali, Ally, slammer, midnight and sorry if I’ve forgot anyone ! I’m really rushing ha..

Nothing much to report here. Been to stay with nan for a couple of days with 3 of my boys.. omg O was hard work ! Haha just into everything and wouldn’t settle at all to sleep. Just full of cheeky smiles. I was knackered after.. was suppose to be a nice little break.. I booked Euro and paid deposit for October. Can’t remwmber if I mentioned in another post but it was suppose to be a just a few of us , well now it’s 11!! Should be fun! Hope so anyway ha x O still not walking but not far off. Better go as in middle of sorting tea n ds n O on the rampage ! Ds getting more stressed with O now as he is more mobile and wants all ds toys haha. Sure it will be fun when O is walking properly !!

Going to a trade convention at Birmingham nec tomorrow with oh, we are going to take O, hopefully good day :)

Hope u are all well x

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