January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Oh no bit quiet on here 🙁hope all u ladies and babies are ok and had nice Easter weekend.

Ally/ not long to your holiday, hope Isa well x

Midnight / has it been your wedding yet ! X

Lit/ hope the job going ok x

Vroggers hope, u bump and L doing ok x

Ali/ hope u n boys ok, n work not too crazy x

Slammer/ hope u r well hon x

Back at work now, full on 😣.. so will just get on when I can ladies x O doing great x
Apple- about what time is O’s nap? Still trying to figure out if L is trying to drop to one and what the best time is!
Crabbing sounds like fun! I would be like you, probably would just stand back and watch.
Oh my goodness I bet the fall was scary. I can’t believe I haven’t done that yet with how clumsy I am. Glad you are both okay!

Afm- had my 36 week appointment today, got my GBS swab (was not expecting that one so it was a not so pleasant surprise ha) and found out I’m about 1 cm dilated already. I went into the hospital to be induced at just a finger tip last time so my doc and I were both encouraged! I got a yoga ball last week and have been using it so maybe it’s helping? Down to weekly appointments now, can’t believe how close!

It’s been quiet in here lately, I hope everyone is doing well and able to update soon! Miss hearing from everyone!
Hope all is ok xx

Wedding is at weekend. We leave tomorrow. 17hrs in car. Fml

Violet has developed a whinge when she can't say what she wants. Its sooo high pitched!
Vroggers/ I try and get O to have a nap late morning to lunch if possible. If he falls asleep really early he will tend to have a second early afternoon. If he has been at nursery he normally finishes at 1 so he will be flat out then straight after for about 2 hours sometimes as he normally doesn’t sleep at nursery. I don’t let him sleep after 3.30 pm or he is up late at night 😣
36 weeks exciting stuff, already 1cm , good stuff. Are you ready at home for your new arrival. Have u decided a name ? , I’m not asking what it is yet ha x I do think the doll idea you were taking about b4 is a good idea for L. Is she still throwing it around 😂 O would def be the same he chucks everything around..

I was always using my yoga ball, especially during labour itself. :)

Midnight/ I’m excited for u :) hope u have a loverly day hun x be loverly to see some pics, can imagine V is going to look a little doll x 💕be nice to have all your children around u x

Quite busy here. Work busy and I’m having to do a bit of admin work in the evenings. I’m doing that so I can leave early to pick kids up from school which is better for ds.

Hope u other ladies are ok x
Hi all.
Sorry I never have time to be on here anymore. Thanks for asking about me.
Work is okay. I am really liking the job itself (as in what I do at work), but I feel like ALL I do is work now. I have to act a lot more professional now, so I don’t get to touch my phone all day - not even at lunch because I always have to sit with co workers. Then the evenings are of course crazy getting the kids fed and to bed. By the time they’re asleep, I’m Exhausted and just want to veg. Then we start it all over again. Feeling quite depressed about not having Wednesdays off anymore. Feeling quite envious of those of you with time off or working part time. Blah.

Violet has been slowly transitioning back to daycare. She is doing ok. She has improved a LOT since the first time we tried, but she still is very upset when I drop her off and is only doing half days (the other half she’s with my mom). She actually is still not fully walking yet.

VRogers - can’t believe you had your 36 week appointment already! You really are nearing the end! I am excited for you! :) Are you worried about the transition at all? Any last things to get ready for baby?

Apple - glad you had some time off a while back. Sorry things are so busy with you. I feel the exact same with not having a moment to myself! That’s a shame you have to do a bit of work in the evenings as well.

Ally - sounds like a great new job! That’s great it pays well despite being only a few hours. It’s always hard to find part time work that pays decently!

Midnight - congrats on the wedding! Hope it was amazing!

Hope everyone else is doing great.
I keep meaning to get on but haven’t had time! Hope you are alll well!!! Today is my birthday and tomorrow we are off to Italy! So excited. Will try update once there x
I miss all you ladies! Happy belated Birthday Ally!!

Lite - I'm sorry life seems like it's all about work, now. I get it. I'm very thankful I get 4 days off a week and I always have a 5 day stretch every other. That's going to be very hard for me to give up if I get into a weekday job. I want a weekday job where I work 3 12 hour shifts in a row then have 4 off. I could accept that :haha:

Apple - That's good that you can manage to get out early enough to do school pick up.

Midnight - Exciting that your wedding is getting close! I did 16 hour drive with O when he was a year and a half. Never again!! I will always break up the ride from now on. He did good, but ugh.

Vrogers - Only 3 more weeks till you're 40 weeks!! I can't believe it!! Means only 1 till full term!!! AH! Here I am impatiently waiting for May to roll around so I can start trying again lol..

AFM - I'm just so busy over here with work and the boys are constantly on the go. O is going to be starting preschool and finish out the year. He got a spot because of his "behavior".. he basically doesn't want to do what he's told to do when he would rather play. So he'll start going 4 times a week for 3 hours. I kind of want to cry!! I'll miss him! It'll be a good time to have one on one time with T, though. Get some running done and what not.

Hoping to start trying again next month. It's odd actually trying. I usually just wind up pregnant lol I need to ovulate later in the month, though. Otherwise need to wait another cycle.

My cycles are longer right now and I think it's because I'm still breastfeeding. I generally ovulate while I'm working my 2 on 1 off 2 on since T feeds much less then. Which makes it hard to actually DTD. He's sleeping good some nights. Like last night he slept from 9 to 4:30 without waking up to feed. Of course he's in bed with me, so that helps him sleep, but it's a good solid sleep for me. Some nights are still bad and generally it's when I've been working. So I fully believe he can sleep through the night when he's doing well. Also both his molars finally started to cut. They aren't all the way through, but I'm sure he feels better.

I'm just going with the flow on the whole weaning thing. He nurses less and less on his own. I don't mind having it as an option to help him calm down. Sometimes he will go all day without nursing others he might nurse several times as a way to wind down or he's just needy. Yesterday he just laid on my chest and fell asleep without needing to nurse. So I'm not worried about "spoiling" him.

I want to invite everyone over to see the attitude in my life. These boys crack me up. Currently T is throwing a tantrum in the playroom over 1) not getting the chocolate powder then 2) Not getting my pop (he managed to get a hold of it and hide with it in the 1 minute it took me to get his brother a drink) He was very proud of himself for getting it. Oh and I can't look at him I guess.. he just got mad again.

Alright, I better get productive. These two are tornadoes.
Ali - Thanks. Are you for sure going to switch to a weekday job at some point, or are you just considering your options?

That’s too bad O has to go to preschool 4 days a week. I’m sure you will miss him, but as you said, it will be nice to have some one on one time with T and have the opportunity to get some errands done! I hope all goes well.
Good luck with trying again this month! I can imagine it would be very hard to fit in DTD into your fertile window. That’s great T is starting to sleep better.
Violet still nurses all night long. She is finally getting to the point where she doesn’t wake INsTANTLy when I move slightly away from her. She’s getting to the point where she might stay asleep for 10 minutes while I get dressed in the morning. Hmm...so sad to say that is “progress” for us! If my DH puts her to bed, we can also get her to stay asleep for about 15-20 minutes before she wakes up to nurse. Ugh! No idea how I get SUCH dependent sleepers! I don’t really care too much because it doesn’t disrupt my sleep much, but it is frustrating not getting any alone time in the evenings. Ah, well...
That’s cute about T’s tantrum. V also throws little tantrums and they’re still at the point where they are cute! Haha. She will randomly lie on the floor on her tummy and just cry in frustration. Doesn’t take her too long to get over. Her tantrums are much less “extreme” than my dd1’s were.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Midnight- how exciting, congrats on the wedding!

Apple- our naps are allll over the place right now, she almost always refuses a second nap even if she needs one. So exhausting!
I picked the middle name Jean after my grandma who passed, and dh is set on the first name Elizabeth! We are only being secretive about it in real life till she’s here :)
The other day I had put one of L’s stuffed animals in her baby swing (we’ve kept it in the living room and although she’s way outgrown it she loves climbing into it) and she chucked the animal across the room. I told dh “that’s not a good sign” haha!
How is work going?

Literati- I am definitely worried! I’m anxious about how dh and I will handle it and even more how L will be. She’s young enough that she won’t ever remember being the only one but it still makes me feel guilty to think of how the focus suddenly won’t be all on her. It’s quite scary to think about two so close!
I got an infant car seat, got all newborn and 3 mo clothes washed and have a basket in our bedroom with diapers, feeding supplies, burp clothes etc and I think really all we need now is a bassinet! Physically we are mostly prepared, not so much emotionally ha!
I’m glad you like the actual work, but I can’t imagine how tired you probably are! They don’t let you leave or eat alone for lunch? That would not be enjoyable for my introverted self.
How are weekends? Are you and dh both off?

Ally- happy belated birthday!!! I hope you were pampered. Italy..how exciting!

Ali- I’ve said this before but time has FLOWN this time! It’s been a blur! Good luck with TTC! Hopefully your cycles regulate and you can get some more/better sleep!
Sometimes it is funny what L will throw a tantrum over, like when we shut the fridge instead of letting her play in it. At least the tantrums are mostly cute at this age.

Anyone have any plans this weekend? L’s sleep is making me want to pull my hair out, I’ve tried doing one nap later in the day (12-12:30) hoping she’ll sleep for a couple hours and she’ll wake up 30 min later. Most days, like today, she needs nap by 11ish but then refuses a second nap so she’s a mess by bedtime, and then she’s still doing the later bedtimes. It’s hit or miss on if she’ll wake to fuss, like last night around midnight she cried/fussed for a bit, the night before was around 2am for over an hour. It’ll be interesting to throw a newborn sleep schedule into the mix, I’m tired just thinking of it!
VRogers - oh gosh, that sounds exhausting with the naps. Violet mostly takes 2 naps during the week because she has to get up a bit earlier, but on weekends she has been doing the same as L with needing her morning nap but then fighting her afternoon nap and being cranky but wide awake until bedtime. So frustrating! Can’t imagine how that would all work with a newborn, so I don’t blame you for being stressed/tired just thinking about it, but I’m sure it will turn out ok! At least newborns sleep a LOT at first so you can really focus on L still hopefully. That will be a hard adjustment for her at first, but as you said, she’ll never remember being an only child! I understand being physically ready but not emotionally. Best of luck!

For lunches, I am too far away to go home for lunch, and I can’t afford to eat out every day, so I am stuck eating at work! Coworkers are very friendly and won’t let anyone sit and eat alone...even though I actually want to a lot of the time! It is definitely hard on my introverted self! It means I’m definitely a zombie by the end of the day.

Hope you had a good weekend. DH was away for an overnight for work, but I had a play date with a friend and she ended up staying for supper and a movie with the kids. Lots of fun! Unfortunately, Violet was up screaming and inconsolable in the night. I think it was that her nose was so stuffy she couldn’t breathe properly. I did get her back to sleep eventually, but it was very stressful for me, especially with DH not there!
Literati- I’m almost positive she’s trying to go to one nap, this nap transition has been the most difficult and frustrating of all!
Your coworkers sound nice, at least, with not wanting anyone to be alone. But alone is not always bad!
Anyone who ever does nights alone is a rockstar in my book! I can’t imagine being on my own for one of L’s fussy nights.

Afm- had my weekly appointment yesterday but didn’t get cervix checked since my doc gave me the option and I decided I would be too discouraged if no progress so we will check next week! It’s tough waiting not knowing if I should prepare for another c section or if my body will let me do a vaginal this time.
L is definitely going to one nap and I’m hoping once she does, bedtime will be at least a little easier! Yesterday she took her morning nap and woke around 11:30 and then wouldn’t take her afternoon nap, so she was a mess by bedtime and fought sleep until almost 9:30.
We have her 15 month check up Thursday!
Hi ladies, finally getting a chance to catch up!

apple- hope u well and ollie.

midnight0 hope wedding went well! do post a pic or two!!

ali- glad T is sleeping better on some nights, i feel the same with Isa. If he is all good, no issues he almost sleeps through the night in his cot. Other nights not so, and is in bed. Good luck getting some DTD in and hitting your fertile window!

lit- nice to hear from you, glad u are enjoying your job! its amazing you still nurse at night, i dont know how you do it!! Glad u have a little progress on the sleep though, and hopefully it will continue to get better.

Vrogers - your pregnancy is just flying by!!I noticed that if i put isa for a nap too early or too late, he wakes after 30 mins. But if i get it between his best time, which is normally 11-11.30 he naps longer. Maybe try changing her nap time to see if one suits her better? either way, i am sure its just a phase(maybe a long one) but fingers crossed by the time baby comes she is better.

afm- Had a lovely birthday last week, and got back from Italy last night. I was really worried about the plane with Isa, we had to get two- Glasgow to london, and london to milan. But Isa was sooooooo well behaved on the plane, he slept for a good chunk of it, and the rest he was just curious, playing with the seatbelt, eating, and going up and down the aisle smiling at other kids. He was great the whole time too, slept in the cot thing provided at our air b and b really well and was happy to sit in his buggy all day when we were out and about. I really am so proud of my boy, made our trip so much easier.
Italy was lovely, we were in the very north, near the alps. Very pictureque, and we had stunning views of Lake Iseo from our apartment. DH and I used to sit on balcony and chat away, when Isa went to bed, was so lovely. Much needed. My friends wedding was there (which is why we went on this holiday). A very lovely occasion and a great catch up.
We had a couple of issues though, our bags were delayed when we arrived in Milan, and we had to wait hours for it to get sorted. We then had a 2 hour drive (we hired a car) to the bit we were staying at. DH had to drive on the other side of the road in the dark, it was pretty stressful and he actually hit the car against the kerb. The alloy was scratched, and when we returned it, they charged us 390 euros!!!!!! Disputing that, and also contacting british airways about the bag delay as it was very stressful for me, i actually felt so panicked worrying about everything being lost.
Anyway that was Italy. Besides that Isa is doing great, happy boy. I need to go unpack now, hope u are all well and will get on sooner and update again x
Ally- she’s been wanting two naps again these past couple days, keeps throwing me off, but I did read it helps to gradually change the nap time and keep pushing it later so I’ll have to experiment and see what time she needs.
So glad to hear Isa did so well on the flights!That would be my biggest worry too. Sounds like you guys had a lovely trip despite the bumps!

Afm- L’s 15 month check up was good, she weighs a few oz away from 23 pounds and is quite long, and her doc prescribed a steroid cream for her eczema. She also got one shot (can’t remember which vaccine that one was). She did well other than when messed with, as usual!
Soo sore and uncomfortable lately, definitely more so than the first time around. Been using the yoga ball a lot and will probably be checked for dilation at my appointment Monday, very much hoping to avoid c section this time but also trying to be realistic and open minded.
It’s gotten much quieter on here, hope that just means everyone is busier than normal!
Hi ladies sorry not been in in a while, I don’t intend on stopping coming on just hard sometimes with these boys keeping me busy and being back at work. My private work is also going crazy which is good but it’s also taking up my time :( so I’m feeling a bit shattered lately. I’ll get in a routine soon x

Sorry to not reply to everyone individually, I will if I get chance. I’ve had a difficult few weeks, not something I’ve vented on here about as sometimes u just get sick of talking about it and with weddings an new babies on the way I didn’t want to be putting a negative on things as I’m really happy for everyone. Xx

Basically I’ve been really concerned about my oh for quite some time now, he is really stressed with work ect and I know I’ve mentioned b4 about family history but he is being really horrible with me. Will be ok for a few days then he will just flying off the handle , nothing in front of boys he is like a saint , sometimes overly so with the lads but with me he is saying some really horrible things. He has been off with my family and they are all now worried about me. He kicked off at Os 1st birthday as well in jan with my step dad who had said nothing, who also had a heart attack 2 years ago..I’m so pissed he has dragged them into it. He is just so angry inside all the time and he will go from one extreme to another. He refuses to get support from anyone saying he doesn’t trust people.

We took ds to Legoland today and I said a comment to him ,honestly it was nothing but he said I embarrassed him in front of his daughter, it was just to do with having his pic taken on way in, there was this over enthusiastic woman taking pics, she was in your face but it was just for the kids so me and his eldest daughter (24) just had it done anyway for the young ones. Oh was adamant he wasn’t and I just said laughing “ oh get over yourself, we r not going to buy it are we” I was laughing at the time, no malice at all. He basically refused to talk me and left after an hour , we had paid £60 to get in, and he took O with him saying it was too noisy for him. He Just met us after but was still really off with me , his daughter noticed. She has txt me since asking if I’m ok. Ds was asking for him and everything but I distracted him and he had a good time. I was really gutted. On way home just us in car , boys asleep, he basically blamed me for him not being right, said because I keep asking him if he is ok and making suggestions of how to help him I’m just reinforcing it and I’m going to make him believe it. Wtf does he want from me. Yesterday he was thanking me for sticking by him , 8 yrs this has been going on, and saying he wants to be right for me and our boys. This evening he has suggested we split. I’m gutted. He has just become robotic, I told him his reaction is not right for the situation and basically pleaded that he just trust me and take a step back and look at what happened but he is having non of it, blanking me, silent treatment all evening , saying don’t make my tea or lunch for work, sleeping on couch.
I really don’t want to go, I wish I didn’t love him it would be so much easier. I’ve looked at houses to rent and there is one near us. I’d need that for schools ect, it’s not best area compared to where we are now but I think I’m going to go and have a look. I’ve been txting a close friend and she has seen this now a few times and is saying enough is enough, my mums the same. I just don’t know what to do 🙁 I don’t want to be on my own but I know I’m worth more than this. I’m just feeling so sad I feel like I’m losing my best friend. I know he just isn’t right, he won’t take any medication or see anyone point blank, it’s so bloody hard because I’m a therapist myself so know how much he will benefit. I think it would be easier if i didn’t have the insight I have because then I would probably just see him as a dick and have sacked him off ages ago, but I look at bigger picture but I don’t know if I’m allowing too much now 🙁Sorry for long vent ladies, I really am, I’m just quite emotional at the moment, just trying not to cry in front of my boys. Oh knows I’ve just put my name down for gall bladder op as well and that I’m worried about it I just don’t feel he cares at all :( x
on a positive, I know it’s quieter on here lately with our busy lives and growing babies but I did feel a bit better this evening when I thought to myself I’ve got my few close friends and my B&B mummies to drag my butt through this is needed xx

Hugs to u all x again sorry for vent 🙁
Oh apple I’m so sorry about everything with oh. He won’t even think about going to counseling with you? The back and forth-thanking you for staying and then saying mean things-has to be exhausting and confusing. Obviously you know your relationship and if it is abuse of some kind you certainly don’t deserve that at all but otherwise seems like he is being rash with suddenly bringing up separation. It sounds like he would definitely benefit from counseling alone and with you but it’s tough because he has to want to go.
I am so so sorry, I can’t imagine how you must feel and wish I could hug you, and I’m glad you can come on here and talk about it, I am sure I speak for everyone when I say vent as much as you need, no need to apologize! :hugs:
Thanks for reply vroggers/ I’m just not sure what to do really. I did go and look at a house today, my oh doesn’t know but I wasn’t happy with it. I don’t think it’s abuse I think my oh is struggling to manage his emotions because of life events and he is keeping it all inside but not managing this so he just blows a fuse with me. He never does it in front of the kids or his older kids and I just get on with things in the house ect or do something normal like take boys to see my mum so they aren’t aware but I just know as they get older they will be aware as my teen is aware if I’m not right and I don’t want that for them.

I spoke to oh last night and he is just shifting things onto me. Saying I say things and comments, that get him annoyed. I didn’t take it for a min, I told him no way is he it shifting onto me. I know I am overly kind really and I’m constantly doing things to keep him on a level. I’ve asked him to go and see someone even just do it for me and he has said no. He doesn’t trust them and doesn’t value their opinion. I know I’ve gone above and beyond for him.

I know he loves his babies and is such a good daddy but he needs to understand they we are individual people as well. I just want him to be happy and live the best life he can. I’ve also got lingering at the back of my mind that his brother took his own life and he had two little boys. I know I can’t carry that but I can’t help but be concerned about oh. He has shut everyone out and is starting to have difficulties with his older kids. I know if I leave he won’t have anyone.

Anyway I don’t want to bore u ladies with my issues with this any more I’ll just have to do some thinking. For now I’m going to focus on my boys.

Oh is due to have surgery on Saturday , well implants drilled into his gums, cost thousands 😣he was knocked off his bike a few years back and it smashed all his front teeth out so he needs them re doing. I know he is anxious about that. God knows why I’m thinking about him when he is being so off with me but I’m just going to leave things until after that I think. I’m going to see a house tomorrow near my mum so I’ll c how that goes.

My boys are doing well, ds a cheeky 5 yr old and little O is such a character now, proper stroppy if he doesn’t get things his own way .. love them to bits x they keep me sane.

I will get on later if I can and read back properly and comment to individuals. Sorry I haven’t managed so far 😣🙁 thanks again Vroggers x hope u r feeling ok.

Midnight , hope u had a loverly day x I was thinking of u hon x

Ali/ Ally & Lit/ hope u r well ladies x
Sorry if I missed anyone x
vrogers- glad L's appt went well and sounds like she is growing well! how did ur appt on monday go? hope u are feeling more comfortable. Not long now though!

Apple- makes me so sad to read your message! so sorry for what u are going through, and i send u lots of love and hugs. Ur OH sounds very volatile and he does sound like he needs help. I really dont know what best thing to do is in this situation, i really feel for you. Maybe renting ur own place will be better , and bit of space will help. Either way, do what is best for u and ur boys. Keep busy, and like vrogers said, rant away on here and do whatever u need to do.

afm- isa started walking finally! well he still doesn't do it much, but he will just stand on his own and start walking. But hes wobbly, and gets worried and then will go down and crawl instead. Hopefully a couple of weeks or so and he can do it properly! im excited for him.
apart from that all is well and good x
Thank u Ally x

Yay !! for Isa walking , bless him. Ollie was exactly the same when he stared properly and kept going down to his bum after a few steps.. I’m sure isas confidence will come really quickly like Os did and then u r in for a treat haha ..honestly if O sees the stair gate open even from the other side of the room he legs it across to escape..I actually let him the other day to see where he would go.. he went straight into our down stairs loo and tried to put hands down toilet.. he was a little manic with the freedom of a new place he wasn’t normally allowed. He then climbed the stairs and went straight into my teenagers bedroom ha x who wasn’t overly impressed..

I’m working a long day tomoz as I have private patients after my normal day job. To be honest I’m glad to be out of the house for a while.. I will miss the boys though .. oh situation is just quiet at the min, I’m just keeping out of way. I just find it better atmosphere at times like this if I’m keeping busy. Tonight I’ve been swimming with ds and O then had a bath, n painted my nails. I’m now chilling in bed. To be honest I can’t be bothered talking about stuff really . I’m looking forward to seeing my friend at work tomorrow. She keeps calling n txting me so is in the picture n is being really supportive .
Oh is just quiet at the min, doing the perfect daddy bit but giving me space which I’ve asked for. He has asked a couple of times tonight if there are things I want to discuss.. I know he means have I decided to go but I’ve not decided anything and I’ll decide if and when I’m ready to. I’m not making any decision based on high emotion I need things to settle a bit so I’m going to focus on me and boys. I’m going to see a house near my mum on Thursday. I’ll see how I feel after that x
Apple- it sounds like you have a good plan, looking at the house and focusing on your boys. I can’t imagine how it would feel, but maybe some space will be good and he’ll have some kind of epiphany and realize it would be worth it to get help, be that medicine or therapy or both. You sound incredibly strong! Let us know how the house is and keep us updated.

Ally- yay for Isa walking! L was the same, started out shaky and fell a lot but within a couple weeks she got better and better. It happens so fast!
Thank you for asking about appointment, I was still 1 cm dilated but 70% effaced (think it was 40 something before) and went from -4 to -2 station, so at least there’s that!

Afm- like I said to Ally, found out at appt Monday that dilation was still 1 but am now 70% effaced and -2 station. My doc said there’s still time for things to happen and if I still want to labor (and keep realistic knowing a section is likely) then she’s good waiting.
L has been increasingly clingy the last month, not sure if she senses change or if it’s developmental and unrelated to new baby. She loves her daddy and freaks out when he comes home from work, but she constantly wants to sit in my lap and have me hold her, which is difficult with the giant beach ball stomach and incredibly sore boobs! Poor L, I’m anxious about how she’ll handle a sibling.
Vroggers / it must be hard with L wanting hugs with your bump. I’m sure it will be a little strange for her initially but I’m sure she will be giving little one hugs and kisses in no time. Our ds was older at 3 when O was born but we just try to make time for him to have 1:1 cuddles as much as poss. How’s L getting on with the dolly x I wonder if she will play with it more once little one arrives? How are u feeling yourself , are you getting excited x do u feel ready ? X I never felt ready for any of my 4 ha x

Well I’m not holding my breath but after a long conversation going on until 4 am last night my oh has decided that he will go and talk to someone about how he feels. I told him how I felt about this and how let down that he wouldn’t even consider it when he knew it meant a lot to me. We will see. He has also decided to apply for a new job , it’s doing therapy with kids. Less pay but gets him out of management and back to working with people 1:1 and there is no risk to carry like he has at the min. At the min he manages a crisis team in a&e and it’s really stressful , demanding and time consuming. I did go to look at the two house as planned just in case I decide or needed to move out. One was ok and one stunk of curry really strong 😂 it made me hungry but I’m not sure I’d like it full time haha x

Ds and O are doing great , I picked O up from nursery and he was loving it in the outside garden legging it round in sun. I always try and spy on him for a little while when I collect him to see how he is when I’m not there. He does seem to look to be happily playing but just has a meltdown when he clocks me ha.. I’m having my hair done tomorrow , I’m looking forward to that , hope u ladies are all ok x

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