January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ally - I was reading up on tongue ties and from what I gathered they don't delay speech as they always have it and they will still learn how to produce sounds. My oldest has a little bit of one so I was looking into it since he was slow to talk. I don't think it was that at all because he didn't even try to say words he simply had no interest. He is completely find now and talks up a storm.
Angel- I switch between “oh crap I can’t do this” and getting anxious/excited to see how L does with a little sister and eventually when they’re able to play together.
I have only been able to use the belt so far once, but I’m going to start using it in the evenings because that’s when the pain is worst. I have read people say chiropractor helps, if it gets bad enough I may look into that although I am hoping after birth it goes away!
Busy is definitely a perfect way to describe this age. We do walks and the outside swing when L gets restless/grumpy inside.
Melody is a cutie!! Looks like she’s having a blast. I love her blonde hair!

Midnight- wow sounds like V is doing great! She is talking so much!
So jealous of the snow, what a cute picture! Can’t wait to hear how the wedding goes!

Apple- having teething issues here too, is it O’s molars? Those ones are a pain and L’s has been so close to popping through for awhile, taking forever!
That’s basically what my doc said about the pain, that it tends to happen with second (and more) pregnancies. Such a pain, literally!
Sounds like you have a couple fun trips coming up, I hope all goes well!
Poor O, I hope he gets better soon and it isn’t anything worse than his teeth.

Ali- that’s great your period came back (that feels weird to say haha) hopefully it’s a bit easier to track now. I don’t blame you for wanting to avoid a january baby with having one already.
T and O sound so cute together! Glad they are both doing well.

Ally- that’s great Isa is going to sleep on his own and getting better with walking!
Sounds like a good plan with waiting on the tongue tie if it doesn’t seem to be affecting anything.
Good luck with the thesis! I’m sure you are ready to be done!

Afm- I had my 32 week appointment Monday, just the usual pee and BP check, etc. I mentioned above to someone but my doc said the pelvic pain is normal for subsequent pregnancies, something to do with my body already knowing to stretch? Will be using the belt in the evenings to hopefully at least get some relief!
I also went to my breastfeeding class last night. My bff came along (the one pregnant with her first due in August) and turns out the others who signed up didn’t show so it was just us two with the teacher. It worked out really well because I was able to talk more/ask questions that I wouldn’t with a bigger class. It was very informative and I’m glad I went!
L is doing great, busy and getting into everything! Walking everywhere (no longer crawling at all) but she still doesn’t really say any words? I’m not sure if I should be doing anything diff, she mostly says toddler gibberish and I’m not sure if anything has meaning. Definitely bringing that up at her 15 month appt next month. I just bought a little inflatable toddler pool from amazon and I am ready for it to get here to try out. It’s already warmed up here other than the odd cool day.
It’s freaking me out that next month is April! I’m still deciding on what bassinet to get (we used a rock n play with L because of her reflux, but it was a pain to transition her out so I want to stay away from night sleeping in it) as well as a new glider because our crappy wooden one completely broke. Those are the main big purchases. I think we will be using L’s infant car seat so I don’t have to buy a new one, and then later on worry about a new convertible seat.
Think that’s all going on here! Mostly just uncomfortable and TIRED especially by the time dh gets home!
Hi ladies I’ve not cought up yet as we have been away a couple of days :) just wanted to say Happy Mother’s Day to anyone celebrating it xx💕💕
I forget that some have mothers day on another day. Happy Mother's Day (belated) to those who celebrated!! It's May 13th here in the US.

Vrogers - There is so much less buying for the second. Although, I missed the whole fuss about a baby coming. I'm sure with my 3rd it'll be "Oh.. she's pregnant.. again" :haha: I even got some comments like that with my second like I didn't plan him.

I think T is messing with my cycles. He's been nursing a lot again after I got him down to night feedings. He does that heart broken cry that I can't resist. He has two molars coming in so I'm sure that isn't helping. He also isn't a huge fan of milk or juice. I even tried chocolate milk and he just isn't a huge fan. I'm tempted to try toddler formula. He will drink milk and juice, but when he's tired he won't have it. He does refuse the breast at times too. He's starting to fall asleep just relaxing on me. So hoping that continues.

FF gave me dotted crosshairs for the 9th, but I doubt it. I got all super negative OPKs. I think it's a fluke. My temps have been up, but sure they're a fluke too. If I didn't ovulate and didn't catch it I'm waiting a couple of months before TTC again. To avoid Christmas and T's birthday.
Hi, everyone! Sorry I haven’t been on in so long. Life is so, so busy these days, and I rarely get a moment to myself. I am quite envious of many of the babies sleeping well or improving slightly with their sleep. Violet continues to nurse all night and has also started fighting sleep HARD. She cries if you even go near the rocking chair. In the mornings, as soon as I move one inch from her, she wakes instantly. Good times! Oh well.

We have not found a good alternate daycare and have given up for now. We are going to try to transition V back to her original daycare in the next couple weeks. I am dreading it and know it’s going to go terribly, but I do think she will adjust eventually if we give it enough time.
I started my new job last week and am liking it so far. First Day was really overwhelming, but it has been getting better since then. The nice thing is that I have enough to do and the days go by a lot faster that way as compared to my old job! I also really like the work so far. It is a big company, so hard to get to know people, but I’m sure that will come with time.

Apple - exciting that you’re TTC! That’s good (in your case) that your cycle is back. Mine is not, but I’m happy about that. Violet is still obsessed with nursing. She does fine without it when I’m at work, but when I’m home she’s *always* on the boob haha. I know exactly that sad cry you’re talking about. :( I can’t help but give into it either. I honestly have no idea when I’ll have the energy to night wean, so V might be nursing for a LONG time! Ahah. She has shown zero signs of readiness.

Best of luck TTC. I don’t blame you for not wanting a December or another January due date. Hard to believe you could have a less than 2 year gap, though! I don’t think I could manage it. I am excited for you!
That is weird about your daycare provider saying that other kids could wipe O. I wouldn’t be ok with that, either. It’s the worst looking for daycares. I am SO hoping V transitions this time because I never want to look for one again.

Angel - that’s very exciting you might TTC soon! So many people enjoy that smaller age gap. I feel worn out and like I just need a break at this point. Will this likely be your last? Please keep us posted on your TTC journey!
I am sorry Melody won’t sleep in for you. That’s a shame. The one thing I am “lucky” with is that although V has to get up at 6:30 on week days, she does typically sleep in a bit on weekends. I am extremely not a morning person, so I can understand your pain!

VRogers - sorry you’ve been having some pain/discomfort lately. That’s no fun at all. I feel bad for you being in your third trimester. I am having flashbacks of pregnancy and starting to shudder! I do still want baby #3, but I’m just not ready yet! I hope something helps with your pain soon. Glad all is going well.

Midnight - sounds like your Vi is a very relaxed baby. Glad she’s doing so well! Cool that you are considering homeschooling!

Ally - so many big decisions to make in the future with whether to homeschool or not. I’m sure you’ll pick the best option. Exciting you applied for a job. You’re right that you might as well. You could always turn it down if you decided you didn’t want it.

Apple - glad you’re doing okay. Sorry O wasn’t feeling well a while back. How is he doing now? Glad you’re getting a bit of private practice going on now! Woo.

AFM - V is doing great, although I feel likely I barely see her these days with how much I work. She took her first steps a couple weeks ago, and she is slowly taking a few more here and there, plus just practicing free standing, but she is so far not “full time” walking yet. It is so adorable seeing her take steps. She gets SO proud of herself and just giggles with glee the whole time. I love her so much! As soon as I walk in the room these days, she gives a cutely drawn-out, “Hiiiiiii!” She also says, “no don’t!” Because we have to tell her that so much, and it’s SO adorable to hear her say that in her tiny little voice. Sooo cute. I love this stage when they are starting to talk but are so tiny and innocent still, and don’t have a sassy attitude!
ali- thanks for re-assurance, RE tongue tie. Good luck with TTC! Maybe waiting coupe of months is good strategy, as you can see if you find a pattern in your cycles and might make it easier to track.

vrogers- glad all was ok at 32 week appt, cannot believe how little time is left! so exciting! glad the BF'ing class went well.

apple- hope u had a nice time away. Hope O was good for you. Look forward to your update.

lit- glad your job is going well and that you are enjoying it, always great when days go in fast. Hopefully V will transition well to the old daycare. Great she is walking! She sounds adorable/

afm- this is a quick one, busy but all good. Isa still the same, not walking but not far off it. Been very busy at uni and super tired these days too.
Had a nice mothers day on sunday, i went and got my hair cut, yah! It was very long before, and now it is much shorter and easier to manage. I prefer it short, as i have very thick hair. DH bought me breakfast in bed, with a card and flowers on mothers day, very sweet!
anyway will get on soon for a better update, but hope all u ladies have a good week x
Ali- it does seem like all the excitement goes to the first baby haha.
Hopefully your cycles regulate and become easier to track, mine were a tad irregular before L and it makes it tougher to know what your body’s doing even with temping and OPKs.

Literati- Right there with you on sleep issues, it is rough! I’m sorry you are also going through it too though.
So glad to hear about how the new job is going! I’m sure it’s a relief that with the sleep and daycare issues, something is going well.
Third trimester is all I need to think about to be committed to getting birth control after this one is born! Third trimester on top of having a toddler is a special kind of torture.
Aw V sounds adorable especially with her talking! I’ve joked with dh that I’m surprised L isn’t saying “no” yet with how often we have to say it. She does shake her head no though.

Ally- glad you had a nice mother’s day and were able to get a little pampering!
How is Isa doing?

Afm- like Literati we are having sleep problems yet again. Seems like L was a pretty good sleeper as a newborn and young baby, and since 9+ months we have had some form of issue with her sleep. She did the late bedtime for a couple months which I regret complaining about, because at least she wasn’t waking. The past 2 nights she has woken around 11:30-12 just screaming like she’s in pain or scared. The first night she didn’t go back to sleep until between 3:30-4 after letting her be, going to her, attempting feeding (she wasn’t hungry), and finally dh caved and rocked her. Last night we started off doing kind of Ferber again, then I rocked her a bit and put her back in the crib with one of dh’s shirts. I finally gave her her reflux med and within 30-40 min she was asleep. She is definitely cutting at least one molar, but Motrin wasn’t touching the pain apparently. It sucks not knowing what’s waking her because we don’t know what to do to “fix” it. We are going to start giving her the reflux med in the evenings and see if that helps. I’m worried about her doing this when I also have a newborn to take care of. It’s going to be rough.
Other than sleep issues there’s not much going on. Sorry this update was so whiny and boring!
Hi ladies, wow so busy lately and not been able to get on here properly. I’m just in middle of morning school madness so sorry but his is a quick post again. Just wanted to say that last night O decided that he has had enough of just taking few steps and decided to leg it round front room.. so funny .. he has def found his confidence.. looks so funny running with his arms in the air for balance. And he lifts his knees really high when taking steps ..he looks like he has had a few beers 🍺 😂but is very pleased with himself.. he just will not leave ds alone now !! I can see this is going to be fun !

I’ll get back on later hopefully to read through properly and reply to everyone x
Apple- the running makes us laugh too! We say she looks like captain jack sparrow running around with her arms up haha.

Afm- quick update, L’s sleep has been better since starting back the reflux med! She woke a little to fuss the first two nights, and didn’t wake last night (except around 4am to play and talk to herself) so hopefully we’ve found the problem.
Hi ladies,
Sorry not been able to get on here properly lately, I’ve just had loads on last couple or of weeks. I feel like I haven’t got a minute to myself. Thankfully I’ve had some leave from work, goodness knows how I would have managed if I was working as well.

Vroggers, glad the pregnancy going well. Not long now :) sorry about the pelvic pain, I had it with my last two but it went more or less straight after delivery so fingers crossed 🤞 it’s same for u. Glad Ls sleep is starting to settle with the meds. Hope it stays that way , hope her teeth settled as well now. It was Os top front teeth last week. He already has 4 bottom. To be honest I haven’t looked at the back as he has been so grumpy he diffinately seems to have got better last few days though.

Lit nice to hear from u hon, sorry u haven’t managed to find a daycare you are happy with for V 🙁 I hope the transition back into her old place goes ok. I’m sure u are so tired with it all x glad the job going ok, it’s nice to meet new people and good that you are busy so the day passes quickly. V sounds like she is doing great with her little steps and talking :)

Ally/ your mother’s day sounds loverly :) your dh is very thoughtful :) sorry uni been bit crazy and u have been so tired. Did u go for that job interview. ? Not long to go with your thesis :) I’m sure u will be glad when that’s all done. Isa sounds a little cutie and coming on great. He does sound like he is at similar stage to O. Nice that you got your hair done. I love getting mine done. Albeit not that often lol..I’m going to book it in again for a few weeks haha..

Ali/ I Can understand u not being able to resist his little cry bless him, especially if he isn’t keen on milk and juice in the day. O can be fussy with anything other than his usual milk. I’m trying to get him on juice and water more in the day to also try and to help his bowels a bit as he is having to have powders to help him everyday still. I don’t blame u for waiting a couple of months now to ttc. It might help your body settle your cycles a bit more as well. Hope work is going ok x how’s things with your brother and his family now. hope they are settled somewhere. X

Midnight / v sounds and looks little cutie :) hope the wedding plans are coming along ok x exciting

O doing great at the min, got over his poorly stage. It was his top front teeth, they made him so poorly :(
He is walking around everywhere now. Vroggers the jack sparrow comment made me laugh as it is so spot on ! 😂. O Is just hassling his brother constantly now and his brother is getting stressed at times with him getting his toys ect.. the joys !!
I’ve been having I’ve a few things going on with my older boys the last few weeks. My teen just being a teen, unsure what he wants to do after schoo ect.. so been spending lots of time with him going through stuff, school meeting ect. He has just got a job with his dad working a few hours sat n sun am which I think will do him good. His dad works on catering so he will be food prepping ect.
My eldest son has been having loads of trouble with his work van, basically bought a new engine for it that was faulty when fitted, then they guy he bought it off took it and said he would fix it and my son has hasn’t seen the van since that was in jan, it has been constant excuses from the guy that his sons in hospital ect. My son is a good lad so gave him the benefit of the doubt but now the guy is blanking him and only responding to txts with excuses so I was sat for 2 hours last night with police 😣it doesn’t get easier as they get older !!

We had a loverly few days in wales last weekend, weather was great thankfully, went on beach with ds and O loved it as well. Ds loves going down for breakfast whilst O just made a massive mess everyday haha. We went for a walk in this huge hill called the orme and there were lots of wild mountain goats with little babies. That was quite cute. Ds brought some big pebbles back and we are going to paint them.
We have noticed that ds is getting jealous of the attention O is getting from people so we are trying to be mindful of this and give him extra attention as well. Every time O walks across the front room and gets praise ds will start to having a moment saying “ I can walk across the front room look”! Haha he is 5 next month ! That’s actually crazy , it’s almost a year since I was posting pictures of his jet plane cake on here ! We are taking him away for a little night in a hotel and going to Lego land this year. So no crazy party ! Just our litttle family so I’m glad about that.
Better get off these two are trashing my house ! Hope u all have a nice day sorry if missed anyone !
Apple- L doesn’t really let me check her teeth but dh says he feels at least one molar about to pop.
I busted up laughing when dh made the jack sparrow comment! :haha:
Wow I’m sorry about the van trouble! How frustrating. Have you been able to figure anything out with that yet?
Ah I bet the little goats were adorable! Glad you all had a nice getaway.
Aw 5 year old sounds adorable. I’m sure he will love lego land!

Afm- had my 34 week (!!!) check up yesterday, was thankfully uneventful except I was there for over 2 hours. Next check up is 36 weeks which starts cervix checks and then I’m seen weekly. I can’t believe I’m so close to the end already, it feels like I peed on a stick and then blinked!
As for L, still waiting on those obnoxious molars to pop through, they’ve been close for awhile. She grabs her ear often in the evenings, dh and I were actually worried last night it could be an ear infection but we are pretty certain it’s her teeth. She’s sleeping okay, she still fights bed time and tends to wake once or twice fussing for a few min. Ready for her to transition to one nap so hopefully she will do better with the earlier bed time.
Vrogers/ glad your check went ok. It does seem to have gone really fast. Hope those teeth cut through soon 🙁 O always really plays with his ears when he has teeth coming. Saying that last time ds wasn’t well and I took him to see dr. I asked when I was there if he could check O and he ended up on antibiotics as his ear was inflamed and sore.. then I felt really bad 😣
O is down to 1 nap most days now but I have to try and get it as late in the day as poss or late morning or he starts getting tired late afternoon and is really!! Grumpy but if I then let him sleep he is up really late 😣 it is better though if I manage it. He seems to be sleeping longer. It’s 7am here and he is still asleep. He has woke prob 2/3 times in night just fussing a bit. Just my luck ds has woke early and has been asking for snacks for an hour. I can hear him now on the iPad playing a Thomas the tank racing game !! 😂😂😂 so blooming noisy !! I’m not destined to have a morning in bed ha x
hi ladies, no logged on in ages, but it's so quiet on here :( miss u all, and think of u often.

vroges- glad the reflux med is helping, sounds like you found out what was the cause! do you think certain foods trigger it? I really cannot believe how fast your pregnancy is going, so close now! crazy!

apple- yah for O walking! glad u had a nice time in wales, sounds lovely :) Sorry about trouble with older sons, guess it really doesn't get easier, just different issues. Isa is the same with naps, 1 nap most days, and its normally about 11am- 12.30 and then he's up until bed which is 7ish. But sometimes he gets really grumpy before bedtime especially if his first nap was shorter than usual.

afm- it's been busy here but everything is good. Isa had a week or so sleeping really well, i felt so much better that week in terms of energy and didn't feel as tired at night etc. But then i had a playdate with my friend and her baby. her baby was unwell, so isa caught it and had on/off temp for a couple of nights, and since then has been a bit off and still not 100%. But he is ok, just needs a couple more days i think. One thing he is always doing now is playing with his belly button, i think he has just recently discovered it and always has his hands there haha.
Uni has been busy, i start ajob there next week, it's flexible and just a few hours a week but well paid. Its one to one mentoring with people with disabilities.I'm just doing 2 hours next week, but week after it's a bit more.
DH and i are going out for dinner tonight, mum is gonna watch Isa. We have beenmeaning to go out just the two of us for a wee while but never got round to it. Typically, today i am really tired as isa had a rough night, but i am still determined to go out haha.
I hate the clocks changing, i feel like days flown by and i haven't done anything, and will mess up isa's sleep probably for a few days until he adjusts.
It;s only 12 days till my holiday, really looking forward to it and having a break.
Anyways best go and do something productive now! catch up soon x
Hi ladies , really quiet on here hope u r all ok. 😍

Ally /nice to hear from you hun:) congrats on the job !! That’s great news. The meal out sounds loverly. Hope Isa picks up soon. It’s so easy for them to pick things up isn’t it. Still annoying when they do ..ha.. glad u got a good week sleep prior to that though. Hopefully he will be back on track soon.

Midnight/ can’t be long to your wedding now ! X hope it’s all going well :)

Well we have had a nice weekend so far. Went to zoo yesterday just with my step daughter and her little boy who is same age as ds. They had a great time and the weather really picked up so that was a bonus.
I was glad to get out of house to be honest.. oh has got a cough and bit run down and don’t I know it..😣 my goodness he has been a right grump..mainly because he has a week off work and doesn’t want to waste it which I totally get but he was proper snappy yesterday morning. I told him to get over himself, in as many words anyway..and passed him a lemsip 😂. lol and he seems to have listened. 😂 still Ill but not as grumpy ha.. wouldn’t mind but id proper looked after him, sent him to bed taking brews up ect, even bought him his favourite cake haha..

Anyway less moaning ha.. now he has got over his moment we have had a loverly morning, went to the beach and let O have his first proper walk on sand. He loved it, walked for ages. He is getting really confident now and quite fast.. he slept really well last night. I’m wondering if it was him walking round the zoo. It would be good if his sleep did improve now he is more active on his feet.. does make sense ...fingers crossed 🤞

Me and oh have a week off together now before Easter with ds so planning lots of family days.
News says it’s expected to be really cold Easter ! So going to try and get some days in early in the week.

Hope u are all ok and little ones doing well x I know his thread seems to be quietening down with our busy lives but hopefully we can still get on to have catch ups x I do enjoys hearing how little ones are getting along and all our mummy’s x
Hi everyone, I miss you all! I promise to check in more often. Busy, tired, exciting over here. Ds is doing well aside from sleeping... Love him to bits!
Apple- glad you had fun at the zoo and beach! Haha I don’t blame you for telling oh to get over himself! That sounds like something I would tell dh.
Any plans for your week off?

Ally- she still eats lots of pouches so I think that probably doesn’t help with the reflux! I’m not really sure but I would think purees (as well as yogurt and applesauce) are a bit more acidic than some solid food? Thankfully the med seems to keep her pain under control!
So cute about Isa playing with his belly button! It’s fun to watch them disocover things for the first time and things we are used to are so amazing to them.
I hope you and dh had a nice dinner together!
I hate the time change as well, it stays light out so long that it makes bedtime a bit harder.

Newbie- good to hear from you! I’m sorry to hear about sleep issues though, it’s rough here too!

Afm- went to target this weekend with my bff while dh stayed home with L, it was nice getting out for a bit. Her gender reveal party is this weekend and she’s making it no kids since there’s lots of rowdy kids on her dh’s side, so my dh will be home with L again for a bit this weekend.
Have had some random nausea come back on and off, thankfully not as bad as first tri but still annoying!
L has started saying “cow” and “dog” both sound so cute because of her little toddler accent as I call it. She also loves sticking her toys/hands into others’ mouths. Started a couple weeks ago and it’s gross/funny. She is scared to walk outside which is weird, when I go to put her down she grips onto me, whether on grass or concrete. She walks perfect inside so I’m not sure what it’s about. She also HATES wearing shoes even though I have tried multiple brands/styles! Ugh.
Her sleeping is okay, still going to bed later than I would like and occasionally wakes to fuss (usually just once and not for long) but definitely much better with her reflux med.
Vrogers/ L sounds like she is doing great. Super cute with her little words.:) O still not really saying anything that I can make out. He has said mama and dada a few times but not consistently. He is really babbling though which is really cute. When we talk to him he just babbles back so he is communicating in his own way ha..

Sorry the sickness is showing it’s self again 🙁 hope it passes soon for u.

Sure u will have a great time at the baby reveal and it will nine nice for u to have some time to yourself if your dh has L. Does your friend have any preference ?

O is the same with shoes will kick them off if he gets the chance. I’m always worried he is going to lose one of them. He has one main pair that we had measured for him. I need to buy more really :)

Newbie / nice to hear from you hon, glad Z doing well. They are super cute aren’t they :) everyone more busy these days but nice that we get on when we can , I’ve not been too bad recently but sometimes it can be a couple of weeks x

Afm- had a nice couple of days with oh as we are both off this week. Ds doesn’t break up for Easter holidays until tomorrow afternoon so we have said we are going to go out for breakfast before collecting him.
Is anyone doing anything special at Easter ? I’ve got a little egg hunt with bunny feet for ds. Bought quite a few little eggs and choc rabbit and lamb for O, not gone over board though.. I did get ds a little rabbit balloon from my fave balloon shop. It’s cute has chocolates at the bottom.. just hiding it all now lol .. ds is Into everything.. think I’m going to do is a roast lunch at home that day as the weather is suppose to be rubbish !!

Hope u r all well x
Apple- it’s hit or miss if L will mimic those couple words, mostly she does a bunch of sounds like what you described, that I have no clue what she’s saying ha!
My friend wants a boy and her husband wants a girl! I’m excited to find out.
Glad mine isn’t the only shoe hater!
I would love to find an egg hunt to take L. Rabbit balloon sounds adorable! Dh bought a little bunny for L that we’ll give to her Easter morning.

Afm- I bought L a little baby doll, someone recommended it so when the new baby comes she can mimic how she sees me with the baby, with her baby. She seems to love it, always smiles at it and “talks” to it, but of course she also chews on its hand and is generally rough with it.
Pretty sure L is trying to go to one nap? She has started refusing her afternoon nap the past couple days, may give her till next week to make sure it isn’t a growth spurt and then start trying to push to one nap.
It’s quiet in here, hope everyone and babies are doing well!
Vroggers/ the baby doll sounds a really good idea. Yeah it is quiet on here. I get that everyone is so busy though. I get like it at times. I’m in a couple of threads so just check in at same time :) I’m back at work properly next week as all my leave has ran out then and I’ve also picked up 3 private clients on my day off so prob will struggle to get on as much. I will try though. I was part of a really good thread a few years back that just faded out, it was a real shame. I think that this one seems ok though as everyone updated when they can.
O is mainly down to one nap now. I def find it better. Just a pain when he gets tired later in day if his nap was early so I try and keep him awake until lunch. Hope u have a good night with your friend, Let us know the baby reveal :)

Atm -We had a nice afternoon yesterday. We went crabbing with the boys. I must admit they are not my favourite creatures but ds got so exited when we caught some and he had them in his bucket..lol..they were nearly as big as my hand ! We then let them have a race back into the water. Not the best idea of oh as they all went opposite direction 😂..

Had a blip yesterday morning. I fell, well tripped over one of Os toys and fell straight over full wack with O in my arms. It wasn’t good, thankfully it was on carpet and I took id say 80% if the blow but O def went with a bang as well but I think it was mainly onto me..I felt terrible and was really shook up for ages after 🙁. We kept a really close eye on O all day. I hurt my knee, I shoulder, hip and elbow.. ok today.. u think u will be able to stop it if it happens but there was no way I could. It was so quick.
Thankfully oh was there and was really good he took O straight off me and kept an eye on us both all day. I think he was concerned that I may have gone dizzy or something with this gall bladder thing as I’m not eating great but I know it wasn’t that I was just a dumb ass, very uncool tripping over a toy ! 😣.. id not slept very well with O for a few nights so I’ll blame it on tiredness !! 😂
Hope all you ladies and babies are ok x

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